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Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips You Should Definitely Follow!

Spring cleaning 










Spring-cleaning is a tradition that you want to honor for its historical and cultural roots. As a passed-down tradition, it ties back to the history of freshening up the house after winter has passed. Keeping the house warm during winter entailed keeping it lit with fires and kerosene. At the end of the season, the house would be full of soot and grime. 

What followed was dedicated clean to restore the house to its shine, and spring cleaning emerged. These days, spring-cleaning is not because of burning coal but because it marks a new beginning. As you welcome the warmer days, you want to rid your house of the winter blues and reset your home. 

It’s also the time to catch up on those maintenance chores you’ve been postponing. As you already know, spring-cleaning is never an easy feat. There is so much to do, and you want sparkling results for everything you touch. For the best results, pay attention to these five beneficial tips as you embark on spring-cleaning. 


1. Declutter First

Decluttering is probably the most challenging part of spring-cleaning. Parting with things that have sentimental value to you is hard but has to be done. Getting rid of items you no longer use creates space around your house and makes cleaning easy. It also leaves you with the things that only serve you well. You can make decluttering easier by keeping the following in mind:

  • Don’t let your home become a storage unit
  • Realize that what you keep can cost you a lot in the future
  • Allow yourself to buy again
  • Is that item your best or favorite, and is it necessary?
  • Is it helpful or beautiful?
  • Does it make you happy?
  • The act of giving can be a great source of joy.


If you’ve not used something in the last 90 days, it’s unlikely that you’ll use it in the next 90. It should not continue being in your house. You can adjust the 90-day framework to the number of days that suit your framework. 


2. Prioritize the Chores You Tend to Procrastinate 

If there’s any cleaning task you dread doing around your home, you probably don’t get it done often. Some areas that most people would rather stay away from when it comes to cleaning include the:

  • Bathroom
  • Oven
  • Light fixtures
  • Gutters 
  • Curtains and upholstery.


These tasks will be different for everyone. As you clean your house during spring, consider starting with these areas. You’ll do an excellent job while you still have a spark of energy for spring-cleaning. Pushing them to the bottom of the list might just see you postpone cleaning them. 


3. Clean Top Down 


One tip that will help you do a deep-cleaning job is to deal with each room from the top down. You probably need to get an extension pole to help you clean high ceilings. Other than that, everything else should be simple and straightforward. 

Dust the ceiling to remove cobwebs and dirt particles not visible. Wipe the light fixtures and walls. Come down to the windows, sills, upholstery, and doors. Dust the picture frames, artwork, and décor. Don’t forget the light switches. 

Finally, dust off the furniture and storage cabinets. Finish off by cleaning the floor, rugs, and carpets, paying attention to stains that need extra attention. 


4. First In First Out 


The first in first out (FIFO) system is not a reserve for grocery and pharmaceutical stores only. You can use it to rotate products with a short shelf-life so that you use them before they spoil. After spring-cleaning your pantry and cabinets, don’t simply heap everything back in. Check the cans and jars for the expiry date. Everything has an expiry date, despite the preservatives that give them a longer shelf life. 

The medicine cabinet is one that you also need to check for old stuff. Expired medicine can be a health hazard. Check your bathroom storage areas as well for cosmetics that are way past their due date. If anything smells bad or has a different look from the original, let it go. 


5. Deep Clean Your Washing Machine and Dishwasher 


When was the last time you thoroughly cleaned the inside of your washing machine and dishwasher? Many people tend to forget about these appliances when cleaning, but they need attention too. Cleaning the inside helps break down soap and hard water buildup, giving the machines a fresh look. 

Start by removing any parts that you can clean in the sink. Using a clean cloth and a solution of white vinegar, gently scrub the crevices inside the machine. If your machine is the front-loading type and has a rubber gasket, wipe it clean using the cloth soaked in vinegar. 

Don’t forget to check if your machine has a trap to catch hair and debris. It is located in the vertical agitator on top-loading machines. Consult the machine’s manual if you’re not sure how to find it. Remove the trapped hair and gently wipe it clean with a cloth soaked in vinegar. 

Lastly, check if your machine has a small door that catches debris, coins, and buttons. Look for any port that provides access to the area and gently clean it as well. If you can’t find it, your machine probably doesn’t have one. 


Spring Cleaning Guide

Spring-cleaning is tough and overwhelming. So much calls for your attention, but you’re only one person and can only do so much at a time. Don’t let the demands of spring-cleaning make you dread the onset of the season. 

You’ll find it much easier to get everything done with an extra pair of hands to help. At Junk King’s Services, we are the experts in cleaning and junk removal, and are only a call away. Whether it’s the annual spring-cleaning schedule or weekly deep-cleaning, we are at your service. For that junk that you don’t know what to do with it, call us, and we will sort it out for you.


Junk King Baton Rouge
3185 Balis Dr, Suite 103
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

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