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Author Archives: Junk King

5 Reasons to Consider Junk Removal for Your Marblehead Home Cleaning

Junk King North Shore



The seasons are changing, for some people, this comes with renewed energy, with the changing weather marking the arrival of a new season. For Marblehead residents and others near North Shore, Massachusetts, this is an exciting cleaning season as the weather changes, and everyone wants to look organized as they swap their boots for sneakers or swim trunks for heavy jackets.  


While everyone desires a clean home, there could be hindrances to achieving this. For instance, you may not have time dedicated to cleaning, or the clutter in your home could be difficult to manage yourself. Fortunately, you can consider junk removal services in Marblehead and get the job done within a few hours, depending on the amount of clutter.


If you are running out of space, have loads of unused items, have noticed a foul smell coming from your home, or your home is overrun by insects, you need the assistance of a junk removal company. Read on to understand why you should include junk removal for your seasonal cleaning to deal with the above issues.


Full Service Junk Removal



Junk Removal Creates More Space in Your Marblehead Home


A lot happens in a year resulting in the accumulation of junk. This could result from souvenirs from holidays, birthday presents and parties’ clutter, items from your workplace, taking advantage of hot deals, or your children outgrowing some toys and clothes. All these items could cause an accumulation of junk and eat up the little space in your home. This can block your walkways, and, in some instances, your home entrances and exits, necessitating decluttering.


While there is a tendency to let all the junk accumulate, you can decide to take an annual inventory of your stuff. Taking an annual inventory keeps your house clean and frees up space, giving you some breathing room. Even then, you will know it is time for junk removal if your storage units are overloaded with items.


Learn more about our dumpster rental services.


Junk Removal Is Good For Your Health


The spring season marks the onset of seasonal allergies with the presence of pollen in the air. Also, your house could accumulate mildew and mold from the winter season, which can result in a stuffy nose and sneezing when combined with pollen. Thus, maintaining a clean house will boost your health and prevent respiratory issues.


Leaving items in a pile for a long time could also make your space a breeding spot for mold, dirt, and dust, resulting in a musty smell from your home. You may also detect the smell of spoiled food covered by clutter. Thus, during your seasonal cleaning, you should do a deep cleaning by dusting your frames, mirrors, baseboards, railings, and window sills. You should specifically aim for those areas that are hard to reach regularly. While at this, vacuum your rugs, floors, carpets, and curtains and wash your beddings to ensure good health.


Improve Safety


While cleaning your Marblehead home, you get an opportunity to inspect your house for safety issues, including broken locks, hazardous materials in your house, and loose handrails. By fixing the flaws and getting rid of the dangerous items, you will improve your home safety. Other things that you should check during this cleaning include the smoke detector and fire extinguisher to ensure they are functional, should there be fire incidents in your home.


Junk removal will also help eliminate bugs and cockroaches, which breed in warm and dirty environments. This way, your family will be safe from bacteria brought by these insects in such spaces.


Enhance Productivity


According to many studies, decluttering your space can improve productivity. This is because you will remain focused on what you are doing, and you can easily find items around the house. Decluttering may also relieve stress by making you calmer when you are at home. There is a strong relationship between depression and clutter, with individuals in cluttered spaces having a higher chance of depression than those in decluttered spaces. The result is improved effectiveness in performing tasks.


Apart from relieving stress, you will also feel good about yourself when you clean your home. A clean home brings satisfaction, which can boost your mood.


Junk Removal Is Inevitable


While you may skip your annual spring cleaning, you cannot evade junk removal, whether annually or after five years, if you want a cozy home. There are so many benefits of going through stuff that occupies space in your home as you will create more room, and you can redesign your home to your liking.  


Junk removal can be intimidating, especially if you ignore it over some years. This is because you will develop an attachment to the things around your house, making junk disposal difficult. While you may have difficulties letting go of such items, junk removal can give you relief knowing that you are helping individuals who need them. This is especially for items that you cannot recycle and are not using. The fact that an item is useless in your home does not mean that it cannot help someone else. Thus, consider donating those that you want to throw to the less fortunate and charities. As you put your space in order, you will be content knowing that you put a smile on someone else, making this cleaning worthy.


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Why You Should Consider Professional Junk Removal

Generally, deep cleaning your home allows you to clean hard-to-reach areas in your home, which host pathogens that could pose risks to your immunity. It also allows you to declutter your home and remove the mess that can wear you down. You will remove items that are of no use, and once through, you will be less stressed, happier, and energetic. Given the tight schedules that make balancing work and family difficult, you should consider hiring professionals for your next home cleanout to haul away all the trash you accumulated.

Thus, if you are living in Marblehead, Massachusetts,  feel free to call Junk King North Shore’s professionals and let us get the job done to your satisfaction. Our rates are competitive, and we will haul away all types of waste to restore the ambiance in your home.


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Junk King North Shore is Dedicated to E-waste and TV Recycling

Electronic Waste TV


In this digital world of ours, televisions and computer monitors have become cornerstones to almost every we do. Right now there’s also about one cell phone per person in the United States (300 million cell phones) and the number is climbing fast. 


Considering that there are about 139 million homes in the United States, it is pretty staggering that 121 million of those households – approximately 87 percent – have at least one television. Many of these homes actually have multiple televisions and ten or more devices, on average. 


Fortunately, at Junk King, we take all kinds of e-waste, including: 


  • Computers
  • Monitors
  • Printers  
  • Tablets 
  • MP3 players 
  • Copy Machines
  • Shredders
  • DVD players
  • Blu Ray players  
  • Video game consoles 
  • Televisions
  • And much more! 


In terms of TV recycling, there are dozens of components on the inside and outside of your television that can be recycled and used again. Your television can be taken as part of Junk King’s full-service junk removal before going to a special processing facility. 


Full Service Junk Removal


Why, How, and Where are Televisions Recycled? 


Televisions are sent to a special processing facility, where they are taken apart. The reason your old television needs to be taken apart is that it contains both valuable parts – precious and semi-precious metals, for instance – and dangerous components – such as mercury, lead, and cadmium.


Responsibly Disposing of Electronic Waste 


Popping your old laptop, desktop, monitor, or television in the trash may well be illegal in your area because these and other electronic devices (e.g., tablets) contain hazardous materials and toxic materials. The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes these hazardous materials and toxic materials as dangerous to the overall environment because they pollute the local water, air, and soil through landfills. 


The folks at the Environmental Protection Agency are cheering on the government’s plan to clean up the state of TV recycling. The National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship is a way to help coordinate the manufacture of safer electronics and proper disposal of harmful components in old electronic devices. 


At Junk King North Shore, we’re also working to reduce the damage done by exporting electronic waste. Junk King works with local electronics recyclers to keep more valuable resources from being shipped overseas, where they can contribute to e-waste pollution in less developed countries.


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Vast Majority of Television Component Recyclable 


The staggering part about TV recycling is that 98 percent of your old television, on average, can be recycled. Why then are television left to rot in landfills? Although there’s no one answer to that question, the more televisions that can be recycled, the better.


Recycling televisions en masse lowers landfill pollution, keeps more valuable resources in circulation (reduces the need for mining), and makes it more affordable to make and buy televisions.


This is obvious because TV recycling means salvaging precious metals inside and, because recycling is much more economical than mining anew, the lower manufacturing costs can be passed on to the consumer. In fact, smart televisions are cheaper than ever, to the tune of a 4K HDR (high-dynamic range) 65-inch television for potentially under $500. 


If you do buy one of these newer televisions sets, then make sure to do the right thing and recycle your old television the right way. TV recycling with Junk King is a one-stop-shop option because at Junk King we’ll come to your home or business and handle the labor, transportation, and TV recycling for you. 


  • Plastic and Wood 

The plastic and wood from the exterior of your television can be sold on the commodities market after being safely removed from your old television unit. And, although gold and silver may hog the limelight in terms of being precious metals, copper is another precious metal likely found inside your television (and other electronics). 


  • Gold Hides Inside 

Your old electronics, including no-longer-needed televisions, invariably contain palladium and platinum, as well. Gold, aside from being used for currencies and jewelry, is an essential ingredient in circuit boards, connectors, and contacts in these various electronics. Because gold is scarce and energy- and labor-intensive to mine, the more that can be kept circulating through TV recycling and recovery the better.


  • Copper Valuable, Too 

The same goes for copper, which is a coveted resource because of its use as an electrical conductor and broad industrial use of copper wiring. Copper wiring is needed for the generation and transmission of power as well as telecommunications, power distribution throughout neighborhoods, and tomorrow’s electronic circuit boards. 


  • Keeping Lead Out of Landfills 

The fact is that even the glass from your old cathode-ray tube television can be recycled, though this typically contains significant amounts (a few pounds) of lead. That means that old CRT televisions are particularly problematic to throw away in landfills, and they probably can’t be in your municipal trash either. TV recycling is the way to go, and at Junk King, we’re North America’s ‘greenest’ junk removal company. 


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


Ready to Get Started? Contact Junk King 


Junk King North Shore


For residential and commercial e-waste disposal, call 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) or text a photo to 1-737-888-5865 (JUNK) to receive an accurate estimate and set up a date and time for your next junk haul appointment. At Junk King, you can expect prompt and friendly service from an insured staff dedicated to efficiency. 


You might also consider using Junk King’s online pricing estimator to discover how much full-service junk removal of a few pieces of electronics would cost. It might be much more affordable than you’d imagine because at Junk King we coordinate our drivers efficiently to lower gas costs and pass on the savings to customers. 


You can also get on the road to TV recycling by booking an appointment with Junk King online today. At Junk King, we offer something unique known as the ‘100% guarantee’, which means that we’ll provide a written offer guaranteed to beat a written estimate from valid competitors. Junk King offers the best service in the industry and we’ll give you fair, transparent prices every time, whether you’re a business owner or homeowner looking to declutter or downsize. 


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Dumpster Rental at Junk King North Shore: Only Pay for Space you Use!



At Junk King, we’re one of the first places people turn for dumpster rental. That’s because Junk King is such a convenient service to use and a dumpster rental is needed for all kinds of home projects. 


Renting a dumpster with us is easy thanks to fair, flexible pricing and dumpster drop-offs right in your driveway, on your schedule. Although at Junk King we continue to offer full-service residential and commercial junk removal, dumpster rental is known as self-service at Junk King. 


Whether you choose full- or self-service at Junk King, you will only pay for the space (interior volume) inside the dumpster that your junk requires.


Our dumpster rental service is rated number one in North America. By renting one of our dumpsters you can go at your own pace. Let Junk King handle the transportation and eco-friendly reuse, repurposing, recycling, or responsible disposal of all of your items! 


full service junk removal


Dumpster Rental: Choose Size, Timeframe, and Contents  


Roll-off dumpsters can be positioned right where you want them. Customers typically want a dumpster placed in their driveways, and Junk King’s dumpsters are aesthetically pleasing.


There are three sizes – full, half, and MINI – that you can choose from. The MINI dumpster provides 12 cubic yards of interior space, which is enough for the vast majority of home improvement projects. Remember, you will only pay for the space you use! 


The MINI dumpster rental is a popular choice for minor home improvement projects or landscaping debris. Twelve cubic yards is more space than it might at first seem. One cubic yard is about 3X3 feet, or approximately the amount of space a stove/oven combo unit would take up. Multiple ones of those by twelve, and you’re basically left with the interior volume of a MINI dumpster. 


Virtually anything except hazardous waste – ammo, paint, propane, gasoline, oil, etc. – can go inside a rentable dumpster. Popular items that might fit inside: 


  • Furniture 
  • Home appliances 
  • Landscaping debris 
  • Roof shingles 
  • Kitchen tile 
  • Bathroom fixtures 
  • Garage junk 

You will only pay for the space inside that you actually use. The vast majority of customers are pleased – Junk King has a 9.8/10 rating amongst more than 75,000 customers – because of the variety of items they can slip inside a rentable dumpster.


Click Here To Book A MINI Dumpster Today!


Roll-off Dumpsters and Reasons to Consider Dumpster Rental


Once the dumpster is safely ‘rolled off’ into your driveway or job site, the dumpster is yours for, typically, three days (e.g., a weekend) to throw debris inside. The roll-off dumpsters at Junk King are technically known as open-top waste containers.


Our roll-off dumpsters have a host of residential uses, including: 


  • Home remodeling
  • Home renovations 
  • Attic cleanouts 
  • Basement cleanouts 
  • Garage cleanouts 
  • Landscaping debris 
  • Roof repair 
  • Spring cleaning 
  • Foreclosure cleanouts 
  • Neighborhood cleanups 


Because at Junk King we don’t charge for the weight of the total load, you can save a lot of time, money, and energy with heavier jobs. One example is clean-up after roof repair. 


Roof Repair 


It is estimated that a hundred square feet of roofing materials can amount to more than 300 pounds of debris, once everything is peeled away and thrown into the Junk King dumpster.


Roofing waste can be a major headache for landfills and the planet, but they don’t have to be. At Junk King, we do our best to recycle 60 percent or more of every Junk King, and roofing materials can frequently be recycled.


Asphalt shingles, for instance, are one of the most common roofing materials, and they can be recycled to contribute to the asphalt pavement that comprises tomorrow’s streets and highways. Who knew that recycling could be so beneficial on a practical level? 


Landscaping Debris 


If you’re redesigning a flowerbed or you’ve recently been hit by a storm that has whipped up high winds, then you might have your hands full with debris. Sticks, branches, leaves, dirt, and sod are all accepted by Junk King and can be fitted into rentable dumpsters. 


This is a great option for weekend cleanup projects because you can throw bushes, branches, and larger yard waste (e.g., a swingset) into the Junk King dumpster without worrying about it piling up elsewhere. 


As part of our full-service and self-service junk removal, consider the list below on items we take: 


  • Branches
  • Clippings
  • Stumps
  • Soil
  • Sod
  • Landscaping Debris
  • Fencing
  • Firewood
  • Lumber
  • Old Timber
  • Plasterboard
  • Frames
  • Windows
  • Shingles
  • Corrugated Iron


Larger trees and bushes can be extremely awkward to fit inside a regular-sized car and transport to a local landfill. That might also not be the most eco-friendly option, e.g., considering the drive each way. At Junk King, we know what to do with organic yard waste and remain committed to recycling shingles and corrugated iron. 


Renting a Dumpster for C&D Projects and Workplace Cleanup 


Junk King North Shore


A core component of Junk King’s service to the community is business-to-business commercial junk removal. The entire workforce at Junk King is insured and Junk King offers business accounts with payment plans to make everything more convenient. 


Rentable dumpsters at Junk King can be used to help with: 


  • Office furniture 
  • Commercial equipment 
  • Warehouse pallets 
  • Commercial scrap 
  • Property management cleanouts 
  • Storage facility cleanouts 
  • Foreclosure cleanouts 
  • Construction debris 
  • And much more! 


Business owners frequently tell us at Junk King that removing metal items can be a real chore. Broken equipment often can’t be sold on the second-hand market, and larger cleanouts can often overwhelm the capacity of the weekly pickup. 


Larger dumpster rental with Junk King is an ideal option for business owners who want self-service and full control about what goes inside the dumpster. Junk King is committed to recycling scrap metals, as well. This means that we’ll do our best to recycle iron, steel, aluminum, copper, and brass. 


The beams and wires that comprise construction and demolition debris, as well as plumbing fixtures and office furniture, can usually be recycled. Even debris from civil works projects, e.g., concrete and asphalt, can be recycled, just like asphalt from residential roofing debris. 


Ready to Rent a Dumpster? 


Call 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) or book online to save $20 on orders of more than $99. You can also use the online pricing estimator or text a photo to 1-737-888-5865 to get an accurate estimate for your next dumpster rental. 


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Affordable and Convenient Dumpster Rental for Junk Removal in Peabody



Initially, I was attracted to Junk King because of its track record of success and its commitment to affordable, professional service. One fairly unique service that Junk King is proud to offer customers is dumpster rental. 


You can put almost any junk imaginable in the Junk King dumpster, except for hazardous waste. Home improvement projects, home cleanout projects, landscaping debris, and office cleanouts are a few popular reasons for renting out a dumpster from Junk King. 


Junk King, to this day, continues to offer full-service junk removal in addition to dumpster rentals for larger projects. That’s just another way that junk removal in Peabody makes your life easier! 


full service junk removal


Basic Facts About Dumpster Rental 


We offer fair, flexible pricing on dumpster rentals. In terms of flexibility, you can pick a mini, half-size, or full-size dumpster to serve your needs. There are also three basic time options; you can choose to have your dumpster rental for three, five, or seven days. 


Although full pricing is contingent on the project, in most cases a dumpster that only contains a few items will pay the minimum price. Dumpsters that are about half-full of items can expect a significant discount, e.g., a 30-percent discount. 


Three Different Sizes 


Whether you choose any of these three dumpster rental options or opt for full-service junk removal, you will only pay for the space inside the dumpster or truck that you use. 


Our smallest increment in the dumpster is 1/4 full. This is for a really small job, approximately 2.5 cubic yards. This is about the size of a pickup truck bed full of stuff.


Our mid-range size increment is 1/2 full dumpster. Which is 6 cubic yards. This is would be two pickup truck beds full of junk. Or about the size of a washer and dryer, plus a large refrigerator and a Dishwasher. 


Our full dumpster rate is 12 cubic yards. It’s great for weekend projects, whether a basement or an attic cleanup. Or maybe a swing set demolition.


Learn more about our dumpster rental services.


Reasons to Rent a Dumpster: Junk Removal in Peabody 


There are a few popular reasons that people might prefer to rent a dumpster over calling on Junk King for full-service junk removal. It usually comes down to efficiency, privacy, and convenience for many homeowners and businesses. 


Garage Cleanout 


For some jobs you know that you will have to be sorting through items destined for different locations – e.g., recycling, keeping or tossing – as you go along.


A fall garage cleanout is one example of a job where a dumpster will come in handy. If you want to clean out your own space and you’re a sort-or-toss as you go kind of person, then a dumpster rental for a garage cleanout might be ideal.  


Foreclosure Cleanout 


Junk King also provides full-service junk removal for foreclosure cleanouts. Then again, you might want to rent a dumpster to allow yourself more time to process all of the items that you come across during a foreclosure cleanout. 




If you’re like the vast majority of homeowners, then you have accumulated hundreds of pounds of junk over the years. Dumpster rentals are a good option for getting rid of it all before a move. 

Junk King continues to recycle, reuse, or donate 60 percent (or more) of every junk haul, and this includes home debris thrown into dumpsters before a big move. 


Home Renovation 


Another reason is that something like a home renovation project will require many days of work and periodically throwing debris away. In these cases, many homeowners find it easier to throw, say, carpeting or tiles into a dumpster in their driveway. 


Roofing projects are a big reason that homeowners will request a dumpster rental. The experts say that for every 100 square feet – 10 by 10 feet, for instance – of roof that is torn off, there will be between 200 and 400 pounds of roofing debris to throw away. 


This may explain why you so often see dumpsters parked in driveways right before and during roofing projects. Likewise for bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling, which can create thousands of pounds of debris, which at Junk King we’ll do our best to recycle


Landscaping Debris 


Landscaping debris and yard waste can quickly accumulate. While over the last few years there have been a handful of curbside leaf collections in Peabody, yard waste is typically not something that can go in the regular trash pickup. 


At Junk King, we offer three dumpster rental options so that you can have the space you need for landscaping debris and yard waste. This can be a great option for the weekly landscaping crew or potentially for a business location and property managers. 


It is usually a good idea to make an assessment or get a rough ballpark estimate of the space that you’ll likely need. A row of bushes, trees were taken down in a recent storm, or a pile of branches could require a full dumpster rental as far as junk removal Peabody MA.


Four Ways to Save Big 


At Junk King, we offer four different ways to receive an accurate estimate on your dumpster rental. The most accurate way to receive an estimate is via a free, on-site written estimate.


Other ways include the convenient online pricing estimator, sending us a picture at 1-737-888-5865 (JUNK), or chatting live with a Junk King customer service representative. If you have only a few items (e.g., a couch, a chair, and two tables), then we can offer an estimate over the phone. 


You can, also, simply call Junk King at 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) to have your dumpster dropped off. The standard Junk King dumpster is a 12-cubic yard debris box, which is driveway-friendly in terms of size and appearance. 


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For junk removal, in Peabody MA, feel free to contact us at Junk King today and save $20 on orders of more than $99 when you book online. 

Tuning in to Eco-friendly Junk Removal and Television Recycling

Electronic Waste


Removing old electronics (e-waste) is one of the top junk removal requests that we get at Junk King North Shore. One of the top reasons for that is more states around the country are passing restrictions on electronic waste going in the regular, municipal trash. 


This is only the tip of the iceberg, however, when it comes to finding reasons to recycle electronic waste like old televisions. There were approximately 40 million new televisions sold last year in the United States, which means old televisions need to be hauled away by Junk King North Shore, reused, or responsibly recycled. 


Two Big Reasons to Recycle Televisions 


It is crucial to go with an eco-friendly disposal or recycling method for two main reasons. Reason number one is that televisions, especially cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions can contain toxic substances like lead glass, cadmium, phosphorus, and mercury. These heavy metals can gradually decay in landfills or get burned in incinerators, thereby posing hazards for the environment and human health. 


The second reason to go with eco-friendly disposal or consider recycling your old television is that your old television is probably, literally, made of gold. Televisions usually contain precious and semi-precious metals like gold and palladium, which can be reused in other products to prevent new mining. Letting these semi-/precious metals rot in landfills or burning them in an incinerator is not the best option!


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  • The scale of the Problem and Solution 


Realizing the benefits to recycling electronic waste that contains these semi-/precious metals, 25 states plus the District of Columbia currently have some kind of restrictions when it comes to e-waste disposal. The Environmental Protection Agency has moved to make recycling e-waste easier. That’s good news because more Americans than ever own gadgets and gizmos that need to be responsibly recycled by junk haul services like Junk King North Shore. 


The average American is said to own 24 electronic devices, according to the National Conference of States Legislatures. Annual electronics sales – meaning the amount every single year! – is over $200 billion in the United States alone. These numbers represent a big increase over a generation ago, and they highlight the importance of appropriate e-waste management once these devices reach the end of their useful life. 


To give you a feel for the numbers, consider that 2.4 million tons of electronics were disposed of in 2009 in the United States. That is over a 100 percent increase from 1999. But where do things stand today? It is reported that the United States generated nearly 7 million tons (6.92) of electronic waste in 2019. That comes to 46 pounds of electronic waste per person! The sad part is that only about 15 percent of that e-waste was recycled, so potentially 85 percent found its way to landfills. 


One way to turn the tide on these numbers is using Junk King’s full-service junk removal to responsibly dispose of e-waste. At Junk King North Shore, we separate similar items – such as electronic waste – in the ‘big red’ trucks so that they can be easily processed downstream. Sometimes the best option is to repurpose or donate old televisions, but other times recycling an old television is the way to go. 


Full Service Junk Removal



Recycling Your Old Television 


Electronic Waste TV


If your old television gets recycled, then it will be taken apart by hand and the individual components will be separated. Certain parts need to be worked around before the recycling can begin. For instance, the cadmium, phosphorous, and layers of lead glass need to be separated before recycling can begin. Television screens may also contain LCD lights and tubes filled with mercury, which need to be safely removed before the recycling process really gets underway. 


Once all of that is handled, however, your old televisions components can be separated out and perhaps sold on a commodities market or repurposed into making new televisions and other electronics. For instance, the plastics and woods in your television can sometimes be salvaged, and semi-precious metals like copper can find new industrial applications.


What about the precious metals discussed above? These are typically found in your old televisions – or computer’s/laptop’s – circuit board. A specialty recycler will usually receive circuit boards because they are really good at separating precious metals in an eco-friendly manner. Newer flat-screen televisions – e.g., liquid crystal display (LCD) – contain recyclable plastics which are easy to handle. 


Junk King North Shore accepts a variety of new televisions, including plasma screens, LCD, LED, and a variety of flat screens. Plasma screens are important to recycle because they contain the precious metals mentioned above, but also some harmful metals and hazardous materials such as mercury, phosphor, cadmium, chromium, lead, and barium. Yikes! Eco-friendly disposal is definitely a nice option to keep in your back pocket. 


What about LCD and LED televisions? This is a good news, bad news situation – mostly good news. While plasma screens were most popular about 15 years ago, in the last few years sales of LCD and LED televisions have been skyrocketing partly due to materials and manufacturing costs going way down. This is good news because more recycled materials have gone into manufacturing LCD and LED televisions, and there’s a commensurate reduction in energy consumption to make these televisions. 


The bad news, in a sense, is that more of these televisions are being sold and eventually disposed of – because these products are so affordable now. You see these kinds of televisions in homes, offices, and other workplaces like hospitals all the time. If these televisions were responsibly recycled at higher rates, then the issue of disposal wouldn’t be that bad, but more of these televisions are winding up in landfills. Remember that only about 15 percent of electronic waste was recycled in 2019. 


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Eco-friendly Junk Removal 


We’re a full-service junk removal company at Junk King, which means we’ll handle all the heavy lifting and transportation. We work with local vendors, recyclers, and charities to give most electronics a second (or third) life. Whether you’re a business owner or homeowner, Junk King can help you responsibly dispose of electronic waste. Why wait any longer? Contact us at Junk King and lock in a date and time today!


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Junk King and North Shore Recycling Make Recycling Easier

Junk King Mass North Shore



One of the most common questions that we get at Junk King North Shore is, “what’s the point of recycling anyway?” That’s a great question but one that needs to be unpacked because it has so many layers. 


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said in 2018 that only about 32 percent of eligible materials get recycled. That number, sadly, is down from 34 percent three years prior, in 2015. 


Junk King North Shore is committed to recycling and guaranteeing that more valuable resources are kept in circulation and harmful materials stay out of landfills.


Although nine-tenths of solid waste doesn’t get recycled in the United States and the approximately 2,000 landfills from coast to coast are getting more overcrowded, at Junk King, we realize that more can always be done. 


Nine out of ten people say that they would recycle if it were easier to do. Junk King and North Shore recycling want to make recycling easier. At Junk King, we have formed relationships with local metal recyclers, mattress recyclers, and non-profits that can use anything that can’t be readily recycled. 


Full Service Junk Removal



What is Recycling and Why Is Recycling Important? 


Recycling is the process of gathering and eventually processing materials like metal, paper products, and plastics. Products made out of these materials can be thrown away in the regular trash, where they might take decades to decay in landfills. 


So part of the reason that recycling is hard for some people to wrap their minds around is that it involves a lot of different products. 


Why is recycling important, though? Recycling is important because it can prevent products containing the materials mentioned above from decaying in landfills and harming the environment.


A mattress, as one example, contains many recyclable materials (e.g., textiles and fibers) but also materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The beauty of recycling is that it allows recyclable materials to be reused and harmful materials to stay out of landfills. 


Another benefit to recycling is the conservation of resources. By recycling metals fewer materials need to be mined – more materials are kept in circulation so that new products can be made from re/processed materials already in circulation. 


At Junk King, we’re proud to be North America’s ‘greenest’ junk removal company for many years running. Partnering with North Shore recycling ensures that more products are kept in circulation and fewer decay in landfills, thus saving resources and benefiting the environment. 


Learn more about our dumpster rental services.



Easiest Materials to Recycle 


Metals, glass, and plastics are some of the easiest materials to recycle because they’re probably lying around your home or business right now and readily processed at recycling facilities. 




Metal Recycling


Recyclers typically separate ferrous (iron) from non-ferrous metals, but most metals are easily recycled. Steel is said to be the number-one recycled metal in the United States.


Aluminum is a close second thanks in large part to the fact that 100% of aluminum cans be recycled. Even more amazing is the fact that aluminum cans can go from the recycling plant to appearing back on store shelves in as little as two months! 




Glass is another material that is 100 percent recyclable, according to the Glass Packaging Institute. Recyclable materials like glass are sent to a materials recovery facility to be further separated and processed accordingly. 


The wonderful part about recycling glass is that it can be endlessly recycled without any loss of quality. Glass is pretty easy for recyclers to work with partly because it is made of, for instance, sand, limestone, or cullet. 


These ingredients that go into making glass can be, in turn, heated up again and turned into new products. Glass is a hot commodity when it comes to making new products, so there’s no shortage of demand. 


Although all kinds of glass can be recycled, some kinds of glass have to be recycled separately. Pyrex and crystal, for instance, may have to be processed differently than glass food containers. 


Unfortunately, the percentages above from the EPA are paralleled with glass products since only about 39 percent of glass bottles were recovered for recycling, per 2018 data. 


Because over a ton of natural resources are saved for a ton of glass recycled and 100 percent of glass can eventually be recycled, Junk King continues to partner with North Shore recycling to get those recycling numbers up! 




Plastic Recycling


Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) – made from ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid – is a type of plastic that, like some of the metals and glass materials mentioned above, is recyclable. The good news on this front is that 1.5 billion pounds of PET bottles/containers are recovered for recycling purposes every year in the United States. 


North Shore recycling and other recycling programs in the United States accept PET products, which can come from a variety of different products. Plastic bottles and plastic containers are a prime source, but PET is contained with clothing and construction debris as well. 


PET is a very common plastic and is utilized to make a soft drinks, juice, and water bottles. Various dressings and cooking oils also use this kind of plastic for their packaging. About 31 percent of PET products get recycled in the United States, whereas across European countries about 52 of PET products get recycled. 


It is said that the average American uses about 50 pounds of PET containers every year. That amounts to 500 pounds a decade! The incredible thing is that there’s a huge upside to recycling these PET containers and only a minority of them are recycled at present. 


Junk King and North Shore Recycling 


Junk King is proud to work with recyclers like North Shore recycling and accepts both residential junk and commercial junk. Junk King continues to offer full-service junk removal, which means that we will handle everything from removal to transportation to eco-friendly disposal, repurposing, and/or recycling. 


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


Ready to get started? You can book an appointment online and select a date and two-hour service window. Junk King offers full-service junk removal and self-service dumpster rentals to fit your needs and budget. 


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Eco-friendly Furniture Removal Made Easy

furniture removal


Going about furniture removal on your own can be a real head-scratcher for millions of homeowners. Where do you even begin? Can you do it without banging up against the walls? get it down a flight of stairs? do you need to rent a truck? 


Old furniture simply needs to be removed from your own to make room for the new, many homeowners feel. Businesses have similar needs with office furniture. Selling, donating, and repurposing your furniture can be good options, but Junk King North Shore can also handle a lot of that for you! 



Full Service Junk Removal



Furniture Recycling: More Important than Ever! 


The process of eco-friendly furniture removal is more important than any other time in history because of the amount of waste produced and the environmental effects of improper disposal.


In 2017, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said that Americans produced over 12 million tons of furniture waste that year alone! One huge problem with that is what the furniture is made of. The woods, plastics, and metals can often be tricky to recycle or require heading to multiple locations. 


Maybe the more troubling finding, also reported by the EPA, was that over 80% of that furniture waste found its way into landfills. Unfortunately, among the waste that made it to landfills – remember that 80% of disposed furniture winds up in landfills – 99.7% of furniture waste stayed there, i.e., wasn’t recycled.


You might, also, be surprised to find out that office furniture is the primary source of furniture waste, coming in at around 8 million tons of the 12 million tons produced annually by Americans. With all of this turnover in furniture, Junk King North Shore is proud to offer both residential and commercial furniture removal.


Downsizing or moving doesn’t necessarily have to mean that furniture winds up in landfills instead of getting reused, repurposed, or recycled thanks to Junk King. Since Junk King is such an experienced junk removal company, we know where to send particular pieces of furniture for further processing, which is often a time-consuming process. Better than the furniture winding up in a landfill, though!  


Junk King North Shore Full-service Furniture Removal 


At Junk King North Shore, we’re North America’s top-rated junk removal company and the greenest one around. While your municipal trash service may not even accept your old furniture, or what is called ‘bulk trash’ items, Junk King takes just about everything except hazardous waste. That means, in terms of furniture, Junk King North Shore accepts: 


  • Couches
  • Sofas
  • Sofa Beds
  • Mattresses
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Bookcases
  • Cubicles
  • Desks 
  • Filing Cabinets 
  • Boxes Armoires 
  • Tool Units 


Junk King North Shore can swing by your home, apartment, or workplace and take away even the bulkiest furniture pieces, e.g., credenzas and executive desks. The crew at Junk King is insured and experienced.


We also have the right tools to get the job done efficiently the first time. Junk King’s trucks are 20% larger now and you only pay for the volume inside that you use, thus saving you a ton of money.


You have to figure that otherwise, you might have to figure out how to responsibly recycle furniture items on your own if you wanted to keep them out of landfills. Junk King can take a lot of that guesswork out of it since we do our best to recycle 60% or more of every residential and commercial junk haul. 


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  • The State of Modern Furniture 


Much modern furniture waste has been generated by retailers that make furniture intended to last only a few years. Everyone has to have the latest styles. This kind of furniture is difficult or plain not worth the effort to repair it if something should go wrong. The upshot is that many homeowners simply pop the furniture into the trash or send it to landfills. 


A lot of modern furniture is composed of dozens of different materials, which can make recycling difficult. More affordable furniture is made of chipboard, rather than higher-quality solid woods like rosewood. The chipboard is chopped pieces of wood that are glued together with toxic chemicals and bound together with plastic laminates. Yikes! 


An eco-responsible junk haul company like Junk King can ensure that your old furniture gets recycled or properly disposed of – thus minimizing the adverse environmental impact of furniture disposal. The foam from old furniture can contain polyurethane and volatile organic compounds that need to be handled with care. Junk King North Shore is here to help. 


Junk King North Shore and Bulk Trash Removal 


Junk King North Shore


A big part of Junk King’s bulk trash removal is furniture removal. Remember that Junk King North Shore is a full-service junk removal company, which means that we’ll do all the heavy lifting, take your items away in the ‘big red’ trucks, and dispose or recycle items in an eco-responsible way. There’s no reason your old furniture necessarily needs to wind up in a landfill. 


Bulk trash removal at Junk King North Shore includes the following items: 



Junk King North Shore can handle larger furniture pieces as well as mattresses, which contain volatile organic compounds and need to be handled with care to avoid harming the environment. Because refrigerators, hot tubs, and televisions can also contain harmful materials, e.g., hydrofluorocarbons and heavy metals, you want a junk removal company that will do the right thing. 


Scheduling an appointment with Junk King North Shore can be done online. This option allows you to pick the date and time most convenient to your schedule. While you’re online you might also want to explore the online pricing estimator, which lets you get an accurate estimate before receiving a free, on-site estimate from Junk King. Simply choose the items you want to be removed and receive an accurate estimate. 


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator



You may also want to call 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) or text a photo to 1-737-888-5865 to receive an estimate for your next residential or commercial furniture removal. Junk King is North America’s number-one-rated junk removal company for a reason: We are dedicated to offering superior value, service, and effort. 


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Full Service Junk Removal Tewksbury

Are you in need of competent junk removal services in Tewksbury? If so, Junk King Massachusetts North Shore is in your area, ready to make your life a little easier by making all your junk disappear. As America’s most trusted name in junk removal, you can rely on us to get rid of just about anything non-hazardous.

Here’s a breakdown of our junk removal and disposal services in Tewksbury.

Residential Junk Removal Tewksbury


Garage Junk Removal


Junk has a way of creeping up on you. One minute your garage is clean and organized, next thing you know, it’s overflowing with old toys, furniture, and appliances that you’ve been meaning to dispose of or give away.

Garages, attics, basements, and outdoor sheds are notorious catch-all spots for all kinds of junk and clutter. Fret not; with our residential cleanout services, we can help you dispose of all your unwanted items.

And you don’t have to worry about recycling and donation; we’ll do all this for you. At Junk King, landfill diversion is our mission. You can count on us to find your stuff a second home or get it recycled.

Our residential junk removal services include but are not limited to:

  • •Garage, attic, and basement cleanouts
  • •Yard waste removal
  • •Old furniture, mattresses, and appliances disposal
  • •Large equipment removals such as grills, hot tubs, and AC units
  • •Estate cleanouts

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Junk King Massachusetts North Shore No job is too big or too small for us. Whether you need us to get rid of that old couch or do a full property cleanout, we’ve got you covered!


Commercial Junk Removal Tewksbury

Office Clutter

Spring cleaning is a regular tradition in most homes that allows you to declutter and get your home in order. But what happens when your office or workplace gets overrun with clutter? Well, that’s where we come in.

Junk King Massachusetts North Shore’s commercial junk removal service can help you haul all your old desks, filing cabinets, and fax machines in a safe, eco-friendly manner. Instead of wasting valuable company hours, why don’t you call up a professional junk removal firm? We can help you save time, money and your employees don’t have to strain their backs hauling large, heavy items to the curb.

And the great thing about Junk King? Our service offering is flexible. Whether you need regular junk removal services or one-time junk disposal, we’ve got your back. Our junk removal specialists are always available to help you declutter and reclaim valuable office space.

Let us haul away your old office furniture, equipment, and appliances, so you don’t have to.


full service junk removal


Property Management and Foreclosure Cleanouts Tewksbury

Renters are always on the move, and you need to get your property cleaned out so you can lease it out again. Every day your rental property stays unoccupied is another day without rent. If you’re a landlord or property manager who needs an after-lease cleanout, Junk King Massachusetts North Shore is here to help you out.

And if you’re in the real estate business, you’re no stranger to foreclosed properties. The truth is, most foreclosed homes are often left littered with trash, abandoned furniture, and appliances, which is why you need Junk King for foreclosure cleanouts.

Real estate and property management are a whole lot easier with Junk King by your side. With our quick and affordable junk removal services, we can help you clean up homes, apartments, or entire buildings.

In addition to building and office furniture junk removal and property cleanouts, Junk King Massachusetts North Shore also offers the following commercial junk removal services:

  • Property management and foreclosure cleanouts
  • Storage unit cleanouts
  • Construction debris removal
  • Commercial scrap pick up


Benefits of Outsourcing Your Commercial Junk Removal to Junk King Massachusetts North Shore

Most people that opt for DIY junk removal do so because it sounds like the more affordable option. And this is probably because they don’t take transportation, recycling, and disposal fees into account.

As you see, things can get expensive fast, especially if you need commercial junk removal services – you’ll have to consider labor costs.

With this in mind, let’s go over the benefits of letting Junk King Massachusetts North Shore handle all your junk removal needs.

1. It’s super convenient

You don’t have to do it yourself, you know? Junk removal isn’t your regular DIY job. It requires you to dedicate a significant amount of time to clear out, loading, hauling, and disposal – and no small amount of heavy lifting. With Junk King, none of this is an issue. You don’t have to spend days clearing out your property. We have the skill and expertise to do so in just a few hours.

2. It’s the safer option

It’s no secret that junk removal and disposal poses a significant health and safety risk. Junk removal necessitates disassembling and lifting large, heavy items. Cuts, abrasions, lacerations, back strains, and other injuries are a very real risk. Why not let a professional firm handle this for you?

Not to mention, Junk King Massachusetts North Shore is bonded and insured to ensure you don’t bear any liability for any damage or safety incident that occurs during the junk removal and disposal processes.

3. It’ll save you money

Unlike DIY junk removal, professional junk disposal services only incur one standard fee on your end. Junk King Massachusetts North Shore operates a fleet of trucks which minimizes transportation costs. In addition, we’ve partnered with recycling and disposal facilities all through Boston to ensure that we can provide our services at an affordable cost.


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Choose Junk King Massachusetts North Shore for Full Service Junk Removal in Tewksbury

There’s much more to proper junk removal and disposal than simply throwing unwanted items into the back of a truck and hauling it off to the nearest dumpsite. With Junk King, you don’t have to worry about the details. We’ll take care of them for you.

Junk King has been in the junk removal business for decades; we know the ins and outs of waste disposal. There’s no need to worry about proper waste disposal or recycling guidelines, not when we’re in your neighborhood.

Looking for full-service junk removal in Tewksbury? You’ve come to the right place. Make an appointment today and let Junk King Massachusetts North Shore help you reclaim your space.


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Junk Removal Boston: How to Dispose of Your Old Home Appliances



old appliance recycling


An average person produces around 4.9 pounds of trash every day. This is according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Out of the 4.9 pounds produced, only 24% is recycled. This means that the rest ends up in landfills and accumulates to millions of tonnes.


It is vital to know how to handle trash for a better environment. For instance, it is easier to handle small pieces of trash like bottles because they can easily fit in a bin.


However, it is challenging to dispose of large items like home appliances and electronics since they don’t fit regular tins. Therefore, they will need specialized attention. While there are several ways you can handle such kinds of trash, most people are not aware of getting it done. 


For that reason, we have created a comprehensive guide on how to dispose of old home appliances and other junkies. Read on to learn more! 


According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average person produces 4.9 pounds of trash every day. Only 23.5% of this is recycled, and the rest goes to landfills and accumulates to millions of tonnes. 


Small items like bottles and cans are easy to dispose of as they can fit in a bin. Disposal of large items like electronics and home appliances is, however, difficult and often requires specialized attention.


The first step you should take before throwing out such items is to donate them, especially if they’re in good working condition. However, if it’s time for them to hit the curb, we recommend that you dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way. 


We’ve created a quick guide on how to dispose of your old home appliances properly. 



junk king servicemen loading Television onto a Junk King truck

How to Properly Dispose of Your Old Electronics

Only 20% of electronics waste is recycled, which is why it’s not surprising that E-waste is one of the most rapidly growing waste products across the globe. Unlike most products, electronics often contain toxic materials, which is why you shouldn’t dispose of them in the trash. 


Despite the high amount of electronic waste produced, only 20% is recycled. Perhaps, this is why e-waste is one of the most rapidly growing waste products globally. Unlike a wide range of waste products, electronics are harmful because they contain toxic materials. Therefore, it is vital to dispose of them safely to avoid contamination. But how can you do so? Here is how you can dispose of different electronic appliances:




TVs are the most common electronic device after cell phones. Some TV sets, especially the old ones, have toxic materials that could significantly affect the environment.


The hazardous waste from old TVs can also affect your health significantly. Therefore, you shouldn’t just toss out your old TV because you pose great danger to those around you and the environment in general. 


If you have a faulty old TV that you want to get rid of, find out whether its manufacturer has recycling programs. If the manufacturer has a recycling program, take it for proper disposal.


You can also get in touch with us for professional disposal services. We will safely dispose of your old TV by either recycling it or donating it to charity.


Cell Phones


Your old phone might become faulty and need urgent replacement. If you get a new cell phone, you might want to dispose of the old one.


However, before you dispose of it, ensure it doesn’t have any personal information that criminals could prey on. You can do so by hard resetting it and ensuring all data is erased. If you are unsure how to do that, get in contact with the manufacturer for directions. It is also vital that you remove your SD card. 


After that, you can either recycle your old cell phone, donate it, or trade-in to get a better one. If you decide to recycle it, find out if there is a local e-recycling program in your area. You can also check if nonprofit organizations can take old phones for recycling purposes. 


Computers and Laptops


Computers and laptops are some of the most common electronic appliances available. In fact, almost every home in the U.S has these electronic appliances.


Given their structure, laptops require specialized disposal as they contain highly toxic materials. For safety disposal, you should contact the laptop manufacturer or local retailers to determine whether they can be recycled. 

If they cannot be recycled, ensure that you dispose of them safely. However, if you have c

hallenges disposing of your computers and laptops, you can book an appointment with Junk King for electronic waste disposal services.


We have the necessary equipment and personnel to dispose of electronics environmentally friendly. You don’t have to worry about where your old laptop or computer will end up because we handle the disposal professionally. 


Other Alternatives for Electronic Disposal


Several nonprofits in the country collect used electronics for various reasons. From computers to cell phones, you can get several organizations interested in such items. Here are some of these institutions:


  • Computers with Causes: This is one of the places you can take your old computer. All you have to do is fill out a form on their website to learn how to donate old computers, laptops, and tablets. For the best results, you should donate electronics in working condition or those whose vital parts are still intact. 
  • Goodwill: In some parts of the country, Goodwill accepts cell phones, computers, and various electronic appliances, including stereos and DVD players. However, in most areas, Goodwill does not accept old TVs. If you want to donate on this platform, get in touch with your local Goodwill offices. Also, find out what items they accept before delivering them. 
  • Secure the Call: This is a nonprofit organization that collects old or used cell phones that can be used to call 9-1-1 in case of emergency. Therefore, if you want to dispose of any functional cellphone, you get in touch with Secure the Call. You can also submit old appliances to them via mail. As mentioned earlier, ensure your cell phone is reset to factory settings to avoid data leakage. 
  • Salvation Army:  You can get these facilities in almost every urban center in the US. Therefore, you can get in touch with your local facility to check whether they can accept your electronic appliances. Ask whether they are currently accepting cellphones, computers, and TVs. If they do, arrange to have them dropped or picked up for safe disposal. 
  • Vietnam Veterans of America: Another organization you can contact for electronic recycling is Vietnam Veterans of America. Contact them to donate old but working TV sets. However, you should know that this organization does not accept tube TVs and DLP. Nonetheless, it accepts stereos, DVD players, computers, and many other electronic devices. VVA will work with you to plan their collection and safe disposal. This goes a long way in keeping your home clean and safe. 


e-waste recycling

How to Properly Dispose of Kitchenware


You cannot talk about home appliances without talking about kitchenware. The kitchen is one of the busiest places in a home, and it tends to produce a wide range of waste products. How can you dispose of such waste? There are three main ways we advise our clients to get rid of unwanted kitchenware.


There are 3 main ways that we advise our clients to get rid of old kitchenware:




If you would like to dispose of old pans, cookware, and pots that are not you no longer use, you can easily list them on marketplaces and make money out of them.


Therefore, you should look for any scrap metal recycling plant close to where you live and sell it. Alternatively, you could also use the local curbside recycling program that could pay for your items. However, most of these recycling programs don’t accept old kitchenware due to its structure. 




Another way you can get rid of old kitchenware is through donations. If you want to upgrade to new kitchenware and the old appliances are still in usable condition, you should donate them to charity organizations.


Some of the organizations you can work with are Goodwill and Salvation Army. Even better, you can list such items on online platforms like Craigslist and eBay. These platforms give you an opportunity to make money out of your items.




You can also dispose of your old kitchenware through composting. Spoons and wooden kitchenware are biodegradable, meaning you should consider composting them in organic waste. This is ideal, especially if you have a home garden you can use the organic waste on



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How to Properly Dispose of Faulty Household Appliances


It is frustrating to have one or two of your household appliances become faulty. It could be due to electrical problems or mechanical issues due to old age. Either way, you need to get rid of these items now that they are not in use. How can you do so? Here are some of the methods you can use to get rid of faulty household appliances. 


Refrigerator Disposal


Freezers and refrigerators are hard to dispose of because of their large size and weight. Therefore, it is vital that you leave them to professionals for safer disposal. Instead of dumping them on the curb, you should get in touch with a garbage disposal service.


You should also find out whether the local government has established a disposal program. This is vital because it helps prevent large refrigerators and freezers from ending up in landfills. By doing so, you help keep the environment clean. 


Microwaves Disposal


Unlike refrigerators, microwaves are easily portable. However, these electronic devices contain hazardous waste that could be harmful to your health.


Therefore, you should ensure that they are safely and responsibly disposed of. In some parts of the country, you can recycle microwaves by reselling them to scrap metal.


Alternatively, you can donate them to secondhand stores where they will be put to better use. If the microwave is still functional, you can sell it online and make some money. If you can’t do any of these, get in touch with us for effective microwave disposal. 


Washers and Dryers Disposal


It is difficult to get rid of your faulty washers and dryers. You should find out whether the manufacturers have a recycling program that allows you to trade in your old washers for new ones at a lower price.


If that is not possible, you can donate these devices to charities. You can also sell them to scrap metal recyclers. This could see you make extra money!


appliance removal learn more


How to Properly Dispose of Old Batteries


Most states except California allow you to throw away single-use alkaline batteries in the trash. It’s, however, advisable that you recycle them through community programs to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. 


Rechargeable batteries, on the other hand, especially those that power electronics, often contain toxic materials and should be properly disposed of or recycled. Ensure you cover the battery terminals with non-conductive clear tape for safe recycling. 


In the U.S, most of the states except California allow you to throw away single-use alkaline batteries in the trash. While this is possible, it is advisable that you recycle them through community programs. This will help reduce the amount of toxic waste that goes into landfills and other open spaces.


On the other hand, rechargeable batteries (especially those used to power electronics) should be properly disposed of or recycled. Ensure these batteries are properly covered before recycling to ensure safety. You should avoid handling their terminals for possible toxicity. 


How to Properly Dispose of Old Mattress 


Mattresses are the second hardest products to dispose of after electronics, which is why most people illegally dump them in alleys. You also can’t burn them because they release toxins in the air. 


Find out whether your local authorities can collect your mattress from your curb and if they have specific regulations. For instance, some cities require that you seal the old mattress in plastic bags to prevent the spread of bedbugs. Some retailers also dispose of the old mattress for you if you plan on buying the new one from them.


If your mattress is only gently used, we recommend that you donate it to a local charity or shelter. 


It is always a good idea to upgrade to a new mattress. This is the case, given that a person spends a third of their life sleeping on the bed. But what are the signs of a worn-out or bad mattress?


Insomnia and back pains are often signs of a bad mattress that needs urgent replacement. After getting your new mattress, what do you do with the old one? Many homes have old mattresses up in the attic or down in the basement, taking up valuable space and collecting dust. If you are looking for a reliable way to dispose of them, get in touch with us today! 


Junk King provides a safe, efficient, and eco-friendly mattress disposal service to make the removal process easy for you. We have an experienced team of mattress removal experts equipped with the necessary skills to haul off the mattress and bed frame without causing any damage.


This is helpful because trying to haul the bed frame on your own could see you damage the wall on your way out. Hiring us is beneficial because we will do all the heavy-lifting, preventing you from having to carry items out to the curb and risk injuries.


Besides, we ensure that your mattress is safely disposed of to prevent environmental damage. We do so by disposing it off to recycling facilities or donating it to charity organizations.


Do you want to get rid of an old mattress? It is as simple as A, B, C, D! You can make an online appointment or simply call us on 1-888-888 JUNK (5865). After booking our services, our highly experienced mattress disposal team will come to your home and get the job done.


We always call 15 minutes before arriving on sites to give you time to prepare. Our free estimates are based on how much room your items take up on our truck. Whether it is your old mattress or the damaged bed frame, we will haul them away and leave your basement looking spacious! All this is done at a fair price with no hidden fees.


mattress recycling

Furniture Removal Services


Getting rid of furniture when moving can be challenging to figure out. Not only are furniture pieces bulky, heavy, and generally awkward to work with, you need to know where to dispose of them after getting them out of your house. Given that many cities don’t provide used furniture pick-up services, you need to find a way of safely disposing of them without damaging the environment. 


The idea of leaving old furniture on the curb is not welcome, especially by neighbors who prefer neat and well-organized environments. With all these obstructions, a great way to get rid of old furniture is donating it. You don’t have to donate it to typical thrift stores where most people prefer.


Instead, you can take your furniture to nonprofit organizations that can use it for bedrooms, lobbies, and break rooms. You should also consider the various agencies and shelters that provide household goods for families in need. 


Another way of dealing with old furniture is recycling it. This is an excellent choice because many regions in the country have enacted Landfill Diversion plans and Zero Waste initiatives.


They plan to do so by increasing recycling efforts and reducing landfill use and overall waste. If you are not in a position to do it yourself, you can hire us to do it! 


Junk King offers safe, efficient, and eco-friendly furniture removal services that will see your furniture removed in a professional manner.


With a professional disposal company like Junk King, you don’t have to worry about the collection or disposal of these old items. Besides, we don’t simply take your used furniture to a dumpster. Instead, we ensure that your old furniture ends up in the right place.


Whether your furniture is better suited for a recycling facility or still in good condition for a donation to charity, we ensure that it is disposed of in an eco-friendly and responsible way. We do everything to ensure that junk does not end up in landfills.


At Junk King, we believe in recycling every piece of material possible. Therefore, you should be sure of eco-friendly services when working with us on any project. We are proud to send usable pieces of furniture to donation centers and nonprofit organizations that help our community reduce waste. 


Hot Tub Disposal


If you have an old Jacuzzi or hot tub still sitting in your deck, patio, or backyard, it is probably an eyesore. Such items are also hazardous due to the chemicals they contain.


So, how do you take care of hot tub removal? It is not easy to haul away an old hot tub all by yourself. In fact, getting rid of old appliances like spas and hot tubs can be challenging for homeowners. Disposing of a hot tub is not a DIY project for most people! 


Trying to remove your old hot tub is a labor-intensive process that also needs expert knowledge. Even after you take out your hot tub, you have to figure out where you’ll dispose of all of its many parts. Generally, large appliances such as hot tubs are quite difficult to pick up and move.


You might not always know where to take such junk once you have loaded it on your truck. Can you put it on the sidewalk? That is not a good idea because municipal dumping services will not take it. So, what is the best way to get rid of old hot tubs? 


Hiring Junk King is a reliable way of ensuring your old hot tub is safely disposed of. We have the necessary equipment and personnel to dispose of your hot tub in a safe and eco-friendly manner.


Fortunately, most of the parts of a hot tub can be recycled. While this is a good thing, you still have to find a way of getting it off your property before taking it to the recycling facility. This leaves you with hiring a junk hauling firm as the only viable option. 


At Junk King, we guarantee a safe hot tub removal process that will not damage your home whatsoever. There will be scratches on walls while moving because we have enough personnel to handle the moving process.


Thanks to our services, you don’t have to worry about the collection or disposal of your old hot tub. All you have to do is get in touch with us and book an appointment. Simply show us where you have kept your old hot tub, and our experienced professionals will expertly break it down and load it to our truck.


We also ensure that your old hot tub or spa is disposed of safely and in an efficient manner. In many cases, old hot tubs can be delivered to a recycling facility to ensure it is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.


Our skilled and insured professionals will show up at your home within a short time. The hot tub removal process will take a few minutes, and your basement or patio will start looking spacious again! All this is done at an affordable cost with transparent charges!


Yard Waste Removal


Yard waste clean up is not simply a project for leaf and grass removal. It also includes any number of things you have cut, dugout, or trimmed in your yard. While it is possible to get rid of such waste using your green waste container, things might get out of hand if you are undertaking a large project in your home.


This means you will produce more junk than you usually do. Besides, winter can leave tons of debris on your property, such as piles of leaves and tree branches. Spring weather often brings a lot of dirt into your yard, making it necessary to clean it. One of the ideal services, in that case, is yard waste removal. 


Generally, yard waste removal is a seasonal project. Most homes need yard waste removal in the winter because there are lots of leaves on the ground.


At Junk King, we offer high-quality yard waste removal services that will leave your yard looking clean. We will get rid of all the leaves, branches, containers, clippings, mulch, and any other pieces of trash in your yard.


Why Should You Hire a Junk Removal Company in the Boston and North Shore Area? 

The best way to dispose of your old household items is through junk removal services in Boston and the Massachusetts North Shore area. Finding a recycling center or places to donate is often difficult, and you may not have the proper equipment to recycle the products yourself. 

At Junk King Boston, we have a team of professionals that have been expertly trained to handle all types of junk. We also have the specialized tools required to collect and dispose of your old household items and are strict on our recycle-disposal policy. Only non-recyclable items make it to the landfills as we ensure that all the usable items find a new home.


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Enjoy Safe Junk Removal Boston Services!

Disposal of old household items doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you have a reliable company to help you through it. Our highly skilled team will do the job efficiently for you and in a safe & environmentally free manner. Our rates are also affordable, so you don’t have to break the bank while at it!

Contact us today to book an appointment. 

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Junk Removal Company in the Massachusetts North Shore Area

You must agree that it is no longer a cool thing to pile up junk in your backyard and burn it. Not when there are reliable junk removal companies like Junk King Massachusets North Shore, using the latest, advanced, and eco-friendly junk removal and disposal mechanisms. 

This makes it convenient and cost-effective for you to get rid of junk and ensures the junk is disposed of in an environment-friendly way. But with so many subpar junk removal companies, how do you find a credible and reliable junk removal company in the Massachusetts North Shore area? Keep reading, and we will show you just how.


3 junk king truck travelling on Boston Road


How to Find a Junk Removal Company in the Massachusetts North Shore area

Quick and Timely Removal

Most customers call a junk removal company when they have already sorted the junk they want to be disposed of. The company should be available to remove the junk within 24 hours of receiving a call. 

Junk King Boston lets you select the day and a 2-hour window when you want us to remove your Junk. Expect a call from us at least 15 minutes before we arrive just to be sure you are ready for us to remove your junk.

Sufficient Resources

Nothing can be more annoying than a junk removal ream that arrives without the right tools. They waste a lot of time running back to pick staff from the office, taking more time on the job. This can make you run late for another task you wanted to do afterward.

Some companies may lack sufficient trucks, tools, equipment, or workers for the job, inconveniencing you with unnecessary delays in removing your junk. This does not apply to well-endowed companies like Junk King Boston that understand the value of investing in the right junk removal equipment and skilled professional junk removal experts. 

No matter the size of your junk, we have the right size of trucks to dedicate to it. We also have an in-house team of experienced junk removal experts skilled in removing all types of junk except those that may contain explosives and prohibited substances.


book your junk removal job

Certified, Licensed, and Insured

Sometimes you may want to dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous junk. Look for a junk removal company with qualified workers. The company should possess the necessary licenses and certifications. Having certifications and licenses may indicate the company is vetted and verified for credibility.

A certified and licensed company may have the correct disposal mechanisms since authorities inspect them before certifying and licensing them. They may also have trained workers who understand the need for responsible junk disposal.

The other consideration regarding how to choose a junk removal company in Boston is if the company workers and trucks are insured. The insurance will cover the trucks and the workers. In some cases, your property if any damage occurs when they are working in your compound. 

If they are not insured, you may find yourself meeting medical costs for workers injured on your site. You may also miss compensation for damages to your property that may happen during junk removal.


Diversity of Services

Besides hauling your junk away, the right junk removal company should offer several services. If you regularly call them to remove your yard junk, you may one day need them to remove old furniture, appliances, or mattresses. 

Find out if the company offers several services to avoid calling different companies for every type of junk you want to remove. You may also find out if the company has full service and self-service junk removal services so that when you want to do the job yourself and hire the company equipment, they can allow you to do so. 


Customer Services

This has to do with the way the company employees treat you and your property. The right company should have an effective communication system so that they can respond to your concerns promptly.  The company website should tell you how responsive they may be in their communication.

They should be ready to listen to you and discuss your job so that you both know what it involves. The workers should also treat you and your property with respect.


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


The right junk removal company in the Massachusetts North Shore area should have a clear pricing policy. You don’t need tedious calculations to get an estimate of what your job may cost you.  However, not all cheap companies are credible, and not all pricey companies are efficient. Ensure your company is giving you value for your money.


Safety Policy

You may have large items you want to be removed. This is not always easy to do safely, efficiently, and quickly. The right junk removal company will have trained workers that know how to remove large items without endangering themselves and the other people involved in the removal. 

But having trained workers is not enough. The company should facilitate them with protective equipment and clothes like overall gowns, gloves, and helmets. 


Recycle Policy

A lot has been said about how fast we are running out of landfills. Boston has not been spared in this, making it necessary to think about responsible junk disposal mechanisms. Ensure you choose a company with a recycle-based disposal policy.

At Junk King Boston, we have a reuse, recycle and donate policy, ensuring that any useful junk finds a new owner. If the junk needs a bit of sprucing up, we ensure it receives it to quickly find a new owner and avoid throwing it into our landfills.

Are you looking for a reliable, efficient, affordable, eco-friendly, and experienced junk removal company in Boston? Junk King Boston is your best bet. 

At Junk King, we offer full removal and self-service junk removal services. We arrive in a matter of minutes when you need our services. Our teams are well-trained, insured, and committed to efficient and safe junk removal.

With our highly skilled, experienced, and dedicated team, and our state-of-the-art equipment, we will do the job efficiently, quickly, and safely. We will offer you affordable rates and remove all the debris and junk to help you move on with your life. Call us now to book an appointment.


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Junk King Massachusetts North Shore
155 New Boston St. Suite 137
Woburn, MA 01801
Hours: M-F: 8A-3P, Sa: 8A-1P

Providing junk removal services to the Massachusetts North Shore area, including:

North Reading
and these nearby zip codes:
01801, 01813, 01815, 01864, 01888, 01889, 01901, 01902, 01903, 01904, 01905, 01910, 01915, 01923, 01929, 01930, 01931, 01936, 01960, 01961, 01970, 01971, 02128, 02129, 02138, 02139, 02140, 02141, 02142, 02143, 02144, 02145, 02149, 02150, 02153, 02155, 02238, 02474, 02475, 02476