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Author Archives: Mike Hasselbalch

Home Downsizing Tips in San Antonio

What do you really need to get by in life? We’re talking about the physical things like furniture that make for a comfortable living environment. Beyond the kitchen (because we all need one of those!) the basics are a bathroom, a bedroom and a living room. That would be just for you. Now multiple that by the members of your house and you’ve got the need for more bedrooms and more bathrooms. Perfect. But what happens when those “extra” family members go off to start their own lives? Suddenly having all those extra rooms doesn’t seem very practical. You’ve still got to keep them clean. When you heat the home it all gets heated. And then there is all the annoying yard work. This is why you might want to seize upon the idea of downsizing by moving out of that big empty house and into a smaller place. If you make this choice, you’ll be joining thousands of other San Antonio residents who have already embraced the idea of downsizing as a better way to live.

If you do make the move, you need to have a strong sense of your new living environment. This will help you decide which pieces of furniture you want to hang onto and which pieces should be given away or tossed away. One of the first things to go is often that big dining room table and chairs. Do you really eat in the dining room or in your kitchen? Sure, for holidays you would bust out the good china and serve in the dining room but is it really worth having a big house with a room you only use two times a year?

Also, it’s time to be realistic about your work-out equipment. If you have a huge treadmill that gets more of a workout as a clothes hanger than an exercise machine do you really need to space to keep it in?

Downsizing doesn’t necessarily mean you have to throw all of this stuff out. You could offer it for sale on Craigslist or have a yard sale or even pass it off to another family member. The key point is that if you’re not going to need something then get rid of it. As for all that stuff that is left over which nobody can use and no charity would want, you can turn that junk over to a crew of professional junk haulers like Junk King San Antonio

These hard working crews are every bit as able as a solid team of professional movers. The difference is that they’ll be taking your stuff to its final resting place as opposed to your new home! Getting rid of the clutter in your life can be a truly liberating experience even if you’re not moving. In other words, downsizing applies even if it simply means to downsize all the junk you’re hanging onto.

Why Junk Removal is Getting Big in San Antonio

“Everything’s bigger in Texas.” That’s a very popular slogan that many locals are happy to share with out-of-towners. Usually, this will happen when someone is delivered a fresh piece of grilled steak that is as big as their head!

That slogan can always apply to your home that is overflowing with junk. If everything is bigger in Texas then maybe you’ve got more junk than you can handle. What’s that doing for your home value? What about the value of your neighbor’s home? We’ve all seen “those houses.” You know the ones with the car up on blocks in the driveway. Or an above ground pool that hasn’t been used in years. Or old furniture sitting out on the porch. Does that describe your home? It doesn’t have to be that way; especially when there is experience help in the form of the pros at Junk King San Antonio standing by to help you get rid of all that junk once and for all.

There are some folks who travel all around the country and the world and bring back all kinds of trinkets and treasures they are proud to put on display. But you don’t even have to leave San Antonio to get all kinds of junk piled up in your home. Sometimes that junk begins as leftovers from a home improvement project. Instead of hauling the construction waste off to a dump yard it gets piled up alongside the garage. There could be left over Cinco de Mayo party decorations that can never be used. Maybe it’s an old fridge that is totally busted but what can you do? You know you’re not supposed to put these things out on the curb. You might even feel guilty about tossing them out because you paid good money for them at one point. That’s true but ask yourself, “Are you ever going to use this junk again?” If the answer is a quick “no” then you know what has to be done. Get it gone!

When you make the smart move to hire the professional junk haulers at Junk King, you’ll be getting some expert help. You might not think you need to be an expert to haul out a heavy piece of furniture but if you’ve ever thrown out your back then you know how important it is to “lift things right.” That’s what these experienced junk haulers will be able to do: move the right way. They’ll also have a big enough truck to hold whatever you’re tossing out. Even though the pick-up is the most popular truck in San Antonio, there is just so much that a pick-up bed can hold. Remember “everything is bigger in Texas.” So how big will your junk pile be? No matter how big, it’s going to be a distant memory once the pros get a hold of it!

Recycling News in San Antonio

There’s a big change coming to San Antonio SeaWorld Park. We’re not talking about the arrival of a baby whale or some new dolphin tricks but instead the banning of plastic bags. By this time next year visitors at the San Antonio SeaWorld Park souvenir shops will be offered a choice of either a 100% recycled paper bag or purchasing a reusable cloth bag to hold all their trinkets and souvenirs.

According to Angie Llanas, an animal ambassador at SeaWorld San Antonio, this is a major problem “At this park alone, we go through 800,000 plastic bags a year,” she said. “Taking that out of the mix can really have an effect on the environment.”  Not only is this an issue for San Antonio residents but also for all the denizens living under the sea. Recent estimates put the amount of plastic bags that end up in the ocean at around 1.4 billion pounds. That is billion with a B!

It’s not just the ocean that has to deal with all of this garbage but also many of the waterways like the ones that are home to animals like Spike, the alligator snapping turtle found in Texas and the southeastern U.S. What happens when a plastic bag makes its way into the water is that a creature like a sea turtle thinks it’s a jellyfish and gobbles it up. That can cause major problems for that beastie.

“We don’t want that, so anything we can do to help, that’s great,” Mark Miller, a park visitor from the Woodlands near Houston, told the local news. A program like this one is a perfect way to inspire the next generation of recyclers; that would be your kids.

The lesson here is that if they’re all are always alternatives when it comes to sending trash to a landfill or throwing it onto the street. You might already have your kids involved in a recycling program around the house. Once you teach them how to sort kitchen garbage it’s easy to fall into the routine of weekly recycling. The one drawback with this type of program is that you are only able to recycle whatever you could fit into your recycling bin. This is going to leave a lot of items earmarked for a landfill unless you team up with Junk King San Antonio.

Junk King is the San Antonio based business that specializes in junk removal of any size. The Junk King crews have been instructed that when they come across an item which can be recycled they need to make sure it ends up at the proper facility. This includes stuff like your unwanted furniture, mattress or scrap metal pieces. With Junk King San Antonio on your team you can rest assured that every effort will be taken to keep your garbage away from a landfill. That’s good for the kids and all creatures great and small!

San Antonio Cardboard Disposal and Recycling

The internet is a wonderful research asset we all have access to. Even somebody without a computer can head over to their local library and log on to get answers to any questions. For instance, supposed you’re sitting in your San Antonio home or apartment surrounded by piles and piles of cardboard and you wanted to get rid of it all? The obvious answer would be to go to the internet and ask the cyber world, “Where can I recycle cardboard in San Antonio?” Here are the actual top two answers to that question:

“The apartments we live in don’t recycle, so we take our items elsewhere that can be recycled. The only thing we can’t locate is a place to take cardboard! The drop off bins @ schools accept all forms of paper EXCEPT cardboard. – All of the recycling agencies on the city site don’t reference cardboard on their sites. ACCO Waste Paper of San Antonio” takes paper, but they don’t say if they charge or if you can drop off. Anyone have experience with this?!”

While that might not be a big help, this message was followed up with the following:

“Try earth911 I found two agencies that have listed themselves on this site as accepting cardboard. Since this information can change, you will want to contact the companies directly first. One of them is Greenstar, an Ireland-based company which actually has a facility in my area (Oklahoma City) and who has done some of the recycling for the Recycling Center that my husband and I run. Fortunately, here in Oklahoma, OEMA (Oklahoma Environmental Management Association) provides cardboard recycling bins. My Recycling Center has four of them. We did have five, but someone burned one of them down on July 4.”

So the answer to where to recycle cardboard in San Antonio is provided by someone living in Oklahoma. Okay, so maybe you have to dig a little deeper to get the right answers you’re looking for. Of course, you could just call up Junk King San Antonio and be done with it!

Junk King is the San Antonio based business which has been removing all kinds of junk from businesses and homes including cardboard boxes. What’s great about Junk King is that they’re not just going to be acting as super charged garbage men. Yes, they’ll come into your homes and pick up any item you want removed but they’re also going to strive to make sure that item is properly disposed of. In the case of cardboard, this means dropping that off at the San Antonio recycling center which handles that type of product.

When you hire Junk King San Antonio you have the option of filling up their truck or just getting rid of a couple of items. The choice is yours but know that whatever choice you make, you’ll be doing right by the environment by hiring Junk King.

San Antonio Spring Junk Removal

A group of Texas A&M student volunteers are spending their spring break far away from the maddening crowds and instead have chosen to cover themselves in muck. They’ve slipped on the waders and are trudging through the marshes at the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge for a learning retreat that is helping clean up Liberty Pond. Part of this project includes removing the aggressive Water Hyacinths from one the ponds. This could only be accomplished by wading in waist-deep water and kayaking to pick up the plants by hand one at a time. If these particular plants aren’t trimmed back, they can quickly overwhelm this delicate eco-system.

One of the students from the San Antonio area told a local newspaper about why she is doing this while a lot of her classmates are off sunning themselves. “This is what I love. I could do this every day. Even though I am exhausted, it is not like work. It is fun.” That includes the bout of poison ivy she got while on the clean up grew!

This kind of story certainly puts your own spring cleaning project in perspective. You’re only dealing with cleaning up your home or yards; you’re not going into waist deep pond water! You’ll also be working indoors which means access to cool drinks and fun tunes. Plus, you’re entitled to take as many breaks as you want. One advantage that the Liberty Pond cleanup effort has it there is an entire team doing the work. That will certainly make it go faster. Fortunately, you’ve got the exact same opportunity to have your own team. Call it team Junk King San Antonio.

Junk King is the San Antonio based business of professional junk haulers who have multiple crews and trucks standing by to be dispatched for any junk removal chores. How Junk King can work with you is by helping get rid of the clutter from your home before you clean. This is all that junk you’ve been staring at for months and years wondering when it’s going to disappear. Instead of waiting for magic, just call Junk King. They will make it disappear for sure! Another approach would be to call Junk King after your spring cleaning. That’s because you might discover a lot more junk you want to throw out as you clean through closets, under beds and in garages. All you need to do is start a pile for Junk King. Even if that pile grows as big as your own home, Junk King San Antonio won’t freak out. Whatever you throw at the crews, chances are they’ve seen worse! As soon as that clutter is gone from your home, then you’ll be able to do a deep cleaning like never before. It’s a perfect way to kick off the spring!

Storm Debris Cleanup in San Antonio

There’s never any telling what kind of damage a storm might leave behind. In a blink of an eye a crash of lightning could take out a power line plunging San Antonio into darkness. This happened a while back and left over 100,000 people without power several days. The question then becomes are you ready to survive a power outage? Here are some things to consider as a way of getting ready for a potential power outage.

First of all, you want to make sure you’ve got a handy light source ready to go. This should mean a flashlight that is easy to grab. You don’t want to be stumbling around the dark trying to remember where you put that flashlight. There are some great flashlights that can be mounted directly onto the wall that are both powered by batteries and recharged by electricity. Once you have that flashlight in hand you can search out other flashlights to distribute among any family members who are with you. It might be a good idea also to have a battery operated camping lamp that you can turn on. While you might have an inclination light some candles it’s best to avoid striking a match in the dark when there is no power. The worst-case scenario would be a fire starting up and you not being able to call the fire department.

While it is true that there’s no telling just when a storm might strike that doesn’t mean you can’t always have some canned goods and stored water at the ready. If the power does go out you’ll probably want to eat up any perishable items you have in your refrigerator while it’s still a little bit cool. There are some smart folks who really prepare for the worst by having a backup generator. You’ll tell who these are because they’ll be the only ones in your neighborhood with the lights on!

As soon as the power has been restored you might have some more things to contend with; namely all the storm debris that could be dumped in your yard. You can prepare for this by having the number for Junk King San Antonio ready to dial (1-888-888-JUNK). Junk King is a San Antonio company that specializes in junk removal of any kind.

For their normal work week the Junk King San Antonio crew handles several scheduled appointments to remove anything from construction waste, old furniture, kitchen appliances or any other type of garbage that’s too big for the weekly trash pickup. Junk King really gets to put their services to the test after a storm when they race out to remove all that storm debris. It doesn’t matter to Junk King whether that debris includes fallen trees, shingles from a roof or even a wayward row boat they’ll make sure it’s taken away as quickly as possible. That is service you can count on!

San Antonio Hoarding: How to Get Rid of Junk

There is a dangerous side to hoarding especially when it involves animals. All too often people who were suffering from this type of obsessive-compulsive disorder use animals as their “collectibles.” Too often there are news stories about homeowners living amongst dozens of cats, birds, dogs and in extreme cases rats. These types of hoarders don’t even realize they are causing great harm to these animals. It only takes the intervention of authorities to rescue the animals and make sure that hoarder deals with their psychological issues.

Fortunately, most of us have only slight hoarding tendencies which have more to do with our own issues of convenience as opposed to some type of disorder. But that doesn’t mean our own hoarding can’t get out of control. It’s important to nip hoarding in the bud, so to speak, before it gets out of control.

An amateur hoarder is someone who has no trouble throwing things away; it’s just that they are a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to cleaning up. Often it easier for these types of people to stuff something in a drawer or closet instead of getting rid of it. Of course, it doesn’t take long before those drawers and closets are overflowing with junk that can simply be tossed out. The same holds true for entire rooms in our homes. It’s not uncommon for people to use a space like a garage or basement as a kind of hoarding zone where everything that’s not being used is placed.

Hoarding experts will tell you that if you don’t use something at least once every six months you should throw it out. This means clothes, shoes, magazines and anything else that is taking up space in your home. Even that pasta maker you got as a gift for Christmas three years ago could be considered junk if you’re never going to use it.

You could de-clutter your home by adopting the “bin method” of organizing. This will have you putting the items scattered around your home into one of those big plastic bins which can then go on a shelf. While that does help clean up the clutter it might turn you into a bin hoarder! And that type of organizing only really works with small objects.

A strong approach to curb your hoarding tendencies would be to hire Junk King San Antonio. These are the San Antonio-based professional junk haulers who are extremely experienced in removing all kinds of junk and clutter from a home. Suppose you schedule an appointment with Junk King to show up at your house two weeks from this coming Saturday. That gives you 14 days to go through your home and identify every item you’re ready to let go of. Once you’ve made those decisions all you’ll have to do is tell the Junk King crew what they need to take away. Within a matter of hours you’re home will finally become free of clutter and no one could ever accuse you of becoming a hoarder!

San Antonio Scrap Metal Removal

For many thieves copper has become their new gold. Because copper prices are trading at record levels, some local San Antonio thieves have decided they should be stealing pipes and wiring for a quick cash reward. As a result there have been over eight major thefts of copper and other scrap metal reported by the Kendall County Sheriff’s office.

“Generally we have cases of copper theft but it’s generally on a small scale, these have been large scale thefts,” said Lt. Shad Prichard an investigator with the Kendall County Sheriff’s office. “What we’re seeing this year is it has increased significantly from last year.”

These same criminals are becoming extremely brazen in their attempts to steal copper and other scrap metal. In one incident, a would-be thief applied for a job at a construction site only to return the next day to try and steal some of that scrap metal material. He was chased off by other workers but it just goes to show how desperate these criminals are to score scrap metal. This is why it’s so important for you to get rid of any scrap metal you might have around your property before some thief decides to make you his next target.

Scrap metal is pretty much anything that is piled up outside a home or garage that is made of steel, iron, copper or aluminum. You might not think there is much value in something like aluminum siding scraps or an old tub and you probably be right. But that’s not going to stop some thief from snooping around hoping they can make a score. Even things like old car parts or a lawnmower could be considered scrap metal. This is why you need to take a proactive stance and make sure you clear out the clutter by hiring a professional team of junk haulers – Junk King San Antonio.

What this pro junk hauling team can do is show up at your home on an agreed upon time. They’ll be bringing with them a big truck and plenty of manpower to haul away any amount of scrap metal you want to get rid of. They’ll also be able to take that scrap metal to the right recycling facility to make sure it doesn’t end up in a local San Antonio landfill.

It’s not just scrap metal these professional junk haulers can get rid of – they can haul away pretty much anything you have that collecting dust or rust. This could be the perfect excuse to finally tackle cleaning out your garage. A simple approach would be to drag out anything you want to throw away into a pile on your driveway on the same day that the junk haulers are showing up. The moment they arrive no get to work loading up their truck and before you know it you’ll have an empty garage!

You can also utilize Junk King San Antonio in a whirlwind removal tour of your home. Guide them through your house and point to all the things you want taken away like old pieces of furniture or unused kitchen appliances or boxes of junk. They can cart it all off. In the blink of an ideal have a house is free of clutter.

San Antonio Computer Recycling and Disposal

A local group called the Texas Campaign for the Environment is tackling the growing problem of getting rid of electronic waste by sponsoring a bill called the Producer TakeBack Recycling Program. The idea is that the manufacturers of computers, televisions, monitors and other electronic devices should be responsible for collecting and recycling those items. Here’s how they explain it on their website: “Texas Campaign for the Environment and the Computer TakeBack Campaign advocate Producer TakeBack Recycling, an equitable waste prevention solution for collecting and recycling electronics that creates a cleaner environment and saves taxpayers money. Producer TakeBack Recycling is a product and waste management system in which manufacturers (“producers”), not consumers or government, are financially responsible for the environmentally safe management of their products when they are obsolete.”
While that is a very noble idea and one worth supporting we all know how long it takes for the government to do something right! By the time this bill would come up for a vote and then be implemented you might already have gone through a half a dozen cell phones, three desktop computers and two televisions! Does this mean you should be hanging onto all that electronic waste while you waiting for this all to be sorted out? There is no need to do that especially when there’s a Junk King right here in San Antonio that can handle all your computer recycling and disposal needs.
Junk King San Antonio is part of a national franchise specializing in the removal of all that stuff that clutters up our lives. There is a level of quality that has come to be expected of a Junk King business. One of the main missions of the Junk King is to divert a majority of all items they collect away from landfills and into proper recycling centers. Junk King San Antonio is no exception. When it comes to computer recycling and disposal these are very delicate matters to handle because of the hazardous materials that are released when electronic waste is crushed. In other words, you can’t just toss out a computer in the garbage; it has to be properly disposed of.
Keep in mind that if you have a computer you want to get rid of and hire the hauling crew they don’t just have to pick up that one computer and call it a day. They’ll be showing up at your home with a big empty truck that you can fill to the rafters with all your junk. This can include an old coffee table or bedroom set you want to get rid of. It can also mean tossing out all those engine parts and rusty bumpers that might be collecting dust in your garage. No item is too big or too small for the Junk King crew to take away. You can start with your old computer and end with all the junk in your San Antonio home!

Declutter You San Antonio Home

The numbers are in for the San Antonio real estate market for 2011 and they look a lot like the numbers from 2010. Last year there were 17,914 homes sold in San Antonio which is only 42 less sales than in 2010. The good news for homeowners is that the median price of a San Antonio home bumped up by 1% from $150,400 to $152,000. Even though on paper it looks like there has been stagnation, the prospects for 2012 are for better numbers all around. At some point in every home owner’s life they will be faced with the question to sell or stay put. Selling a home is often decided upon when a couple wants to downsize after all the kids have move out to start their own lives. There could also be a desire to retire to a different city. If you are thinking about putting your San Antonio home on the market, you’ll probably want to fix it up a bit.
A real estate agent would like nothing better than for an old house to get a fresh paint job and have all the furniture removed so that it can be restaged to appeal to potential buyers. Of course, all of those expenses would come out of your own pocket. One positive step you could take towards getting your home ready for sale is to get rid of all the junk that is taking up space. As a matter of fact, getting rid of the junk is probably a good idea whether you’re going to sell or stay put. If this seems like a task that’s too big for you to handle on your own, you’re probably right. That’s why you might want to set up an appointment with Junk King San Antonio. These are the professional haulers who are part of a national franchise dedicated to decluttering our lives. While that is a very noble endeavor to undertake, you have to assume the first step and that’s recognizing that you’re ready to get rid of your junk.
A great way to define your junk would be all those things you have to make excuses for when visitors come a calling. For instance, there might be some rusted car parts stacked up on the side of your garage that you explain away with, “They were supposed to be sold for scrap but it’s not worth it.” Or there could be old furniture stored in the basement that nobody wants to sit on. The excuse? “We didn’t have any other place to put that.” What items in your home are you making excuses for? Whatever they are you can finally get rid of them when Junk King is given the assignment.
All it takes is one call to Junk King’s San Antonio Declutter Team for you to set up an appointment for the junk removal. You don’t even have to drag that stuff out of your home; the Junk King crew will handle it. With Junk King on stand-by, you really don’t have any more excuses!
Junk King San Antonio
13515 Topper Cir
San Antonio, TX 78233
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-5P, Su: 8A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the San Antonio area, including:

Canyon Lake
La Vernia
New Braunfels
San Antonio
and these nearby zip codes:
78004, 78027, 78064, 78065, 78101, 78108, 78109, 78112, 78114, 78121, 78123, 78124, 78130, 78131, 78132, 78133, 78135, 78155, 78156, 78163, 78202, 78203, 78205, 78206, 78208, 78209, 78210, 78212, 78214, 78215, 78216, 78217, 78218, 78219, 78220, 78221, 78222, 78223, 78230, 78231, 78232, 78233, 78234, 78235, 78239, 78244, 78246, 78247, 78248, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, 78261, 78262, 78263, 78264, 78265, 78266, 78270, 78275, 78278, 78279, 78280, 78284, 78285, 78286, 78287, 78289, 78291, 78292, 78293, 78294, 78295, 78296, 78297, 78298, 78299, 78861