Junk King Fort Worth

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Tag Archives: Junk King Fort Worth

How To Get Along With Your Roommate

There may come a time when having a roommate makes good financial sense. A roommate that you share an apartment with is a lot different from a college roommate. You both will have jobs and friends that may or may not coincide. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t forge a lasting bond with your roommate. Finding ways to get along with your new roommate will certainly make living together go a lot smoother. Here are some fantastic tips on how to get along with your new roommate:


Start With Being Nice

Getting along with your new roommate begins with being nice. Small gestures will resonate a lot with them and will be returned in kind. For instance, if you’re heading out to the grocery store ask your roommate if there’s anything they need. If there’s ever a time when they run out of something like shampoo or toothpaste, then you can always offer to share. If you are making dinner, then you can invite them to join you. Sounds like a great plan.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

It helps to keep the lines of communication open so that each roommate knows what’s going on in terms of people coming and going. If you’re having friends over, then shoot your roommate a text. The same thing should happen if you are working late or have decided to spend the night elsewhere. You’re not asking them for permission but you are letting them know what’s going on.

Don’t Let Things Fester

There’s a good chance that your roommate might do something that annoys you. They may be thinking the same thing about some of your habits. It’s a good idea to air your grievances as opposed to keeping them bottled up where they would fester. Often, these little annoyances can be rectified because the person is not even aware they’re doing something that puts you off. Just be honest and respectful.

Keep It Clean

When you invite a roommate in to your apartment or home, they are expecting to move into a room that is empty. They might also require some space in the closet or other storage unit. It is your responsibility to clear out the clutter from those areas to make room for that new person. This is not a job you have to do by yourself. Instead, you can turn that task over to Junk King Fort Worth. These are the junk removal pros who will happily take away any old furniture, boxes of clothing, e-waste or other household goods that you want to get rid of. One session with Junk King can clear a lot of space in your home.

Getting along with a new roommate is easy when you treat them like you want to be treated.

Terrific Reviews For Junk King Fort Worth

A company that gets a review from a customer is like getting a report card from school. The hope is that you get straight A’s. That’s the kind of report card you want to proudly show off to everyone. Junk King Fort Worth has a great track record of customer satisfaction and there happy to show off those positive reviews. Here are a handful:


“Buck and D.C. called an hour in advance to let me know when they were coming. My time window was noon to 2 PM, and they arrived exactly at noon. Buck and D.C. were very friendly and helpful, were quick and efficient and cleaned up after they loaded all my junk. My garage hasn’t looked this good in 20 years! I highly recommend Junk King; it was a very positive experience.” – K.C.

When you schedule your appointment with Junk King Fort Worth you’ll be asked to pick the date that works best for your time and a two-hour window. It will take to complete two hours to load up all your stuff but that gives the crews plenty of time to get the one appointment to the next.

“I am extremely happy with the service I received from Junk King. The crew was very professional and respectful. Buck called about 20 minutes before he reached my home … just like I was told he would. He was very effective at getting right to work. He had it taken care of in no time. I am also scheduling another pick up in about 2 weeks. I would highly recommend this service to anyone who needs this type of help with their removal needs.” – J.B.

Junk King Fort Worth likes to move fast. As long as you know exactly what you want taken away, then the crew will be able to quickly load up all your stuff and get you back to your day.

“Friendly helpful and fast. Buck and his partner were very helpful and fair on prices. Came to home within the hour. Removed fridge and miscellaneous items for spring-cleaning. We can use our garage again. Were kind enough to help move some furniture around. Really recommend them for anyone that has to move quickly. If you have a bad back or just lazy like me these guys can do it!” – B.V.

There’s nothing wrong with hiring a professional company to do some backbreaking work. Junk King Fort Worth is happy to take care of your junk removal from start to finish. Put them to work today.

Call On Junk King Fort Worth For Old Swing Set Removal And Professional Junk Hauling

How old is the swing set you have in the backyard? The answer is reflected in the age of your children. A swing set has a good run of about 10 years before it becomes too small for growing team to play on. Once those kids have gone off to college, then you’re looking at a swing set that is close to 20 years old. Although there are certainly a lot of positive memories attached to the swing set, you could probably put that patch of yard to better use. When you’re ready to get rid of your old swing set, Junk King Fort Worth will be standing by to help.


The majority of junk removal sessions completed by Junk King Fort Worth involve lifting and loading of things like old furniture, boxes and appliances. However, there are those jobs that require dismantling. Getting rid of an old swing set would certainly fall into that category. The crew from Junk King Fort Worth have a lot of experience with these types of removal projects. They’ll come equipped tools and the know-how to get the job done in a very timely fashion.

Speaking of time, you won’t have to worry about labor costs for this type of work. No matter how long the crew takes to tear down the swing set you’ll only be paying a flat fee that is based upon volume. It all comes down to how much space though use to pack up all your stuff onto the truck. That is all they are focused on. In these crews like to pack up that truck very tightly. That will result in a good price for you. It’s a price you’ll know before the work begins just so that everyone’s on the same page. Even if your junk takes up more room on the truck, you’ll still be paying that original estimate.

Once the crew is finished taken apart the old swing set you can ask them to remove the items you have in your garage, basement and closets that you want to get rid of. Having two movers in a truck can make a huge difference when it comes to getting rid of all your unwanted stuff. Take care of old swing set removal and junk hauling the right way by turning that job over to Junk King Fort Worth today.

Take Care of Junk Removal The Right Way

If you are looking for a junk hauling company in and around Fort Worth then look no further. Junk King is here to haul away the junk. We do it right the first run through. All you have to do is simply call us to take my junk and we’ll submit a free quote.

We do the entire stacking, cleanup, and removing, wherever the things are found, so abandon them in the basement, storage room or store room. Additionally, we attempt to reuse or give the things we remove.

We all purchase things to make our lives less demanding and disregard the old stuff. If this goes on sufficiently long without doing some sort of stock and disposing of the majority of the old stuff, you may have gathered major wreckage of old things that you need to get rid of.

Here at Junk King we deal with the majority of your junk removal needs. We have been serving the Ft. Worth area for quite a long time and are a standout amongst the most trusted hauling organizations in the territory. Our team members are trained and experienced at junk hauling. Junk King Fort Worth, TX can deal with any wreckage, regardless of how enormous it might be.

Junk King Fort Worth – A Property Manager’s Best Friend

There are many reasons why someone might move out of their apartment. It could be that they lost a job and have to move back home. Perhaps that got a new job in a different city. The best excuse would be because they’re moving into a home. No matter the reason for the move, there is really no excuse to leave rubbish behind. If someone can’t pack up their junk, then they lose the right to get their security deposit back. Maybe that’s not a big deal. What is a big deal is having to take care of the cleanup. A property manager’s day is full of plenty of other responsibilities. They don’t have time to rent a truck, hire a crew, load that truck and then spend hours disposing of that collected junk. Instead, they turn this task over to Junk King. One call gets it done.


Junk King Fort Worth provides a two-man moving crew with every junk removal appointment. In some instances, there is a need for additional crewmembers. This is usually the case when there is a foreclosure or hoarder kind of clean up. In those extreme cases, Junk King can pretty much send over the entire company to facilitate the cleanup.

Before the crew starts to work, they will size up the situation and present the property manager with an estimate fee. This will be based on volume. Will the junk take up one-half, one-third or the full truck? As soon as the fee is agreed on, the crew will get to work. Because it’s Junk King that means there won’t be any problems with lifting heavy objects or navigating up and down stairs. All that junk that was left behind will be gone in a matter of minutes. Then the property manager can bring in the cleaning and paint crews to get that apartment ready for the next tenant.

Now that you know what Junk King can do for property managers, imagine what they can do for you home? Not only will they be able to haul away all your clutter and unwanted stuff, but they can also work wonders around the yards, too. Junk King is the perfect crew to hire to get your backyard in shape for summer. When your need junk hauled away ASAP, then count on Junk King Fort Worth.


Are you ready for the 29th COWTOWN GREAT AMERICAN CLEANUP 2014? Here at Junk King Fort Worth, we’ve been counting down the days and tomorrow is almost here. Come celebrate post clean-up at the Earth Party from 11am-2pm and make sure to stop by our booth for great coupons, give aways and chocolate! Bring the family out for free seminars on water conservation, composting and butterfly gardening, plus there will be special appearances by the CrudCruiser collecting household hazardous waste. Can’t wait to see you at the Cowtown Cleanup 2014 and lets all try to KEEP FORT WORTH BEAUTIFUL!EarthParty2014


Please visit https://fortworthtexas.gov/kfwb for more information!

Fort Worth Junk Hauling

no-dumping-3-727480-mAccording to the official Fort Worth City website, illegal dumping is defined as “putting trash, garbage, waste, anything discarded where it doesn’t belong, whether or not the person dumping owns the property. Putting trash in a dumpster that is not yours is also illegal.” In other words, they’re telling you that if you can’t throw something out in your own garbage bin, then you need to arrange to have it removed the right way. In Fort Worth, that “right way” is the Junk King way.

As a business, Junk King is new to Fort Worth but certainly isn’t new to junk hauling. They are part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers who have been helping homeowners and businesses cart away tons of unwanted and oversized items. How can they help you with your junk hauling? First, you have to decide what you want thrown away.

Short of genuine hazardous materials, Junk King can pretty haul away anything. That means you can finally get rid of your discarded furniture, busted appliances, out of date e-waste and any other pile of rubbish that has been creating an eyesore around your home. When Junk King is on the job, you’ll have two very capable workers who will pick up anything you’re throwing out. They will also disassemble any big object. They’ve taken apart hot tubs, pool tables, swing sets and bedroom furniture. Usually, it is “grab and go” with Junk King but they won’t hesitate to take their time to make sure whatever you want tossed out will be tossed out.

Don’t worry about the labor costs; you won’t be paying those. Instead, you’re only going to be charged by the amount of volume your junk takes up on the back of the Junk King truck. This one fee covers everything. It’s also a fee you need to be happy with before the work gets started. Junk King is all about excellent customer service. Our greatest form of advertising is when you tell your friends about our service. That’s why we want to make sure you’re completely satisfied before we pull away.

Junk King is also doing its part to make sure Fort Worth stays green. Most of the junk collected by the crews goes directly to a certified recycling facility as opposed to the city dump. That less garbage that makes its way to a landfill the better off we’ll all be. Make Junk King your one-stop junk hauling service.

Fort Worth Junk Removal

As it happens, the Tandy Hills Natural Area is anything but natural. Although designated as a kind of “let it grow wild” area, around hundred years ago, ranchers started to fence off sections to develop the area. Then there is the issue of fires to contend with. What brush has been left to grow wild is a fire hazard in drought conditions. That’s why the Tandy Hills Natural Area needs a few extra hands help keep it safe from overgrowth. Once a year, a group of dedicated volunteers who call themselves Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area team up with the City of Fort Worth Parks and Community Services Department for the Brush Bash. The brush has been pre-cut. It just needs to be dragged off. That’s where the “friends” come into play. In a single day, truckloads of brush is cleared away and Tandy Hills can get back to being as natural as it can.

Sagebrush to be cleared.

Sagebrush to be cleared.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you have a team of hard workers standing by anytime you wanted to clear out the brush or rubbish from your home? Actually, there is a team you can tap into for all kinds of junk removal. That would be Junk King Fort Worth.

Junk King is part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers. There is a Junk King branch in every major city across the country and they all maintain the same level of excellence set down by the parent company. The number one priority is to make sure you’re completely satisfied with the Junk King service. We’re just getting ramped up here in Fort Worth but already we’ve managed to make a lot of local residents extremely happy. That’s because it only takes a Junk King crew a few minutes to load up stuff that has been gathering for years. With Junk King, you’ll have a two-man crew assigned to your junk removal task. That hard working crew is licensed and insured. That means they are going to take extra-special care with your items even though you’re throwing them out!

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Junk King Fort Worth
5045 Martin Luther King Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Fort Worth area, including:

Fort Worth
Haltom City
and these nearby zip codes:
75368, 76001, 76002, 76003, 76004, 76005, 76006, 76007, 76009, 76010, 76011, 76012, 76013, 76014, 76015, 76016, 76017, 76018, 76019, 76028, 76031, 76058, 76059, 76060, 76063, 76085, 76086, 76087, 76094, 76096, 76097, 76101, 76102, 76103, 76104, 76105, 76106, 76107, 76108, 76109, 76110, 76111, 76112, 76113, 76114, 76115, 76116, 76117, 76118, 76119, 76120, 76121, 76122, 76123, 76124, 76126, 76129, 76130, 76131, 76132, 76133, 76134, 76135, 76136, 76140, 76147, 76150, 76161, 76162, 76163, 76164, 76166, 76177, 76179, 76181, 76185, 76191, 76192, 76195, 76196, 76197, 76198, 76199