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Junk Removal Blog

Pasadena TX Appliance Disposal

There you are dumping in a load of clothes to your washer just like you have for every week for the last couple of years when all of sudden your machine starts lurching and violently shaking. It fills up with water but the water doesn’t drain. Those clothes are dead in the water. Sound familiar? If your washer has gone up on your then you’ve got to replace it. You might be inclined to bypass the major appliance stores in favor of heading over to Craigslist to see what bargain you can find. Before taking the plunge, consider the risks.

Most appliances that you would buy off of Craigslist or any other type of classified site will be sold to you “as is.” In other words, you could go through all the trouble of renting a truck, driving over to pick up the fridge, bring it home and plug it in only to find it doesn’t work as promised. What can you do then? Pretty much nothing. On the other hand, if you buy from a store you can get a warranty. There should also be some kind of return policy if the machine doesn’t perform to your liking.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about going the Craigslist route. You just want to be on the lookout for models that are newer. Over at the big appliance stores like Best Buy, Lowes or Home Depot you might find a good selection of appliances to choose from. Instead of going for the sparkly, boxed version, find out about buying a floor model. You can see for yourself what kind of shape it is in. If there are a few dings or scratches that you’re not bothered by then you could probably get the price knocked down even further.

Now you have to deal with getting rid of your old appliance. That can be a hassle-free experience when you commission Junk King East Houston to handle the job. They’ll be providing you with a team of professional movers and the right size truck to pack up all your junk.

When Junk King East Houston takes away your trash you’ll be guaranteed that they’ll handle it the right way. That means dropping it off at a recycling center or turning it over to a charity that fixes up furniture to resell it. All of that good work will be accomplished without you breaking a sweat or giving up your valuable time. If you’re just getting rid of a single big appliance you can probably have it pulled out by Junk King in the morning and have your new item delivered in the afternoon without skipping a beat.

Pasadena Texas Refrigerator Disposal

Do you know what the Texas state law is regarding the proper disposal of a refrigerator? If you’re planning on getting rid of a fridge you should become extremely familiar with the law. Here is the exact wording as it appears on the law books:

“756.012. LEAVING REFRIGERATOR OR CONTAINER ACCESSIBLE TO CHILDREN.  (a) A person may not place a container described by Section 756.011 outside of a structure or in a warehouse, storage room, or unoccupied or abandoned structure so that the container is accessible to children. (b) A person may not permit a container described by Section 756.011 to remain in an area specified by Subsection (a) so that the container is accessible to children.”

Translation: If you have a fridge that isn’t being used on your property you better get it removed. Have no fear; Junk King East Houston is here!

Junk King is part of a national franchise that has branches in major cities all across the country. Being part of a franchise means you’ve got high standards to live up to and the local Junk King East Houston business is no exception. Ask anyone who has used Junk King and you’ll find a satisfied customer.

That because Junk King approaches every job by making their customer a priority. They know you have a lot more important things to do then haul away junk and spend the day driving around town looking for a drop-off spot. The Junk King crew will remove all of your unwanted stuff as quickly as possible. Then you’re free to go about your day while the JK crew will head over to a recycling center or charity for the drop off. Don’t worry about sorting your junk or trying to figure out what can be trashed and what can be donated. Junk King has all of that covered.

They will also be providing you with a team of capable movers who will do all the picking up of you stuff. If you feel energized you can move your things into a pile but that’s not necessary. When Junk King East Houston does a job they do all of the job. How can Junk King help? Start with tossing out that old fridge. You’ll find that hiring Junk King is the most efficient way of getting rid of a bulky item like that. On that same truck, you can get the crew to pile up a lot more of your junk that is ready for recycling. Imagine how great you’ll feel once you can claim your home is completely junk free. Junk King can show you the way.

Pasadena Texas Yard Waste Removal

A sparkling coastline is not the first thing you think of when you think of Texas. However, as many of our locals know, we’ve got plenty of wonderful beaches that are perfect for spending a relaxing day in the sun. Sadly, whenever there is something beautiful in nature you can count on some careless people messing it up. That’s why there is a big push on to stop trash dumping along the Texas shoreline. Jerry Patterson, a Texas Land Commissioner, has taken to the airwaves for a new public service announcement about the Adopt-A-Beach Spring Cleanup. This year, the concept is to “shock” people into cleaning up the beaches in the form of an unsavory menu.

On the PSA you’ll find Jerry delivering the message. “Fresh from the sea, enjoy these special dishes prepared just for you, like used cigarette butts and broken bottle combo,” says an unreasonably chipper voice while a plate piled with broken glass and beer bottle tops is served up. “Or why not try our new catch of the day – 55-gallon drum. And make sure to save plenty of room for our all-new dirty diaper pie.”

This is to show what visitors to the beaches leave behind. The annual cleanup will be held in April to get the beaches ready for the summer season, if only it wasn’t necessary.

“This ad is intentionally disgusting,” Jerry stated in a news release. “But sometimes folks need to be shocked into understanding that the trash they drop on the beach makes it into the ocean and eventually into our food chain. Hopefully this ad will motivate people to keep our beaches clean. Just don’t watch it before dinner.”

This year over 10,000 Texans are expected to take part in the beach sweeping at shorelines along the Texas Coast that include Galveston, Bolivar Peninsula, Seabrook, Surfside, Bryan Beach/Quintana Beach, Sargent Beach, Matagorda Beach and Palacios. And these cleanups are going to be held rain or shine!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an army of cleanup workers to go through your yard? Actually, you don’t need a real army when you can hire Junk King East Houston. All you’ll need is the two-man Junk King crew that is assigned to every removal appointment. Those certified workers will be able to haul off anything you want to toss out including old lawnmowers, BBQ grills and patio furniture. The Junk King East Houston crew doesn’t just have to do yard waste removal. They can also take away any junk from anywhere on your property. This is the perfect opportunity to finally clear out your crammed garage and overflowing closets. Call Junk King today and get your cleaning done tomorrow!

Pasadena Texas Mattress Disposal

There have been millions of dollars spent on studies to figure out why some folks can’t get a good night sleep. What is ironic is that the very nature of those studies could be preventing people from falling to sleep. Could you nod off if you were in a laboratory and wired with electrodes? Still the studies have yielded some results which have brought us closer to understanding what happens when we sleep and why it is so important for our bodies.

If you’re having trouble sleeping you might want to try sleeping more as in napping during that day. That might seem like an unconventional approach but napping during the day has shown to improve your chances for dropping off at night. There are some guidelines to follow. You should only take a 20 minute “power nap.” This is all the time you need to feel refreshed and alert for the rest of the day. If you can squeeze in those 20 minutes, try to do it at the same time every day. This will be help your body “reset” its own sleeping clock. The best time to grab one of these naps is early in the afternoon.

In the morning, the first thing you want to do when you wake up is get under some sunlight. That might not always be practical but even throwing up the blinds and letting the sunshine in will help tell your body it’s time to get up. Conversely, when its dark in your room, your body should know its “time for sleep.” Often when we try to drift off to slumber land we’re kept awake with worries. Here is where you can retrain your thinking. Try spending 15 minutes going over all the things that are stressing you out earlier in the night. Then flip that mental switch before you get into bed.

Some folks think that taking a hot bath before bedtime is the perfect way to relax your body. Actually, they would be wrong. Your body needs to cool down in order to fall asleep. Not only should you be keeping your bedroom cool but your body temperature as well. If you do prefer to bath at night, do so at least two hours before bedtime.

Even by following those simple tips, you still might have trouble drifting off especially if your mattress isn’t providing you with proper support and comfort. If you’re ready to plunk down some cash for a new mattress, you definitely want to go for a higher end product. This is one area where you shouldn’t be scrimping. After all, your mattress is going to last you for the next five years. What is a good night’s sleep worth to you?

When you’re ready to make the switch, make sure to schedule an appointment with Junk King East Houston for a little “out with the old and in with the new” routine. They won’t have a problem pulling out your old mattress and loading it up on their truck. The same can be said for any other bulky item you want to toss out. Junk King East Houston can help clear the way for a good night’s rest.

Pasadena Texas Hot Tub Disposal

What did you “inherit” when you moved into your current home? Sometimes it’s a color of paint on the wall that makes your eyes go blurry. It could also be some wallpaper that would feel more at home at the Bates Motel. There could also have been all manner of carpets, drapes and other accents which might not have been your taste. Those are all cosmetic things that can easily be fixed. What you don’t have a lot of control over are the structures that are left behind by a previous owner like an 80s era hot tub sitting in the backyard. If that tub has seen better days or you want to make room to expand your patio then your only choice is to get rid of that monstrosity. Clearly, you’re going to need help and the perfect help for this type of job can be found with the Junk King East Houston.

Unless you were around when the hot tub was installed you might not appreciate how much effort it took to put that structure together. All the pieces had to be delivered in a truck. This isn’t something you could load on the back of your SUV. Those pieces then had to be assembled in the right spot then hooked up to a water and electric source. That’s a lot of work and just as much work to disassemble that thing and haul it away. A Junk King East Houston crew knows all about these types of projects. They’ll have no problem taking apart your hot tub and loading it up on your truck. All you have to do is stand by and watch.

If you decide to bring in a new hot tub you’ll be getting a lot of benefits. Aside from the overall relaxation that will occur every time you slip into the warm waters, you’ll also be improving your circulation with can help with blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. That’s a lot of good things from one tub!

When you hire Junk King East Houston for a hot tub removal project, they aren’t limited to just that. After they got the tub squared away on their truck there will be plenty of room for the rest of your junk. Now you can finally get rid of those kitchen appliances you’re not longer using, the furniture you’re keeping in the garage and all the yard waste that has built up in the last couple of months. Basically, you have an empty truck to fill up. What you fill it up with is entirely up to you! Call Junk King today and find out how that can clean out your home and yard.

Pasadena TX Furniture Disposal

When was the last time you bought a piece of furniture? If it has been a while then you might be eager to replace your saggy sofa or worn out loveseat. Shopping for a sofa should have you looking at four components: the frame, the spring system, the cushions and the tailoring. Since you’ll probably be living with this piece of furniture for several years it’s important that you get it right.

If you find a sofa that is constructed with a hardwood frame ask the salesperson if it is kiln-dried. If they don’t know what you’re talking about, go to another store. A kiln-dried piece of wood has the moisture removed from it. As a result, that frame will last longer in humid weather which can warp, weaken or crack wood that isn’t kiln-dried. Could there be any more humid weather than here in Texas? The best type of frame is a five-legged frame. This has a “fifth leg” in the center of the couch for added support. Additionally, the thickness of frame should be at least 1 1/4 inches. Anything less than that will create a lot of squeaks anytime someone sits down.

You want to go with a heavy seat cushion. The heavier the cushion the higher the quality. You should be able to feel the springs in a sofa when you push down on them. Ask about the springs. The tailoring is how the fabric is stitched together. You might find a terrific example of this craftsmanship on the showroom floor. Just make sure the sofa that is delivered to your home has the same level of craftsmanship before you accept delivery.

If you’re buying a leather sofa make sure you’re getting leather. Anything that is a blend or leather-like isn’t leather and you’ll end up being extremely disappointed. Leather should always be top-grain.

Picking out new furniture is going to be a lot of fun. As for getting rid of the old furniture, not so much if you are doing it by yourself. If you’ve ever seen an abandoned sofa by the side of the road or in a back alley then you know how hard it is to get rid of something like that. Some people would rather create an eyesore than deal with the proper disposal of piece of furniture. Luckily, here in Pasadena you have a viable method of getting rid of furniture and that would be hiring Junk King East Houston to take care of the job.

When it comes to getting rid of your junk, Junk King East Houston is truly the best way to go. That’s because they provide you with everything you need such as a two-man crew to do the lifting and a big truck to do the hauling. And when Junk King takes something way it is guaranteed to be disposed of in a way that is good for Pasadena. Give them a call today and find out how Junk King can move out your old furniture to make room for the new!

Pasadena Texas Junk Recycling

There’s a real problem with leaving junk out on your curb for a trash pickup. Take for instance the offer from Pasadena city council to pick up your old computer for recycling. Although that is noble, it’s not very appealing. First of all, you’ll basically be telegraphing to everyone who happens by that you’ve just gotten a new computer because you’re throwing out the old one. The same can be said for those big boxes that flat screen TVs come in. Are you advertising what new gadgets you’ve just bought? Suppose someone other than the city workers pick up your computer? Would your hard drive be wiped away? Anything on there you wouldn’t want someone to see? Even if you think your computer doesn’t boot up your hard drive still has information on it that could fall into the wrong hands.

What about the bigger junk items you want recycled? Sadly, there is no city option for that. The good news is that you’re not alone. Junk King East Houston is standing by to lend a hand and a truck to help you clear out the clutter of your life. Junk King is new to the Pasadena area but they are old hands at junk removal. That’s because this branch of Junk King has to follow the high standards set by the parent company. All across the country there are Junk King franchises who are taking junk removal to a whole new level. They’re providing well-trained crews which are licensed and insured. They’re also making customer satisfaction their number one priority.

Of course, it’s not that hard to be satisfied when you’ve got a two-man crew doing all the work of your junk removal. That’s right you won’t have to pick up anything to get rid of it. The JK crew will go down your basement, up your attic or out to the garage to get the job done. Basically, anywhere you have junk is where this team will be working. That also includes your front and back yards. Junk doesn’t just have to be old sofas and washing machines. It could also mean tires, car parts, air conditioners, pool tables, rowboats, power mowers or anything you can’t squeeze into a garbage can.

After they’ve loaded up all your junk, the crew will then make sure whatever can be recycled will be recycled. This is another thing you won’t have to fret about. Junk King East Houston knows where all the certified recycling centers are in the town. You’ll get to do your part for the environment while getting your home clear of junk. That’s a perfect way to kick off the New Year!

East Houston Junk Hauling

Could bottle recycling be coming to East Houston? If a group of local businessman and fellow concerned citizens have their way then yes! The goal of the newly proposed bottle bill is to “create jobs, save taxpayers money and clean up Texas’ bayous.” That’s what Houston businessman Mike Garver hopes and why he is promoting the Texas Bottle Bill for proposal during the 83rd legislative session.

“It does not cost the taxpayers anything,” Garver recently told a local newspaper. “It does cost you extra, but if you save those bottles and take them to a redemption center, you’ll get your money back.”

If the bill passes there would be a 5-cent surcharge added to any plastic, glass or aluminum containers. The stores selling those items would pay the nickel deposit for each container they buy from distributors. They would then charge that nickel back to the customers. But those same customers can turn around and redeem the bottle at redemption centers that would be set up at stores all around the area.

“These will be mom and pop businesses. A single operator can set up in parking lots, taking up maybe four or five spaces at a retail store. Redemption centers will buy the bottles back, primarily by the pound,” said Garver. Where the money could come back to the state is through the revenue generated by the bottles that aren’t redeemed. That could mean an extra $200 in the public coffers each year. This is a cleanup project that many folks are eager to support. Best of all it takes very little effort.

The same could be said for your own home cleanup project especially if you hire Junk King East Houston. There is very little effort when a Junk King crew shows up at your home for the removal appointment. By then you would have decided on what oversized items you want tossed out. That crew will then heft up those objects onto the back of their truck. What work have you done? Just a lot of pointing to stuff. What could be easier than that?

You’ll also be saving time. When Junk King East Houston is on the assignment you won’t be wasting your valuable weekend renting a truck or driving across Houston to find a reliable dumpsite. As long as it takes for the Junk King crew to load up their truck is as long as the job takes. Once the job is complete you’ll be able to put all that space back to use. How much space depends on how much you want to throw out. With Junk King there is no limit to the amount of junk you can get rid of!

East Houston Texas Junk Removal

The neighborhood you live in matters a lot to your overall quality of life. Before moving to a new home or apartment the first thing you’ll check out is the neighborhood. This might mean a drive around the area. Perhaps you’ll stop off at a restaurant or visit a couple of shops that you hope to ultimately be shopping in! A good question to ask as you tour a new neighborhood is “Who actually keeps this neighborhood clean?” For over 30 years the dedicated volunteers at Keep Houston Beautiful have been doing just that; keeping Houston beautiful. They accomplish this by pooling together community groups who care about their surroundings. They provide the resources and information for block by block clean up weekends, tree planting and graffiti removal.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you bring the whole neighborhood together. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a crew working on your very own home beautification project? Truth be told you can have such a crew if you hire Junk King East Houston. Junk King is the professional junk hauling service that has been doing a bang up job clearing out all kinds of junk from the East Houston area. The first thing you have to do to work with Junk King is figure out what you want taken away.

Everybody has their own junk story. That would be the “history” of every piece of junk you’re hanging onto. In some cases, you might remember when you brought that item into your home and for what purpose but that could have been several years ago. Like the sofa you inherited from your mother or mattress you bought eight years ago. Too often there are some items that you can’t even remember buying or acquiring. Sometimes a homeowner moving into a new place will find piles of junk left behind by the previous occupant. Do you really want to hang onto any of that stuff? You no longer have to when you contract Junk King East Houston.

Once you figure out what you want to toss out, call up Junk King. They’ll send a supervisor out to your home to assess the volume of your junk. This is important because that’s how you’ll be charged: by the amount of space your junk will take up on the Junk King truck. No labor costs. No dumping fees. No hidden charges. Then you’ll make an appointment for the actual removal day. That’s when the two-man Junk King crew will show up at your place to cart off all your unwanted stuff. You won’t have to pick up anything. All you’ll have to do is open the door and show the crew what you want taken away. Here in Houston, this is the only way to get rid of junk that is fast, efficient and affordable. Call Junk King East Houston today and you can be rid of your junk in no time!

For the best in East Houston or Pasadena Junk Removal, simply call 1-800 -995 JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

East Houston Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King East Houston official blog! This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our East Houston and Pasadena area Junk Removal services.

We will be open for business right at the start of the new year – 2013!   Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the East Houston metro area. Also, be sure to check out our official East Houston Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Houston East
15255 Gulf Fwy Suite E-112
Houston, TX 77034
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 8A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the East Houston area, including:

Deer Park
Galena Park
La Porte
League City
Santa Fe
and these nearby zip codes:
77003, 77004, 77010, 77011, 77012, 77013, 77015, 77017, 77020, 77021, 77023, 77029, 77030, 77033, 77034, 77045, 77047, 77048, 77051, 77053, 77054, 77058, 77059, 77061, 77062, 77075, 77087, 77089, 77204, 77221, 77223, 77234, 77502, 77503, 77504, 77505, 77506, 77507, 77510, 77511, 77512, 77520, 77521, 77523, 77530, 77532, 77536, 77539, 77546, 77547, 77549, 77554, 77562, 77571, 77573, 77574, 77578, 77581, 77584, 77586