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Tag Archives: rubbish

Hire Junk King For Recurring Clutter Clearing Sessions

Can you imagine what it would be like if garbage collection stopped? Yes, you probably have experienced a delay when there is a holiday or a bad snowstorm but what if those delays went on for weeks or months? It wouldn’t take long before the streets would be overflowing with garbage. There have been cities who have dealt with garbage strikes in the past and nobody came out a winner. Thankfully, you can depend on that weekly pickup to ensure that your home doesn’t get overrun with the garbage that you generate on a daily basis. What about all the clutter you have been collecting over the years? Your closets, attic, basement and garage might be at peak capacity with regard to the things it can hold in storage. That means it’s time to hire Junk King Worcester for recurring clutter clearing sessions.

Schedule Accordingly

The majority of Junk King customers have their unwanted rubbish items removed in a single session. That will always be the goal of Junk King. However, it might make more practical sense for you to schedule recurring junk removal sessions just because of the amount of items that you have to sort through. Your garage might be the first priority especially if you are prevented from parking your car in there because of all the stuff you have in storage. One session with Junk King can open up that space and help you get it organized.

You might next turn your attention to the attic where a lot more unwanted clutter as accumulated. Perhaps you’d like to convert that space into a bedroom. First, you have to clear out all the junk. That can be your second session with Junk King. Before long, these regular sessions will have your entire house cleared out from top to bottom.

Pick Your Time

When you schedule an appointment with junk King you pick the day and two-hour window. Usually, that appointment is completed within 24 hours the first call that you make to Junk King. You can also schedule out for the weekend. If you want to get everything accomplished in a month, then you can set up for Saturday morning appointments in a row. It is all about what works best for your time.

Regular clutter clearing sessions with Junk King Worcester will make sure your home is never overwhelmed by rubbish. Get them started on the clearing today.


Junk King Makes Rubbish Removal Easy Property Managers

Property managers are really problem solvers. Once a tenant has moved into an apartment or home that they are managing, it becomes the responsibility of property managers to solve all the problems that renters might have. These can be minor plumbing issues or major exterminating challenges. The goal is to keep the tenant in that space as long as possible. That is what generates revenue and that is how everybody gets paid. When the renter does move out, the next problem the property managers have to solve is finding a new tenant. That means getting space ready to show. If that previous occupant has left some rubbish behind, then that can slow things down. Enter Junk King Worcester. One call to these junk hauling pros and any amount rubbish can be gone in no time at all.

Every appointment set up by Junk King will include a team of movers that have been licensed and insured. This is exactly the kind of professional service personnel that property managers appreciate working with.  When it is time to set up the appointment, you pick the day and time that works best for your busy schedule. Junk King asks that you set aside a two-hour window. This allows the crews to get from one location to the next. And they will always keep you informed of their progress which means you won’t have to be waiting around that the property.

Once the team shows up you can point out all the things that need to be cleared out. That is when the present you with estimate of the cost. This would be based upon how the going to pack up the truck. Once that price is agreed to everything will be locked down and there won’t be any extra charges. In fact, you can probably leave and let the crew do the cleanup. They don’t need a lot of supervision!

The quicker the property managers call in Junk King Worcester, the quicker they can get those rental spaces clear of rubbish. Put the Junk King crew to work today!

Junk King Helps With Attic Rubbish Removal

It isn’t nice to think about but are you sleeping under rubbish? Obviously, you’re in your bedroom but what is on the other side of the ceiling? Is it an attic full of boxes of stuff that needs to be thrown out? That would make it rubbish. Even if the things can still be used by someone else, it is still rubbish to you and it’s not doing you any favors staying up in your attic. This is the time to bring in Junk King Worcester for some fast and dependable attic rubbish removal.


Exactly how does Junk King operate? Start with the concept that they’re going to do all the work. Everything else falls into place after that. Doing all the work means climbing up to the attic to bring down the stuff you want removed whether it is stairs or a ladder. You don’t have to bring down a single box when Junk King is on the job. What you should do is take the time to sort through all those boxes and just set aside the things you can finally get rid of.

When Junk King is done clearing your attic of rubbish, they can target the rest of your house. How many other items would you like removed? Are there appliances or furniture down in the basement that need to be brought up? The crew from Junk King can help with all of that. This can be a major transformation of your home that will open up all kinds of space.

Getting rid of the stuff you’re not using could mean that other folks can put it to use. That is very true with articles of clothing and other household goods. With Junk King doing the collecting, you can county on them making every effort to get those items dropped off a charity. They know which organizations are accepting which items and the crews are trained to sort through the truckloads to find all those objects. Remember, Junk King is going to do all the work.

If it is time to get the rubbish out of your attic and the rest of your house, then it is time to put Junk King Worcester to work.

Let Junk King Handle Your Heavy Junk Pickup

Almost anything in your home can be move by a couple of inches. Whether it is a bed, sofa or piano, you can probably shift that piece around to take care of some dusting or mopping. But those few inches are really as far as it is going to go unless you bring in help. Even then, it is still a challenge to move that object across the room especially if your help doesn’t have experience in lifting heavy objects. Many backs have been ruined on a task like this. That is why you need to stick with pros if you want heavy junk taken from your home. The pros in this case would be Junk King Worcester.


What are the heavy things you want taken out of your house? Would it be a dresser or armoire upstairs? Maybe there is a futon or some workout equipment down in the basement? Perhaps you have an old washing machine out in the garage that can be carted off. None of those items would present a problem for the crew from Junk King. This is the kind of lifting and loading they do every day. It is second nature for them to get a recliner or loveseat out of home and onto a truck.

Usually, when folks hire Junk King that have a single bit piece they want to get rid of. Once they realize that they won’t have to move anything and there is a big truck involved, that single piece turns into a bunch of things. Nothing wrong with that. After all, if you’re going to have a crew and truck at your disposal then you should take full advantage of them.

Before things get loaded into the truck, Junk King will want to work out the fee. This is going to be a price that is determined by how your stuff will fit on the truck. One sofa would only take up a small portion but when you add a few boxes of rubbish, some chairs and other items, you could expand to using just half the truck. The crews know how to use that truck space effectively so you’re sure to get a great deal every time.

Getting rid of heavy junk and the rest of your rubbish is a job best handled by the pros at Junk King Worcester. Let them do all the work.

Get Cardboard Boxes And Rubbish Removed Today

Any type of store or restaurant depends on a lot of deliveries. Most of those deliveries come pack in cardboard boxes. When the boxes are empty, it’s time to toss out the cardboard but that can be a challenge when there is so much other trash to toss out on a daily basis. That is why you’ll often see stacks of cardboard in the alley behind these establishments; they just don’t have anywhere to store it all. A better approach would be to bring in Junk King Worcester on a regular basis. This is an independent junk hauling service that works around your schedule to keep your business clear of unwanted clutter.


Getting ready for a junk removal session with Junk King is easy. All you have to do is decide what you want taken away. You don’t have to move anything outside or put it all in a neat pile. The team from Junk King will pick it up from whatever spot it happens to be at. As for all those cardboard boxes, the crew will be happy to break them down and load them up on the truck.

To schedule a session with Junk King you need to pick a day and a two-hour window. That window is a buffer time to allow the crew to get to your location. Once they arrive, they’ll move fast. If it works better to bring in Junk King before your business opens or after it closes, then they can make that happen. They can also offer a same day pick up when available. Yes, you could finish reading this post, call Junk King and have your stuff clear before the end of the day. How is that for fast?

What will happen to all that cardboard and rubbish? With Junk King on the job, it’s a safe bet that the bulk of all of that stuff will end up getting recycled. Junk King knows exactly where to drop off things like cardboard, scrap metal and concrete so that it can be repurposed. Everything else can end up going to a charity. That counts as recycling, too! The best way to get rid of your cardboard boxes and other junk is to give that job to Junk King Worcester.

What’s On Your New Year’s Resolution List?

The first list you made for the holidays is what you wanted Santa to bring you on Christmas. The last list you’ll make for the year is meant for the beginning of next year. That would be your New Year’s resolution list. If you’re stuck for an idea for your New Year’s resolution list, then consider any one or all of the following:

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Write a Business Plan

Have you been dreaming of the day you become your own boss? That day can be just a little bit closer with the help of a complete business plan. Take your idea and start to write out all the things it is going to take to make it happen from start to finish. Even if you don’t have a business idea you can still benefit from a form of a business plan. Use that approach to set goals for saving money or making a major renovation around the house. Writing out a timeline and budget for those projects can really help them become fully realized.

Move More

Buy yourself a pedometer and start counting your steps. The goal is to hit 10,000 steps a day. Might be challenging but if you take some stairs, park farther away at work and keep moving you can hit it. Then go for more steps.

Read More Books

At this very moment, you could probably find any book that has ever been published online. A few clicks and that book is ready to read. If you prefer to go “old school,” then there is always the library. Bottom line: You need to read more. Pick up those classics you’ve always wanted to get lost in. Snag the book everyone is talking about. Bonus points for joining a book club.

Get Rid Of Your Junk

Not only should you strive to shed the extra weight you’re carrying but also the extra junk you have in your home. Perhaps “extra” is the wrong word. It is more like unwanted. These would be all the things you know you’re never going to use again. Why hold onto them? A quick call to Junk King Worcester sets up a plan to make them disappear for good. Think of how much better you’ll feel when your home is 100% junk free. Junk King Worcester can make that New Year’s resolution happen today.

Fire Up Your Restaurant Business With These Marketing Ideas

Have you hit a slump with your restaurant business? There are always seasonal lows but if a slump persists, then you could be facing some serious consequences. It might be time to re-energize your restaurant business by implementing a few of these savvy marketing ideas.


Create a Recipe Book

If you have loyal customers that already rave about your dishes, then why not share them in a recipe book. Although this might take a little effort and the need to hire an outside creative force, you’ll find that publishing is a lot easier these days. Your recipe book cannot only be sold online through your own website but you can have it available as giveaway presents for those exceptional customers.

Offer Gift Cards

Gift cards have become very popular way of buying a present for someone. The person buying the gift card from your restaurant could be giving it to a new customer. They want to share all the good things they’ve enjoyed about your eatery. Most often, those customers will be coming in alone. They’ll also become repeat customers if you do everything right.

Have Your Chef Meet the Patrons

Just as you should constantly go through the restaurant making sure everyone is having a good time you should encourage your Chef to do the same thing. Customers will enjoy meeting with the person responsible for cooking their delicious meal. If you can set up a special Chef’s table in the kitchen, then all the better.

Post Videos Online

Hopefully, you’re already sharing food photos of all your delicious meals. You should also think about posting videos as well. You can give viewers a tour of your restaurant and interview various staff members. You can also add together customer comments after they finish their meals. These don’t have to be long “movies.” But it’s a great way to show everyone that your restaurant is a fun place to have dinner or lunch.

Offer Online Ordering

If you offer take-out services, then your guests should be able to order online. You don’t want to make things complicated for them or they’ll go somewhere else. Once you have set up your system it’s a good idea to order food yourself just to see how easy it is. That something you should do in a regular basis.

As new customers come in, make sure they are experiencing your restaurant at its very best. Not only does that include what comes out of the kitchen but what they see in the front of the house. You have to be especially diligent with regard to cleanliness. If you have some big furniture items, kitchen appliances and other bulky rubbish, then you need to bring in Junk King Worcester. One call will set up an appointment that will have strong movers lifting and loading all that unwanted clutter no time at all. Keep your restaurant rubbish free with help from Junk King Worcester.

First DIY Projects For New Homeowners

Congratulations! You’ve just moved into your new home. It’s a moment certainly worth celebrating. Now it is time to get to work. In addition to unpacking all the boxes, you’ve got a brand new set of “to-do” items that you should knock out right away. From this moment forward, you’re in charge. There is no landlord to call up when things go wrong. That’s why it’s vital you stay on top of the maintenance. You also want to look for ways to bring your monthly costs down. You’re already paying a big mortgage. Do you really want to add to that monthly nut? Here are some terrific projects that every new homeowner should jump on ASAP:


Lower Your Hot Water Temperature

The best temp for your hottest water should be 120 degrees. The previous owner might have dialed up that number a bit. While you’re at it, you might also check the water pressure. Yes, we all like a strong flow in our shower. However, higher pressure could result in damage to your pipes. Do you want to deal with that headache?

Check Your Insulation

You might have already done this as part of the inspection. Now that you’re in the house, you want to make sure you unfinished attic has a fresh coating of insulation. You can also add a water heater blanket around that unit. The little amount you’ll pay for this blanket will come back in a lower heating bill many times over. If you have any exposed water pipes, give them a good insulation wrapping as well.

Look For Leaks

There are two types of leaks you should be on the prowl for in your new home. These would be water and air. The water leaks are easy to trace. Take the time to go through all the bathroom and kitchen sinks, the laundry hooks up and toilets. Make sure there isn’t a drop of water coming from any of those fixtures. If so, jump on the repair right away. The same goes for a running toilet. Catch it if you can. As for air leaks, these would be found around window casements and doors. Those leaks, however small, are letting warm air out and cold air in. That will have you ratcheting up the thermostat when you don’t need to.

Make a Check List

There are also ongoing maintenance items like swapping out batteries in fire alarms, changing air filters in vents and flushing out the septic system. Create a checklist, set alarm reminders on your phone and you’ll be on top of things.

Get Rid Of the Rubbish

Once you finish unpacking you might have discovered that you brought with you a lot of rubbish from your old place. That is understandable the focus was to just make sure everything was brought on the moving truck. But you certainly don’t want to start a new life in a new home with old junk. One call to Junk King Worcester can take care that. They’ll send over a team of professional movers that has been licensed, bonded and insured. They will quickly lift and load all the rubbish items you want to get rid of. Make sure your new home is junk free with help from Junk King Worcester.

How To Enjoy A Worcester Staycation

Have you ever had the feeling of needing a vacation from your vacation? That usually happens when you get stressed out over all the travel and lackluster accommodations. As the old saying goes, there’s no place like home and that’s just where you can have a wonderful staycation. Here’s what you can do to enjoy your Worcester staycation:


Lose Time and Unplug

One of the best things about a vacation is losing all sense of time. You can do that around your house by literally hiding all your clocks. You’re on vacation, why you need to know what time it is? As for your phone, put it on mute. You can always check your messages whenever you get around to it. It’s time to unplug.

Go Off the Grid

Along with unplugging your phone, you may want to give yourself a vacation from the news and social media. You don’t need to check in with twitter or Facebook and you certainly don’t have to have 24-hour news cycle going in the background. The world will get along without you for a week!

Get Dinner Delivered Every Night

You certainly don’t want to cook on your staycation. Think of all the money you’ll be saving on hotel and airfares. That would be only a fraction of what it would cost to get dinner delivered every night to your home. Explore those menus you haven’t tried yet. Indulge in the appetizers. If you get a little stir crazy, you can always go out for a nice breakfast.

Go On a Reading Binge

Since you’ve unplugged you up and have a lot of time in your hands. If you were flying or hanging out at the beach, then chances are you would be catching up when you’re reading. You can do that on your staycation as well. Go find a nice park and spread out a blanket. Or set up a hammock in the backyard.

Get a Massage

There will many great massage therapist in the area that will come right to your home. That way you can get a relaxing massage without having to face traffic. Sounds great!

Get Your House Clean

Since you’re going to be spending your staycation at home, you want to start with a clean house. Why not hire a cleaning service to go through your place top to bottom? As for getting rid of some big clutter that’s taking up space in your closets, garage and basement that is a job that can be given to Junk King Worcester. This might be a task you’ve been putting off for a while but its perfect assignment to give to these junk hauling professionals. Just imagine how much you’ll enjoy your staycation after Junk King Worcester has cleared out all your unwanted clutter.

Let Junk King Worcester Clear Way Cardboard Boxes And Rubbish Today

At this moment, would you say you have more cardboard boxes in your home that are empty or more that are full with stuff? Thanks to all the fun of ordering online folks are getting inundated with cardboard boxes. Some of these boxes are easily tossed out by others are too big to cram into the trashcan. Plus there’s always that thought that someday you might need a box. While that might be true that doesn’t mean you have to hold onto every single box. You also don’t have to hold onto all the unwanted rubbish you been collecting in your garage and basement. What is the solution? That would be hiring Junk King Worcester. These are the junk removal experts that can clear your home of all kinds of rubbish in no time at all.


Junk King Worcester understands how busy your schedule is. Most people set up an appointment on the day off but that doesn’t mean they want to sacrifice their entire day. Junk King Worcester only asked you set aside a two-hour window but most appointments are handled in a lot less time than that. You could also request the same day pickup. Call in the morning and your junk can be cleared before it’s time to break for lunch. Your job in this process is just to decide exactly what you want taken away.

Junk King Worcester is going to provide you with a terrific team of movers. This is the crew that’s going to do all the lifting and loading for you. That means anything goes. They can bring a futon down from upstairs or a busted dryer up from the basement. They’ll do this with the utmost care to your floors and walls. Junk King has earned a terrific reputation from its customers and that only means they must be doing something right!

Everything you turn over to Junk King Worcester will have the opportunity to be recycled, repurposed and reused. That’s every bit is true for the cardboard boxes as it is for an old sofa. With Junk King Worcester on the job, all your rubbish and clutter can be gone in a single session. Make that happen today.

Junk King Worcester
245 Crawford St. Suite 1
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Worcester area, including:

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