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Junk Removal Blog

Clearing the Clutter for your Kansas City Thanksgiving

Preparing for Thanksgiving has never been easier especially when you can utilize all the many apps at your disposal. Not only can you download a grocery shopping at but there are also plenty of recipe options to follow with a simple click of an app. Beyond the high tech approach to getting ready for Thanksgiving nothing beats the old school method of putting together a solid preparation list. Here are some of the items you need to consider:
Do you have enough dishes? While everyone likes to set a good table, if you are inviting more guests then you have dishes for you’ll be in for some trouble. You can borrow from friends or family and have enough to go around just don’t get caught up in making sure everything matches perfectly.
Will you have enough food? This never seems to be to problem for Thanksgiving when you consider the abundance of leftovers. However, if you’ve already thrown a Thanksgiving dinner then you definitely already know which side dishes are the most popular. It wouldn’t hurt to make an extra batch of a flavorful stuffing or yam dish. Once again embrace the leftover!
Is your TV working properly? There is no escaping the simple fact that Thanksgiving also means football. To try and deny this is to cause great stress among some of your guests. If you want to designate a room as the football room go right ahead! In fact this is probably a good way to go especially for those guests who might not want to be stuck watching a football game and would rather socialize. You could even set up the big screen in the garage away from the rest of the house so that the enthusiastic fans can have their own space to enjoy the game.
Have you done all your shopping? You never want to be in a position where you’re in the middle of cooking the big meal and suddenly discovered you’re out of pumpkin spice. That’s why putting together a comprehensive shopping list and doing your grocery shopping days in advance will help you. Just for kicks try going to a grocery store on the day before Thanksgiving and see if you survive!
Will your guests be comfortable? Not only does this apply to having enough room around the dinner table but also having plenty of seats before and after dinner. This doesn’t mean you need to refurbish your entire house but you might want to consider clearing out of junk to make room for extra seating. If you are having guests stay over and are putting them up into a spare room then you definitely want to make sure you can clean out the clutter. This can be accomplished without causing you too much strain or stress by hiring a professional team of junk haulers like Junk King Kansas City to come by and cart off all your useless stuff. One phone call to 1-800-995- JUNK is all would take to get rid of that junk you’ve been hanging onto for no good reason.

Alternatives to Kansas City Dumpster Rentals

On some level, bona fide treasure hunters could also be considered scavengers. At least, that would be the opinion of anyone who thought they had a rightful claim to that treasure. For instance, an old shipwreck barge could be discovered just off the Riverfront Park which holds a safe full of coins. Would the person who finds those coins be a treasure hunter or a scavenger? If those were your coins, the answer is clear. Now try applying that same concept to your garbage.
If you’re throwing something out, you have deemed it to be trash. But supposed someone were to come along and pick through your trash to find a broken bottle or magazines. Then they take that trash and turn it into some kind of modern art that sells for a bundle. Would you be entitled to a cut of the profits? Probably not because once you put your trash on the curb, you’re basically putting it up for grabs. Think about this the next time you toss out some old credit card or bank statements. In fact, the best way for some criminal to get your personal information is to go through your garbage. You’d be amazed at what those unsavory elements can steal from your trash.
This is worth thinking about if you are planning a large cleanup project and are considering renting a dumpster for all the trash. Yes, that is a practical way to get rid of a large amount of garbage but you’re also creating a juicy target for anyone who might be on the prowl for “treasure.”
The very nature of a dumpster is to collect a lot of garbage. Anyone who is a serious bottle collector will stake out the dumpster outside of a bar or restaurant to make sure they can grab all the throw aways for recycling. If a house has been foreclosed on, a new real estate agent might rent a dumpster to fill it up with all the trash from the inside of that home. That’s just going to be too tempting to resist.
For your own cleanup, you’re probably convinced that whatever you’re throwing out is not going to be of any value but try telling that to a scavenger. They won’t be convinced until they’ve had a chance to see for themselves. And it’s not like the people who would go through your dumpster are going to “tweet” about it. This could mean a whole string of strangers wandering around your home and picking through the dumpster. Are you going to stand guard?
The best way around this would be to remove the target in the first place. You can still get rid of your junk by hiring a qualified team of junk haulers like Junk King Kansas City to show up to your home and remove whatever it is you want to toss out. Making an appointment for a KC Junk Removal team like Junk King to cart off your large trash items will remove any trash picker’s temptation and be an easy & affordable process.

Clear Out Your Clutter Before Your KC Halloween Party

There was a time when Halloween was considered just a kid’s holiday. Today, the grownups are getting in on the act by pulling out all the stops to decorate their homes and throw wild Halloween parties. For some folks, Halloween has passed Christmas on the list of favorite annual holidays. If you’re thinking about throwing a Halloween party this year then take note of these easy tips to make sure it’s a night to remember.
Start with the invitations but don’t fret over stamps and cards. Go Facebook or E-vite and you can make sure you’re party roster will be complete with just the click of a mouse. Because this is an adult party, you’ll want a more adult oriented menu but that doesn’t mean you can’t stick with the Halloween theme. You could serve soup in hollowed-out mini pumpkin bowls. Why not make a tombstone shape cake? You could also make tombstone shape sugar cookies with the R.I.P. of the names of your guests written in icing. For a party like this you’ll definitely want to go with a buffet kind of a spread where folks can just wander by and graze when they feel the hunger.
Making wearing costumes a must. You might just be amazed at how creative your friends can get. If they are struggling for costume ideas suggest they come dressed as their significant other or as a zombie version of themselves. No Halloween party will be complete without a cadre of zombies milling about. Another fun costume idea is to set the rule that a costume can’t be created until one hour before the party which means your guests can only use what they’ve got stuffed in their closet.
You can keep that creative spark fired up by also inviting your guests to bring carved pumpkins and offer a prize for the best creation. Just make sure you’ve got a decent display table set up. As for your own decorations, you can cut out bat shapes from black construction paper and tape them to lampshades to cast an eerie glow. Speaking of glow, you’ll be able to find plenty of orange, red or black candles this time of year to create that spooky atmosphere. If you are throwing your party on Halloween then be prepared for the trick or treaters who might be stopping by. Let you guests take turns handing out the candy and scaring up the visitors.
Before all the fun starts though, you should get your house in order by clearing out the clutter both inside and outside. You can get this done by hiring a crew of qualified junk haulers – Junk King Kansas City, to load up your refuse and cart it away. You might even want to have the the KC Junk King team make a return visit after the party to help cart off all that trash! Starting with a clean home is going to make everything easy.

5 Reasons to Hire Junk Haulers Kansas City

Junk. The very word conjures up images of piles of trash serving no useful purpose. Now, it is true that some Kansas City artists actually prefer to work in junk by creating sculptures and 3-D paintings with all the stuff we’ve thrown out. But can you count on an artist to stop by your place to sort through your junk. Plus, your junk might not even be art worthy! The best way to handle junk is to hire professional junk haulers like Junk King Kansas City to show up and take it all away. If you’ve never used professional junk haulers before then consider these reasons:
  1. You Don’t Have the Muscle: This is no slight on your work-out efforts, but more a realistic approach to getting rid of your junk. Some items like a sofa, old fridge or hunks of patio concrete simply need more than one person to lift and load. Sure you can try to be “Superman” and do the job yourself but do you really want to risk throwing out your back? You don’t have to if you hire experienced movers like Junk King KC.
  2. You Don’t Have A Big Enough Truck: Depending on how much junk you have, you might just need a very big truck. Even if you have your own pick-up you have to consider if that will be enough space. What is the alternative? Making several trips back and forth to the dump? With professional junk haulers its one trip and you don’t have to make it at all!
  3. You Don’t Have the Time: Hopefully, you’re the type of person who has taken the advice to “get a life” to heart. This means your weekends are full of activities. Even if you do have a rare weekend off from a hectic work week do you really want to spend it hauling junk? Probably not. The junk haulers you hire can show up first thing Saturday morning and be done with the job in time for you to head off to brunch! That’s going to be the start of a perfect weekend.
  4. You Don’t Want to Create an Eyesore: If you’ve got junk piling up in your front or back yard you could be getting the “stink eye” from your neighbors. Can you blame them? Put aside your indignity for a moment and think about what goes through your head when you see some yard full of junk. Don’t you think, “They should clean that up.” Well, now is your chance to reduce the risk of an eyesore by getting rid of all your junk once and for all.
  5. You Don’t Want to Mess Up the Environment: If you choose Junk King KC, you could end up having a large percentage of your junk diverted to a recycling center as opposed to a local landfill. Any time you can sidetrack garbage to recycling is going to result in cleaner air and water for everyone.
Add it all up and those are great reasons for hiring Junk King Kansas City!

Get Rid of Those Old Appliances in your Kansas City Home

One of the most popular types of home remodeling project is to do a complete kitchen do-over in your Kansas City home. This makes a lot of sense because in many ways the kitchen is truly the heart of the home. This is where the plans of the day are launched and it is where the family gathers at the end of the day to catch up. If you throw any type of party involving the cooking of food you’re going to find folks naturally gravitating to the kitchen. It’s home base. As such, many families have discovered that their current kitchen layout just isn’t cutting it. Perhaps they need more counter space. Maybe the goal is to expand the walls to incorporate a center prep island. Whatever the reason, a kitchen remodel is also the perfect time to get rid of your old appliances. That can be handled by hiring a crew of professional Kansas City junk haulers like Junk King.
You might not like to think of your current stove, refrigerator or dishwasher as junk. After all, they served you wonderfully through many meals. However, at the very moment you decide to replace them they can be officially classified as junk. What is the alternative? Are you going to hang onto an old stove? Is there room in your home for a second dishwasher? On some level you could make the argument for keeping a second fridge around if you have the space in a garage or basement. That can come in handy for an overflow from the kitchen fridge. Keep in mind though that if you are hanging onto that old fridge and it isn’t as energy efficient as a newer model, you could be throwing good money after bad in terms of your rising energy bills.
If you are going ahead with the kitchen remodel, you also have the opportunity to introduce a new color scheme to the room. This is another reason to consider getting rid of those old appliances. Gone are the days when your only color option for kitchen appliances was white. Today, appliance manufacturers have introduced a fresh approach to kitchen appliances by providing them in an array of vibrant colors.
Swapping out the old appliances for new ones also means you’ll have the chance to start working with the latest in computer technology that has been programmed into these appliances. This makes cooking in a stove more precise. It also allows for adjustments in wash cycles to reduce the cost of water bills. As for the new lineup of refrigerators, it’s all about storage options both on the door and in the unit itself. Do yourself a favor and go shopping for appliances just to see what is out there. Once you see all those modern upgrades you’ll be convinced it’s time to replace the old appliances. When that happens you’ll want to make sure you schedule an appointment with Junk King Kansas City who is experienced in taking away large items. The sooner the old appliances are gone, the sooner the new ones can come in and you can a start enjoying your new kitchen!

Kansas City Furniture & Junk Recycling Services

The only way to truly turn our economy around is for small businesses to step up and hire more folks. That certainly seems like a simple path to recovery but is actually not that easy for a small business to hire if they don’t have any business themselves. This is why it’s so important for you to support the local businesses in your community. The more they can thrive the better off we’ll all be.
Of course, this doesn’t mean throwing money at a business just to keep them around. After all, if someone were to open up a store that only sold left-handed tools they would have a very limiting business model. And if you’re right-handed you certainly wouldn’t be expected to buy a left-handed tool! However, there are some local businesses in Kansas City that are offering the kinds of services you can use today. We’re talking about Junk King Kansas City.
Junk King specializes in removing junk, trash and any kind of garbage from any kind of place.  One of the things that Junk King Kansas City is happy to show off is its ability to go green.
Everyone knows how vital it is to recycle, repurpose and reuse. That’s the underlying philosophy that is going to help save our natural resources and reduce carbon emissions. You might already be doing your part for recycling by separating your plastics, papers, glass and aluminum cans for the rest of your garbage. But that is only a first step.
Whenever you throw something out you should stop and think “can this be recycled?” For instance, could your old sofa that you’re planning to throw be recycled?
As they have done everywhere else across the country, Kansas City’s Junk King knows all about the local recycling centers. They are happy to divert as much garbage as they can away from the landfills and to these recycling facilities. This holds true for any type of old furniture you might be getting rid of. Whether it’s a mattress, kitchen table, sofa or recliner it can all be broken apart and separated with all those base materials being sent off to the appropriate recycling center.
Working with a crew from Junk King means you’ll be having experienced movers coming into your home to take away that old furniture. There should be no worries about how professional this crew is: their reputation depends on this! All you’ll need to do is call up the Junk King, make an appointment and then be prepared to show the crew what you want taken away at the scheduled time. They’ll handle all the rest. By doing this you really are stepping up your own eco-friendly goals. You’re also helping Junk King thrive. That’s going to be good for Kansas City any way you slice it!

Kansas City Dishwasher Buying and Removal Guide

If you’re using an old dishwasher then you really don’t know what you’ve been missing. Looking back at some of the “kitchen of the future” newsreels from the 30s and 40s will prominently show some form of a dishwasher. This was considered the ultimate in modern conveniences that would help free up the happy homemaker. Today in a busy family that “homemaker” is probably holding down a job to maintain a standard of living. This means the family dishwasher is every bit as important as the refrigerator or stove in terms of keeping the kitchen in proper working order. Thanks to advances in technology was once a clunky, noisy beast is now a sleek, easy to operate and energy-efficient appliance. Is it time for you to go shopping for a new dishwasher?
First thing you might notice about new dishwashers is that their designs are much more attractive than before. Whether you’re buying a built-in, portable or compact dishwasher you’re going to find that the newer models are all fully automated and equipped with LCD screens. Forget all the knobs and buttons. You’ll be able to program your new dishwasher with just a touch of the finger. While you’re still be able to find a classic stainless steel dishwasher you also have the opportunity to pick from a variety of colors and other finishes that can match the decor of your kitchen. You can even go a little bit wild with the blue or red dishwasher that will really add a terrific accent to the room.
Dishwasher designers determine the capacity of the machine by the amount of place settings it can hold. One classic place setting is actually 10 different items. For most of us that really just means a plate, a cup, a bowl, a knife, and a spoon. This breaks down to having dishwasher for a family of 4 to 6 people only needs to cover 12 place settings while large a dishwasher can hold up to 18.
Your old dishwasher will probably have the same kind cycles as a new dishwasher; the difference is you’ll be able to program more specifically with your computer run a dishwasher. You can go with the economy cycle lower water temperatures to a normal cycle a heavy duty cycle with the hottest water. On the modern dishwasher you can even target pots and pans versus delicate dishes and put them all through the express cycle which cuts the washing time in half. That will certainly come in handy if you’re working through a dinner party.
Picking out a new dishwasher is presented with many choices. Knowing what to do with the old dishwasher really only leaves you with one choice that would be to hire a local Kansas City hauling crew like Junk King that can come in and yanked out dishwasher and take it away in one trip. As long as they’re removing dishwasher you could also line up a bunch of other junk items for them to load up their truck with. As long as you’re getting rid of the dishwasher you might even be tossing out your old refrigerator. Let a Junk King Kansas City handle that move for you.

Reorganize Your Office Space in Kansas City

Fans of the NBC’s hit comedy show “The Office” who actually work in an office will probably recognize many of the characters as reflections of their own coworkers. Every office has that one special person who likes to plan the parties and that feels unappreciated. There’s also the office joker who is happy to waste your time telling you silly jokes or doing bad impressions of celebrities. And yes every office has their very own “Dwight” which is that one worker who gets the job done but just doesn’t seem to be all there. Of course we’d all love to have a boss like Michael Scott who cares more about having fun in the office that actually doing work in the office.
Like it or not we are pretty much stuck with our office coworkers. Unlike our friends we can pick and choose to hang out with, we are going to be spending the bulk of our week with these coworkers. If they annoy us there is not much we can do about it. That doesn’t mean we can’t make the office space a bit more tolerable. Sometimes just the well-equipped break room makes all the difference between a depressive environment and a happy one. Those offices that seem to bond together things like bowling league softball teams are the ones that make going to work every day a pleasurable experience.
Then there is the question of the actual office space itself. What shape is your office in? Are you embarrassed to have friends or family come over to see where you work? Is it because of all the clutter and junk that is stacked to the rafters your office? If so maybe it’s time to give the once over to your office space.
First step is to get rid of all the garbage taking up space in your offices. We’re not talking about the pizza boxes left over from last Friday’s lunch. Instead we’re talking about all those big items that are taking up space in cubicles and closets. This would be all that junk that everyone in the office forgets about until they go looking for something in that closet and can’t find it. Usually this search expedition is followed up with the question “why are we throwing any of this stuff out?” The answer that question can be found in a matter of responsibility. In other words nobody wants to take charge of the junk. You have the opportunity to show your boss that you have the initiative and clean out the clutter by hiring a professional team of junk haulers like Junk King Kansas City.
On the appointed day, the junk haulers will show up with plenty of muscle and truck space to take away all your unwanted file boxes, office equipment and furniture. This is a good chance to take a complete inventory on everything in your office to make sure it is still serving its purpose. Once that junk is gone you could step up to the boss and ask “what’s next?”

Summer Clutter Clean Up In Kansas City

The summer is a time for folks to come out of hiding. We spent all winter cooped up inside practically going stir crazy. Many of us have carried through with our New Year’s resolution and spent those winter months working on our swimsuit bodies and are eager to show them off on the lake and river shores. Even just being able to spend the night outdoors watching a Shakespeare play at the Kansas City Shakespeare Festival is a welcome treat for all of us who have been in hibernation. Shakespeare isn’t the only thing you’ll be able to enjoy in the great Kansas City outdoors. There are music festivals, fireworks and all sorts of fun activities happening throughout the entire summer for you to take advantage of. Another activity you should take advantage of isn’t sponsored by any Kansas City organization but instead falls on your shoulders and that would be cleaning up the clutter from around your home.
Cold weather was the perfect excuse not to do any major cleaning like pulling out all the junk in the garage or tackling a major backyard overhaul. Now with the warm summer months upon us you have run out of excuses! The good news is you haven’t run out of help and that help can come in the form of a professional junk hauling crew like Junk King Kansas City. This crew can be scheduled to show up on a day that is most convenient for you to haul away all of the clutter you’ve gathered in the past couple of months or even past couple of years. All you really have to do is decide what is junk and what is not.
In the junk category could certainly be some old pieces of furniture that has seen better days. Often when a person buys a sofa they’ll stick the old sofa down in the basement or in the garage thinking someone will get use out of it. The problem is that that old sofa is going to get even older and more broken down or dirty. Is that something you really want sticking around your home? The same thing can be said for busted kitchen appliances that you have long since replaced. Once again to make room for of the new refrigerator you might’ve shove the old refrigerator out to the back porch were now lives creating an eyesore. Now is the time to get rid of that once and for all with the help of these professional junk haulers.
There could be a wide range of other junk items that you can toss out the same time. These can be things like abandoned parts of a car repair job, scraps of wood from a remodeling project or piles of debris that were left over from the last storm. The only reason you’re keeping any of this junk is because it won’t fit in your garbage cans. But it certainly fit in the back of a junk hauler’s truck and that’s just where it should go!

Kansas City Large Trash Pickup

For folks along the Missouri River, the summer of 2011 might surely be remembered as the summer of the great flood. A perfect storm of events such as huge rainfall and snow in the winter has swelled the northern reserves as far away as Canada. That water has to go somewhere. Sadly, that means flowing south and major flooding everywhere along the route. Kansas City is bracing for its own potential flooding. Businesses and homeowners are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place. The last thing you want to do is get caught up short if the call comes to get out of town.
“Businesses along the Missouri River in Kansas City are better defended by higher levees,”  said Sara Croke, president of Weather or Not Inc. in Shawnee in an interview for the Kansas City Journal. “Their threat is not imminent, but as we get into July, they need to take a careful watch over what goes on upstream.”
As with every major city along the Missouri River, Kansas City has a levee system that has a 9 foot clearance if the predictions of 39 feet of rising water levels stays on track. However, if there is one thing the summer of floods have taught us is that nothing is predictable. The best that the folks of Kansas City can do is prepare for the worst and pray for the best.
One helpful approach would be to get your own house in order by getting rid of all your unwanted junk. Having this trash removed once and for all also will remove the danger of it getting swept away in another storm. Take a gander out your kitchen window into your backyard. Is there anything back there that should be taken away like piles of scrap wood, pieces of an abandoned auto repair project or even some dead shrubbery? What about the inside of your home? Is your basement full of boxes or other items that could be tossed out? If you want to take care of this large trash pickup up business all you need to do is hire a team of experiences junk haulers like Junk King Kansas City,
A professional junk hauling crew can show up on the scheduled day with enough manpower and truck space to take away even the biggest pieces of junk you might have around your home. Is it time to get rid of the piano nobody plays? Want to toss out that broken furniture? Need to get rid of the old washing machine? These are exactly the kind of big items that you can’t simply put on your curb and hope they’ll be taken away. They won’t and you could get fined for illegal dumping.
Even if you just have one big item, it’s still worth to call up a professional team of haulers. You could add onto the pile some smaller boxes or bags of trash to make the most of the pickup. The goal is to get rid of that trash you’re holding onto because you can’t toss it out. Why hold onto that if you don’t have to?
Junk King Kansas City
803 Woodswether Road
Kansas City, MO 64105
Hours: M-F: 8A-8P, Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Kansas City area, including:

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