Junk King Buffalo

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Tag Archives: mattress

Take Care Mattress Disposal The Right Way

It doesn’t matter what type of illness or injury you might come down with your doctor will always prescribe rest. It has been confirmed by many studies that we need to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night in order to give our bodies time to rest and recuperate and that’s even from just a normal day of work. The key to a successful night’s sleep starts with the right mattress. If your mattress is over eight years old, then you will want to give serious consideration to replacing it. That will require a trip to the mattress store. Once you bought your mattress and the delivery you also have to deal with mattress disposal. Setting your old mattress out on the curb is not the way to do it. Instead one call to Junk in Buffalo can help you take your mattress disposal the right way.


You might find that the store selling you your new mattress offers old mattress removal. That might be convenient if the mattress is the only thing you’re getting rid of. But when you hire Junk King you have the opportunity to not only dispose of mattress but all the other things that are cluttering up your house. Think about any other old piece of furniture that you’d like to get rid of. Is there a recliner in the basement that is seen better days? Is there an old futon in a spare bedroom that’s not being used? What about baby furniture up in the attic? All of that stuff can be cleared out in the same session with Junk King.

Moving furniture is what the Junk King crews excel at. But it is not just the big pieces that they can take care of. They can also remove all your old electronics and ensure that they will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. While you’re at it, you can also turn over all the old clothing you’re never going to wear again from your closet. It is amazing how one session with Junk King can free up all kinds of storage space in your home.  When is time to get rid of your old mattress and the rest of your unwanted junk, it is time to call in Junk King Buffalo.

Junk King Buffalo
1386 Lovejoy St.
Sloan, NY 14212
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 9A-1P

Providing junk removal services to the Buffalo area, including:

Clarence Center
East Amherst
Grand Island
Niagara Falls
and these nearby zip codes:
14001, 14008, 14012, 14026, 14028, 14031, 14032, 14038, 14041, 14051, 14067, 14068, 14072, 14092, 14094, 14095, 14150, 14151, 14201, 14202, 14204, 14206, 14207, 14208, 14209, 14211, 14212, 14213, 14214, 14215, 14216, 14217, 14221, 14222, 14223, 14225, 14226, 14228, 14231, 14233, 14240, 14241, 14260, 14261, 14265, 14270, 14273, 14276, 14280, 14301, 14302, 14303, 14304, 14305