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Category Archives: Home organization

Holiday Preparation

The holidays are when families and friends come together to celebrate, eat together, and catch up on life. While this time of year can create cherished memories, the holiday season also has the potential to create stress. Holiday preparation is key to enjoying the season. Junk-King Austin has some tips to share:

  • Think about last year – what were you most stressed about? Make a plan to ease tensions this year and have a more relaxed holiday season.
  • If you haven’t created a gift budget, now is the time! Budgeting can be less than fun, but overspending is worse. Decide how to allot your funds and be sure to stick to it.
  • Make a master to do list, then break it down into categories by deadline. Some things should be done before Thanksgiving, but others might not need finishing until closer to the New Year.
  • Remember that saying ‘no’ to invitation is an option. Don’t feel forced into overbooking!
  • Clean out guest rooms and storage spaces early to make ready for guests and for hiding gifts.

Junk-King Austin would love to help lighten your load this holiday season. We will help you get your house ready by cleaning out your guest room, closet, garage, attic, garden shed – you name it. More space is always a relief and Junk-King Austin can check that off your to do list for you.

Fall Yard Clean Up

Fall comes with a lot of extra yard waste. From pumpkins to hay bales, rotting firewood to pruned branches, it can be a chore to figure out what to do with all of it. No one wants it cluttering their yard or rotting on their doorsteps (looking at you, Jack-O-Lanterns). What’s the easiest way to get rid of this natural fall waste?

Calling Junk-King Austin! We will come to your house and take care of your fall yard clean up. We will save you time, so you can relax or enjoy your loved ones. We also save your back – no need to bend or lift, let our team handle it.

When you call Junk-King Austin, you won’t have to waste another minute thinking of cleaning up. We will haul off whatever you want, and we even clean up after ourselves. If you need more than just yard waste removed, rest assured we can take care of it while we’re there. We clean out garages, attics, basements, closets, homes, garden sheds, storage units, and businesses. We haul off yard waste, boxes, furniture, clutter, clothes, small appliances, large appliances, and more. Junk-King Austin also donates or recycles up to 60% of what we pick up.

Seasonal Decorations

Many of us enjoy decorating our homes and yards with appropriate seasonal items. As the years go by, however, sometimes our tastes change and we no longer like those same decorative pieces we used to. Some of us even cease decorating all together.

Whatever the reason or season, Junk-King Austin wants to give you back space in your attic, garage or home. We will pick up those old seasonal decorations you no longer want, along with any other items you no longer need.

Whether you need more space to stockpile Christmas gifts, to free up a room to host guests, or if you just want to simplify your home, Junk-King Austin has you covered. We don’t limit ourselves to just storage spaces like basements, closets, garages, attics, and storage sheds. We also clean out homes, pick up yard waste, and remove items from businesses.

Purge Your Wardrobe

Fall is in the air. Temperatures are dropping with the leaves – albeit slowly here in central Texas. As we leave summer (hopefully) behind, it has become time to switch out our clothing options. While sifting through your entire wardrobe, it only makes sense to get rid of excess clothing. Junk-King Austin has some tips to help you purge your wardrobe!

  • Have you worn it in the last year?
  • Does it still fit?
  • Does it flatter your body type and skin tone?
  • Are you prioritizing a staple piece or an every-changing ‘trendy’ piece?

Parting with possessions in the home is something most people desire, but a task in which they often find themselves overwhelmed. Let Junk-King Austin help you regain control of your living space. We will take care of more than just your discarded clothes. We clean out attics, garages, basements, sheds, storage spaces, and businesses – all while donating or recycling up to 60% of what we collect.

Pets in the Home

Pets have allergies – it’s no secret. Perhaps you’ve noticed your dog scratching himself constantly, or licking her paws and legs. Bringing relief via medicines to our poor furry housemates can be expensive. However, there’s an easy, inexpensive way to sooth your dog’s skin: A rosemary bath. Not only does it help with allergies, it’s a natural flea and tick preventative.
All you need is 2 cups of fresh rosemary and 2 pints of water.

1. Bring 2 pints of water to boil.
2. Add rosemary. Let boil 30 minutes.
3. Let cool. Strain out the leaves.
4. After your dog is freshly bathed and rinsed, apply cooled rosemary water to the dog. Do not rinse off; let it dry naturally.
5. Store excess rosemary water in the refrigerator or freezer.

As much as we love them, pets in the home can cause some damage to our living space. From eating plants to chewing furniture and shoes, dogs don’t have to try hard to find trouble. If you have chewed furniture you’ve been meaning to get rid of, call Junk-King Austin. We will take furniture, destroyed shoes, and any accumulated dog toys and beds. In fact, Junk-King Austin will clean out your garage and attic – and any other rooms – while we’re there! Let Junk-King Austin help return order to your home.

Home Organization

Cleaning out your home can be a daunting, time-consuming task. Where do you even start? How do you decide what to get rid of? Junk-King Austin wants to help. Here are some home organization tips:

  • Work on one room at a time, completing each space before you start on the next. 
  • When you walk into each room, start at the immediate left of the door frame. Move to the right, cleaning out as you go. This way, you won’t miss any areas.
  • When conflicted on whether or not to part with an item, as yourself: “If I were forced to move tomorrow without warning, would I bring this with me?”

If you find yourself overwhelmed, give Junk-King Austin a call. We will clean out your garage, attic, shed, closets, rooms, and businesses. We haul away everything*, big or small. Junk-King Austin also values recycling, passing on up to 60% of what we collect.

*Junk-King Austin does not haul away hazardous waste

Appliance & Hot Tub Removal

Unused and broken appliances take up a lot of room. No one wants old refrigerators, air conditioning units, or hot tubs just sitting around, but figuring out what to do with them is a headache of its own. They’re heavy to lift, large to maneuver, and there’s always a question of safety.

In these situations, Junk-King Austin is an answered prayer. Prepared for heavy lifting, equipped with a large truck, and knowledgeable on disposal laws, Junk-King Austin is also recycling savvy. We don’t just save your back and simplify your living space, we recycle up to 60% of what we pick up. Hot tub removal can go from an impossible task to an open space, and you won’t even feel sore afterward.

Don’t keep looking at the broken hot tub our your window. Don’t settle for a cluttered garage. Don’t keep tripping over the old heater. Call Junk-King Austin and get your home back. While we’re there, we can clean out your attic, garage, shed, closet, or business.

Guest Rooms

With September 23rd moving closer and closer, we are all looking forward to ushering in a new season: Autumn. With autumn comes the end-of-the-year holiday rush.

Thanksgiving and Christmas means families come together. If you’ve played host, you probably know well how stressful it can be to cram people into spare bedrooms. Get a jump start this year on holidays by preparing your guest rooms now. Since these rooms aren’t regularly occupied, they can become a catch-all for random objects and outdated furniture. September and October, before the holiday craziness truly hits, is the ideal time to clean out those rooms.

Whether you’re sifting through closets and under beds, or if you want to redecorate your spare rooms, Junk-King Austin is here to help. Did you know we haul away furniture? We will help with all of your junk removal needs, be they in the air conditioning or outside. Let us help make your holiday season less stressful.

September Gardening & Yard Waste

September is an important month for gardeners. The month of transition from summer to fall is the time for changes. Here are some things to remember for September gardening:

  •  September is the ideal month to feed lawns
  • Cut back rose bushes, butterfly bushes, and salvias by 1/3. Don’t forget to fertilize!
  • Perennial fall plants include: Iris, salvia, scabiosa, blackfoot daisy, lantana, marigolds, and coral honeysuckle
  • Vegetables to plant in September: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, greens, radishes, spinach, beets, carrots, peas, and chard

Lawn and garden care is time consuming and physically exhausting, but very rewarding work. However, figuring out what to do with yard waste (trimmings, leaves, etc) can be a pain. Junk-King Austin has you covered. We pick up yard waste, as well as anything unwanted in your tool shed, home, or garage. Give your back a break after all your hard work and let Junk-King Austin do your heavy lifting.

Lunch Foods

Eating the right foods is an important part of being healthy. Unfortunately, this can become a struggle with packing lunches. All too often, it seems easier to throw in a bag of chips than to think about a balanced diet. Here are some fresh ideas to spruce up lunch foods for you and your kids:

  • Make wraps using whole wheat tortillas. Add avocados to a BLT wrap, or orange sliced to a grilled chicken wrap.
  • Get creative with whole wheat pita pockets. Instead of mayonnaise, spread creamy cheese (like Boursin). Add lunch meats and throw in some greens, like spinach, cucumber slices, or arugula.
  • Pack flax seed chips with home made salsa and avocados.

Digging through the kitchen can be a pain. Outdated cookware, old dishes, and expired foods haunt pantries and cabinets. Junk-King Austin can help streamline your lunch-making process by decluttering your kitchen. While we’re there, we can tackle your garage, attic, guest room, garden shed, and closets. Keep in mind that Junk-King Austin donates or recycles up to 60% of what we pick up – making your cleaned house good for the environment and your community.

Junk King Austin
600 W 28th St. #105
Austin, TX 78705
Hours: M-F: 8A-6P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Austin area, including:

Del Valle
Dripping Springs
Harker Heights
and these nearby zip codes:
73344, 76501, 76502, 76504, 76511, 76513, 76527, 76530, 76534, 76537, 76541, 76542, 76543, 76548, 76549, 78605, 78610, 78611, 78615, 78616, 78617, 78620, 78621, 78701, 78702, 78703, 78704, 78705, 78708, 78710, 78711, 78712, 78713, 78714, 78716, 78718, 78719, 78720, 78721, 78722, 78723, 78724, 78725, 78726, 78727, 78728, 78730, 78731, 78732, 78733, 78734, 78735, 78736, 78737, 78738, 78739, 78741, 78742, 78744, 78745, 78746, 78747, 78748, 78749, 78750, 78751, 78752, 78753, 78754, 78755, 78756, 78757, 78758, 78759, 78761, 78762, 78763, 78764, 78765, 78766, 78767, 78768, 78772, 78773, 78774, 78778, 78779, 78783, 78799