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Tag Archives: osoji

Importance of New Year’s Cleaning with Junk Removal

The new year is a time for starting fresh: dropping bad habits, establishing good ones, rethinking your job or relationships, and yes, cleaning your home. There really is no better way to start 2023 than with a clean house or apartment. We’re not just talking about regular cleaning, either – we’re talking about a deep clean, the kind that leaves you with a whole pile of trash and old furniture on the curb outside your home.

Of course, when you’re finished with the cleaning process, you still have to get rid of that pile. Taking care of it yourself can be an enormous pain, especially if you’re already worn out from the aforementioned deep clean. That’s where junk removal companies like Junk King Vancouver come in. All you have to do to get rid of the previous year’s refuse is to make the phone call, set up an appointment, and point the junk removal specialists in the right direction. It’s fast, easy, and a lot more convenient than spending the rest of the day hauling debris and old furniture to the dump or the nearest recycling center.

Why Clean at the New Year?

The Japanese have a deep cleaning ritual called osoji that has started to become more popular in North America over the past few years. Practiced every year in December, osoji translates to “the big cleanup” and involves a complete top-to-bottom cleaning of the home. Though the practice originally started to keep houses free of soot during the year, today it’s become something much more personal to every homeowner. As each person cleans their home, they’re also symbolically clearing their mind of any baggage left from the previous year so they can enter the new one feeling refreshed and ready for new things. It’s all about closing old cycles and starting new ones, not dissimilar to the New Year’s resolutions practiced in the west.

Though the practice of osoji is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years, we can still recognize the power that this kind of symbolism can have even today. Establishing an open mindset can go a long way to prepare you for new things, and studies have shown that a good state of mind can have real physical effects on your body as well. Because we already think of the new year as a time for renewal and starting new cycles, using it as an opportunity to clean your home as well can create the ideal mindset for the next 12 months. Don’t be surprised if a December or January cleaning ends up bringing some major positive vibes to the months that follow!

Benefits of a Deep Clean

Cleaning your house has the obvious benefit of making it look a lot more presentable, but there are plenty of other advantages as well. A full deep clean can actually improve your mood, boost your physical health, and even save you some money down the road. Here are a few of the benefits you’ll see from a New Year’s cleaning:

Kill Viruses and Bacteria

Winter is cold and flu season, so the last thing your immune system needs is a house full of germs. Cleaning the surfaces in your home every couple of days or so will kill most of the viruses and bacteria, but they can survive and multiply in those hard-to-reach places for a long time. Deep cleaning is the best way to make sure that nothing that can make you sick survives in your home. This is especially important in the winter months when your immune system is already a little worn out from fighting off seasonal cold and flu infections.

Improve Air Quality

Even if you don’t have germs making you sick, you can still experience negative health effects from bad air quality. Allergens like dust, pet hair, and pollen can make their way into your home and stay on your surfaces or on the carpet for a while. When any air current passes by, the allergens are blown into the air and can be inhaled by anyone in the room. Poor air quality can leave you with flu-like symptoms including a runny nose, dry or watery eyes, or a sore throat.

Reduce Stress

Just as the act of cleaning your house can help refresh your mindset, just living in a clean house will also reduce stress and improve your mood. A disordered home can contribute to a disordered mind, so the best way to stay focused on the important things while keeping a positive mindset is to make sure your living space is as clean as possible.

Keep Your Appliances Running Smoothly

One important part of any deep cleaning is to scrub the inside of your oven, microwave, and any other household appliances. Not only does this keep them looking and smelling nice, but it can also actually extend their lifespan. Dirt or burnt food can get caught up in the works, potentially damaging the appliance itself. You might be surprised by how long your appliances can last if you remember to keep them clean.

Call a Junk Removal Company to Handle the Mess

Once you’ve spent the weekend cleaning your entire house, even thinking about taking care of all the leftover junk and trash can be exhausting. Luckily, a junk removal company like Junk King Vancouver can take care of that mess for you. Just give us a call, set up the appointment, and tell our junk removal specialists what you need them to take. We’ll haul away and recycle just about anything that can be found in your home, including trash, debris, furniture, appliances, and even electronic waste like old computer monitors and televisions.
If you’re interested in giving Junk King a try, you can get a free no-strings-attached estimate by giving us a call at (360) 295-4584, setting up an in-person inspection, texting a picture of the trash to 1-737-888-5865, or by just using our free online price estimation tool today.

Junk King Vancouver
7017 NE Hwy 99 Ste 100
Vancouver, WA 98665
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-5P

Providing junk removal services to the Vancouver area, including:

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98607, 98660, 98661, 98662, 98663, 98664, 98665, 98666, 98668, 98682, 98683, 98684, 98685, 98686, 98687