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Is Your Home Ready For The Next Big Storm?

Anytime there is a natural disaster like Hurricane Harvey, folks who are in storm target zones need to take a hard look at whether or not their home is ready to face the next onslaught. Living in St. Petersburg means you will experience your fair share of tropical storms. The big question becomes, "is your home ready?" Here's how you can get prepared: flood-139000_1280 Strap Down the Roof Believe it or not, there are actual hurricane straps that you can put across your roof and attached to the frame. This reduces the potential for roof damage. Florida's division of emergency management has extensive information about using the straps. Something to think about. Install Storm Shutters If you have faced a major storm event, then perhaps you cut out plywood and nailed it over your windows. That might mean you still have those planks to put up again when another storm is heading towards your property. However, it might be a better investment to get commercially made storm shutters that fit over each window. These can either be secured in the window with preinstalled latches or be built as a part of the frame itself. Test Sump Pump and Drains You should always to make sure that your drains and sump pumps are working properly. This is especially true with a storm bearing down on the city. If you're sump pump is tied to electric power, then you might consider buying a battery operated backup. That pump won't do you any good if it's not working. Trim Trees and Shrubs Even if your home survives flooding and wind shears, it might not stand up to a tumbling tree. It's always a good idea to bring in a professional arborist at least once a year to check the health of your trees. A tree that is damaged or dying is more susceptible to being uprooted and tossed around. If your trees are healthy, then they should still be trimmed so that branches won't fall down on power lines or your roof. Get Rid Of Rubbish Anytime there's a storm predicted you should bring in those items from your backyard that could cause damage. Chain down patio furniture and store the cushions inside a garage. Any flowerpots should also be put away. If there is any rubbish you have, then it should be cleared away with help from Junk King St. Petersburg. These are the hard-working professional junk haulers who can quickly take away all kinds of construction waste, yard debris and unwanted house clutter. Get your house ready for the next storm with a little junk hauling help from Junk King St. Petersburg.
Is Your Home Ready For The Next Big Storm?


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