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Tag Archives: spring home organization

Spring Cleaning Made Simple – Follow These Tips


Is it That Time of Year Again? Let Junk King Help You With Your Spring Cleaning in Rockville, MD, This Year 

Spring cleaning is the widespread practice of cleaning your house thoroughly in the spring time. While its precise origins are unknown, that hasn’t stopped individuals from coming up with a variety of possible answers. Spring cleaning, for example, is thought to have been inspired by the Iranian custom of cleaning everything before Nowruz, the first day of their solar calendar and a time of new beginnings. Likewise, Pesach (Passover) is a popular contender since observant Jewish families are abstain from leavened foods occasionally, which requires cleaning their homes of little crumbs of leftover foods.

Others believe that spring cleaning may have gained popularity in Northern Europe and much of North America for far more practical reasons. After all, in early modern times, a damp, continental climate made March the ideal month for cleaning a house. People could open their windows and doors to let the breeze carry away the dust from their cleaning because it was warm enough. At the same time, swarms of insects couldn’t come in via those same windows and doors because it wasn’t warm enough. Furthermore, because coal furnaces were turned off in the spring, it was possible to clear the soot without it being made worthless the next day.

Spring cleaning, whatever its roots, is a good thing. A thorough cleaning is beneficial to any home on a regular basis since it keeps it in a presentable condition. As a result, you might want to try your hand at spring cleaning.

Our Top Tips for Spring Cleaning 

You can enlist the help of professionals if you need it. Nevertheless, you can do a lot on your own, especially if you follow these spring cleaning tips:

  • Declutter unnecessary belongings first
  • Use up the cleaning products you already have before buying new
  • Get help from friends, family or professionals
  • Set a clear plan to do the different tasks in stages

Spring Cleaning Guide


To begin with, decluttering is one of the most immediately beneficial cleaning techniques. After all, getting rid of things makes it a lot easier to tidy up what’s left. As a general guideline, if you haven’t used something in the last 12 months, you should seriously consider selling it, donating it, or even throwing it out because the odds are higher that you won’t use it again. This rule does have several exceptions. However, you should be brutal in your evaluation of what is still of use to you. If you find yourself claiming that you still “might” use something, but can’t remember the last time you used it, time to go!

Do Not Purchase New Cleaning Products

Many people are so enthusiastic about spring cleaning that they purchase a large quantity of cleaning supplies to ensure that they have something for every task. While you may have had the right intentions to get help with the cleaning, this is usually a terrible idea in terms of decluttering. You generally spend a lot of money on a lot of clutter, for starters. Secondly, utilizing a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose cleaner should produce similar results. You can get a specific cleaning product if you come across something that requires it.

Get Help

Spring cleaning can entail a number of time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks. You’re capable of taking care of things on your own. Spring cleaning, on the other hand, is a lot more bearable if you divide it up with the rest of your family. Even children can assist if they are given duties that are age-appropriate. For example, you could have kids as young as 3 help organize the Tupperware cabinet, and older kids can wipe down window sills, baseboards and other such tasks.

Some tasks are too big for even your grown children to help with, such as removing that old refrigerator from the garage, or hauling away that old broken shed in the yard. Those are the jobs that you’ll want to call in the big dogs for quick and easy assistance. Junk King Rockville can remove all of your unwanted items in one simple trip. Just point to what needs hauling away, and watch it disappear!

Do Tasks in Stages

On a related point, don’t try to finish your spring cleaning all at once. Rather, divide the activities into manageable chunks so that you can do them all in a few days. As a result, you reduce your possibilities of becoming overburdened, increasing your odds of cleaning effectively and efficiently. In fact, frequent cleaning throughout the year might make spring cleaning less of a chore.

It’s a good idea to start with a simple evaluation. Develop a plan of attack. First identify any large items that are no longer useful to the household, and get these things out of the way. From here you can reorganize the things you are keeping and begin to determine which smaller items can also be bagged up for disposal. At the end of the day, the “cleaning” part of spring cleaning becomes much more manageable once the de-clutter process is complete.

Why Should You Hire a Professional?

If you are feeling overworked, you should seek professional help. Perhaps you only have a couple of bulk items you need hauled away, which is a-okay. At other times, you may want them to help with an entire room full of random junk to be removed. In both circumstances, you can save a lot of time and effort in exchange for an affordable price, especially if you make sure to investigate the cost beforehand using our online price estimator.

Of course, this is reliant on your selecting the best rubbish removal service for your wants and conditions. Fortunately, the internet makes it simple to find reviews and other sources of information that might give you an idea of what to expect.

Contact Junk King in Rockville, MD, for Assistance Today!

Junk King in Rockville, MD, is a trustworthy and reliable junk removal service provider. If you require rubbish removal services for any reason, including spring cleaning, you should contact us as soon as possible. By asking questions, you may gain a thorough understanding of the options accessible to you, allowing you to make the best decisions for yourself and your home.

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Junk King Rockville
609 Lofstrand Lane Suite A
Rockville, MD 20850
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 8A-3P

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