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Oakland Scrap Metal Removal Pros


Metal recycling rates are discouragingly low, yet it is one of the most recyclable materials on the planet. Metals can be reused and recycled over and over again, which would go a long way in mitigating climate change and environmental degradation.

From kitchen utensils and the electronic appliances we use to the buildings we live and work in, you’ll find metal in use wherever you look.  How many metal products do you currently have in your house?

The great thing about metal, in all its forms, is that it can be recycled indefinitely – making it a great idea to swap out plastic for metal.

But how does scrap metal recycling work, really? Let’s find out.

pile of scrap metal

What is Scrap Metal Recycling?

For the most part, scrap metals can be classified into two groups: ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

  • Ferrous Scrap Metal

Ferrous metals contain iron, in one form or another, and are known for their tensile strength. These are your steels and irons. Steel is by far the most recycled metal in the world. Ferrous metals can be found in your car, kitchen appliances, architectural detailing, and industrial applications.

Ferrous scrap metal can further be divided into obsolete and prompt scrap. Obsolete scrap is metal that has been used in one form or another. It includes household appliances, electronics, engines and machinery, and even bedsprings from mattresses. Prompt scrap, on the other hand, refers to the metal pieces left over from manufacturing processes.

  • Non-Ferrous Scrap Metal

Non-ferrous metals are those that don’t contain iron. They include aluminum, tin, lead, zinc, copper, and gold, among others. You’ll find them in your piping systems, gutters, and electrical wiring.

Aluminum is one of the easiest metals to recycle as it doesn’t degrade during the process. It can be processed countless times without losing its integrity.

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Why You Should Recycle Metal Products

What comes to mind when you think of scrap metal? Perhaps, it’s huge piles of twisted steel being lifted by giant claw machines in a junkyard. Truth is, a lot of the stuff and packaging we throw out could be considered scrap metal. Think about it. How many soda or canned goods cans have you thrown out in your life?

Sure, it’s easy to recycle small items. You can toss them out in the weekly recycling bin. But what about the big appliances. Common household appliances like stoves, freezers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and dryers contain a considerable amount of scrap metal. Landfill disposal of such items is equivalent to wasting resources. The moment you decide to replace such household appliances is the moment they become scrap metal.

Non-biodegradable products don’t belong in landfills. Landfills are supposed to work pretty much the same way compost piles do. It’s a place where organic metals can decompose down to their natural state. Throwing non-biodegradable products, including metals and plastics, slows down the process and makes landfills incredibly hazardous.

In addition, fridges, freezers, and other appliances containing refrigerants should not be disposed of in landfills. Older units contain CFC (chloro-fluoro-carbons) that can wreck the ozone when thrown out with the rest of your garbage.  And it’s not just your cooling units – some microwaves, dryers, washers, and dehumidifiers have substances that compromise the air, water, and soil.

Recycling ensures that metal-containing products don’t end up in landfills and saves on resources needed to mine virgin ores from the earth. And as you know, mining is highly disruptive to the environment. Recycling also conserves energy that would otherwise be used in the metal manufacturing process. For instance, recycling steel uses 60 percent less energy, while recycling aluminum saves 95 percent!

Let’s break this down. Recycling one aluminum soda can saves enough power to run a TV set for up to three hours.

So, get to recycling and save the planet.

bulk item and trash removal

How to Recycle Scrap Metal

So how can you recycle your huge bulky appliances? There are countless recycling centers scattered throughout the United States. Here in Oakland, you’ll find numerous scrap metal recycling centers that would be happy to take in your metal appliances.

Scrap metal dealers recycle a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap. While scrap yards mostly deal in large quantities of scrap metals from trade industries, you’d be hard-pressed to find one that doesn’t welcome homeowners. The catch is, you’ll have to take your appliances to them during their business hours which can take considerable effort on your part.

But, you can always opt for professional junk haulers like Junk King Alameda. Recycling scrap metal can be a cumbersome and dangerous task. And this is why you should call in the professionals.

Here are some of the reasons you should hire professional junk removal companies for scrap metal removal.

1. Your health and safety is paramount

Recycling scrap metal is just cumbersome; it’s also dangerous. Heavy metal objects come with sharp edges or broken parts that can seriously injure you. Metal products must always be handled with care precisely because they tend to rust, which can lead to tetanus infections. Professional junk haulers have the means to safely handle and recycle all kinds of scrap metal safely. There’s no reason why you should put your safety at risk.

2. Junk removal services are cost-effective.

Hiring a junk removal company in Oakland saves you time and a lot of unwarranted expenses. Imagine having to take multiple trips back and forth from a local scrap dealer. Not only is this cumbersome, but it also harms your pockets. Save yourself the hassle and hire a professional firm. The cost you pay for the convenience is 100% worth it.

Scrap Metal Recycling with Junk King Alameda

Junk King Alameda can safely and cost-efficiently get rid of your scrap metal and other junk. And because we’re an eco-friendly company, we will ensure that all your scrap metal is recycled.

Let Junk King collect and haul your scrap metal to a local recycling facility. We operate a fleet of trucks that can fit the largest of appliances, and we have the muscle to do the heavy lifting. We’ve partnered with various recycling facilities in Oakland, which means you don’t have to drive around in search of the right junkyard.

You have better things to do with your time. Let our team of specialists take care of your scrap metal.

Book a Touchless Appointment Today!

Exploring Items that Contribute to Metal Recycling Oakland


metal recycling Oakland pile of old electronics and appliances

One of the best ways of keeping our planet clean is recycling metal products, such as ‘end of life’ appliances. Old furniture, appliances, and electronics can contribute to scrap metal recycling and ultimately reduce the carbon footprint and need to mine for new metals. 

Scrap metal includes products made out of the following metals: steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and iron. There’s likely a lot of scrap metal around your house at the moment, and the crew at Junk King Fremont know exactly where the local scrap metal recyclers are. 

Junk King Fremont was started by, Krisna Vepa, five years ago after a career revolving around renewables and recycling in the high-tech industry. People in California come to Junk King to help them solve problems that they might not be able to solve on their own, such as responsibly recycling scrap metal. 

Where Can Recyclable Scrap Metal Be Found? 

There’s a great chance that potential scrap metal can be found all around your home or office.

Many pots and pans in the kitchen are made from iron or copper, so those are eligible for metal recycling in Oakland. Kitchen appliances like microwaves and refrigerators will also typically contain copper wiring, perfect for metal recycling Oakland. 

appliance removal learn more

  • Steel in Home and Construction Debris 

Steel is one of the most popular kinds of metals for constructing furniture and appliances. Household appliances like refrigerators and shelving in workplaces is frequently made from steel.

Bigger appliances are invariably constructed from steel because of its durability and resistance to oxidation, or rusting. 

Large appliances are typically full of steel that can be used for metal recycling Oakland. Air conditioners, washing machines, freezers, dishwashers and other appliances that my crew at Junk King takes all contain steel in abundance. Junk King takes the following appliances, many of which contain steel: 

  • Air conditioners 
  • Dishwashers 
  • Washing Machines 
  • Dryers 
  • Microwaves 
  • Ovens 
  • Refrigerators 
  • Water heaters 


Steel and iron are said to be easier to recycle because of their magnetic properties. At the metal recycling Oakland facility, the steel can literally have impurities removed from it more easily because of this magnetic quality. Where else might steel for metal recycling Oakland be found? 

Your stainless steel silverware may also be responsibly recycled with Junk King’s help. Steel is also frequently used in the construction industry or almost anywhere you find larger appliances. 

Free Construction Debris Removal Guide

  • Aluminum in Home, Construction and Remodeling 

Frames, windows, and other types of construction debris that Junk King takes frequently contain aluminum in abundance. 

Soda cans made from aluminum are another source of scrap metal, but aluminum can also be found in windows, doors, and siding. For any of these items or yard waste, you can count on Junk King to haul these items away and put them towards metal recycling Oakland. 

yard waste removal guide banner

If you hire Junk King to haul away old furniture, appliances, yard waste, or other junk containing aluminum, then you should know that your contribution to metal recycling Oakland can have a quick turnaround. In fact, aluminum is one of the quickest scrap metals to melt down and turn back into consumer products. 

Electronic waste such as televisions and monitors can contain aluminum, and recyclable aluminum may also be found in air conditioners. Fortunately, Junk King takes a variety of electronic waste – including televisions, monitors, and computers – rich in scrap metals and precious metals such as gold. 

e-waste recycling

It has been said that the aluminum deriving from soda cans, siding, or appliances can go from scrap metal to a new product standing on store shelves in as little as two months – a sixty day turnaround! Metal recycling Oakland is good for the planet and that’s something we take very seriously. 

Aluminum actually tops the list in terms of the top non-ferrous (non-iron) scrap metal recovery. Copper and stainless steel are a bit further down the list but still critical for metal recycling Oakland.

If you think you have aluminum items that can contribute to metal recycling Oakland, feel free to call 1-888-888-JUNK to book an appointment, text a photo of your items to 1-737-888-5865, or book online with us to potentially save $20. 

  • Copper Used in Manufacturing 

Copper is used in the manufacture of electronics, electrical wiring, electrical components, and copper pipes. This means that if you are doing a renovation, whether as a business or as a homeowner, you should give Junk King a call because that copper can contribute to metal recycling Oakland and help the planet out. 

Small appliances will almost always contain copper because the wires in these electronics are made from copper. The reason that copper is used in electronics is that copper allows the current to flow smoothly thanks to the low level of resistance offered by this valuable metal. A lot of metal recycling Oakland is recovered copper from older electronics. 

  • Brass in Bathroom Fixtures 

Brass is known as an alloy because it is a combination of the metal copper and the metal zinc. You can find brass in lighting fixtures and bathroom fixtures such as the faucets attached to the sink. Brass is frequently used throughout bathrooms and plumbing. 

Recycling brass and other scrap metals has been done for a long time because it is much more efficient to use and melt down the current metal in circulation rather than mine and process new ore from scratch. The good news is that ferrous metals have a high recovery rate, but more can still be done with metal recycling Oakland. 

  • Iron in Kitchen and Outdoors 

Many pans are made out of iron or copper, so those should be eligible for metal recycling Oakland when you book an appointment with Junk King. Iron is found outdoors as well. Patio furniture, old lawn mowers, metal swings, and iron railings can be safely recycled as scrap metal. 

Book an Appointment with Junk King 

If you want to help the planet with metal recycling Oakland, then please don’t hesitate to call 1-888-888-JUNK, text a photo to 1-737-888-5865, or book online and potentially save $20 today! 

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Oakland Hoarding: How to Get Rid of Your Junk


How much do you know about hoarding? We’re not talking about the basic tendency we all have to accumulate more things over time — we mean those whose homes fill up with so much “stuff” that it becomes almost impossible to use the property as a home. Depicted on popular reality TV shows and studied extensively by psychologists, hoarding is an unusual disorder that can be both very disruptive and harmful to the quality of life of the occupants of the space.


Some organizations have banded together to learn more about hoarding and to provide educational opportunities to train individuals in techniques for helping hoarders. One such organization you may not have heard of before is the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization, also known as the NSGCD for short. These folks are on the front lines of fighting the hoarding epidemic, working to find ways to help those whose tendencies have led to significant disruption in their lives.


What does this group do to make a difference? The NSGCD provides special training to individuals who want to become a hoarding specialist and earn a certificate signifying they have completed a rigorous set of exams and education courses to help people with the hoarding disease.


The NSGCD has developed and now provides special training classes to individuals who want to offer their services to those suffering from hoarding disorders. Individuals who complete these courses can refer to themselves as hoarding specialists, and they can display an industry certification showcasing their completion of the NSGCD’s rigorous educational coursework and examinations. Participants in these courses aren’t just the average Joe, however.


garage filled with old debrisMost of the professionals who choose to pursue the training necessary to become hoarding specialists are psychologists or clinical mental health therapists. At its core, hoarding is a mental disorder, not a malady created by a physical breakdown of the body. Many hoarders start with small collections before developing mental illness or a significant life event triggers anxiety when the person confronts the concept of throwing something away.


While the average person might not think twice about throwing away a piece of garbage, a hoarder attaches significance to these objects. Many worry that they may “need” an item later, and they will keep it in the house — sometimes for years or even decades at a time. Over time, the number of attached objects accumulates, and the hoarding can reach dangerous levels due to these deep-seated psychological issues. Even if a relative or loved one intervenes and clears out the house of their own volition, the problem will manifest again if the underlying problems aren’t treated. Some hoarders re-fill their homes multiple times despite family interventions.


No two hoarding situations are truly the same, and there are many different kinds of hoarders. Some individuals will never throw away anything at all, whether it’s garbage or old food. You can imagine the health hazards this creates — not to mention the invitation for pest infestation and contamination.


Some unfortunate cases involve hoarders who become obsessively attached to live animals, including the most common types of pets, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and even rats. Often there are so many animals living within the home that most of the creatures become victims of neglect. The hoarder simply cannot care for all the animals at once and becomes overwhelmed.


Other hoarders start as earnest collectors of items as a hobby or for another reason. They might feel like it is their life’s mission to accumulate as many of their favored objects as possible, whether that means dolls, memorabilia, shoes, books, or any other personal items. Over time, this obsession reaches problematic levels when their home becomes so full that some rooms fill up completely.


No matter what their object of choice is, all hoarders have one thing in common – a strong sense of denial that anything is wrong. Even when they are surrounded by mountains of garbage and cannot use their facilities, they will deny that anything is wrong. That’s why outside help, from friends or family members, is essential for recognizing the problem and reaching out for help from hoarding professionals.


full service junk removal


The psychological help is only part of the assistance hoarders need — all the junk needs to go, too. In situations such as these in the Oakland area, a team such as Junk King Alameda can be an invaluable partner and a reliable resource. Junk King crews are highly experienced with garbage removal and know how to work quickly, safely, and cleanly to remove any level of junk from a property. Even the most astounding hoarding situations in Oakland are no match for the help offered by our crews. We make messes disappear.


The process is simple. First, you make arrangements with our team. We’ll come out to the property at no charge to inspect the mess and discuss with you what requires removal and from where. After assessing all that information, we provide a detailed and transparent quote so you can decide on whether or not to proceed. This free quote comes with no obligation, so you’re always welcome to change your mind or choose to request service at a later date.


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Once you’ve decided to move forward, we’ll schedule a date and time to arrive on site and begin removing all the junk. We’ll take a massive range of non-hazardous materials, including heavy and bulky items, and load them all up into our big red trucks. Afterwards, we’ll take the time to sweep up after ourselves, so any final clean-up is quick and easy for you.


Where does all that junk go once we leave? Don’t worry — it’s not all going straight to the dump. We carefully examine everything we remove to separate recyclable materials. Our goal is always to recycle at least 60% of everything we recover from our clients. Not only does a hoarder get their home back, but the environment doesn’t take a hit in the process.


 Junk King also provides removal services for many other clients, including builders and individual homeowners. Hopefully, your hoarding tendency hasn’t reached such extreme levels — after all, we all tend to hold on to more things than we need. That’s especially true for big and bulky items that you can hide in a closet or shuffle around in the garage. When you don’t have a vehicle big enough to transport the object for disposal, it can seem easier to just live with its presence.


Of course, once you cross that line, it’s easier to do it again and again until you find that you’ve run out of storage space entirely. While that doesn’t mean you’re a hoarder, it does mean you have an opportunity to reclaim valuable space and make better use of your home by investing in a quick and professional de-cluttering service. By hiring Junk King to help you clear out the most troublesome trash on your property, you can reclaim your life from the power of having too much “stuff.” Of course, an episode of Hoarders might be all the inspiration you need to pick up the phone and call!


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Television Disposal In Fremont Made Easy

television disposal

Maybe you got a new large screen TV over the holidays. That can be exciting, as are most new electronic devices for many people. But, when you think about it, every new device means there’s probably an old one that’s not working, is unwanted, or no longer needed.

During the holidays there are hundreds of thousands of new devices and televisions that are received as gifts, for example. But this also means that there is an almost equally large amount of electronic waste, or e-waste, and old televisions that now have to be disposed of.

And that kind of disposal requires much more than tossing things into your residential waste bin.

Which, by the way, isn’t legal where we live anyway!

Getting rid of all the wrapping paper, plastic, foam, and cardboard after Christmas was relatively easy. Sure, it might have taken a few trips in the waste management trucks, but it was gone eventually. Getting rid of your old TV, on the other hand, can be difficult and cost you money.

Fortunately for our friends and neighbors in the greater Fremont area, we have a great solution at Junk King Fremont for your television disposal needs. Not only are we experts with television and e-waste disposal, but we have the experience and the equipment to make your television disposal chore quick and painless for you!

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Television Disposal and Heavy Metal

Generally speaking, televisions and computer (and gaming) monitors fall under the umbrella term of e-waste. What is that you ask? Good question!

According to the website at CalRecycle,

“E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life.” Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products.”

And the problem inherent with so many electronics is the not-so-nice chemicals and toxic metals residing inside of them. 

For example, televisions and old computer monitors were once made with technology that used a cathode ray tube, or CRT. These are the large, pyramid-shaped devices with a screen attached to the front end. This made up the bulk of the TV.

And this configuration is a potential hazard because of the contents of the CRT.

For example, the glass enclosing a cathode ray tube can contain up to eight pounds of lead, a layer of cadmium-based phosphorous, and other toxic heavy metals. Keep in mind that an old TV by itself is not a health threat – and that’s a good thing as there are probably still thousands of them sitting in households all over the East Bay!

But if the glass on a CRT is broken – a possibility if it were dumped into a landfill, for example – it can release lead and other toxic materials into the air and the ground. And the old cathode ray tube televisions can sit, decaying, in a landfill for 20 or 30 years. 

And that’s just old television disposal challenges. Now we have to deal with the new flat-screen TVs.

While they don’t use lead-filled glass CRTs, flat-screen TVs have toxins and hazardous materials in their components, not to mention in the plastics, copper wiring, and circuit boards.

So, the question remains, “What do you do with them?”

television disposal guide

Junk King Fremont is Your Green Option for Television Disposal

Unfortunately, the ad truth is that most people just throw away old electronics that they no longer want or need. And they’ll likely end up in a landfill.

The good news is that the heart of Junk King’s corporate mission is to keep as much waste as possible of any kind out of landfills. In fact, Junk King is the only nationally recognized junk removal company that works to recycle at least 60 percent of everything we haul away.

This means that Junk King Fremont makes every effort to recycle or reuse everything we bring into our doors, as well.

We can make this happen because of our working relationships with various nonprofit organizations, local donation shops, and local recyclers throughout the greater East Bay. By working this way, Junk King is able to get as much of your e-waste and other junk items donated or recycled as possible.

So, regardless of whether you live in San Lorenzo, Russell City, Northgate, downtown Fremont or anywhere else along the 880 corridor, we can come to your home or workplace and take care of your television disposal needs quickly, efficiently, and in an eco-friendly manner.

In fact, we can dispose of any other types of unwanted junk or e-waste you need to get rid of and always with our award-winning service.

junk removal service recycling

Television Disposal with Great Service, Green Removal, and Fair Pricing

Actually, it’s pretty hard to beat that combination! A simple call to Junk King Fremont, and you’ll experience the Bay Area’s Number One television disposal service.

Unlike many other operators in our industry, Junk King never charges by weight. In fact, you only pay for the amount of space your junk takes up in our truck. Because we believe in fair and transparent pricing, we always ensure that you know what you’re paying for and why.

And that’s a big reason why our pricing is the lowest in our service area, from Castro Valley to Newark. In fact, another one of our company’s hallmarks is our fair and transparent pricing and we guarantee to beat any other written estimate.

Junk King Fremont offers free estimates for all our customer and we give you four different ways to get an estimate:

  • ON-SITE: The best and most accurate way for us to offer you the lowest price is with a free, no-obligation on-site estimate.
  • CALL US: You can also call or chat with our customer service representatives.
  • TEXT: Take a photo of your items and text us at 737-888-5865. We’ll text you an estimate.
  • ONLINE: Click “Pricing” in the navigation bar above, scroll down to “Pricing Estimator”, click on the green “Launch Pricing Estimator” button.

Keep in mind that an estimate isn’t an actual price. However, when our professional and courteous television disposal and junk removal team shows up at your home or office, they will give you a firm, no-obligation price on-site.

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator

Your Best Option for Television Disposal in the Greater Fremont Area

If you live in the East Bay region of Fremont, Union City, Newark, or Hayward, Junk King Fremont is here to take care of all your junk removal needs.

Have you been hanging on to that old TV you had from your college days? You know – the one with actual knobs and an antenna on top? Or maybe you’ve upgraded to one of the massive, flat-screen smart TVs and now you need to get rid of your old, not-so-smart TV? 

Regardless of the reason, if you’ve got old televisions and other junk to dispose of, your best option is to call the professional television disposal team in the Fremont area – Junk King Fremont. 

At Junk King Fremont, we always provide efficient, safe, affordable, and environmentally-friendly junk removal services that take the work and worry out of the disposal of your junk. And our professional and experienced junk removal team will carefully remove and haul off any types of junk you have so you don’t have to!

Our professional and insured television disposal team will show up at your home or office, and we’ll call 15 to 30 minutes before we arrive. And, once we’re on-site, we’ll give you a final price based on how much room your junk takes up in our truck.

So, ready to get rid of your old television or other electronics? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Just make an appointment by booking online above, or by calling us at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).

Book a Touchless Appointment Today!

Need A Storage Facility Cleanout In The Alameda Area?

storage facility cleanouts alameda ca

Who would’ve thought that a small, unattractive utility structure could become a media star?

Welcome to the United States in the 21st century!

The fact is, that self-storage facility units have become famous for being abandoned while still full. And one of the driving forces of this media attention is the reality TV show “Storage Wars.” The program’s premise, according to the show’s producers, 

“Follow four professional buyers and their teams as they scour repossessed storage units in search of hidden treasure.”

However, the “real life” reality is that, while some may see possible treasures, storage facility managers just see junk.

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Dude! Where’s My Stuff? Storage Facility Cleanouts

The problem with the popular perception perpetuated by reality TV shows is that the belongings left in these self-storage rental units typically have little or no value. And the real question is: what happens with all the “junk” that turned out to not be treasures?

The answer is that someone has to clear it all out and get rid of it. Unfortunately, the job of getting all that junk loaded up and hauled away usually falls on the storage facility manager. 

Of course, there are sometimes auctions carried out, but, even if there is an auction, everything isn’t always sold. Eventually, the self-storage facility owners or their managers must deal with the defaulted leases, the abandoned junk, and maybe any items that might have been left unsold at an auction.

Ultimately, the storage facility manager is the one left with the task of clearing out the abandoned units in order to put them back on the market.

And that’s when a reliable storage unit cleanout service is needed.

The Growth of Storage Facilities in the U.S.

There was a time when a “storage unit” was just a shed in the backyard, the garage, the basement, or the attic.

Not any longer.

Today, having too much stuff is a growing problem for most people in the United States. In fact, most of us are so inundated with all our personal belongings, that we’ve turned self-storage unit rentals into an almost 40 million dollar industry!

As of 2020, the storage facility industry recorded close to 60,000 storage facilities operating just in the United States alone. These facilities add up to a total of 1.7 billion square feet of storage facility space available for rent.

So, what does that look like on a personal scale? Almost five and half square feet per person.

While that’s just over five square feet of storage space for every man, woman, and child in the nation, that is also more than five square feet for about 331 million people as of 2020! And even though not everyone in the country has a rented self-storage unit, it’s estimated that almost one out of every ten households do rent a storage unit.

All of this means that it’s a great time to be one of the hundreds of companies that build and maintain the tens of thousands of storage facilities across the nation. But, when it comes to dealing with the day-to-day operations of a storage facility, it is usually the individual facility manager or managers – since it’s quite common in the industry for husbands and wives to work as partners. 

And they are the ones who have to deal with the hard stuff.

Stuff like renters not paying on time – or not paying at all – and units being broken into, or renters just breaking things with their trucks. In addition, these often-overworked men and women are constantly needing to keep their units leased and run the business.

Storage unit cleanouts? Who’s got time for that?

The Storage Unit is Full But Nobody’s Home

Occasionally, storage facility managers discover large amounts of junk that has been left behind by previous tenants. This is a real problem for them, unfortunately, since the work of getting all that junk cleared out and hauled off to be disposed of falls on them.

Typically, in these situations, the abandoned units need to be quickly cleared out by the managers, so they are able to rent them out again. This is critically important since available storage units that can’t be rented represent a loss of revenue for the facility owners and managers.

But sometimes, even getting all the junk out of these storage units can be a logistical challenge.

Because, as storage facility managers know, the storage units are usually built side-by-side, often with narrow hallways or paved access. In addition, the space inside a full unit is often limited and cramped. In many situations, even the work of separating and staging all the contents can be difficult and time-consuming.

For a storage facility manager, this often means time away from other duties or hiring someone to clear it out. In addition, there is often a need for a large enough vehicle to make the hauling task easier.

The good news is that Junk King Alameda offers a solution to this problem!

Don’t want to bother with doing it yourself? Then Junk King Alameda is your answer for every storage facility cleanout job and junk removal. Best of all, we haul it away for one simple price, while making everything fast and stress-free for you.

commercial junk removal services

Junk King Alameda and Affordable Storage Facility Cleanouts

With Junk King Alameda, you will always save money because we only charge by volume, that is, simply the amount of space your junk items take up in our trucks. This is important as most other junk removal firms charge by weight.

What’s that mean for you? Simply that you pay the same price for the amount of junk you dispose of regardless of how heavy it is. A truckload of appliances will cost you no more to dispose of than a truckload of old clothes and bedding.

In addition, our pricing is the lowest in our service area, whether that’s Fremont, Union City, Castro Valley, Newark, or Hayward. In fact, at Junk King, we guarantee to beat any written estimate.

In addition, we offer free estimates as a part of our service along with four different ways to get one:

ON-SITE: The best and most accurate way for us to assess the job and offer you the lowest price is a free, no-obligation on-site estimate.

CALL: You can also call or live chat with our customer service representatives.

TEXT: If you can take a photo of your items, text us at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back an estimate.

ONLINE: For an online pricing estimate, simply click “Pricing” in the navigation above, scroll to pricing estimator, enter a zip code, and choose “Add My Items” or “By Pickup Truck Loads”

Please note that an estimate is not an actual price quote. However, once our junk removal team shows up at your home and assesses your junk removal job, they will give you a firm and no obligation price on-site.

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator

Get Storage Facility Cleanout Help With Junk King Alameda

Junk King provides an efficient, safe, and eco-friendly junk removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pickup or disposal of the junk left behind in your storage facility units.

For many, the easy solution for junk disposal is to simply take it all to a landfill.

At Junk King Alameda however, we make it our mission to take the time and make the effort to recycle as much as we possibly can. In fact, we are successful in recycling 60 percent of what we take in, on average. This is one of the reasons we are known as the “Green” junk removal company!

Whether you need our services several times during the year, or just once or twice for a major storage facility cleanout, our junk removal professionals will ensure that any furniture and other items are quickly out of your unit and off your facility so that you can get on with renting it out again.

Our team specializes in property cleanouts and junk removal. We can be at your facility in mere minutes, so call us today! Our crew is fully insured and well-trained, so you can trust them to get rid of those unwanted items in a professional and courteous fashion.

One of the best things about hiring Junk King is that we recycle as much of the material we pick-up. This is proof of our commitment to being an eco-friendly removal service. If you have questions about what we do or what we believe, give us a call at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).

Book a Touchless Appointment Today!

The Best E-Waste Disposal Solution For Fremont – And Beyond

e-waste alameda


What exactly are you supposed to do with the cell phone that you accidentally leave in your pants pocket and run it through the washing machine? Or what about that tablet that your dog used for a chew toy? Those old video game consoles that your children no longer play with might be taking up space in your entertainment room, but how exactly can you dispose of them safely and legally? 


All of these items constitute what is known as electronic waste, or e-waste. According to one study,

“E-waste is the most rapidly growing waste problem in the world. We generate about 50 million tons of it every year. This is equivalent to throwing out 1000 laptops every single second.”


 e-waste recycling


Below, we take an in-depth look at the growing problem with e-waste and how Junk King of Alameda can offer a simple and practical way to deal with your e-waste streams in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. 


What is E-Waste & Why It Needs to Be Disposed Properly?


television disposal


According to CalRecycle, “E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their useful life. Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products.” Because electronics tend to grow outdated faster than other consumers items, recycling our used electronics is an increasingly important environmental issue. 


The best thing about e-waste, as the CalRecycle website notes, is that many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. In fact, almost all of the e-waste that we tend to think of as just “junk” can often be reused with little or no refurbishing. In many cases, recycling e-waste might be as simple as taking your used phones, TVs, and other electronics to your local thrift store.


Many of these thrift stores can fix up slightly damaged electronic items and sell them at a discounted price to others.


Furthermore, as the problem of e-waste disposal becomes increasingly urgent, some retailers are allowing their customers to take their used electronics items back to the store where they were originally purchased for proper recycling. In some cases, you may even receive store credit for this type of e-waste recycling. 


Fortunately, retail stores are not the only ones discovering that e-waste recycling can be an incredibly profitable business. 


A recent article in the New York Times states that: 


“The precious metals in e-waste, found especially in circuit boards, are more concentrated than in the most productive mines. In 2016, the gold in the world’s e-waste equaled more than a tenth of the gold mined globally that year. And yet much of this treasure is simply reburied in landfills.”


Furthermore, Americans dump phones containing over $60 million in gold/silver every year. As e-waste recycling techniques and technologies become more advanced, there is added economic incentive to stop e-waste from being sent to the dump. 


What Happens When You Throw Your E-Waste in Landfills or With Household Trash?


Besides wasting an enormous amount of money by sending precious metals like gold and silver into the dump, improperly disposing of your used electronics, phones, and other e-waste items also comes with an extremely serious environmental cost.


Unfortunately, in 2019, the global share of e-waste documented to be collected and properly recycled was just 17.4 percent


The millions of e-waste items that do end up in landfills pose a severe danger to both the environment and human health.


That is because the materials that are in e-waste contain dangerous amounts of toxic components, including mercury, lead, cadmium, polybrominated flame retardants, barium, and lithium. When sent to local landfills, these materials leach into the surrounding environment, thus becoming a serious threat to human and environmental health. 


According to one recent estimate, around 40 percent of all the heavy metals in US landfills come from discarded electronic devices.


Even back in 2014, Americans were throwing away an average of 416,000 cell phones each day. With limited regulation, electronic waste has quickly become one of the largest sources of environmental contamination around the country. 


Fortunately, many local governments, non-profit organizations, and junk removal companies are improving their e-waste disposal methods. In Alameda County, for example, electronic waste requires special handling.


You can properly dispose of a limited amount of e-waste through the Clean Up Program. You may also take e-waste to the County drop-off site.

How Junk King Can Help with Different Types of Items?

Though these electronic waste management processes have certainly helped keep e-waste out of the landfill, not every homeowner, individual, or business owner has the time or means to take their used electronics to a designated drop off services.


Fortunately, Junk King of Alameda can help you safely and legally get rid of all your used electronics and appliances. Junk King fees are among the lowest in the region, and we also offer transparent and upfront pricing.


We believe wholeheartedly in offering “fair and transparent” pricing. To that end, we offer four convenient ways for homeowners and business owners to find out how much their yard waste removal needs will cost.


For on-site pricing estimates, we can offer you an accurate assessment of the price. Unlike other companies, our on-site pricing estimates are completely free, and come with no-obligation on your part. You can also call us toll-free at 1-888-888-JUNK. Our customer service representatives can help you plan the logistics for any large-scale junk removal.


For smaller jobs, you can simply take a photo of your items, text us at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back an estimate. Once you accept the estimate, all you have to do is wait for the Junk King truck to arrive. 


Lastly, Junk King of Alameda also offers an easy-to-use online pricing estimator. Simply enter your zip code to ensure that you are in right service area and provide a few more pieces of information regarding the junk you need removed.


Our pricing estimator allows you to receive a transparent cost estimate based on either the actual items you need hauled away, or the anticipated volume in the Junk King truck you plan on taking up. 


Junk King Services for E-Wastes and More!


Our team at Junk King of Alameda understands that recycling is an elemental aspect of creating a greener future. For that reason, our mission is to ensure that 60 percent of the junk collected at each job is recycled, reused or repurposed, rather than being dumped into landfills.


In the specific case of e-waste, we make every effort to “e-cycle” the used appliances and technology gadgets that you need to get rid of. Whereas traditional recycling of e-waste products only salvages the steel, copper, and plastic components, we are proud to work with leaders in the e-cycling business to ensure that the more valuable elements such as gold, platinum, and other heavy metals are also recycled.


We also maintain relationships with several donation centers that can refurbish used electronics and sell at a discounted price to local residents. Around 25 percent of the adult U.S. population does not own a laptop computer. By working with Junk King, you might be able to help a local family gain access to affordable, used technology devices.


Our junk removal services are not only the lowest priced in the region, but we also go the extra mile to protect the environment.


Everyone in America needs to get rid of e-waste at some point. 


Okay, pretty much everyone. And living in the greater Fremont area makes the task of e-waste disposal a bit challenging. 


So, what exactly is ”e-waste” you might ask?


E-waste is short for “electronic waste” and this particular type of junk typically can’t just be tossed into your household trash. Even if it’s all small enough to fit in your recycling bin it’s usually not legal to dispose of it that way. 


And the larger e-waste items, or large amounts of e-waste, can be quite problematic. But the big stuff can be even more challenging when trying to figure out the best way to dispose of it. You could do it yourself, but it requires knowing what can be disposed of where and how. 


And there are often additional fees with e-waste disposal.


And if you have several large e-waste items, such as printers or copiers, just getting it all out to the sidewalk or driveway so you can load it up can be strenuous and even dangerous. And even if you can get everything outside to load it up for removal, you still need a large enough vehicle to fit it in so you can haul it away to dispose of it.


In other words, e-waste disposal can be a bit tricky and a lot of work.


The good news is that, at Junk King Fremont, we have a great solution for your e-waste disposal needs. We are not only knowledgeable about e-waste and e-waste disposal, but we have the experience and the equipment to make your e-waste disposal project quick and painless for you!


E-Waste Is Junk With “Extras”


Those old cell phones, tablets, PDAs, video game consoles, and more – these are the things that make up what we call “e-waste.”


According to CalRecycle,


“E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life.” Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products.”


The best thing about e-waste, as the CalRecycle website notes, is that many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. In fact, almost all of the e-waste that we tend to think of as just “junk” can often be reused with little or no refurbishing.


That’s great for both the economy and the environment.


As an article in the New York Times pointed out,


“The precious metals in e-waste, found especially in circuit boards, are more concentrated than in the most productive mines. In 2016, the gold in the world’s e-waste equaled more than a tenth of the gold mined globally that year. And yet much of this treasure is simply reburied in landfills.”


And the e-waste items that do end up in landfills pose a danger to both the environment and humans. That is because the materials that are in e-waste contain dangerous amounts of toxic components, including mercury, lead, cadmium, polybrominated flame retardants, barium, and lithium.


Unfortunately, the reality is that most people just throw away old electronics that they no longer want or need. And, unless these items are somehow recovered, they’ll likely end up in a landfill or get incinerated. 


However, part of Junk King’s corporate mission is to keep as much waste of any kind out of landfills as possible. And Junk King Fremont makes every effort to recycle or reuse everything we bring into our doors.


>>>> Related Content: E-Waste Removal Guide <<<<

Junk King Fremont for E-Waste Disposal – The Green Choice


Junk and E-waste Debris


At Junk King Fremont we provide cost-effective e-waste and other junk removal services by using two-person teams. And, because Junk King’s junk removal trucks are 30 percent larger than our competitor’s trucks, we can take more junk in fewer trips.


And this means less driving and less exhaust.


Junk King Fremont will not only remove your old, unwanted e-waste and other junk items quickly and efficiently, but our removal process is designed to keep as many of your items out of landfills as possible. Junk King’s eco-friendly mission has always been to ensure that as much of your junk as possible gets recycled or donated.


And we can accomplish this because of our working relationships with donation shops, various nonprofit organizations, and local recyclers throughout the East Bay area. By working this way, Junk King is able to get as much of your e-waste and other junk items donated or recycled as possible.


In fact, Junk King is the only nationally recognized junk removal company that operates with the stated goal of recycling at least 60 percent of everything we haul away.


In addition to e-waste disposal, Junk King can take care of old appliances including refrigerators and freezers, as well as old office equipment (including the electronics!)  In fact, no residential or commercial job too big or too small for Junk King Fremont.


And we not only remove and dispose of your e-waste in a green way, but we are also recognized as the industry’s Number One junk removal service.


Whether you’re in Fremont or anywhere else along the Nimitz Freeway area, we can come to your home or workplace and haul away your e-waste – and whatever other types of unwanted junk you need to get rid of – and do it all in an eco-friendly fashion and with our award-winning service.


junk removal service recycling


We’re Not Only Green and Friendly, We Have Great Pricing, Too!


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


With just one call to Junk King Fremont, you’ll get the industry’s Number One e-waste disposal service.


We understand that times are tough for many people right now and, as an essential business, we also understand that some services are necessary but should still be affordable. 


This is why our pricing is the lowest in our service area, whether that’s in Castro Valley, Fremont, or any point in between. In fact, another one of our company’s hallmarks is our fair and transparent pricing.


And, at Junk King Fremont, we guarantee to beat any written estimate.


In addition, we offer free estimates as a part of our service and provide you with four different ways to get an estimate:


  • ON-SITE PRICING: The best and most accurate way for us to assess the job and offer you the lowest price is free, no-obligation on-site estimate.
  • CALL US: You can also call or live chat with our customer service representatives.
  • TEXT A PHOTO: Or take a photo of your items and text us at 737-888-5865. We’ll text you back with an estimate.
  • ONLINE PRICING ESTIMATE: Click “Pricing” in the navigation bar above, scroll down to “Pricing Estimator”, enter your Zip Code, and choose “By List Item” or “By Truckload.”


When our clean, red truck shows up at your location, our e-waste disposal and junk removal team will give you a firm, no-obligation price on-site.


The Professional E-Waste Disposal Team in the Fremont Area



If you live along the Nimitz Freeway in Newark, Hayward, Union City, or Fremont, you can rest assured that we’re here to take care of all your junk removal needs.


There can be a number of good reasons why you may find you need junk removal services.


  • Did you and your family just get a boatload of great new gadgets for Christmas and now you’ve got a pile of old junk electronics you need to get rid of?
  • Maybe your office has had to close while everyone works remotely, and you have old and unused electronic equipment to dispose of.
  • Or perhaps you have a garage, attic, or storage space at home that’s filled with old televisions, video game gear, and cellphones, that all need proper disposal.


Whatever the reason, if you’ve got e-waste or other junk to get rid of, your best option is to call Junk King Fremont. 


At Junk King Fremont, we offer efficient, safe, and environmentally-friendly junk removal services that take the work and worry out of the disposal of your junk. And our professional and experienced junk removal team will carefully remove and haul off any types of junk you have.


Junk King Provides a Range of Services to Make Your Life Easy


We are the pioneers of recycling based junk removal right here in Alameda County and can help both individual and businesses deal with their e-waste in a responsible and efficient manner.


When you work with Junk King of Alameda, you can rest assured that your e-waste items won´t end up in the landfill, but will either be recycled, reused, or donated. To Junk King, give us a call at 1-888-888 JUNK, or book online today!


So, ready to get rid of your old junk and electronics? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.


Just make an appointment by booking online above, or by calling us at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).


Our professional and insured junk removal team will show up at your home or office, and we’ll call 15 minutes before we get there. Once we’re on-site, we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your junk takes up in our truck.


If you like our estimate, you simply point, and we’ll load those old junk items into our junk removal trucks and haul them away with no hidden fees.


Book a Touchless Appointment Today!




Dealing With Foreclosure Cleanouts In The Fremont Area

foreclosure cleanouts alameda

Are you a real estate professional working in the Fremont area? If so, do you ever work with or even specialize in foreclosures or REO transactions? If the answer is “Yes” then you have most likely needed foreclosure cleanouts in the past.

And, quite likely, you’ll need them again. So, who do you call?

DIY Foreclosure Cleanouts: Real Estate Professionals Need Not Apply

It’s not that you can’t manage the task yourself. The real issue is, why should you?

You know better than anyone that every hour spent doing things that you could delegate is an hour taken away from what you do best – selling homes. And the argument that you might tell yourself that you can “save money” doing things yourself is a bit hollow, too.

Your time is worth money and that time really shouldn’t be invested in cleaning out all the trash, junk, and other debris that is often left behind in a foreclosed home. At the same time, you are a professional and you know that anything that is done on your property needs to be done professionally, as well. 

This is why you really don’t want to just hire someone with a truck and a dolly to do it for you. So, what’s your best option?

Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!

More Reasons Why the DIY Option Isn’t so Great

As a real estate professional working with foreclosed properties you will almost certainly find yourself with a house full of old, used junk at some point. And you’re going to need an expert and cost-effective way to get rid of it.

Even if it is only a few piles of trash and some larger items, while you might manage getting it out of the house yourself, the problem is that you can’t just put it out on the curb for the garbage service to pick up. For one, they probably won’t if it doesn’t all fit in the bins. And secondly, you may no longer have garbage pick up service for the property.

Maybe you or a colleague has a truck or large van for hauling – where do you take it here in the Fremont/East Bay Area? You could go to one of the few local landfills, but not everything is allowed in a landfill.

The bottom line is that, even if you do have some help and a suitable vehicle, doing it yourself really isn’t the best option. Take it from the pros at Junk King Fremont: we can offer you a few great options!

Got Foreclosures? Call Junk King.

There was a time not that long ago when foreclosures hit historic levels. It was both sad and tragic for many people as they lost their homes to the economic downturn and housing market upheaval. 

Since that time, some sense of normalcy has prevailed, and those sad foreclosure numbers have dropped back to what industry experts refer to as normal levels. However, with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, economic shutdowns, and the fallout of state and federal actions, many people are being hit hard economically.

And this may be a harbinger of an uptick in local foreclosures. 

As of October 2020, foreclosure activity in Alameda County, for example, was increasing and homes in pre-foreclosure status were on the rise. While not alarming as yet, the looming threat of more shutdowns and economic restrictions doesn’t bode well. 

In October 2020, the top five cities in Alameda County for foreclosure rates were Oakland, Berkeley, Hayward, Castro Valley, and Union City.

The real problem is that foreclosures can occur for a variety of reasons and are not always tied to economic downturns or recessions. Job loss, a death in the family, divorce, and any number of other issues can create situations where a mortgage holder can no longer keep up.

When these instances do occur, as they do on a regular basis, the real estate professional tasked with selling the foreclosed home has a number of chores to complete for that to happen. And one of those chores is often the dreaded foreclosure cleanout. 

But the good news is that if you are the one with that chore on your list, simply call in the Fremont area’s expert foreclosure cleanout team to take care of it for you.

foreclosure cleanup guide

Ever Heard of “Green” Foreclosure Cleanouts? We Have!

At Junk King Fremont we are fully committed to the company’s eco-friendly mission of striving hard to ensure that as much junk is recycled or donated as possible. We are unique in that Junk King is the only nationally recognized junk removal company that consistently works to recycle 60 percent or more of everything we haul away.

At Junk King Fremont, we achieve this through our working relationships with local recyclers, donation centers, and various not-for-profit organizations across the East Bay.

This allows us to quickly and efficiently remove old, unwanted junk items like the things abandoned by previous homeowners. In addition, our removal process is designed to keep as much of this junk material as possible out of our landfills.

Have you ever wondered how much junk can be recycled? Almost all of it as it turns out. 

An article from DoSomething.org notes that,

“The EPA estimates that 75% of the American waste stream is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30% of it.”

And, when you consider that the average person in the United States generates over four pounds of trash every day almost 1.5 tons of solid waste every year, that’s a lot of waste in a nation of more than 331,000,000 people!

The good news is that there is hope for all that trash and solid waste still sitting in that foreclosed property you need to get cleaned out.

junk removal service recycling
And, best of all, you can simply call a professional junk removal firm like Junk King Fremont and let us take care of it for you.

If you have old furniture pieces still sitting in the house, no worries. Most furniture can be partly if not completely recycled. And, if it’s still usable furniture in good shape, it’s highly likely we’ll be able to find a new home for it. 

Are there old, broken-down appliances left behind in the property you’re trying to sell? Well, we’ve got that covered, too.

Removing and hauling old appliances such as dishwashers, ovens, and washing machines is a huge and somewhat labor-intensive task. Those big appliances can easily weigh up to 300 pounds and are almost always difficult to pick up and move. And that’s not even counting those massive, bottom drawer freezer refrigerator units!

And, if you were to decide to do all that yourself, you still have to know where to take them after you manage to get them loaded and secured.

The good news is that Junk King Fremont can come out to that foreclosed home and haul away any and all “abandoned” items and we do that in a manner that exemplifies our reputation for award-winning service.

And, in addition to our service, you’re sure to love our fair and transparent pricing that sets us apart from the rest.

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator

Professional Foreclosure Cleanouts for the Fremont Area

If, in your work as a real estate professional, you need a foreclosure cleanout at some point, we’ve got you covered. No matter whether the house is in Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, or in downtown Fremont, if your property is in the wider Fremont area, we can take care of it for you.

Junk King Fremont provides an efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly foreclosure cleanout service that makes that part of your job effortless.

Our professional and experienced junk removal team can quickly and easily remove and haul off any and all items that have been left behind in a property. The only thing we don’t take is hazardous material and, hopefully, you won’t have to deal with that!

Junk King Fremont uses two-person teams and our large trucks to deliver cost-effective junk, trash, and debris removal.

In fact, our junk removal trucks are up to 30 percent larger than our competitor’s trucks, which means more junk in fewer trips. We can manage even the largest pieces of furniture since our big, red trucks designed for large junk items. And, best of all for you, we do all the heavy lifting!

So, ready to take care of that foreclosure cleanout? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Just make an appointment by booking online above, or by calling us at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).

Our professional and insured junk removal team will show up at your property, and we’ll call 15 minutes before we get there. Once we’re on-site, we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room the junk will take up in our truck.

If you like our estimate, you simply point, and we’ll load it all into our junk removal trucks and haul it away – all without any hidden fees!

Book a Touchless Appointment Today!

Mattress Disposal In The Fremont Area Made Easy

mattress disposal fremont area

Residents living in the Fremont area you will find themselves with an old, used mattress at some point. And they will need to have a way to get rid of it. 

The problem is that you can’t simply put it out to the curb and hope the garbage guys will take it. 

They won’t.

And, even if you have a truck or large van to haul it away with, where can you take it? You could go to a local landfill, but not all of them will accept mattresses. Not to mention that our landfills are rapidly filling up and closing. And keep in mind that mattresses are heavy, bulky, and difficult to move, load, and unload. 

It’s been estimated that more than 20 million mattresses end up in landfills each year in this country. And one average-sized mattress by itself can take up to 40 cubic feet of space in a landfill. So, dumping your old mattress isn’t really the most environmentally friendly option.

And even at that, without a suitable vehicle to haul a mattress, you’re going to need help. However, take it from the folks at Junk King Fremont –  the good news is that you have some great options!

Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!


Got an Old Mattress? Don’t Do This!

If you have limited storage space in your home, keeping an old mattress around isn’t practical. Mattresses take up a lot of space and most of us don’t have enough storage space to spare.

So, it’s fair to ask, “What do I do with my old mattress?”

First, here’s what you should NOT do with it: Dump it someplace outside.

While we’ve all seen an old, discarded mattress on the side of the road, and that may seem like an easy solution, it is an environmental hazard and illegal. And the consequences if you’re caught are severe.

According to ByeByeMattress, 

“Illegal dumping disrupts natural land and water, harms plants and wildlife, causes health and safety hazards, attracts disease carrying pests like rodents and insects, pollutes water sources, decreases property values, and costs taxpayers millions in clean-up costs.”

And, if you were caught and convicted of this crime, you could be fined up to $10,000, have your vehicle seized, and even be incarcerated. All that just so you can get rid of an old mattress the easy way!

So, if simply “dumping” your old mattress isn’t an option – for you or the environment – what can you do with it?

You can sometimes donate your gently used mattress, but that can be problematic, especially in states like California. 

According to one source,

“Although it may come as a surprise, local thrift stores do not accept mattresses at most locations. Some cannot take any mattress or box spring, including waterbeds, traditional innerspring, or foam mattresses. Due to health and sanitation laws, beds have to be sanitized before being resold at those locations. Because most thrift shops do not have the resources to do so, they are unable to take these donations.

Although some locations will accept mattresses if they’re in good shape, you’ll want to call ahead of time to be sure they will take it.”

Okay, but what if you just have an old mattress that can’t be reused properly? In other words, if you can’t sell it or donate it because it’s not legal to do so, what do you do with it?

Easy! Simply call in the Fremont area’s expert mattress disposal team to get rid of it for you.


Yes, Green Mattress Disposal Really Is a Thing

Junk King Fremont is fully committed to pursuing the company’s eco-friendly mission of always ensuring that as much of your junk gets recycled or donated as possible. In fact, Junk King is the only national junk removal company working to recycle 60 percent or more of everything we haul away.

We do this at Junk King Fremont through working relationships with local recyclers, donation centers and nonprofit organizations across the East Bay. That means we not only remove your old, unwanted junk items like mattresses both quickly and efficiently, but it means our removal process is designed to keep as much of this out of landfills as possible.

In other words, we’re able to get as many junk items recycled, repurposed, or donated as possible. Even mattresses

Have you ever wondered how much of a mattress can be recycled? Almost all of it actually. 

junk removal service recycling

As an article from AmeriSleep points out,

“Most materials in a mattress can be repurposed once a bed is deconstructed (about 85-90%), and enterprising entrepreneurs are constantly developing new ways to use old bedding.”

Here’s a quick break down of what mattress recycling looks like:

  • Springs & Coils: Metals can be melted and made into raw material for new items
  • Foams: These are shredded and used as carpet padding, moving pads, and fuel
  • Fibers:  All of the fibers can be turned into filters, insulation or also burned for fuel
  • Fabrics & Upholstery:  These materials can be reclaimed for use in other products
  • Wood: The wood from the frame can be chipped for mulch or fuel products

There are currently laws in California, Connecticut and Rhode Island that allow retailers to collect a disposal fee on all new mattress and box spring sales.

As a result, the Mattress Recycling Council now operates recycling programs, called Bye Bye Mattress, in those states which have enacted mattress recycling laws.

And, best of all, you can simply call a professional mattress removal firm like Junk King Fremont and let us take care of it for you.

Also, there are some mattress-type items that California doesn’t accept in its recycling program, however. A post at The Sleep Judge explains,

“Unfortunately, even though you paid that $11 fee when you purchased the bed, it does not mean that it can be recycled when you are done with it. A mattress or other bedding item can be deemed unacceptable if it is contaminated and/or poses a risk to new products, personnel, or equipment. The following are examples of unacceptable items:

  • – Severely damaged, frozen, stained, soiled, twisted, or wet mattresses, box springs, and foundations.
  • – If it’s infested with bed bugs
  • – Car beds
  • – Sleeping bags
  • – Pillows
  • – Any children’s items such as carriages, dressing tables, strollers, lounge pads, crib bumpers, and baskets.
  • – Water beds or camping air-mattresses
  • – Fold-out sofa beds
  • – Futons & furniture

The good news is that Junk King Fremont can still come to your home (or workplace) and haul away your “unacceptable” items with our award-winning service. And when we do, you’re going to love our fair and transparent pricing that sets us apart from the rest.

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


The Fremont Area’s Expert Mattress Disposal Team

Everyone ends up needing mattress disposal at some point and that’s just as true in Union City and Fremont as it is in Castro Valley or Hayward. If you live in the wider Fremont area, we’ve got you covered when you need to get rid of an old mattress.

Whether you just treated yourself to a long overdue new bed, or your household has gotten a bit smaller with another kid moving out on their own, Junk King Fremont offers an efficient, safe and environmentally-friendly mattress disposal service that makes the job effortless.

That’s because our experienced junk removal team can quickly and easily remove and haul off your old mattress along with any other type of junk you have. At Junk King Fremont we provide cost-effective junk removal using two-person teams and our large trucks.

In fact, Junk King’s junk removal trucks are up to 30 percent larger than our competitor’s trucks, which simply means we can take more junk in fewer trips. Hauling used mattresses is a breeze with our big, red trucks designed for your large junk items.

So, ready to get rid of your old mattress? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Just make an appointment by booking online above, or by calling us at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).

Our professional and insured junk removal team will show up at your home, and we’ll call 15 minutes before we get there. Once we’re on-site, we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your mattress and other junk takes up in our truck.

If you like our estimate, you simply point, and we’ll load it all into our junk removal trucks and haul it away – all without any hidden fees!

book junk removal appointment now

Taking Care Of Junk Removal In Fremont Area

junk removal in oakland, alameda, and fremont

When you live in the Fremont area of the San Francisco East Bay, getting rid of some large unwanted items can be a real challenge. 

Needless to say, if it’s small enough to fit in your recycling bin it’s usually not a problem. But the big stuff can leave you scratching your head trying to figure out the best way to dispose of it. 

To make things more complicated, even if you do have a truck to haul it away with, landfills are rapidly filling up and disappearing, not to mention expensive to use. And, if you don’t have a truck or access to one, then you may find that junk removal in the Fremont area can be, well, a bit challenging.

When your junk consists of old appliances or large furniture, just getting it out to the sidewalk or driveway can be strenuous and possibly dangerous. But let’s assume that you have someone helping you move these large junk items – you still need a suitable vehicle to haul it away and dispose of it. 

Fortunately, Junk King Fremont is a great solution for all your junk removal needs. Not only do they have the right-sized trucks to remove your junk, but they also have well trained, bonded and insured staff members to help you reclaim those junk-filled areas in your home.

full service junk removal

Got Junk? Get Rid of It the Right Way!

Did you know that the larger portion of what you throw into the garbage still has usable value? It’s true about most waste that’s generated, and it’s especially true of what we typically call “junk.”

Almost 75 percent of the garbage in America that goes into what is known as the “municipal waste stream,” or MWS, can be recycled. This is all the more disturbing when you realize that the United States averages a recycling rate of only about 30 percent. So, about 45 percent – or almost half – of what could be recycled never is. 

On a brighter note, however, the Bay Area has managed to outdo that recycling rate by almost double. The rest of the country, not so much.

According to the most recent figures available from the EPA, the U.S. generates close to 270 million tons of waste every year, or about four and a half pounds per person each day. So, if 75 percent of that could be recycled, but only 30 percent is, that means we add about 100,000,000 tons of trash into our national landfills that doesn’t really need to be there.

The best thing about the waste that we usually categorize as “junk” is that it can often be reused “as is.” That simply means most junk items can be repurposed or reused somewhere else with relatively little processing.

Unfortunately, most people just throw away what they no longer want or need into the trash.

With close to a million residents living in the larger Fremont area, keeping as much waste out of landfills as possible is essential. In keeping with the Junk King corporate mission, Junk King Fremont makes every effort to recycle or reuse everything we bring into our doors.

Book a Touchless Appointment Today!

Choosing Junk King Fremont for Your Junk Removal

At Junk King Fremont we provide cost-effective junk removal using two-person teams and our large, red trucks. Junk King’s junk removal trucks are 30 percent larger than our competitor’s trucks, which means:

One, we can take more junk in fewer trips.

Two, our cost per load is significantly lower than our competitors.

Junk King Fremont will not only remove your old, unwanted junk items quickly and efficiently, but our removal process is designed to keep as many of your items out of landfills as possible. Junk King’s eco-friendly mission has always been ensuring that as much of your junk as possible gets recycled or donated.

We do this through working relationships with local recyclers, donation shops, and nonprofit organizations in the Nimitz Freeway region of the East Bay. This way, we’re able to get as many of your items as possible recycled, repurposed, or donated.

Junk King is the only national junk removal company that operates with the goal of recycling 60 percent or more of everything we haul away. And we manage to do so while becoming the industry’s Number One junk removal service.

From yard debris to old furniture, hot tubs, and appliances, to estate and foreclosure cleanouts, there’s no residential or commercial job too big or too small for Junk King Fremont. Whether you’re in Castro Valley, Fremont, or any point in between, we’ll come to your home or workplace and haul away your junk with our award-winning service. And you’ll love our fair and transparent pricing that sets us apart from the rest.

Free Junk Removal Price Estimator

Got Junk? Sell It or Donate It!

If your large junk items are still in decent shape and usable, you might consider selling some of your items. 

While people in the Fremont area still have yard sales or garage sales, it’s not always an option for folks in apartments or townhouses. That’s when the ever-growing options for online selling really comes in handy.

It wasn’t that long ago when there were only a few online selling sites available, mainly eBay and Craigslist, both of which are still going strong. But today there are a variety of online selling options available for your old, unwanted items. 

Here are a few online selling sites to check out:

There are many others, as well, and each site operates differently. Some sites charge fees to list items for sale, while others only take a transaction fee, and some are completely free. 

Don’t feel like selling things? Not a problem!

Many old, unwanted “junk” items are still reusable. Things like old furniture, old clothes, old toys, tools that still work, and any number of other items can be given away or donated. If your family members, friends, or neighbors don’t want them, there are a large number of charitable and not-for-profit organizations that will be glad to take them.

Wondering where to donate your unwanted, usable items in the Fremont area? Here are some resources:

Making thoughtful donations with your usable but unwanted items require some effort, but it’s a great way to help others while helping yourself. 

But what if you just have junk that really is junk? In other words, if you can’t sell it or donate it because it’s not usable, what do you do with it?

Easy! Simply call in Junk King, the Fremont area’s expert junk removal team to get rid of it for you.

Your Expert Team for Junk Removal in the Fremont Area

If you live along the Nimitz Freeway in Castro Valley, Fremont, Hayward, Newark, or Union City, we’re here to take care of your junk removal needs.

There can be a number of good reasons why you may find you need junk removal services.

  • Did you just finish your final cleanup for the summer only to discover you’ve got a pile of old junk you need to get rid of?
  • Maybe your big landscaping project has come to a close and now you need to get rid of the trash and yard debris.
  • Or perhaps you have a storage space at work that’s filled with old office furniture you’ve decided to dispose of.

Whatever the reason, if you’ve got junk, your next best step is to call Junk King Fremont. 

Junk King Fremont offers efficient, safe, and environmentally-friendly junk removal services that take the work and worry out of the disposal of your junk. Our experienced junk removal team will carefully remove and haul off any types of junk you have, and our big, red trucks are designed to handle your large junk items.

So, ready to get rid of your old junk? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Just make an appointment by booking online above, or by calling us at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).

Our professional and insured junk removal team will show up at your home or office, and we’ll call 15 minutes before we get there. Once we’re on-site, we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your junk takes up in our truck.

If you like our estimate, you simply point and we’ll load those old junk items into our junk removal trucks and haul them away with no hidden fees.

Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!

Oakland Scrap Metal Removal Pros

It’s time for a little scrap metal trivia. Did you know that there are two kinds of scrap metal? These two types are ferrous and nonferrous. Ferrous metals are iron and steel. Nonferrous is pretty much everything else. This includes aluminum, tin, lead, pewter, zinc, bronze and brass. When you think of scrap metal what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it huge piles of twisted steel lifted by a giant claw machine at a junk yard? That is certainly one way to look at scrap metal. The truth is that a lot of what we throw out could be considered scrap metal starting with all our soda cans or empty canned goods. Those are easy to get rid of because they can be tossed out in the weekly recycling bin. But what about the big items?

When you consider getting rid of major kitchen appliances like stows, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers or trash compactors then you’re talking about some serious scrap metal. This also applies to things like bicycles, sewing machines and lawnmowers. The moment you decide anyone of those items should be gotten rid of it becomes scrap metal.

If scrap metal find its way to a landfill it is just becoming a wasted resource. Think of a landfill as a giant compost pile. The best results for something like that would be to have organic materials that can decompose down to their natural state. Adding scrap metal into that mix is going to slow the process down and make those landfills even more hazardous than they already are. The fact is that recycling metal actually requires fewer resources than making metal from scratch. This means it’s less expensive and reduces the harmful impact that mining or smelting raw materials has on the environment.

The numbers break down like this: for every ton of steel that is recycled we end up saving 2500 pounds of iron ore, 1400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone. Even if you recycle just one aluminum soda can you’re saving enough power to run a television set for three hours. That kind of recycling can add up very quickly.

All around Oakland there are scrap metal recycle centers which are happy to take in your metal. The one condition is that you have to bring the metal to them. You also have to bring the metal to them during their business hours. Just because you embrace the concept of recycling scrap metal doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy to pull off.

Of course you can reduce the amount of effort on your part by hiring professional junk haulers like Junk King Alameda to take away your big pieces of scrap metal. These junk haulers are in a perfect position to haul away your scrap metal because they’ve got the truck space and the muscle to do the heavy lifting. They also know exactly where to drop off the scrap metal which means you don’t have to run the risk of driving around Oakland for hours looking for the right junk yard. You’ve got better things to do with your time, so let Junk King’s pro hauling team take care of your scrap metal.

Junk King Alameda
15010 Wicks Blvd, Unit B
San Leandro, CA 94577
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Alameda area, including:

Castro Valley
El Cerrito
El Sobrante
San Leandro
San Lorenzo
San Pablo
and these nearby zip codes:
94501, 94502, 94530, 94536, 94538, 94539, 94541, 94542, 94544, 94545, 94546, 94547, 94552, 94555, 94560, 94564, 94577, 94578, 94579, 94580, 94586, 94601, 94602, 94603, 94605, 94606, 94607, 94608, 94609, 94610, 94611, 94612, 94613, 94618, 94619, 94621, 94702, 94703, 94704, 94705, 94706, 94707, 94708, 94709, 94710, 94720, 94801, 94803, 94804, 94805, 94806