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Tag Archives: spring cleaning

7 Reasons to Embrace Spring Cleaning

Did you know that you spend an average of 87% of your time indoors? This shows you why you should prioritize cleaning your home. 


Spring Cleaning Done Right!


Springtime brings with it a renewed form of energy. The warmer weather and March break mark the arrival of the season. As you swap the sweaters and snow boots for your sneakers, it’s time to see what clutter you need to clear out. Decluttered space contributes to inner calm and helps reduce depression. 


Whether it happens during springtime or not, thorough cleaning is good for your overall wellbeing and health. It also marks a new beginning as you kick out the winter mood. If you’re still not convinced why you should embrace spring-cleaning, keep reading. 


1. Spring-cleaning Helps Strengthen Your Immune System


As spring sets in, the plants outdoors are in celebration of renewal. What this means for you is the onset of seasonal allergies. A clean house can mean the difference between a healthy immune system and developing respiratory issues. 

Dust, mildew, pollen, pet dander, and other such things can trigger the immune system, especially for people with allergies. A house that is not clean can be a hub for pollutants, especially during winter.  

Spring-cleaning is an opportunity for deep cleaning where you dust the frames, mirrors, legs of furniture, floor baseboards, window sills, and railings. Aim for those areas that are usually out of reach. Vacuum the floors, rugs, curtains, and carpets to eliminate dust. Remember to wash all bedding and blankets. 


2. You Will Have Less to Stress About 


Removing clutter from your home has the clear advantage of making you feel calmer whenever you’re at home. A study done in 2010 shows a definite link between clutter and depression. It examined women living in different spaces. 

Those who described their homes as cluttered or who had unfinished projects were more inclined to be depressed. The women who described their homes as restorative or restful were less likely to be depressed. 

Clutter removal reduces distraction and eliminates overwhelming stimuli from the environment. A streamlined environment reduces stress hormones, hence improving your mental health.


3. Does Spring-Cleaning Enhance Productivity?


Many studies show that living in decluttered spaces improves productivity. You will be able to focus better on what you do and find things more easily. Clutter can make you stressed, which inhibits your effectiveness in completing tasks. 


4. Help Others 


As you declutter your home during spring cleaning, you’ll come across things you no longer need and can’t recycle. Just because you don’t use them anymore doesn’t mean they can’t help other people. Consider donating those items you want to throw out to charities or the less fortunate. As you organize your space, you’ll feel good about helping others. 


5. How Does Spring-cleaning Improve Your Home’s Safety?


Spring-cleaning offers you an opportunity to inspect your home for safety. Walk around your house and take note of safety hazards like broken locks, loose handrails, or hazardous materials stored in the home. Fix everything that needs fixing and get rid of everything that should not be in your home. Check the fire extinguishers and change the smoke detector batteries to keep it functional. 


6. Spring-cleaning Makes Your Happy 


When you thoroughly clean your home, you will feel good about yourself. A tidy home brings a sense of satisfaction, which can, in turn, put you in a good mood. Make the entire cleaning experience more enjoyable by putting on your favorite tunes as you clean. 


7. Does Spring-Cleaning Count as Exercise?


Scrubbing, vacuuming, and rearranging furniture can all make you break a sweat, which is why they all count as exercise. Exercise boosts the feel-good hormones in your brain and helps reduce stress. Spring-cleaning is an excellent form of exercise as it provides a two-fold advantage: it makes you work out and leaves you with a clean house. You also don’t have to leave the house to exercise. 


Spring Cleaning Guide


The Importance of Spring-cleaning


There are a host of reasons why you should spring-clean your home. This intensely focused and thorough cleaning allows you to take care of those hard-to-reach areas in your home. These tend to be areas that host all forms of pathogens that pose a health risk to your immune system. 

Spring-cleaning is also the time to get rid of clutter and the mess that wears you down. It gives you a reason to remove stuff that takes up space in your home and just gathers dust as no one uses them. Once you finish, you’ll feel happier, more satisfied, less stressed, and more energetic. 

Professional Spring-Cleaning Services for Your Home


Spring-cleaning is no easy feat, but it provides you with a myriad of benefits. If, for any reason, you’re unable to do the cleaning by yourself, let a professional step in and do the work for you. 

At Junk King’s Spring-Cleaning Services, we provide professional home and apartment cleaning services in Vancouver. We also help with junk removal, so you never have to worry about clutter again. Contact us today to schedule your spring-cleaning session at an affordable cost. 


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Junk King Vancouver
7017 NE Hwy 99 Ste 100
Vancouver, WA 98665
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-5P

Providing junk removal services to the Vancouver area, including:

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98607, 98660, 98661, 98662, 98663, 98664, 98665, 98666, 98668, 98682, 98683, 98684, 98685, 98686, 98687