Junk King Indianapolis

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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    Send us an image of the junk you got and we got the rest covered.

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Rubbish Removal Made Easy With Junk King

The key to successful organization is finding a place for everything. That is true for every utensil in your kitchen and every coat in your closet. Organization is hindered when all those “places” are overrun. If you have too many coats in the closet, then you can’t fit in the one coat that you’re wearing today. That means the coat is tossed on a chair and that creates an atmosphere of clutter. This is why you need to occasionally go through your entire house and pull out all of those items that you’re no longer using. That will free up a lot more space and allow you to get organized once again. After you’ve done all your sorting, you’ll probably be left with a lot of things that you can get rid of. That is where Junk King Indianapolis comes into play. These are the professional junk haulers who can help with any level of rubbish removal from an overstuffed closet to a hoarder level garage!

Two Hours

To set up your Junk King rubbish removal session, you need to pick a day where you can find a two-hour window to set aside for the appointment. This doesn’t mean the Junk King squad needs the full two-hours to clear out your stuff. In fact, they might only need as much time as it would take to brew a pot of coffee! Those two-hours provide time for the Junk King team to get from one place to the next. That is a lot better than waiting all day for the cable company!

Throughout the day, the Junk King team will stay in touch with you by text or calls. It might be that they are running ahead of schedule. That means getting rid of your junk that much quicker.

Once the team arrives, they’ll look over all the things that you want to get rid of any provide you with an estimate based on how your stuff will fit onto the truck. A flat fee covers all the work and disposal.

When you hire Junk King Indianapolis for rubbish removal, they’ll make the who process easy. Book a session today.

Junk King Indianapolis
7525 East 39th St. Suite 800
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Indianapolis area, including:

Beech Grove
and these nearby zip codes:
46011, 46012, 46015, 46018, 46030, 46031, 46032, 46033, 46034, 46037, 46038, 46040, 46044, 46060, 46061, 46062, 46082, 46085, 46102, 46107, 46112, 46126, 46129, 46130, 46201, 46202, 46203, 46204, 46205, 46206, 46207, 46208, 46209, 46213, 46214, 46216, 46218, 46219, 46220, 46222, 46224, 46225, 46226, 46228, 46229, 46230, 46234, 46235, 46236, 46239, 46240, 46244, 46249, 46250, 46253, 46254, 46255, 46256, 46260, 46262, 46268, 46277, 46278, 46280, 46282, 46283, 46285, 46290, 46298, 47933, 47940