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Important Questions To Ask Your New Roommate

When searching for a new roommate you can't just post an ad on Craigslist and hope for the best. You need to thoroughly interview your potential roommate. This is someone who you are inviting into your home and your life. It doesn't mean you have to become best friends with them but it does mean you want to get along. The best way to find out if you're a good match with your new roommate is to ask these questions: kitchen-485333-m Do You Like To Clean? It is very rare to find anyone who enjoys cleaning but there are exceptions. However, just because someone doesn't like to clean doesn't mean they have to live like a slob. While it is true that you shouldn't be able to tell a roommate what they can do in their own bedroom, different rules apply in the common areas. Your new roommate should keep the bathroom and kitchen clean especially after they use those areas. You don't ever want to feel like you're doing all the cleaning or nagging about cleaning. What Do You Do For Fun? Asking this question will give you a sense of just who it is that might be moving in. Someone that prefers reading versus someone that enjoys beer pong are two completely different people. You don't have to pass judgments on them but there could be some personality traits that are a deal breaker. For instance, be very careful about rooming with a musician. It's great if you play an instrument but not so much fun if they are constantly practicing. Do You Smoke? You may find a roommate that's perfect in every way except for the fact that they smoke. They may happily volunteer to do all their smoking on a balcony or outside. Although that might seem like a fair compromise, at some point they may resent the fact that they're paying for half the rent and are being forced outside every time they want to have a smoke. Also, be on the lookout for someone who says they are a smoker but are trying to quit. Are You Friends With Your Old Roommate? This can be a good indication of how stable this person might be. If the answer to that question launches into a series of disasters stories, then you need to be on the lookout. Yes, there are always two sides to every story but your potential roommate might not always be the innocent one. Along with interviewing prospective candidates, you also want to get the physical space ready, as well. One call to Junk King Seattle can help with that task. Junk King will send over a pair of professional movers and a truck capable of hauling away just about anything you want to get rid of. That includes old furniture, e-waste and other household goods. It's a great way to create an empty space ready for move-in. Take your time searching for the right fit in a roommate so you won't have to go through the process again.
Important Questions To Ask Your New Roommate


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