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Tag Archives: ewaste disposal

How Responsible E-Waste Disposal Helps the Planet

Pile of E-waste Junk
Electronics like tablets, cell phones, and televisions are getting better every year, but they can also create problems if not properly disposed of. We get questions all the time about the most environmentally responsible way to dispose of electronic waste or e-waste. 

E-waste essentially comprises all of your household electronics once they’ve reached the end of their useful life. When that happens, e-waste doesn’t necessarily need to head to the landfill since it can be refurbished, reused, resold to someone else, or recycled. 

Recycling electronics with eco-friendly junk removal Louisville is ideal because it keeps the toxic materials (e.g., lead, cadmium, and mercury) inside these electronics out of landfills. Even better, recycling e-waste can keep the gold, silver, and palladium from these electronics in circulation. 

To get a feel for the scope of electronic waste, Gartner said that 1.5 billion cell phones will ship in 2021 alone. New cell phones replace the old – a lot of e-waste is created in the process. The United Nations found that over 50 million tons of e-waste was created in 2019 alone, but less than one-fifth was properly disposed of, let alone recycled! 


Facts about E-waste and Recycling Electronics 

Electronic waste is generated from malfunctioning, broken, or obsolete electronics. The average person in the United States has about a dozen or more devices floating around their home at any given time, and two or more cell phones. Phones, laptops, tablets, and even batteries and chargers generate literally tons of e-waste every year. 

Sadly, not all of this e-waste is recycled. Only around 20% makes it to the recycling center and most of the electronic waste generated in the United States winds up in landfills. The iron, aluminum, gold, and silver that composes 50 million tons of e-waste that gets thrown into landfills every year is squandered by improper e-waste disposal. 

Properly disposing electronic waste with environmentally responsible e-waste disposal and recycling can help reverse these trends. Junk removal Louisville means proper e-waste disposal and recycling household electronics. Recycling electronics actually has a lot of benefits beyond keeping toxins out of landfills, where they can pollute local water systems and soil. 

Here are a few benefits to going with responsible e-waste disposal and choosing junk removal Louisville for your household electronics: 

  • •Recover valuable resources from e-waste 
  • •Shore up landfill space 
  • •Reduce pollution of air, water, and soil 
  • •Conserve natural energy resources 
  • •Create more ‘green’ jobs in the United States 

Half the states in the United States – 25 out of 50 – ban electronic waste from entering the solid waste stream, but the state of Kentucky has no such rule. Worse, over half of the counties in Kentucky do not have access to a recycling facility or a recycling program. 

Kentucky actually does pretty well when it comes to recycling in general as its rate has consistently been about 40% for a few years running. The one area where Kentucky can improve is e-waste recycling in that only 50 of Kentucky’s 120 counties have e-waste recycling programs. 

Junk removal Louisville helps to give more people access to e-waste recycling programs since Junk King Louisville aims to reuse, repurpose, or recycle two-thirds or more of every junk haul. Junk King Louisville accepts all kinds of household appliances and electronics, so you don’t need to search endlessly for local recycling centers or charities to donate items to. Junk King can do all of this for you. 

television disposal guide


How Electronic Waste is Actually Recycled 

The new iPhone 12 contains about 1,600 parts. In general separating out all of the parts in sophisticated electronics like cell phones, computer, tablets, and flat-screen televisions can be a challenge. Glasses, metals, and plastics ideally should be separated before recycling takes place. 


Separating and sorting out plastics, glass, and metals is one of the main things that happens at e-waste facilities. Exterior plastics and metals are separated from the internal circuitry and the precious metals inside, say, a cell phone. A magnet at these facilities actually separates steel from iron at the facility itself. The steel is destined to be recycled. Plastics and glass are also separated using special technology. 

The materials that have already been separated are then further processed so that they can be sold as raw materials. From there, the recycled components from your old electronics can be put into new electronics. This means far less pollution and the conservation of natural resources. Junk King is North America’s ‘greenest’ junk removal company and takes all kinds of e-waste. 


e-waste recycling


Junk Removal Louisville: A Better Way to Dispose of E-waste 

Counting on Junk King Louisville to handle eco-friendly disposal of electronic waste is a better way forward. Sadly, in the United States, less than 20% of electronic waste is recycled, and this kind of waste often contains harmful materials like lead, cadmium, and mercury. These can pollute landfills, local waterways, soil, and air. 


With approximately 1.5 billion cell phones expected to sell worldwide in 2021 and 350,000 cell phones sold every day in the United States, the time is right to responsibly dispose of all of your e-waste. The average American has a dozen or more pieces of electronic waste, including: 

  • •Computers 
  • •Televisions 
  • •Stereos 
  • •VCRs 
  • •DVD players 
  • •Video game consoles 
  • •Tablets 
  • •Cell phones 
  • •Printers 
  • •Copiers 
  • •Scanners 
  • •And much more! 

Responsible e-waste removal with Junk King helps keep landfills clean of heavy metals, which comprise 40% of the heavy metals currently polluting the landfills. Junk King works with local recyclers, charities, and non-profits to recycle, repurpose, and reuse as many old electronics as possible. This shores up space in landfills, conserves natural resources, and allows valuable resources – e.g., gold, silver, and palladium – to be recovered from old devices like cell phones. 

If your office has a few printer copiers, shredders, or old CRT monitors then consider calling 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) or book an appointment online to save $20 on orders of more than $99. Junk removal Louisville is an efficient, convenient, and environmentally responsible way to go about e-waste disposal. We take both residential and commercial electronic waste.

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Junk King Louisville
1504 Petunia Ave. B
Louisville, KY 40218
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Louisville area, including:

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