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Everything You Need to Know About Getting Rid of an Old Mattress


Have you been waking up feeling unrested or with more aches and pains than you once had? If so, you might blame old age or the stress of your job, but there could be something else at fault: your bed. Mattresses don’t last forever, and some don’t even make it the seven or eight years you’re told they will. Waking up with aches or not sleeping well isn’t normal, and if you know it’s not a health-related issue, it’s probably your mattress.


Old mattresses become lumpy, fail to support your body correctly, and can actually be the cause of breathing issues. However, getting rid of an old mattress isn’t always easy since they are one of the bulkiest and most awkward pieces of furniture to move. That’s why many people call a junk hauling service like Junk King. If you’re wondering about the state of your mattress, here are some signs that it’s past its prime and some tips for getting rid of it.


Is it Time to Trash Your Mattress?


The first thing to determine is if it’s time for your mattress to go in the trash. First, look for some of the common signs that your mattress is no longer doing what it should be. Are you sleeping well? Do you have trouble getting comfortable at night? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and toss and turn for what feels like hours? If you rule out medical conditions and other issues that could cause you to not sleep well, the answer is likely that your mattress just doesn’t provide the support it should.


Over the years, mattresses slowly begin to break down. If you have a traditional coil mattress, those coils can start to flatten out or shift out of position. Once they do, they don’t support you or, worse, they poke you in the back. Memory foam mattresses may not have this issue since they don’t have coils, but the foam does break down over time. If you get off a memory foam mattress and can very clearly see where you were laying, it means the foam isn’t springing back into place like it once did. 


There are other signs that your mattress needs to join your bulk trash pile. Here are a few things to check to see if your mattress needs to be replaced:


Junk King Larger Truck

There Are Visible Signs of Wear


If you see stains, rips, and tears in the mattress, it’s likely there is more damage beneath the surface. These signs typically show that the mattress has been heavily used and needs to be replaced. 


It Smells


If there are stains on your mattress, there are likely smells coming from it, too. No mattress should smell bad. Yes, at first a new mattress is likely to have a bit of a smell to it because it’s been wrapped in plastic, but that smell should dissipate pretty quickly. Any bad smells coming from a mattress you’ve used for years aren’t normal. In fact, if you know liquid has been spilled on the mattress, these smells could indicate that mold has started to grow inside the mattress.


It Squeaks


You shouldn’t really hear your mattress as you turn over or move around. At most, you should hear a slight sound, but if you’re hearing loud squeaks and groans, it’s not a good sign. That indicates that the coils in the mattress are wearing out. 


You Find Bedbugs


There’s no real question about whether or not your mattress needs to go if you’ve found bedbugs. This infestation will likely result in having your entire home treated. While you could have your mattress specially cleaned for bedbugs, it’s very difficult to fully eradicate them. They are so small they can hide within the walls by slipping through electrical outlets. It’s often simply easier, safer, and even more affordable to purchase a new mattress instead of having one cleaned.


Junk King Heavy Lifting

Why is Getting Rid of an Old Mattress so Important?


Mattresses, especially high-quality mattresses, can be very expensive. Experts recommend you replace your mattress every seven to ten years, but do you really need to? In some cases, no. If you’ve taken care of your mattress, it may not need to be replaced. However, if your mattress is showing any of the signs listed above, you do need to look for a new one.


The reason is simple: if you have a worn-out mattress, you’re not sleeping as well as you should be. A lack of sleep will affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. While you may not notice some of these effects, they are happening. Here are some of the ways a lack of sleep is damaging to your health:


Physical Damage


Physically, a lack of sleep leaves your body weak. Sleep is when the body repairs damage to itself and combats the viruses and bacteria that cause illnesses. If you aren’t sleeping well, your body’s defenses aren’t as strong as they should be. This means you may be sick for longer periods of time or get sick more often. 


This also affects chronic health conditions. Without good quality sleep, the body can’t deal with these conditions effectively. Your chronic health issues could get worse, or conditions that you had managed effectively could become more serious. A lack of sleep will affect every part of your body, so any and every condition, wound, or illness you have will be impacted. 


Mental Damage


Mentally, a lack of sleep leaves you feeling groggy all day. You may find it hard to concentrate on things or work through problems. You might forget important things or find it hard to focus on the details of a job. Another mental effect of a lack of sleep is that your flexes are no longer as sharp as they should be. This could result in hurting yourself or others. For example, you may not react fast enough to a car coming over into your lane, resulting in an accident.


Emotional Damage


Emotionally, poor sleep results in a poor attitude. You may find yourself being much more irritable or emotional than normal. This can damage your relationships with others, especially if you lash out at co-workers or family members. 


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How Do You Get Rid of an Old Mattress?


Once you’ve decided that your old mattress has to go, the question becomes how do you get rid of it? There are a few options. You could try taking it to the city landfill yourself. Unfortunately, this means you’ve got to get it out of your home and then find a truck to get the mattress there. This isn’t always easy. Once you get to the landfill, you’ll also have to pay the dumping fee.


Another option is to put the mattress out for bulk trash day, but again, that involves getting it out of your home and down to the curb. The city doesn’t pick up bulk trash every week, either, so you need to know when the pick-up is and remember to put the mattress out. If you put it out too early, it’s possible you could be fined. 


Call Junk King of North Texas


The easiest way of getting rid of an old mattress is to call Junk King North Texas. Our crew will quickly and affordably get the mattress out of your home. We will schedule the pickup according to your schedule, and we can even do a contactless curb pickup if you can get the mattress outside. It doesn’t even have to be at the curb—just tell us where to find it, and we’ll come pick it up. 


If you’re at home, you don’t need to move the mattress anywhere. All you need to do is remove the sheets and anything else on it, then show us where it is. We will carefully haul it out. We can take the box springs, headboard, and frame, too, if you want to get rid of the entire bed.


We will also take other junk at the same time. We handle furniture and appliances, of course, but we can also take old electronics, construction waste, yard waste, and just about anything else. We won’t touch anything categorized as hazardous waste, though. Our crews simply aren’t trained or equipped to deal with that. 


Junk Removal Prices

The Junk King Process


The first step to getting rid of that old mattress is to reach out to Junk King North Texas for a free, no-obligation quote. For a basic mattress, we can easily provide the quote over the phone or via text. Our online price estimator also includes basic costs for a mattress, although these costs are just estimates. The final quote will be provided when we arrive on-site, but it will include all fees and costs associated with the removal. You’ll never find any hidden costs or extra charges. Once you agree, we’ll haul away the mattress and whatever else you had on the list.


Ready to get started? Give us a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865.

Get Rid Of Your Useless Junk Today

Once you decide to get rid of your useless junk, you want it to happen immediately. That can be accomplished when you call Junk King North Texas. These professional junk haulers make getting rid of useless junk an easy task. After all, Junk King will send a team of movers and a big truck to facilitate this removal session. That is all you need to get rid of any unwanted items inside or outside your home. All you have to do now is decide what you want to get rid of!

Full-Service Junk Removal

Junk King offers full-service junk removal. That means their crew was going to do all the work for you. You may feel the need to pitch in, but it is not necessary. The Junk King crew would like to see you sit back and relax while they do all the heavy lifting. That lifting can take place from any room inside the house. All you need to do is show what you want to be cleared away in the Junk King crew will pick it up right on the spot.

Before the junk is cleared away, you need to lock down the cost of the service. This will be a flat rate reflected on how the Junk King team will pack up the stuff. That flat rate covers the labor, disposal, and transportation. It is also a guaranteed price. Junk King will match any competitor’s price for the same amount of rubbish. They will probably even beat that price!

Even though some of your stuff is useless to you, it could be put to use by others. That is why Junk King always includes charity drop-offs for those items that can be repurposed. It’s all part of the service.

Getting rid of all your useless rubbish starts with a call to Junk King North Texas. Make a call today.

Junk King Takes Care Of Commercial Business Cleanup

No matter what type of business you are part of, there is one thing you can always count on: every day, you toss out the trash. The amount of trash depends on the type of business. For instance, a restaurant will create much more trash than an accounting firm. But both of those businesses will occasionally need to get rid of bulky items that can’t fit into the trash. When that is required, it is time to bring in outside help. That outside help can be found with one call to Junk King North Texas. These junk hauling professionals can clear out all the unwanted rubbish from any commercial business.

Unhook And Go

A lot of the bulky objects you might need to clear from your commercial business are things that must be unhooked before they can be removed. Unplugging from an outlet is easy. But some larger restaurant kitchen appliances might require unhooking from gas lines and water lines. The crew from Junk King will be able to handle that task. They have the tools and the experience to get it done.

That crew will always consist of two movers. This team shows up with a positive attitude and accepts any challenge. They also do all the work. You will not need to pull your staff members away from their jobs to help the Junk King crew. All you have to do is indicate what items you want to be cleared from your business, and the Junk King crew will do all the rest.

As for the cost, Junk King charges a flat rate pricing policy that is always good for the bottom line. That rate is determined by how everything fits onto the truck. The less space that your stuff occupies on the truck, the less you will pay.

When you need to get bulky items cleared from your commercial business, you need to put Junk King North Texas on the job. Book your removal session today.


Hire Junk King For Full-Service Junk Hauling

Whenever you hire any service professional, it should be a full-service session. After all, you don’t want to hire one plumber to start a job and then a second plumber to finish it. You can apply the same reasoning for getting rid of junk. You want a full-service junk hauling company that takes care of every aspect of the removal from start to finish. The best company for that kind of task is Junk King North Texas. These are professional junk haulers who get the job done right every time.

One Session

Junk King dispatches a team of movers for every appointment. This is the crew that will be under your direct supervision for the duration of the session. When the crew shows up at the appointed hour, you will show them all the items you want to be removed. Those can be pieces of furniture on the inside of the house and debris on the outside of the house. It doesn’t matter to Junk King what you want to be cleared away. All they are focused on is making sure you will be completely satisfied.

The last part of Junk King’s full-service junk hauling is disposal. This happens long after the Junk King crew has left your property. Junk King has always been dedicated to an environmentally friendly approach to disposal. That is why they will be happy to make drop-offs at recycling centers or charities of any reusable item you are getting rid of. That is all part of Junk King’s version of full-service junk hauling.

The cost for Junk King’s full-service is a flat rate that is always determined by how everything will fit onto the truck. Those experienced Junk King crews know what it takes to pack up their truck. They will provide you with an estimate before they load up one object. This will always be a fair and competitive price for this type of work.

When you need junk and rubbish removed from your home, you need to put the Junk King North Texas team on the job. So book your full-service junk hauling session today.


What to do with an Old Hot Tub in Argyle


Did you know that a small two-to-three-person hot tub will typically weigh around 500 pounds when empty? A larger, nine or ten-person spa might weight in at up to 1,250 pounds, and up to 8000 pounds when filled with water! Having a sturdy, well-built deck is certainly a necessity for homeowners wanting to install a hot tub at their home. 

But what happens when that hot tub or Jacuzzi eventually breaks down? According to one industry leader, “a hot tub can last anywhere from 5-20 years or more. Cheaper hot tubs made with lower quality materials won’t last long. If those hot tubs are not well maintained, they may not last more than 5 years. Quality hot tubs that receive excellent care can be enjoyed for as long as 20 or more years.”

Because of their excessive weight and bulky nature, many homeowners may choose to simply leave their broken-down hot tubs on their back deck long after they have fallen into disuse. Not only is this a waste of space and an eyesore for your outdoor living areas, but unused hot tubs may quickly be occupied by rodents and other types of pests. 

Instead of leaving your hot tub to rot away in a corner of your deck or somewhere else around your home, hiring a private junk removal company to help you get rid of that old hot tub is a much better option. Junk King of North Texas is proud to be the region’s top-rated junk removal company. We have been serving homeowners, business owners, and other residents of the North Texas region for over 10 years now, and can help you get rid of even the heaviest and bulkiest junk items. 

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

What are your Supposed to do with a Broken Down Hot Tub?  


For people in Argyle, Texas, getting rid of an old hot tub takes a fair amount of planning and preparation. Obviously, your old hot tub isn’t going to fit in your regular trash bin. If you want to rely on the public trash service, you will first have to take on the task of breaking down the hot tub into smaller parts. The waste management company that services the City of Argyle states that “furniture, boxes, other household items too big to fit inside your container and construction debris (generated from your house only) will also be collected. Non-compactables like brick, concrete, dirt, composition shingles, etc. must be placed in containers. Containers and bundles must not weigh more than 50 pounds.” Trying to break down a 700 pound hot tub into 50 pound bundles is obviously quite a task in and of itself. 

Another option might be to take your old hot tub to the nearest landfill, where you should be able to dispose of the hot tub for a fee. Of course, you will need a heavy duty pickup truck or trailer, and several people to help you load and unload the old hot tub. Today, there are somewhere between 300,000 and 2.6 million hot tubs in use in the United States alone. When these devices eventually break down (and they will), disposing of millions of heavy, bulky items like hot tubs certainly comes with a huge environmental cost. 

One of the ways to avoid simply landfilling your old hot tub is to consider purchasing a hot tub from a manufacturer or retailer that offers a recycling program once the old unit is no longer operational. Many hot tub, Jacuzzi, and spa companies offer programs that will haul off your old hot tub for free, or for limited costs. These companies will then strip the hot tub of any useable parts, and may sell those parts to “spa scrapper” who may rebuild or refurbish the spa to be resold in the future.

Unfortunately, not every store that sells hot tubs offers one of these “trade-in” programs, and in North Texas, you’ll be lucky if you find one. Furthermore, most hot tub companies will not accept older units that are have passed a certain age threshold or if they are badly damaged. 

Lastly, you might consider trying to sell or donate your used hot tub on Craigslist or sell it at a local yard sale. If your hot tub is no longer working, however, you’ll probably not find a lot of people lining up to take away your heavy and bulky junk for free. 

Bigger Trucks

The Easiest, most Affordable, and Most Environmentally Friendly Way to Get Rid of an Old Hot Tub? 


So if you don’t want to take an angle grinder to your old hot tub in order to break it down into 50-pound pieces, or if you don’t have a strong enough back to haul your old hot tub to the nearest landfill, what exactly are you supposed to do? Enter Junk King of North Texas. For over 10 years now, we have been offering the most efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly junk removal service to homeowners and businesses in the North Texas area, and some suburban areas such as Richardson, Plano, and Rockwall. We also are proud to provide full-service junk removal to the following communities in the North Texas region: 

  • Allen
  • Anna
  • Argyle
  • Aubrey
  • Blue Ridge
  • Celina
  • Denton
  • Frisco
  • Gunter
  • Justin
  • Krum
  • Lake Dallas
  • Little Elm
  • Mckinney
  • Melissa
  • Pilot Point
  • Plano
  • Ponder
  • Prosper
  • The Colony
  • Fairview
  • Corinth


If your hot tub breaks down and cannot be repaired, there is no reason to leave it sitting on your back deck for months on end. When you hire us, our professional junk removal teams will do all of the heavy lifting and hauling for you. In some cases, we can even help you with some minor demolitions if the hot tub cannot be easily removed from where it is located. This not only makes it easier on you and your back, but you will also be protecting your home from the dents and scratches that would likely occur if you were to try and move it on your own. Our company is fully licensed, insured, and bonded, so that if an accident were to occur, we will respond for any damage that might have been caused. 

Furthermore, when you hire us for your hot tub removal needs in Argyle, you will also be getting the most environmentally friendly option on the market. Our junk removal teams sort through all of the junk items that we pick up to determine what can be donated, recycled, or otherwise repurposed. In the specific case of hot tubs, we will try and find a dealer that could potentially fix and re-sell the hot tub. If the hot tub is beyond repair, we also work with several local recyclers to try and keep as much of your old hot tub out of the landfill as possible. 

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How to Hire Junk King of North Texas for your Hot Tub Removal Needs? 


Providing our customers with “fair and transparent” pricing is one of the hallmarks of our company and we even offer your four different ways to get a free estimate:

  • On-Site: On-site pricing is the best and most accurate way for us to assess the hot tub removal job. Our on-site cost estimates are free and come with no-obligation on your part. 
  • By Phone: You can also call 1-888-888-JUNK or live chat with our highly trained customer service representatives. 
  • By Text: If you can take a photo of your items, text us at 737-888-5865, and we will text you back an estimate.
  • Online: Or, for a pricing estimate online, simply click the “Pricing” tab in the navigation above, scroll to pricing estimator, enter your zip code, and choose estimate “By List Item” or “By Truckload.”

Our free estimates are offered as a part of our service to you and the final price, with no obligation, will be provided by our trained technicians on site. Call us today for the most efficient, safe, and eco-friendly way to dispose of an old hot tub.

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Contact Junk King Today for an Estimate

Want to know more about how Junk King can take care of your yard debris and other bulk trash? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation estimate. You can reach us by phone a 1-888-888-JUNK and receive a quote over the phone. You can also arrange an in-person estimate if you have a lot of stuff to get rid of. Another option is to text us photos and information to 1-737-888-5865 or go online to use our estimator tool and schedule a pickup.

Winterizing Tips for Your Backyard


As the temperatures start to drop, it’s time to begin thinking about what you need to do to your home and your yard before winter gets here. Some people don’t do much to prepare their yards for the winter, and they often see the results of that lack of preparation in the spring. They may find that their patio furniture is damaged, their paver patio has more cracks in it than before, and their shed has filled with water. 


To keep that from happening, you need to winterize your backyard. This basic checklist will help you winterize your yard and protect it from winter storms. 

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

Mow Your Yard One Last Time


The first step in preparing your yard for the winter is to give it one final mow, even if the grass isn’t that tall. That’s because, unlike in the summer, mowing in the fall is more than just keeping your grass short. It’s more about cutting up the leaves and other things on the ground that could keep your grass from getting the nutrients it needs during the winter. If you do have some longer grass, mowing it now will prevent it from falling over other grass. This can lead to other issues such as snow mold, a condition that occurs when snow falls over the bend-over grass, creating a warm, dark space for mold spores to grow.


You may also want to rake your yard, especially if there are a lot of grass clippings left from your mowing. Dead grass and other debris can smother your grass over the winter, plus it also provides space for mold spores. However, don’t rake your flowerbeds or garden. You want to let the leaves turn to natural mulch. They will help protect the roots of your flowers plus provide a home for butterflies and other beneficial insects.


Get Rid of Weeds and Dead Plants


Remove any weeds in your flowerbeds and remove any plants that are obviously dead. If you see any plants or bushes that show signs of disease, clip off any part that looks sick. Leave the healthy leaves and stems if possible, but if you see signs of rot or other issues at the bottom of the stem, the whole plant may need to go. 


If you have perennials in your flowerbeds, you should cut back the ones that are fairly floppy. It’s okay to cut them down to the soil because the roots will live through the winter. For perennials with more rigid stems, you can leave them for now. You’ll cut them down to the soil in the spring. Over the winter, their stems will actually provide food for wildlife. 

Bigger Trucks

Put Away Your Lawn Furniture and Other Items


You likely won’t be using your lawn furniture much over the winter, so it’s time to put it in storage. Your shed, garage, or even your basement can serve as a good winter home for your chairs, umbrella, and even your patio table. Take down any items that could get damaged by the snow and ice, too. This may include the pillows on your porch swing and the string lights you have hanging from your trees. Winter storms can come with high winds, plus ice can accumulate on strings, cables, and other objects. Detach your garden hoses, drain any water out of them, and store them in the shed or garage. 


Look at your kid’s outdoor items, too. While you likely can’t put a large swing set in your garage, you may be able to put away some of their smaller toys that they leave outside. You can also winterize their playhouse by cleaning it out and securing the door and any windows that open. If it’s a wooden playhouse, check the walls and roof to make sure there aren’t any areas that need repaired. 


If you decide it’s time to get rid of the playhouse, swing set, or other outdoor furniture, Junk King North Texas can help. We take all of those items plus more. We can even haul away bags of yard debris, dead bushes, and old lawn equipment. 


Check Your Patio


Both concrete and paver patios can be damaged over the winter. Water from melting snow can make its way into existing cracks, then make those cracks larger when it refreezes. Water can also get in between your pavers, forcing them farther apart and leaving openings for weeds to grow in the spring. If you see any damaged pavers, now’s a good time to replace them so they don’t get even more damaged over the winter. If you have a lot of old pavers you need to get rid of Junk King can haul those off for you.


For cracks in your concrete, you will find concrete repair mix at most home improvement stores. These products are very easy to use, and you can have your patio repaired pretty quickly. Just be sure to look at the packaging to see if the filler needs to set at a specific temperature. You may need to do this task soon if the weather is already getting colder or if storms are in the forecast.


Trim Up Your Trees


How do your trees look? Texas, especially the northern part of the state, does experience ice storms from time to time. The ice can freeze on the branches, causing them to become so heavy they snap off. Even if we don’t get a horrible ice storm this year, snow and heavy winds can cause dead limbs to break off and fall on your home or your car. They could even end up on your neighbor’s house. 


If you have any limbs hanging over your house, your driveway, your shed, or over your neighbor’s house, you should have them trimmed back. You do not want a large limb coming through your roof during the middle of a horrible winter storm. While it can be tempting to try to do this work yourself, if there are a lot of limbs located fairly high up in the tree that need to come down, hire an expert. The last thing you want is to fall out of a tree and seriously injure yourself. 


Once the limbs are down, Junk King North Texas can haul them off for you. We often pick up tree limbs, both from trimming projects and as part of debris cleanup after a storm. We can even get rid of an entire tree if you need to take one down. 


Winterize Your Shed


Is your shed ready for the winter? You’ll want to check around the foundation and the roof to make certain everything is sealed up tightly. Any windows and doors should shut firmly and leave little to no space for moisture or insects to get into the shed. If you see any areas that are damaged, you’ll want to repair them before winter hits.


Mice, stray cats, and other animals will be seeking some warm place to live for the winter, and your shed may make a very tempting home. Once they can get in, they may eat or chew on whatever you have stored in the shed. This can ruin your yard equipment and destroy some of your summer sports gear. 


Don’t Forget the Pool


If you have a pool or a hot tub, be sure you know how to properly winterize them. Pools need to have specific chemicals added to help them make it through the winter. You also want to be sure you clean the pool and correctly install a pool cover before it gets too cold. Maintain your pool equipment as the manufacturer recommends, too, which may include draining it so water doesn’t freeze in the tubes and pipes. 

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How Junk King North Texas Can Help You Prepare for the Winter


Winterizing your yard often leaves you with bulk trash you need to get rid of. This may include old lawn furniture that made it through one more summer but now needs to go, old pavers, cut tree limbs, and even a whole shed you had to demolish. What do you do with all this debris? It won’t all go in your city trash bin, and the city’s bulk trash pickup may not accept it all, either. You also may have to wait for the right pickup day, so you could be left storing debris for weeks.


Junk King will come haul this debris away plus take any furniture, appliances, electronic waste, and other junk you want to get rid of. We can handle everything except hazardous waste, so it’s likely we can take whatever you have. Once the junk is gone, you can finish preparing your yard for the winter. 

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Contact Junk King Today for an Estimate

Want to know more about how Junk King can take care of your yard debris and other bulk trash? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation estimate. You can reach us by phone a 1-888-888-JUNK and receive a quote over the phone. You can also arrange an in-person estimate if you have a lot of stuff to get rid of. Another option is to text us photos and information to 1-737-888-5865 or go online to use our estimator tool and schedule a pickup.

Set Up A Decluttering Session For Back-To-School

Back to school is the time when everything changes in the house. Everyone’s schedule needs to be rearranged to accommodate drop-offs and pickups. There’s also a lot of shopping for school supplies and new outfits to wear. It takes a few weeks to adjust but then everyone gets into the groove again and begins to count down the days to the next holiday!

One thing that can help with back-to-school around your house is to set up a decluttering session with Junk King North Texas. These are the junk hauling professionals that can clear away any amount of accumulated clutter in your home. This kind of decluttering session can positively impact the entire house.

Start At the Closets

When deciding what you can have the Junk King team haul away, you should start in the closets. No doubt, your kids have outgrown a lot of their outfits. And you probably bought some new things for the school year. That means you need to make room in the closets. The less clutter in those closets, the easier it will be to find what you’re looking for on school mornings.

You might want to set up a designated area to complete the homework. That can involve removing some old furniture to make room for a desk. Now you can see where working with Junk King can make a big difference. The two-person crew assigned to your Junk King decluttering session will be able to pick up all that stuff and have it quickly cleared from the home.

When Junk King removes items from a home, that stuff doesn’t automatically end up at the landfill. A lot of the clothing you are getting rid of can be dropped off at a local charity. That happens as part of Junk King’s removal service.

A decluttering session with Junk King North Texas is the perfect way to start the school year off right. Book that session today.

Partner Up With Junk King To Recycle Your Rubbish

When you hire Junk King North Texas to clear out the rubbish from your property, you are guaranteed that the job will be done quickly and at a great rate. Once all that junk is loaded onto the back of the Junk King truck, you do not have to give it a second thought.

However, you would appreciate the fact that Junk King strives to recycle most of what they collect. That happens automatically as part of their complete junk removal service. It is an added benefit to hiring Junk King to clear away your unwanted rubbish. This is one of the many reasons why Junk King is the area’s leading professional junk hauling service.

No Need to Separate

Before setting up your appointment with Junk King, you will spend time deciding what you want to get rid of. You do not have to separate the rubbish into recyclable piles. The Junk King crews have all been trained to spot those items that can be designated for recycling. That process will happen long after the Junk King crew leaves your property with your unwanted stuff.

Part of that recycling can include making drop-offs to local charities. That is where old clothing, household goods, and furniture can be repurposed for use again.

The cost for Junk King service is always determined by how everything fits onto the truck. The Junk King crews can look over any amount of stuff and know exactly how it will fit on the truck. That is when they will provide you with an estimate that covers all the labor, transportation, and those drop-offs. This is also a guaranteed price. Junk King will match the cost of any competitor for the same amount of stuff. Often, they will even beat that price!

Getting rid of your junk with Junk King North Texas also means recycling it. Call to book your removal session today.


Demolition for Play Structures and Other Backyard Buildings

Kids love forts, playhouses, swing sets, and other little buildings they can call their own. You’ll find many different options for these backyard buildings out there. Some are pre-assembled, while others may come as kits you put together. If you’re handy, you can even find blueprints to create and build your own. You could modify these plans and build a truly unique playhouse that your kids will love. 


What happens to that playhouse when your kids outgrow it? It’s likely going to sit in your backyard for years. It can become a home for stray animals and other pests, and the weather may take its toll on the structure. It will eventually become an eyesore and a hazard. When that happens, it’s time to take the playhouse down. Here are some tips for demolishing an old structure like this plus other backyard buildings such as sheds, greenhouses, swing sets, doghouses, and decks.

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Do You Want to Demolish the Play Structure?


The first thing to consider is whether or not you actually want to demolish the play structure. Even if your kids don’t really use their playhouse much, you might want to keep it. You may have younger children who will use it when they get a little older. You might have nieces or nephews who love to play in it when they’re visiting, or there may be the possibility of grandchildren in the future. If the building is still in great condition, you may not be in a hurry to take it down. 


However, the years to come may not be kind to it. If your backyard buildings are in good condition and you don’t want to demolish them any time soon, you need to take steps to keep them in good shape. Just like your shed or other building, you should regularly inspect the playhouse for signs of damage and make repairs when needed. You can include it in your regular spring cleaning and winterization to-do lists to make it less likely that you’ll forget about it. 


When doing maintenance on the structure, you’ll want to inspect the walls and roof from the inside and outside. Sweep out the interior, check the windows and door for signs of wear and damage, and check the floor. Wash down the exterior, and if the interior needs it, give it a good cleaning as well. Leave the door and windows open for a few hours to help air it out, too. You’ll need some ventilation through the playhouse to help keep moisture from building up inside, so you may want to install a vent near the roof. 


If you didn’t do it when you built the playhouse, be sure to apply a sealant to the wood used to help protect it from moisture and insects. Check for signs of termite damage if the wood is untreated. 


Swing sets are often made out of metal, and that can rust over time. Inspect the joints carefully for rust and other damage. Tighten the screws, too, and replace any chains or rope that appears damaged. You don’t want the swing breaking when someone is using it. 


Tips for Demolishing the Building


If you know you won’t need the playhouse any longer or if it’s clearly beyond repair, it’s time to take it down. You’ll want to do so carefully so you don’t get hurt. If it’s easy to disassemble, you should carefully do that. For example, if you purchased a swing set that has a playhouse attached to it, you can likely unscrew parts of the structure and take it down that way. This is the best option if it’s possible because you won’t have any debris. The parts shouldn’t have jagged edges or other dangers.


However, if you built the structure and it’s fairly solid, you’re going to have to knock it down. First, remove any glass from the windows. You don’t want to shatter the glass. Shards could in up in your yard and later cause someone to get cut. Once that’s done, disassemble what you can. You can likely take the door off, and you may be able to easily remove the roof.


Once all of that’s done, you’ll probably need to get out a saw. You can cut the sides down into sections that are easy to handle. Carefully set each section aside as its cut, making sure that any nails or other sharp areas are pointed downward or placed in such a way that no one will get hurt on them. 

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

What to do with the Debris


Once you’ve taken down the structure, what do you do with the debris? If it’s in really bad condition, you likely can’t reuse much, if any, of the materials. In that case, there’s really only one solution: get rid of it. Unfortunately, most cities will not allow you to put construction debris in your garbage bins. Chances are, you wouldn’t be able to fit this debris in your trash bins anyway. You may be able to put some of it out for bulk garbage pickup, but again, some cities don’t allow anything that falls under the category of construction debris to be set out for pickup. 


You could try to haul the trash to the landfill yourself, but that’s not always easy. If you don’t have a vehicle that can hold it all at once, you may have to make multiple trips. If the pieces are too large, you may not be able to get them in your vehicle at all. You then have to try to find someone who will let you borrow their truck. 


The easiest solution is to call a Junk King North Texas. We’re a professional junk hauling service that can quickly and safely remove the debris from your old playhouse, swing set, or other play structure. Our team will do all of the heavy lifting, so you don’t even need to bring the debris to the front of the house. Just show us what you want hauled away, and we will take care of the rest.

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Don’t Stop with Your Backyard Debris


Junk King can haul away more than just your old playhouse and swing set. We’re a full-service junk removal company, which means we can take just about anything. While you’re demolishing old structures in your backyard, why not take the time to clean out your shed, garage, basement, and closets? We can haul away any old furniture, broken appliances, and other garbage you have. In fact, about the only thing we can’t deal with is hazardous waste. We can even take bushes and trees that you’ve removed and debris from DIY home remodels.


Think of all the extra space you could have if you didn’t have junk taking up space. Even if it’s something as simple as an old chair in the corner of the garage or a table with a broken leg in the basement, it’s still taking up room that you could use for something else. Let us get rid of it for you while we’re hauling away other trash.


We Recycle Anything We Can


We hate sending stuff to the landfill. So much goes into the dump that can harm the environment, but Junk King is dedicated to donating and recycling whatever possible. While your demolished playhouse or old swing set may not be something we can donate, any furniture you have that’s still in good condition is. We’ll ensure it gets to one of our partner organizations so it can be used by those in need.


For things that can’t be used any longer, the next step in our process is to determine if they can be recycled. If they can be, we send them off to a local recycling center. Treated wood, unfortunately, often can’t be recycled. However, glass from windows can be, as can any metal from swing sets or plastic from plastic playhouses. We will even dismantle items made of multiple materials just to get the recyclable parts out. 


You don’t have to pay extra for this, either. We sort every truck into donatable items, recyclables, and things that, unfortunately, do end up in the landfill. At the end of the day, we typically can donate or recycle 70% or more of everything we pick up, and we’re working to improve that number all the time.


Call Junk King North Texas Today if You Have Large Debris

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If you’ve taken down an old playhouse, swing set, or even a shed, don’t let the debris pile up in your backyard. Doing so presents a hazard to your kids and pets. They could get hurt if they play around it, plus stray animals and other pests could live in the pile of debris. Instead, give Junk King a call. We will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote and answer any questions you may have about the junk removal process. 


Ready to get started? Give us a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865. You can also contact us online. 


Senior Moving and Retirement Guide

Have you just retired and are ready to enjoy the rest of your years free of the daily grind? Maybe you’ve decided you’re in your “golden years” and are ready to take it easy. Perhaps it’s time to escape the harsh winters and live somewhere warm and comfortable. Retiring can open a whole new world of adventures for you if you’re willing to embrace them. Some of these adventures may mean moving, though. Is that a step you’re ready to take? If so, this guide will help you embrace your retirement and prepare to move.


Changes that Come with Retirement


Of course, many changes come when you retire from your job in North Texas. Suddenly, your days are wide open. You don’t have to get up and spend eight hours or more at the office or other job site. For many, this can be a little disorienting at first. You may not know what to do with your time. You may feel listless, bored, and uncertain. 


These are all valid feelings, but you don’t have to let them take over your life. Now is the perfect time to embrace your hobbies or pick up new ones. You can reconnect with friends or make new friends. If you’re married, retirement is the perfect time to rekindle some of your romance. Go out on lunch dates, visit the park, or enjoy doing mundane tasks like shopping together. You’ll find that there are plenty of things you can do during the day, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.


You’ve spent most of your life working to enrich the various companies you’ve worked for. Now, in your retirement, it’s time to enrich yourself. Many seniors fall back on the old saying of “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but who says that’s true? Why not learn something new now that you have the time? Pick up an instrument, learn to paint, or take classes in literature or history if that interests you. Many colleges will let people audit courses for a small fee, plus some community centers, museums, and other organizations offer classes and seminars. Retirement is the perfect time to jump in and try something new.

Do You Want to Move?


One major change that could come with retirement is moving. Do you want to? Is there any incentive to move now, or do you love your home so much you want to remain in it for as long as you can? There’s no right or wrong answer here. You may decide to stay in your home but, several years later, realize you do want to move. On the other hand, of course, you could make a hasty move and then realize it wasn’t the right decision. Take your time and think about it. 


There are some pros to moving. If all of your children have moved out, your home may simply have too much space. You may want to downsize so there’s less to take care of. If you have a two-story home, you may find that it’s getting more and more difficult to go up and down the stairs. Moving to a single-story home may help take some of the stress off your body. You may even want to look at a retirement community so you don’t have to deal with maintenance or yard work. 


Some people retire and move closer to their families. This can be a great way to play a larger part in your grandchildren’s lives. On the other hand, some actually move farther away. You may decide that North Texas isn’t where you want to spend the rest of your life. Even if it is, you may want to get out of the city and live in a quiet suburban home. 

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Moving as a Senior


Moving during your golden years is a little bit different than moving while still raising a family or as a young person. If you’ve lived in your home for a number of years, you may have accumulated a lot of stuff. Some of your possessions may now include furniture and other items you’ve inherited, while some of them may be things your kids left behind when they moved out. Regardless of why it’s in your home, you now have to make the decision: do you move it with you, or do you get rid of it?


The first thing you should do with these items is to decide what you want to keep. This may mean determining where you’re going to move first. If you’re going from a 2500-square-foot home to an 1100-square-foot apartment, you’re going to have to leave a lot behind. On the other hand, if you’re moving to a house that’s comparable in size to the one you currently have, you may have more freedom to pick and choose. You may still decide to replace some things and get rid of others, but you don’t have to worry about everything fitting in your new home.


If you do decide you want to get rid of some things, the first step would be to ask friends and family. Your kids may decide they do want the things they left behind, or they may need some items for their children. If you have pieces you’ve inherited, other family members may like to have them.


What about stuff you don’t want or that is no longer in good condition? For that, you need a junk hauling service. Junk King North Texas can quickly and promptly haul away any old furniture, appliances, or other items you don’t need or want. You can focus on moving the things you want to keep while we get rid of all the stuff that’s not coming with you to your new home.

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What Do You Keep?


You may find the first step of deciding what to keep is a little overwhelming. You may have a lot of fond memories attached to many of the things in your home or have kept things for years because you might need them one day. If you try to sort items into a keep and donate pile and only have a few items to donate, you may need a different approach.


First, you can use the one-year rule. If you haven’t used an item or thought about it in a year, do you really need it? Many people use this approach to cleaning out their closets. Any article of clothing they haven’t worn in a year, with some exceptions, can go in the donate pile. Exceptions may be things like a heavy coat if it was unseasonably warm this past year. However, if you’re moving to a warmer area, you may not need to take winter gear with you. Keep that in mind. 


Second, think about whether or not something will be useful to you in your new home. You may have several chairs you want to take, but how often do people actually sit in them? Maybe you have a sofa and multiple armchairs in your living room, but no one ever really sits in one of the chairs. Should it really take up space in your new house? 


Third, do your best to avoid moving items to a storage unit. While that may be a short-term solution if you’ve sold your home and have to move out by a specific date, it can become a money sink over time. If you never deal with the items in the storage unit, you’ll simply be paying every month to keep them somewhere where you don’t even have easy access to them. This can stress your budget, especially if you have a limited retirement income. 

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

What Junk King Does to Help Your Move


Junk King can assist you in your move by providing a quick, easy solution to junk hauling. If you decide to get rid of some stuff on your own, you really only have two options: you can put it at the curb for the city’s bulk trash pickup or take it to the landfill yourself. The city will often only pick up a few items, and they may only do so once a month. You may have too much to make that an option. 


Taking things to the landfill yourself can also be very difficult. First, you have to have a vehicle big enough to carry furniture and appliances. Second, you have to be able to get the items out to the vehicle and then unload them at the dump. This can be more than you’re capable of, especially if you don’t have anyone to help. 


Junk King handles all of this. We will take items out of your home for you, so all you have to do is point out what you want us to take. As long as it isn’t something classified as hazardous waste, we can get rid of it for you

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Call Junk King North Texas Today


Want to know more or need a free, no-obligation quote? Call Junk King North Texas today at 1-888-888-JUNK or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865. You can also book online.

Junk King North Texas
9920 Liberty Road
Aubrey, TX 76227
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the North Texas area, including:

Blue Ridge
Lake Dallas
Little Elm
Pilot Point
and these nearby zip codes:
75009, 75033, 75034, 75035, 75036, 75058, 75065, 75068, 75070, 75071, 75072, 75078, 75409, 75424, 75454, 76201, 76205, 76207, 76208, 76209, 76210, 76226, 76227, 76247, 76249, 76258, 76259, 76266