Junk King St Petersburg

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Monthly Archives: July 2019

Is It Time To Say Goodbye To Your Cubicle Walls?

What is the oldest piece of equipment in your office? For an office to remain competitive in current it needs to constantly upgrade its equipment. That might mean your oldest equipment isn’t more than just a few years since the purchase date. What about the office furniture? Is that starting to look dated as well? One thing that might have been there since you moved into the office where the office cubicles.

Typically, when an office is established and the cubicle walls stay up they often remain through different companies. Sometimes when you lease an office you take over ownership of a lot of equipment and furniture. If you own the cubicle walls in your office, then it might be time to say goodbye to them. That will certainly transform the design your office to be more functional and productive. This is a task that is best handled by a company like Junk King St. Petersburg. These are the professional junk haulers who do a lot more than just carry out old sofas!

Very Helpful Crew

Junk King is going to send over a very helpful crew to take care of the removal of your cubicle walls. As you would expect, this is the team that’s going to load all those pieces onto the back of the truck for responsible disposal. Before that can happen though those cubicle walls need to be disassembled. That is also something that the team from Junk King can handle. Homeowners have been using Junk King to take apart everything from pool tables to hot tubs to swing sets. Your cubicle walls will present much of a challenge for them.

When the walls come down and the truck is loaded, there will still be plenty of room left for you to get rid of some of the items from your office. What is in your store room that could be removed? Are there any old computers or printers that are just collecting dust? Give those all the Junk King and the make sure they end up at the right recycling center.

Saying goodbye to your cubicle walls means saying hello to Junk King St. Petersburg. One call gets it all handled.

The Benefits of Regular Junk Removal Sessions

If you have a dentist that you see on a regular basis, then you probably get notices when it is time for a checkup. These helpful postcards are a reminder of just how quickly time flies by. You can also judge how time goes back with the accumulation of more stuff in your home. What started out as an empty garage when you first moved in quickly became the family’s storage unit. You might even be keeping things in there for friends. As for the closets, it only took that first unpacking for those to be filled up. Now with each shopping trip, birthday and holiday, more items get added to the closet. Ironically, for all the new things that come into a house, not many old things go out. That is why you need to set up regular junk removal sessions with Junk King St. Petersburg. Junk King won’t be able to send you a reminder but confronting the clutter each day is the perfect reminder!

Sorting Time

Setting up regular junk removal sessions allows you to take your time sorting through all your stuff. That sorting can happen on a long weekend or over several days depending on how much you need to go through. A garage that is packed with boxes and bins would certainly require a lot of sorting time. When you’ve determined what to get rid of, you can set up your first junk removal session with Junk King. The team will swoop in and clear out all the items you’ve tagged for pickup.

Next, you can move onto your closets. The goal should be to literally take every item out of the closet and see if it still has value. Will you ever wear those items again? Are they still in style? You can create another pile of stuff for Junk King to pick up on another session.

Regular junk removal sessions by Junk King St. Petersburgh will result in your entire house being cleared of unwanted clutter. Just imagine the positive impact that will have.

Junk King St Petersburg
8596 Seminole Blvd
Seminole, FL 33772

Providing junk removal services to the St Petersburg area, including:

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