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Author Archives: Junk King

Oakland Old TV Disposal – Your Old Television Can Be History

Like it or not, reality TV programming has changed the landscape of what we watch on TV. A quick glance of TV history can find that various programming genres have gone through cycles. In the beginning, the airwaves were dominated by sitcoms featuring radio stars and variety programs. At the beginning of the 60’s it was all about the westerns and corny “hillbilly” type humor. The 70’s brought a wave of realism not only through dramas and miniseries but also in the half hour sitcom arena. In the 80’s the message was escape through luxury and the sitcom was dead. Then in the 90’s, the sitcom was back. And in the new century, reality TV began muscling out the scripted programming to lay claim to several hours of a week of real people, real chefs, real designers, real teens and pretty much anything else where some drama can be created. Oddly enough, this kind of programming has been around for a long time.
Way back in 1948, Allen Funt began a long history of catching folks in the act of absurdity with his Candid Camera series. This was our first glimpse of real people acting like themselves. There were also plenty of talent and quiz shows in that first decade of television history. In fact, the scandal of providing contestants with answers on the quiz show $64,000 Question nearly ruined a network. Could this be why the networks today would rather have a Wipeout or Deal or No Deal type of show than a quiz show?
As for watching families, couples and other “real” people go through the drama of their daily life, it wasn’t MTV which started it all, but PBS. A documentary film maker followed the Loud family back in 1973. The result was the riveting real life drama of An American Family. It actually took audiences and networks several years to recover from the raw nature of watching a family self destruct from within. However, this type of programming came roaring back with the premiere of MTV’s Real World. Now it would seem that Andy Warhol’s prediction of everyone being famous for 15 minutes is actually coming true as the television airwaves are jammed packed with dozens of real folks in all kinds of situations and lifestyles. We just can’t look away!
The bottom line is that television provides hours of entertainment for people around the world – especially those in the Bay Area . It also offers a window into that world by providing up to the minute news. Can you really imagine living without TV? The question then becomes what shape is your current TV set in? Is it time for replacement? If you’ll still watching television on a bulky set you might be ready to upgrade to a slim and crystal clear flat screen plasma TV. When these sets first hit the Bay Area market, they were selling for around $10,000. Now, you can find amazing deals on big screen plasma for under $900. When you’re ready to upgrade, you’ll need to get rid of that old set.
Junk King Alameda is your on-demand East Bay & Oakland TV disposal crew, standing by to properly get rid of that old dinosaur of a TV. All you’ll have to worry about is what to watch after the crew efficiently hauls off your old (and heavy) television.  Simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate.

Berkeley Hauling – Let the Pros Handle the Junk

A random sampling of Berkeley, CA happenings reveals a little bit of something for everyone.  Many students hang out on the lawn of the Berkeley campus, studying, chatting and planning their weekends.  Berkeley business owners prepare their various goods and services – from an eclectic mix of foods to various baubles that are targeted at incoming tourists.   The question is: what did you do with your week?
If you decided to kick back at home maybe you had the chance to take stock of exactly what condition your living space is in. Actually, we’re talking about available space, as in, how much do you have? Could it be that you’ve become overwhelmed and overcrowded with unwanted junk. Perhaps your Berkeley weekend activity could be a complete overhaul of your home, garage, attic and closets. Might not be as fun as a night out at some Berkeley bars, but you’ll be guaranteed a reward and that would be with all those new wide open spaces.
Let’s face it; the most common excuse for not getting rid of all your old junk is you don’t have the manpower or the transportation. That’s why you should think about tapping into a local Berkeley hauling crew like Junk King to help you get rid of all that junk. This is a professional team of haulers who who is accustomed to efficiently move junk out of homes.
What could be on your list of “junk that should be gone?” Are you holding onto some old bed frames that will never make it back to a bedroom? Do you have pieces of furniture that you would be too embarrassed to even donate to the Salvation Army? Maybe you’ve even got a warped sounding piano that has outlived its usefulness in your home. Those are pretty big pieces to move around and that’s why you should bring in the pros to handle this score.
The other benefit from hiring professional movers is that they’ll have the trucks to haul this stuff away. What are your options? Break that ratty sofa down into a million pieces and haul it off one SUV trunk load at a time? Would you even know where to take this junk? You might be surprised at how far out of Berkeley you would have to go just to dump your trash. Is that how you really want to spend the weekend?
Instead, slap a post-it note on every item you want taken away and let the professional hauling crew do the rest. They’ll have your place cleared of junk in no time and you can get out to enjoy all that Berkeley, California has to offer.

East Bay Foreclosure Clean Out

According to a recent article in the Bay Citizen, the East Bay area’s foreclosure crisis hasn’t let up. In a new survey released by the realty service DataQuick found that just in the first quarter of 2011 6,437 East Bay homes were sent into foreclosure. This shows an increase from the same period last year. That’s certainly not good news for those unfortunate homeowners. However, there could be a silver lining in those foreclosures as savvy real estate investors come on board for some potentially lucrative deals. A looming foreclosure market is actually good for buyers. Of course, to be profitable in this arena those homes need to get back into shape and become market ready. If you’re getting into this game then you should be looking for a reputable East Bay foreclosure clean out company like Junk King to help your real estate business.
Just because a home has been slapped with a foreclosure label doesn’t always mean it is in distress. But chances are that foreclosed home is going to need a top to bottom cleaning. If a former homeowner has been forcibly asked to leave they really aren’t going to care what they leave behind. In some cases, these folks might literally toss the key over their shoulder and never look back. This could mean they have left behind all kinds of furniture and garbage. All of that has to be hauled away.
Then there is the issue of the kitchen. If the power has been shut off, then the fridge has turned into a storage locker for all kinds of “science experiments.”  It might be easier to just wrap up that fridge and haul it away “lock, stock and barrel!” And don’t forget you’ll have all the kitchen cabinets and drawers to contend with. All of that will need to be cleaned out before you can even think about posting a “for sale” sign on the front lawn.
In one respect, a foreclosure clean out is a simple job to accomplish provided you’ve got the right crew on your side. There won’t be an issue of what needs to be kept because everything is going to be tossed out. All the furniture, rugs, drapes, carpet and garbage can be carried right from the home into the truck. That means you just have to make sure that your clean-up crew has a big enough truck to handle the job.
Once all the junk has been removed from the home then it’s time to start scrubbing, sweeping and moping. You might be considering a new paint job to help spruce up the foreclosed home or you can just settle for a deep cleaning. Unless you’re going for all white walls, it might be better to leave the new paint job for the new owners; you just want to make sure the walls are clean! Depending on the scope of the job, it might take one or two days before you’re ready to show the home. At least with a professional foreclosure clean out all you have to worry about it lining up the potential buyers!
For the best in East Bay Foreclosure clean outs simply call Junk King Alameda at 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Help Mayor Quan Make Oakland Sustainable through Recycling

There’s a new mayor in Oakland. Mayor Jean Quan recently celebrated her first 100 days in office by inviting local residents to go on a walking tour of some of the historic sites that gives Oakland its charm. With a new mayor comes a new administration and the opportunity to bring an energized approach to solving some of the challenges that face the city. One of the goals is to make Oakland a Sustainable City. As described by the official website, this would mean making Oakland into “a place where we can meet our current needs while ensuring that future generations can live rewarding and healthy lives.” That is certainly a noble goal. The question then becomes how to get there?
This plan actually got started back in 2006 when the Oakland City Council adopted a “Zero Waste Goal”  to be achieved by the year 2020. This isn’t just about recycling, but also about taking into consideration the vast amount of resources and waste that flows through Oakland with the target to eliminate that waste all together. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be garbage. It just means finding a way to recycle, repurpose and reuse that waste in a more productive manner.
Consider the statistics. Since 2000 the amount of citywide recycling is up 33% and the amount of garbage that gets dumped into a landfill is down by a whopping 27%. How does that breakdown? This means that Oakland residents have recycled 700,000 tons of cans, bottles, magazines, junk mail, office paper, cardboard, yard trimmings and food scraps. All of that recycled material was turned around to make new cans, bottles and paper products. This saves trees, water and energy not to mention reducing the amount of harmful greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the air.
One of the campaigns used by Oakland residents is the 4 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. Now those first three are easy to understand. The more we can reduce the better off we’ll all be. Take for instance junk mail. Did you know there is a way to stop that from coming into your home? All you need to do is contact that folks who send it to you tell them to stop. They’re required by law to do that. Less junk mail means less waste in that one category. With recycling we all know about sorting our materials and placing them in the weekly recycle pickup bins. That’s where reuse also comes into play when you start thinking about how to extend the life of products or buildings and make better use of energy resources. As for rot, this is where nature can take over. Any kind of yard trimmings, food scraps or other biodegradable material can be gathered together and picked up in a special container. This is then collected into a massive mound that breaks down and turns into amazing fertilizer that can be used to grow organic foods.
Of course this plan will only work if everyone gets involved. Outside of the recycling services provided by the city, Junk King Alameda is always on call to help Oakland residents you remove larger recyclable items like appliances, e-waster or furniture. It can all be turned around! Simply call 1-888-888-JUNK.

Oakland Furniture Pickup

An end of an era has hit Oakland. That would be the actual end of the last World War II-era military hospital in California, the Oak Knoll U.S. Naval Medical Center. It has been targeted for implosion. This is the last building standing from the original 167 acre medical complex in Oakland. In its heyday, this center was home to military barracks, stores and administration buildings along with the hospital. It’s going to take 800 pounds of dynamite to bring down this building and then the real clean-up can begin.
Imagine for a moment, if you were put in charge of that cleanup. First of all, this building was officially decommissioned 15 years ago. That meant it was probably stripped to its bare bones.  All the hospital files, furniture and equipment would have been long gone. Anything else of value like lighting fixtures, sconces, copper pipes or scrap metal would have also been pulled out. Basically, what you would be left with would be tons of concrete, wood, rebar and glass. Not exactly the most “friendly” pile of garbage. It’s also probably going to take months to haul away all that garbage dump truck by dump truck.
What would happen if you had to decommission your Oakland home? Perhaps that’s a drastic question to ask, but you’ve probably got some big items in your house that you could do without; specifically some old furniture. The number one reason why people hang on to their old furniture is that they don’t have any viable way of getting rid of it. That has changed thanks to the emergence of your local Oakland based furniture pickup crew – Junk King. These are experienced haulers who have the muscle and the trucks to take away any large furniture item in your home that has seen better days. You don’t have to wait any longer to get rid of something that is an eyesore.
Having a professional team of haulers take away your furniture is a much better choice than dragging that sofa or easy chair out to the curb and hope it will magically disappear. The big problem with that option is that the furniture ends up getting wet, moldy and disgusting forcing the city to take out time from providing other services to pickup that sofa. Before that it’s just a plain hazard. Also consider that you could actually be fined for illegally dumping that furniture on the street. Yes, there are laws on the books in Oakland that target folks who want to make streets their own dumping ground.
The other benefit with hiring a professional company like Junk King to handle your furniture pickup is that you’ll know who you’re inviting into your home. You really don’t want to take a risk with day laborers.   To schedule an Oakland Furniture Pickup appointment today simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

East Bay Yard Waste Removal – Go for the Gold

Each year, the California Landscape Contractors Association holds an annual competition by traveling up and down the golden state looking for the “best of the best” when it comes to front and back yard landscaping. As their mission statement claims, “the Trophy Awards are to encourage interest in landscaping, recognize crafts people who produce outstanding landscapes, create pride in superior workmanship and to bestow public recognition on companies, institutions, municipalities and residents for their interest in a beautiful California.” Reading that you must obviously be thinking now, “I wonder if my East Bay Area yard could win an award.”
Here are a few of the categories that you might be judged under:
  • Turf Smooth even grade with good physical appearance, even texture and good green color.
  • Decks, Benches High-quality materials with a good foundation and adequate structural strength, good construction detail.
  • Fences Plumb not warped, post set properly in concrete so water drains away.
Along with those areas, the CLCA will also be looking over appearance of your trees, shrubs, groundcover and turf. Is it all healthy and vibrant? Is it properly pruned? Is it weed free? Obviously, to meet the rigorous standards set forth by the judging panel, you’re going to need to whip your East Bay yard into shape.
The first step would be to get rid of all the yard waste. That can easily be accomplished when you hire a local East Bay yard waste removal company like Junk King. These are the work crews that specialize is hauling dirt, sod, dead bushes and fallen tree limbs. Once all of that refuse is taken away, you can begin the real work of proper landscaping. Think of this removal process as providing you with a blank slate to work on.
In the realm of yard waste removal, the piles that can be taken away by the professional crew don’t just have to be “of the earth.” These can also be all those things in your yard that were brought in or you inherited. Under the “brought in” category would be the leftover materials from finished (or unfinished!) projects like wood scraps, dry wall and remodeling waste. Under the “inherited” category would be things like an old deck you plan to rip up or a crumbling patio that you’re replacing. Once the demolition is complete on those items all that waste can be haul away.
Naturally, you can still do this work just to get your yard in shape for the summer and to feel good about your surroundings. You don’t have to try to win a trophy. On the other hand, why not go for it?
For the best in East Bay Area Yard Waste Removal simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

East Bay Junk Recycling – Keeping the Bay Area Green

Like many communities across the county, the East Bay Area region is veritable hive of businesses, homes and schools. There are a lot of folks flowing in and out of those places every day. There are also a significant number of visitors who make their way to the East Bay region to enjoy many of the fine restaurants, museums and other cultural activities in towns like Berkeley, Oakland and Alameda.
Now consider this fact: it is estimated that every single person generates up to four pounds of garbage each day. Those four pounds represents all the stuff we throw away like coffee cups, soda bottles, fast food wrappers, newspapers, magazines, junk mail and whatever we toss out after cooking dinner. Break it all down like that and you can see how quickly that amount adds up.
Then there is an entirely different category of garbage that we are each responsible for. That would be all of our junk. Isn’t junk really garbage? Actually, for the purposes of this discussion, the junk is best described as all those things that can’t fit into a garbage can. Let’s face it; if this junk could easily be tossed out you would have probably already have thrown it away. No, these are the big ticket items like old pieces of furniture that have outlived their purpose. It could also be a broken piece of kitchen equipment like a fridge or stove that you replaced but didn’t get the previous model taken away.
This big junk could also mean those unusual items that have somehow made it into your home, but don’t serve a function now. This could be random items like a banged up surf board, a stuffed moose head or any other kind of crazy thing. Isn’t it time to say good-bye to this junk? If you take full advantage of an East Bay junk recycling company like Junk King, not only will they be able to clear out all of this garbage, but they’ll also ensure that it is being disposed of at the proper recycling facility to keep the Bay Area green.
The East Bay Area has long been leading the charge on eco-friendly practices. That’s why other towns come here to see how we handle all the recycling needs of the community. It all comes down to a matter of understanding that whatever can be prevented from ending up in a landfill is a good thing. Recycle, repurpose and reuse is the rallying cry that got its start right here. Once you’re committed to recycling then everything is on the table including our junk. The experienced junk recycling crew will be able to identify those items in your home that hold the most potential for reuse. You don’t have time to figure out where to take your metal products versus your e-waste versus your foam mattresses. Let the pros that make it their living handle all of that sorting. You focus on having a clean life and they’ll focus on making sure junk isn’t a part of that life!

For the best in East Bay junk recycling, call Junk King Alameda at 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

East Bay Area Hauling – Clean Up the Community Clutter

On any given day, there’s a lot of action going down in the East Bay Area. The East Bay covers dozens of cities and communities, thousands of homes, hundreds of businesses and many thriving college campuses. Throw into the mix several first rate restaurants and cafes, night clubs, shopping centers and sports arenas and it’s easy to see why many people call the East Bay their home. Is it the perfect place to live? For most folks it is, but that doesn’t mean the East Bay isn’t without its issues. Even the Garden of Eden had some problems with unwarranted “guests.” There is one simple way to improve life around the East Bay and that would be if everyone decided to get rid of their junk. Hiring a local based East Bay hauling company can help make those kinds of improvements with very little effort.  That company is Junk King Alameda.
The first wave of junk that should be considered for removal is anything that could be officially deemed as an “eyesore.” This would be things like an old stove or fridge that is no longer in use but has ended up on the back porch. Tires and tire rims stacked up on the outside of the garage. Piles of lumber scraps leftover from a remodel job that are now just a home for spider and bugs. Do you have an eyesore like this in your neighborhood? More importantly, are you guilty of an eyesore? You can get rid of the guilt and the junk in one move. That move would be calling up a professional East Bay hauling company like Junk King.
As long as you’re clearing up the clutter from the exterior of your home there is no reason why you can’t continue the clearance with the interior. Think of all the eyesores you’re stuck with inside your East Bay home. In this category you could find furniture that has seen better days, desktop computers that are way beyond repair or boxes of books, shoes or clothes no one is ever going to use again. Your goal should be to fill up an entire truck with junk. Admit it; you could probably do that without any effort, right? If that’s really the case then hiring an East Bay junk removal team is critical.
When you decide to hire a professional team like Junk King East Bay, you can expect high standards when it comes to the work. Sure, they are moving junk but that doesn’t mean they can’t do it with a level of care. This would mean not having your walls banged up or your floors scuffed up. Sure you could rent your own oversize truck and pick up some day laborers hanging around Home Depot to do the work, but do you really want to invite these kinds of strangers in your home? Yes, the professional team will be strangers but the big difference there is that they will be bonded and insured. That makes a world of difference when it comes to who you let through the front door. Isn’t it time to make East Bay living even better by clearing out the clutter from your home?

Simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.

East Bay Junk Removal

When it comes to getting rid of your junk, there’s a new sheriff in town.  By “town” we mean the East Bay, CA and by “sheriff” we mean Junk King. As anyone will tell you, it’s good to be the king. In the world of junk removal, Junk King stands alone as one of the most competent and professionally organized junk hauling services available to the folks around the Bay Area. You might think it’s a strange concept to hire a company whose sole purpose is hauling junk, but once you understand how Junk King operates, you’ll quickly realize that they are the only true option for getting rid of all your unwanted stuff.
The first phase of the junk removal project is all on you. So, ask yourself what has to go? As you walk around your East Bay home or apartment you could probably identify a handful of items destined for removal. This could be worn out furniture like an old sofa, love seat or end table. It could also be an old mattress that was shoved in the basement or garage that has become home to some nasty bugs. What about a discarded kitchen appliance like a broken stove or dishwasher? Sure, you have a new model in the kitchen now, but that old one might have been shoved out to the backyard and is now just collecting rust.
The big items are easy to pick out, but look closer. What’s crammed in those closets or under beds or in attics? There could be boxes of old papers, magazines or files you no longer need. What about all those arts and craft projects that you’re never going to get around to finishing? Speaking of unfinished projects, do you live with a car tinkerer? How many scattered engine parts, bumpers, rims and tires have they accumulated over the years? Yes, all of that can be gone with one simple call to Junk King Alameda.
That’s the next phase – your Junk King free estimate call. If all you have is a piece or two then you can set up an appointment over the phone. But if you’ve got more to get rid of, then your best option is to have a Junk King team to come out to the homestead to do a free and complete survey. These guys are trained to know just how much can fit in a truck, how long the job will take and what it will cost. Once that is worked out, they’ll be able to haul it all off. Another great thing about how Junk King operates, they won’t keep you waiting all day like the cable or phone company. When they say they’ll be there, they’ll be there!
On the big day, the professional team of Junk King haulers shows up and gets the job done. Keep in mind that this crew is licensed and insured. These are exactly the kinds of workers you want coming into your home. As you wave good-bye to your junk, imagine what you can do with all that space!  For the best in East Bay Junk Removal, simply call Junk King at 1-800-995-JUNK or book a free on site estimate today.

Junk King Alameda Blog

Hello Bay Area! Welcome to the Junk King Alameda Blog. We have started this blog as a source for news and updates for our East Bay Junk King Franchise.  Please keep posted, as we’ll be updating this blog frequently with various stories of interest about our industry, local East Bay Area news and more.

Also, for the best in East Bay Junk Removal and hauling services, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book an appointment online on our Junk King Alameda website.

Junk King Alameda
15010 Wicks Blvd, Unit B
San Leandro, CA 94577
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Alameda area, including:

Castro Valley
El Cerrito
El Sobrante
San Leandro
San Lorenzo
San Pablo
and these nearby zip codes:
94501, 94502, 94530, 94536, 94538, 94539, 94541, 94542, 94544, 94545, 94546, 94547, 94552, 94555, 94560, 94564, 94577, 94578, 94579, 94580, 94586, 94601, 94602, 94603, 94605, 94606, 94607, 94608, 94609, 94610, 94611, 94612, 94613, 94618, 94619, 94621, 94702, 94703, 94704, 94705, 94706, 94707, 94708, 94709, 94710, 94720, 94801, 94803, 94804, 94805, 94806