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How To Prepare For A Storm Evacuation

The only good thing about a tropical storm or hurricane is that there is usually plenty of warning before the arrival. This allows you a good opportunity to get ready. All that takes is a little preparation. Here is how you should get ready for storm evacuation. lightning-1-555644-m Decide On the Best Route Out Of Town Deciding on the best route out of town should happen when there is no storm in sight. The government has already prepared evacuation plans along designated roadways for that purpose. Although they are good to follow, you might also want to come up with an alternate route just in case those roadways are jammed. Pack for 24 hours You need to be prepared to stay away from your home for at least 24 hours. In some extreme cases, flooding could last even longer. That means packing up a few changes of clothes, blankets, pillows and any medications you might need. You should also have enough water and dry good foods for the whole family including pets. If you are leaving with kids, then make sure to bring a few of their favorite toys. Keep Your Car Ready During hurricane season, you should always be driving with a half a tank of gas. The minute a storm approaches you can expect long lines at the gas stations. It might help to have two empty gasoline cans kept in your garage just in case. Get Your Home Ready If your home is anywhere near the path of a hurricane, then you should have precut plywood to put over the windows. This is not something you want to be scrambling for the day before the storm hits. Once you have these panels they can always be put to use. When you return home, you may find a lot of storm debris left in your yard. There could also be water damage on the inside of your house. What's most important is that everyone got out safe. As for the cleanup, you can always count on Junk King St. Petersburg. These are junk removal professionals that have a lot of experience with storm debris cleanup. This can be messy business but the crews from Junk King are not afraid to get their hands dirty. The more you prepare for a storm evacuation the better off you'll be. Junk King St. Petersburg will always be standing by to help with the storm cleanup.
How To Prepare For A Storm Evacuation


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