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Tag Archives: old couch removal

Signs that You Might Need to Get Rid of your Old Couch in San Carlos

Tan Sofa chairs and brown table in living room


There is nothing worse than sitting down to watch your favorite movie or series after a long, tiring day of work and finding that your back starts to hurt after just a couple minutes of sitting uncomfortably on your aging couch.


Sofas and sectionals generally have a lifespan of somewhere between 7 and 15 years, depending on the quality of the build and material, and the use it receives. A couch that is regularly used as a trampoline by younger children and as a favorite napping spot for your pets might even need to be replaced after just 5-6 years after purchasing. 


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Unfortunately, getting rid of an old couch, sofa, sectional, or armchair isn’t the easiest thing in the world. These common furniture items are heavy, bulky, and are usually not picked up by regular trash service. Fortunately, Junk King of San Carlos offers easy, efficient, and environmentally friendly couch removal service for both residential and commercial clients across the San Carlos area. 


Signs that Your Old Couch Might Need to be Replaced


Old Couch Replacement


How exactly can you know when your old couch, sofa, or armchair needs to be replaced? Below, we look at a few signs that your furniture probably needs to be replaced. 


  1. Excessive stains and blemishes in the fabric: One of the most surefire ways to ruin the appearance of your living room is with an ugly stained sofa as the centerpiece to your interior design. In most rooms, large pieces of furniture are the first thing that people see. If your old couch is blemished with stains from food spills, a glass of red wine that got tipped over, or even stains from “accidents” by a new pet that wasn’t quite house-trained, that is probably a sign that you need to replace your couch. A small, superficial stain in the fabric might be able to be removed by a professional cleaning company. In some cases reupholstering your entire sofa might also be an option, though the cost may be considerable. As a general rule of thumb, if your couch has several stains, or if those blemishes have penetrated into the foam interior of your couch, it’s probably time to start searching for a new item. 
  2. Build-up of allergens in your couch: Unfortunately, old couches are one of the main sources for allergen build-up inside the home. For people with allergies, your couch may be a hiding place for house mites, pet dander, mold, mildew, and other common allergens. Many types of couches and the upholstery they contain often provide an ideal environment for mold and other allergens. If you find that your allergies are consistently acting up whenever you sit down on your couch, it might be time to find a new sofa. Fortunately, there are now several couches that are advertised as naturally hypoallergenic. Leather, vinyl, microfibers, microfiber performance fabric, and organic cotton upholstery are all options that harbor some hypoallergenic properties. 
  3. Sagging seats and squeaking frames: Lastly, you might consider replacing your sofa whenever the seats or cushions start sagging to the point of not supporting you correctly. A couch is supposed to be a place in the home for rest and relaxation. If you feel definitely uncomfortable when sitting on your couch for a period of time, then the couch is obviously not performing its desired function and might need to be replaced. Also, when the frame is breaking down or squeaking every time you sit down, that might be another sign that your couch or other pieces of living room furniture is nearing the end of its useful life. 


Junk King of San Carlos Makes for Easy Couch Removal 


Junk King San Carlos

Here at Junk King of San Carlos, we know that getting rid of an older couch, sofa, or armchair can be a headache for people, especially if you don’t have a strong back, a heavy duty pickup truck, and a free afternoon to haul that old couch down to the local donation center.



Furthermore, the bulky item collection (BIC) program offered by Recology might not be an option for several people. For example, if your old couch weighs more than 200 pounds (which is common) or if it has treated wood, the item might not be eligible for bulky item pickup. 


furniture removal guide group 2


When you hire Junk King of San Carlos, however, you want to ensure that getting rid of an old, heavy couch is as smooth and efficient as possible. We offer the top-rated professional couch removal service to the Peninsula area of San Mateo County, including to residents and business owners of the following communities: 


  •  Atherton
  • Belmont
  • La Honda
  • Loma Mar
  • Los Altos
  • Menlo Park
  • Mountain View
  • Palo Alto
  • Pescadero
  • Portola Valley
  • Redwood City
  • San Bruno
  • San Carlos
  • San Gregorio
  • Stanford


We are proud to say that we make every effort to either recycle, donate, or repurpose all of the furniture items that we pick up from our customers. Unlike other junk haulers, we are committed to going the extra mile to ensure that the items we pick up can be beneficially reused by others.


We believe whole-heartedly in the goal of designing waste out of the system, and have developed several partnerships and relationships with donation centers across the Peninsula. If your old furniture is past the point of reuse, we also have long standing relationships with recycling centers across the Bay Area. We are proud to say that 60 percent of all the junk items we pick up either get recycled or reused. 


Here at Junk King, we also believe in providing top-notch customer service so that getting rid of your old couch, sofa, sectional, or other types of furniture in an eco-friendly way is as efficient and effortless as possible.


Simply call us at 1-888-5865(JUNK) or consider booking us online here.  Our Junk King team will call you 15-30 minutes before your scheduled pick up, our team of professional junk removal technicians will do all the heavy lifting. You simply have to let us know what you want removed and where it is located in your home and business. 


Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


We also offer four separate, transparent pricing mechanisms to our customers. Firstly, you can call us at 1-888-888-JUNK to talk to one of our trained customer service representatives who will offer you a transparent pricing quote.


Secondly, you can text us at 1-737-888-5865 with an image of the old furniture you need removed from your home or business. We will text you back a price estimate based on the items you told us you need removed.


Thirdly, we are one of the few companies that offers free, on-site price estimates. In many cases, our junk removal teams will be able to haul away your old furniture items on the same day, once you agree to the quoted price. Lastly, you can also get a quote and hire Junk King online. At the moment, we are offering a $20 discount for booking Junk King online


We also offer other types of residential and commercial junk removal. As long as it is not classified as toxic waste, we can most likely help you haul it away.  Call us today for all your junk removal needs! 


Junk King Peninsula
555 Price Ave. Suite 250
Redwood City, CA 94063
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Peninsula area, including:

La Honda
Loma Mar
Los Altos
Menlo Park
Mountain View
Palo Alto
Portola Valley
Redwood City
San Carlos
San Gregorio
and these nearby zip codes:
94002, 94011, 94020, 94021, 94022, 94024, 94025, 94026, 94027, 94028, 94035, 94040, 94041, 94042, 94043, 94060, 94061, 94062, 94063, 94064, 94065, 94070, 94074, 94301, 94303, 94304, 94305, 94306