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Author Archives: Junk King

Oakland Office Holiday Party Etiquette, Cleanout & Junk Removal

There is a lot we need to do to get ready for the holidays but if you work in office one thing that will be on the schedule could be the annual Christmas party. An office Christmas party is a tradition that has been around as long as there have been offices. Just as long as there have been these Christmas parties there have also been legendary stories of coworkers enjoying too much eggnog which leads to some embarrassing situations that go down in the annals of office history. If this is the first Christmas party you’ll be going to at your Oakland office there are some things to keep in mind to make sure you do not become the stuff of office legend.
First and foremost, you need to embrace the simple fact that you have to make an appearance at your office Christmas party. Whatever you think of your bosses, the mere fact that a party is being thrown for the office means they are putting forth a little effort. You should respond in kind by graciously making an appearance. Think of it as an extension of office business. Because of that, you need to dress appropriately. This might not be a factor if the party is being thrown right after work hours. However, if a special venue has been set up for Saturday night that doesn’t give you license to dress like you would going to a club. You still want to appear as professional as possible. This could mean just avoiding outfits that are too short, too tight, or too transparent.
A holiday office party is supposed to be a festive party. This means leaving your sour work attitude at the door. In fact, this could also be a perfect opportunity for you to bury the hatchet with any coworker who you might have had an issue with throughout the year. Once at the party you will be encouraged to have a good time and for some people that means having a few drinks. This is usually where all the trouble starts! A cocktail at two shouldn’t set off any alarms. However, if you find yourself wavering and drinking more than you should it might be time to call a cab and get out of their before something goes awry.
If your office Christmas party is actually being thrown in the office than there is going to be a bit of a cleanup that’s likely to happen afterwards. What might not be so obvious is the cleanup that should occur before the office Christmas party. This will mean getting rid of all the junk that has been taking up valuable space in the Oakland office that you work in. You or your manager can easily accomplish this by bringing in some outside help in the form of professional junk haulers like Junk King Oakland. This pro hauling crews is well versed with carting off large and bulky items. They’ll also have a big enough truck to facilitate the removal of your office junk in just one trip. Even if it’s not your job responsibility, you could score some major points by suggesting a professional cleanup crew. What a perfect way to end the year!

Clear Some Clutter Before Your Oakland Halloween Party

There is one way to make sure your teenage kids stay safe this Halloween: Let them throw a party in your Oakland home. Before you freak out at the prospect, this can actually be a great learning and bonding experience. Plus, if all goes according to plan it should be a lot of fun. First, you’ll want to lay down some ground rules. Determine who is going to be responsible for what and put it in writing. This way there shouldn’t be any confusion as the party approaches.
The first phase of your teen’s Halloween party should be the planning. How many friends do they want to invite. Whatever number they tell you, factor in at least 10 to 15 more as word spreads. You also have to set out the times for the party. This should go on the invitations and will be important facts for other parents to know. Then there is the budget to consider. While you’ll probably be funding this gathering that doesn’t mean your teen should begin spending away. Set a budget and make sure they work within that budget.
One way to make this party unique is to set a theme. Yes, it’s Halloween but that doesn’t mean it can’t be specific. For instance, you could have an all zombie party or an all superhero party. By providing a theme, it helps the guests figure out what to wear. And for those party poopers who show up without a costume, have a few selections on hand for them to slip into. That will teach them! Don’t forget, if you are chaperoning then you should also get into the spirit with your own costume. Just try not to embarrass your teen with your choice (good luck with that!).
For food choices, you can keep it simple with the classic teen fare of hot dogs or pizzas. Of course, there should also be plenty of Halloween candy on hand to satisfy any trick or treat flashbacks. Depending on the size of your home, you might want to secure areas of your home from wandering teens. This can be easily accomplished and stay within the theme by draping spider webs across any door you don’t want crossed. One quick glance will show you right away if the webs were disturbed.
Another important aspect of the party planning is to make sure your teen is going to be on hand for the cleanup both before and after. You can aid in this task by having a professional Oakland junk hauling team like Junk King Alameda on call to clear out the clutter. This might also be the perfect time to finally clean up that disaster area known as your teen’s bedroom. Knowing that a junk hauler is going to be pulling up with a truck is a perfect motivator. If this clean up is part of the ground rules you put in writing then there should be no griping!

Alternatives to Alameda Dumpster Rentals

You can really tell a town’s priorities by the type of festivals it holds. For some places, music tops the list of things to do on a warm weekend as jazz or bluegrass festivals pop up. Other communities like to show off their creative types by offering up art fairs. Here in Alameda, some local organizers know just what pleases the residents: Food trucks. That’s why they are holding another in a series of food truck festivals at the Alameda Fairgrounds. During this foodie fest, over 20 varieties of mobile chefs will be offering up their culinary treats to the masses. With all the trucks to choose from, how can you pick just one?
In order to put together an even like the Gourmet Food Truck Festival organizers have to take into account certain logistical details. The big three priorities are parking, bathrooms and trash removal. Of those three it’s probably the trash removal that is the easiest. All they need to do is rent a bunch of dumpsters from some reliable companies and make sure they will be dropped off and picked up on schedule.
Of course if you have a big trash removal job of your own you can also rent a dumpster but there is a better alternative. That would be hiring a professional crew of junk haulers like Junk King Alameda to show up and take your trash away in one trip.
It seems logical that if you have know in advance that you have a lot of garbage to get rid of to want to throw it out into a rented dumpster. What you have to consider is exactly where will you put that dumpster? If you have a driveway then you might be able to slip it in there but that will mean you’ll be parking on the street for the duration of the clean up. Having a dumpster placed on the street makes sense but there might be some Alameda city ordinances that require you to get a special permit for parking a dumpster on the street even if it is just for one day. Suddenly, what seemed like a simple idea is now getting very complicated.
Now consider that alternative suggestion of hiring professional junk haulers. You know just what you want taken away. It might be all the refuse from a major house cleaning or some construction waste from a remodeling job. Whatever that pile of junk becomes, the experience crew of junk haulers can show up at the appointed hour, load the trash into their truck and drive it away. You’ll barely remember you had it in the first place.
The other benefit of avoiding a dumpster is that you’re removing a potential target from trash pickers. A fully loaded dumpster might prove to be too tempting to the bottle collectors in your neighborhood. Do you really want them rummaging around in your trash? Cut to the chase and hire the pros, Junk King Alameda: They won’t let you down.

Appliance Buying Guide (And How to Get Rid of Old Appliances in Alameda)

If you’re tired of dealing with the same kitchen appliances that aren’t performing up to standard then it’s time you replace them. As you embark on your appliance shopping excursion, you’ll want to do a bit of considering first. Although you might think it’s simple to just swap one stove for another or trade an old refrigerator for a new one you actually have the opportunity to make some smart choices that can have a great impact on your energy bills and the way you use your kitchen.
First of all, size does matter. Make sure you take complete measurements of the appliances you plan on replacing. If it has been a while since you’ve bought new appliances you might find that the standard sizes have changed. The last thing you want to do is buy a stove that isn’t going to fit in the space between your cabinets. Take plenty of notes when you’re making you measurements. Get all the dimensions right and you shouldn’t have any problem finding the perfect fit!
Obviously, cost is going to be a factor for your purchase but it shouldn’t be a deterrent. You should check with the rebate fund that is being offered by the state for replacement of certain kitchen appliances. If you are trading in an old energy waster for a new Energy Star rated device you could be in for a rebate. Other than that you could also consider some financing deals being offered by the appliance store of your choice. These are big ticket items so the stores are eager to make a deal. You also have to think about the life of the appliance. Suppose you are buying a new refrigerator in the $800 range. If that fridge lasts 8 years (and why shouldn’t it?) you’re really paying a $100 a year which breaks down to pennies a day. That’s a pretty good deal for a brand new appliance!
Part of the cost to consider is also the warranties. A good thing to consider about warranties is the overall replacement cost. If you’re spending $100 on a DVD player and the warranty is $75 additional it’s probably better to skip the warranty and just buy a new player. The additional warranty only kicks in after the manufacturer’s warranty. Hopefully, you’ll discover if something is wrong within that period. Otherwise, on the more expensive appliances that you want to keep running properly, a warranty could be a good way to go.
Then there are all the “bells and whistles” to consider. If you’ve been working with old appliances then you’re going to be in for a real treat when it comes to all the programmable features and time saving devices that are incorporated into stoves, washing machines and dishwashers. Yes, everyone has gone high-tech and that’s a good thing!
Once you’ve picked out your new appliances make sure you arrange to get rid of the old ones by hiring a professional team of junk haulers that are local like Junk King Alameda. They’ll be able to take away your old appliances on the same day as the new ones arrive without skipping a beat!

5 Ways To Improve Your Oakland Home Décor

Ever since humans first crawled out of a cave and into a thatched hut, they have been finding ways to improve their home décor. Perhaps that is stretching the analogy a bit, but our homes are a reflection of our personalities. You can tell a lot about a person by the décor in their home. If they are world travelers then there might be plenty of artifacts brought back from faraway places. If they are a bit fastidious then there won’t be a throw pillow out of place. And you’ll certainly be able to tell when a baby has come into a home; they have a way of taking over! If you are looking for ways to improve your own home décor in Oakland consider these five tips:
  1. More Photographs: With all the new handheld devices, taking pictures has never been easier but that shouldn’t mean you stop printing out those pictures and hanging them up. Hanging photos of friends and special events gives any home a warm and cozy feeling. You can improve the décor by picking out distinctive frames and placing them in unique patterns along a wall or hallway. You might even want to dig into the old scrapbooks and see what family photos could be hung up to put a smile on everyone’s face.
  2. Add Accents: Minimalism is a style that calls for reducing furnishings to the bare essentials. That’s look that many folks find pleasing. However, going too minimalistic could present a cold atmosphere. A few well placed accents like pillows, throws, or small sculptures can be just what a room needs to elevate its personality.
  3. Consider Mirrors: Adding mirrors to any wall can give the illusion of creating more space. Just as with your photographs, you can also add a touch of flair to those mirrors by placing them within decorative frames. These can either be classic antiques or custom frames that blend in with the rest of your décor.
  4. Fresh Paint: It’s amazing how something as simple as a fresh coat of paint can uplift any room and turn it from dull to vibrant in a snap. As long as you’re considering a fresh paint job you might decide to go bold with your choice of color. There is no need to stick with white walls (unless that is your thing). Do yourself a favor and spend some time considering the possibilities of paint choices as your local paint store. You’ll be amazed at all the choices you have.
  5. Clear Out the Clutter: Finally, a positive way to improve your home décor is to make sure your home is free of clutter. This can easily be accomplished by calling upon the professional services of a dedicated team of junk haulers like Junk King Alameda. This crew can show up on the schedule day and take away all you unwanted furniture, rugs, boxes and other debris you’ve accumulated over the years. Once that clutter is gone, you’ll finally be free to turn your home into the kind of space you’ve always wanted it to be.

Oakland Mattress Buying and Disposal Guide

If you have reached the important decision to go out shopping for a new mattress then you will be presented with many options. You might want to stick with the same size bed that you’re sleeping on now but there’s no reason why you can’t upgrade to the next level. This would be especially true if you’re lucky enough to be sharing a bed with someone and have found that there is just not enough room for two! Among the sizes you’ll be able to pick from are the standard twin, the twin long, the double, the full and the Queen. There are also two types of king-size mattresses to select from: the Eastern King and the California King. If you’ve never had the simple pleasure of sleeping on the king-size mattress you really don’t know what you’re missing!
The King mattress is 76 inches wide and puts it at around 18 inches wider than your normal queen size bed. This allows each person 38 inches of elbow room. That’s about the same as you would get twin beds together. In fact most King mattresses come with twin box springs that make it easier to deliver. That’s because you can bend the mattress around the doorframe you can’t bend a box spring!
The California King is the same width as the Eastern King but it’s longer by about 4 inches. This is a great choice for people who are six tall or taller and also comes with twin box springs. It might seem like a bit of access to sleep on your own in a King size mattress but you certainly can’t complain about running out of space with a King mattress. Even with all that extra space you’ll still be able to “meet in the middle” if you so desire.
Before making the switch from a Queen to a King you need to make sure your bedroom can accommodate the extra space. This means it’s time to break out the tape measure. Although the rest of your bedroom furniture can still be part of the room you will definitely have to replace any headboard you have.
Additionally, you need to make arrangements to have your old mattress taken away. While it is true that some mattress companies offer mattress removal that is not something you can always guarantee will happen. If you hire an experienced mattress removal crew like Junk King Oakland then you can depend on them to get the job done. The other benefit is that this same crew probably will be able to remove some other junk items from your home during the same appointment. That is definitely something you won’t be able to accomplish with your mattress delivery guys.
This could mean you have the perfect opportunity to not only get rid of your old mattress but also get rid of some old furniture, electronic waste, garbage and other clutter that might be taking up space. You’ll get a good night sleep and have more room in your closets!

Large Trash Pickup In Oakland

The official task of picking up garbage in Oakland falls to the Oakland Public Works Agency. Each year, this group of dedicated workers manages to cart off tons of trash from all public right-of-way sidewalks, roads and alleys. Not only is this all your household garbage but also trash from construction sites. If you’ve ever had the misfortune to live in a city when the garbage collectors went on strike then you know how important this service is. Without their efforts the garbage would literally be piling up in the streets.
However, just because these crews are on the job doesn’t mean they can pick up everything. For some people, dumping trash by the side of the road or in an abandoned lot is no big thing. Not only is that a problem for the rest of us who have to now live with that garbage but it is also illegal. The good news is that you can do something about it.
Here’s what the Oakland Public Works Agency recommends:
See It – Write down the dumper’s description: include gender, ethnicity, age, hair color, clothing, etc. Write down the vehicle description: include license plate number, color, make, model & approximate year, if known.
Report It – Call the Public Works Call Center at (510) 615-5566. Dumping in progress should be called in to 911. Beginning on August 1, 2011, OPD will provide an on-line report process at www.oaklandpolice.com for illegal dumping that is witnessed by a citizen, but is no longer in progress.
Stop It – Get involved! With your help, we can reduce illegal dumping in our communities.
This really puts illegal dumpers on notice. However, this same department is also encouraging Oakland residents to report any overflow problems with garbage cans. Yes, this means if you pack up your garbage can to overflowing you could be sited and fined. This could even be an issue if you’ve got someone sifting through your garbage for recyclables and they leave trash on the ground. You could take the hit for that.
There is one proactive solution you can take with regard to your large trash pickup items and that would be to hire a private company of expert junk haulers like Junk King Alameda. These are the folks who can show up at the appointed hour and take away all your oversized items like unwanted furniture and large appliances. There is no reason why you have to be stuck with this junk any longer.
Hiring a private junk hauling crew like Junk King also means you’ll be working with professionals. These aren’t  “day workers” who float in and out of jobs but steady employees dedicated to making sure they get the job done right. They are also fully bonded and insured. Even though they might be taking away junk, they still have to get it out of your house first without causing any damage! And just because you’ve got big items heading to the landfill or recycle center doesn’t mean you can’t load up their truck with a bunch of smaller items as well. Make this your excuse for a complete garbage overhaul of your home!

Oakland Construction Waste Removal – Take a Tip from the Pros

All of the lions, tigers and bears along with the rest of the crew of animals at the Oakland zoo are about to experience a major expansion. After 13 long years of planning, community meetings, replanning and renegotiating the Oakland Zoo received its final approval to expand the zoo by 54 acres. Part of this expansion will include a 17,000 square-foot veterinary hospital, an aerial gondola, an overnight camping zone and a brand-new California trails exhibit. This exhibit is going to prominently feature all those critters who call California their home including condors, mountain lions and of course the grizzly bear. The project plans on kicking off next month at a big groundbreaking ceremony for the animal hospital. If all goes according to schedule the expansion should be complete by 2015. Not only will this expansion be a welcome treat for the animals but it’s also going to mean a lot more with jobs instruction for local workers.
With a job this big there are all kinds of contracts to be bid on. Along with all the labor, material and equipment costs there will be an issue concerning the waste removal. That’s going to be a pretty hefty contract when you consider all the land that has to be moved around to make room for all those grizzly bears! It’s inconceivable for any construction site not to generate huge mounds of waste. We’re not just talking waste as in materials that aren’t being used but actually all the garbage that is created. These are all the scraps of wood, pieces of rebar, hunks of drywall and other debris that finds its way onto the trash heap at and of every day on a construction site. This is trash that needs to be cleared out almost on a daily basis.
As any construction worker will tell you, the best environment to start working on is a clean one. With all the drilling, sawing and plasterwork that happens on a construction site that environment can get very messy. That’s why the end of the day time is dedicated by the workers to clean up this space and toss all that trash onto the junk heap. When they come in next morning still be able to get right to work without having to navigate around all that trash. In a perfect world waste removal team why the show up late at night or early in the morning to get rid of that trash.
Iyou have your own smaller remodel job you’ll still need to consider what you’re going to do with all your trash. You can designate any area of your backyard to pile up all the debris but this is certainly not something you want to keep around. Even if you’re not going to have a daily pick up of the trash it makes sense to schedule a pickup of your construction waste at the end of the week with an appointment from a professional team of junk haulers like Junk King Alameda. Take a tip from the pros and make sure your garbage is taken away the right way.

Alameda Moving and Junk Hauling

A typical moving day is equal parts excitement and trepidation. You just want this whole process to be over with and not have any damage caused to your stuff. You also want to look beyond the unpacking of all the boxes and being settled into your new living space. Once that has been accomplished you wonder what all the fuss was about. There are some moving day tips that can help you make for a smooth operation.
First of all, you want to do whatever you can to avoid confusion on moving day. Hopefully you will label all your boxes properly to let the movers know where they belong. You should also make corresponding signs or labels of the doors of your new home. Sure the movers will know exactly where the kitchen is but will they really be able to tell the master bedroom from the guest bedroom from the office? If that’s where you want your boxes to go then just take a note to the doors to let them know the right space. When it comes to your big pieces of furniture you should already have a plan laid out for just how you want them to be placed. You could try this with a floor plan you sketch out that you can share with the movers so they know exactly where you want things to go. And yes you’re well within your rights to change your mind once you see the furniture in the space!
The next tip to keep in mind is to make sure you’re covered on both ends of the move. If you’re having movers pack up your house you want to make sure you or someone you trust is there to supervise the action. And you should wait until the last item is on the truck before you head over to the new house. If you are watching everything leave your home and go on to the truck there should be no question of a lost or damaged item.
If you are bypassing professional movers and calling on friends to pitch in make sure you are just as organize for them as you would be with the professional movers. Your friends shouldn’t be packing boxes for you; that should be done well in advance. And make sure you’ve got plenty of cool drinks and snacks standing by to take care of your friends. A well fed group is a happy group.
Also, if you have a dog or young kid moving day is the perfect time to find a sitter for both of them. You don’t want to worry about either one of them getting trampled on.
Finally the best advice for a smooth moving day is not to move any of your old junk with you. This should mean setting up a junk moving day separate from the big move. On this day you can hire a junk hauling crew like Junk King to take away all that stuff you’ve discovered you don’t need any more. If you’re getting it fresh start with a new place you don’t want filled with old junk.

East Bay Refrigerator Disposal

School’s out which means the neighbors will soon be teeming with kids looking for things to do. Recently, a group of youngsters from East Bay took a bus trip up to Sacramento to champion a high-quality summer program for low-income neighborhoods. This is actually a very serious issue facing kids and is called the “summer slide.” A study has found that for kids who take the summer off from being engaged in learning tend to drift further away from developing the skills they’ll need when they return to school. This doesn’t mean that kids should stay in school year round (although some parents might like that!). Instead, they should be given the opportunity to enroll in programs that bring them structure and fun activity like sports, reading and field trips.
That’s just what those East Bay kids were doing as they toured the capital and got to ask lawmakers what their favorite summers were when they were kids. Everyone has a fond memory of vacations by the beach or up in the mountains. Maybe it was a cross country trip with the whole family packed into a RV. Whatever the memory, summer is definitely a time for kids to be outdoors engaged in all kinds of fun. The goal is to have a safe summer. Every 4th of July we’re reminded of the dangers of playing with fireworks with displays of department store mannequins getting blown up by firecrackers. However, there is another danger that could be found around neighborhoods in the form of abandoned refrigerators.
All it takes is one tragedy to release how crucial it is to properly dispose of your old refrigerators. Even putting an old fridge in your garage isn’t 100% full proof. There is simply no telling what kind of exploration a kid will get into over the summer. And don’t try saying, “Stay out of the garage.”  That’s just an open invitation to go there! The best course of action would be to hire a professional hauling company like Junk King to take away that refrigerator and dispose of it properly. Not only can you rest assured that you’re unused appliance won’t cause any harm; you’ll actually be in compliance with the law.
If you decide to keep that fridge then you either have to remove the door or padlock it. Taking off the door is easy but then you’ve got the door and the fridge sitting there collecting dust and rust. The padlock option is viable but the bigger question is why are you going to hold onto something that you’ll never use again? Do you really want to waste the storage space? One call and you can have the icebox taken away. And while you’re at it, you might also find several move large items worthy of the trash heap. Just because the junk haulers are taking away your fridge doesn’t mean they can’t also take away all your other trash!
Junk King Alameda
15010 Wicks Blvd, Unit B
San Leandro, CA 94577
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Alameda area, including:

Castro Valley
El Cerrito
El Sobrante
San Leandro
San Lorenzo
San Pablo
and these nearby zip codes:
94501, 94502, 94530, 94536, 94538, 94539, 94541, 94542, 94544, 94545, 94546, 94547, 94552, 94555, 94560, 94564, 94577, 94578, 94579, 94580, 94586, 94601, 94602, 94603, 94605, 94606, 94607, 94608, 94609, 94610, 94611, 94612, 94613, 94618, 94619, 94621, 94702, 94703, 94704, 94705, 94706, 94707, 94708, 94709, 94710, 94720, 94801, 94803, 94804, 94805, 94806