Junk King Indianapolis

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Vital Recycling Facts

How many times a day do you recycle? Every time you toss out a water bottle or a soda can into a recycling bin, it counts. Often it is easier to recycle around the home than it is at your job or shopping center. Perhaps it would help if enough people make the request for recycling bins wherever they shop or work. Bottom line recycling matters. To support that idea, consider the following facts:


Metal makes up around 9% of all the trash that is tossed out in the country in a single year. That breaks down to around 24 million tons of metal trash. Of that number, around 8 million tons or 34% was recycled. That is a number that can definitely be improved upon.

Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to run your TV for three hours or power up a 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours. Twenty recycled aluminum cans utilized the same amount of energy as it takes to make one can from original components. According to the Aluminum Association, around 64% of aluminum soda cans were recycled in 2015. That breaks down to around 56.8 soda cans. But soda cans aren’t the only metal that gets recycled.

Every year, recycling auto parts across North America saves around 85 million barrels of oil that would be used in the production of new auto parts. In fact, cars are the most recycled product with 80% of all cars being recycled in some form or another.

The more we recycle, the closer we come to achieving zero waste. That would be where literally everything that is tossed out becomes repurposed in some form. A lot of trash can be burned to create fuel to power energy plants. Food scraps can be turned into compost for fertilizer. And if the recycling numbers go up so that everything is recycled, then you could see a day where landfills become obsolete. Many cities around the country have put plans into action to achieve zero waste but it will take everyone getting on board with the concept.

A company like Junk King Indianapolis is already working towards a zero waste goal. When you turn your old junk over to Junk King, you can count on them taking every effort to get those items recycled. If you want to expand your home recycling program, then count on Junk King Indianapolis to get the job done right.


Junk King Indianapolis
7525 East 39th St. Suite 800
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Indianapolis area, including:

Beech Grove
and these nearby zip codes:
46011, 46012, 46015, 46018, 46030, 46031, 46032, 46033, 46034, 46037, 46038, 46040, 46044, 46060, 46061, 46062, 46082, 46085, 46102, 46107, 46112, 46126, 46129, 46130, 46201, 46202, 46203, 46204, 46205, 46206, 46207, 46208, 46209, 46213, 46214, 46216, 46218, 46219, 46220, 46222, 46224, 46225, 46226, 46228, 46229, 46230, 46234, 46235, 46236, 46239, 46240, 46244, 46249, 46250, 46253, 46254, 46255, 46256, 46260, 46262, 46268, 46277, 46278, 46280, 46282, 46283, 46285, 46290, 46298, 47933, 47940