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Category Archives: Dallas Junk Removal

Dallas Hot Tub Disposal

What kind of eyesore item do you have in your backyard? Is it a hot tub, perhaps? In many cases, homeowners inherit an old hot tub. Unlike a sofa or a fridge, a hot tub is not something you can easily pack up and take with you to your next location. As a prospective home buyer, you might have seen the hot tub out back and thought it would be a perfect way to unwind after a hard day. The reality turned out that hot tub is out of date and broken down. Now it’s like one gigantic bird bath. In other words, an eyesore. If that is the case then you have two options: swap out the old model for a new model or get rid of it all together.

If you have the space already designated for a hot tub then you should give strong thought to the replacement option. Today’s hot tubs have made great improvements in the design of the seats, power jets and heating elements. These are more efficient models that deliver all the amazing benefits without a lot of maintenance hassle.

As to those amazing benefits there are plenty. Sure, the simple act of soaking in a hot water with soothing jets of pulsating pressure is all about relaxing but there’s a lot more going on. Dipping into a hot tub before heading to bed is going to help you fall asleep faster. Hot tub use has also been prescribed by doctors to help folks who suffer from chronic joint pain. It’s also been shown to help lower blood pressure and improve circulation. And you thought you were just going for a soak?

Now if you want to get rid of that old hot tub to make room for a bigger deck or garden you’re well within your rights but you’re still going to be stuck with the challenge of breaking it down and carting it off. That’s where Junk King Dallas can be a big help. Junk King is the local Dallas business who is all about junk removal. Clearly, getting rid of a hot tub is a two man operation (at least). There are many parts to dismantle not to mention the clunky inner shell. All of that can only fit on a big truck like the kind the Junk King crew drives. Keep in mind that you’ll only be paying for the amount of space your junk takes up in that truck. So if it takes a little longer to break down the hot tub you don’t have to watch the clock: you’re not paying the crew by the hour and you’re not paying them for travel time.

After the hot tub is removed, you’ll have the time to think about what to do with that space. Do yourself a favor: at least shop for a new hot tub just to see the options!

Dallas Furniture Disposal

Nebraska is coming to Dallas. That would be the Nebraska Furniture Mart which just turned the shovel on construction of a Texas size 560,000 square foot showroom/warehouse at the Colony just outside of Dallas. Competition was fierce among various retail sites not only here in Texas but in Tennessee and Missouri as well but the Colony won out. This is the new shopping complex located along State Highway 121 that hopes to inject a serious boost into the local economy. With over 433 acres of retail space, there will be plenty of opportunities for other stores and restaurants to join in with the Nebraska Furniture Mart.

Now, before you rush out to start shopping for new furnishings you’re going to have to wait a bit. The Mart isn’t going to be open until 2015. However, that shouldn’t put you off the idea of refurnishing your home or apartment. In fact, there are many bargains to be had not only in the many established Dallas furniture outlets but also online. Yes, you can buy a sofa over the internet and have it delivery right to your door. In many cases, an online retailer will offer you a better deal because they’ll toss in the shipping charges for free.

Exactly how long have you been sitting on that sofa of yours? What kind of shape is the easy chair in? And can we talk mattress? If your mattress is over five years old then you’re in serious need of replacement. Perhaps you want to replace those items before the holiday season kicks into high gear. You could also look at a new living room set as an early Christmas present. Why wait?

The most important thing about furniture shopping is showing up with the right measurements. Those measurements should not only be for the space your new furniture will occupy but also your door and hallway. Just because you got your old sofa into the house is no guarantee the design of your new model will fit the same way. It would be horrible if your new couch showed up after you got rid of the old couch and you couldn’t bring it in.

Speaking of getting rid of the old couch, have you thought about Junk King Dallas? Junk King will be a huge asset when it comes to old furniture disposal. When you hire Junk King Dallas you will be hiring a responsible and courteous crew who know the right way to lift a heavy object. They’ll also have a big enough truck to cart way all your discarded furniture along with any other junk item you want to get rid of. Don’t second guess; when it comes to junk removal there is only one king: Junk King!

For the best in Dallas Furniture Disposal simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today and save $30.

Dallas Junk Hauling – Get it Done Today

Ben Franklin once quipped that “the only things certain in life are death and taxes.” There should probably be an amendment to that adage to include junk because if anything is certain it’s that every single human being is going to create garbage & junk. From the food we eat, the clothes we wear and just about anything else that becomes disposable we’re going to leave a huge trail of garbage in our wake wherever we go. Here in Dallas, we create over 2 million tons of garbage every year. It would be great if we could push a button and make that garbage disappear but on many levels it is here to stay and where it stays is in one of the many landfills that dot the Dallas landscape. That doesn’t mean that folks aren’t thinking about what to do with all that garbage. In fact, there is a plan being put forth for Dallas to have zero-waste by the year 2040.

This doesn’t mean we won’t be making any garbage. Instead it means that the junk we will be making will all get recycled, repurposed and reused. That’s a great goal to shoot for but it’s going to require everyone changing the way they think about things. Take for instance the issue of plastic shopping bags. For a zero-waste goal those bags have got to go. There are already several cities around the country who have instituted a plastic bag ban. Folks either have to make do with paper or bring their own bags to the grocery store. It’s a minor inconvenience which is really changing your routines. When you consider the trade off it’s really not that big of a deal. Right now about 85% of Dallas garbage that goes into a landfill could actually be recycled and reused.

You can get ahead of the zero-waste curve by getting rid of the junk in your home. We all have some basic items that we use nearly every day or at least every several days. Most of the stuff we hang onto we either forget why we bought it in the first place or haven’t used it in years. Those kinds of items would definitely qualify as junk.

Junk King Dallas can help you get rid of that unwanted stuff. Junk King is the Dallas business who is the perfect zero-waste partner. They’re already diverting the majority of junk they collect away from the landfill and towards one of the many recycling centers located around Dallas. Many of your neighbors have already hired Junk King to help them reclaim their closets, garages and basements from all their accumulated junk. Not only are they putting those spaces to better use but they’ve officially reduced their carbon footprint. Wouldn’t you like to be living in a zero-waste home?

To get it on the Dallas Junk Hauling action, Call Junk King at 1-800-995 5865 or book a free on site estimate online today and save $30.

Dallas Junk Removal – Go with the Professionals

“Not in my backyard.” That’s the rallying cry that was heard from many residents of west Dallas when a new auto-parts salvage yard was proposed for a vacant lot over on Singleton Boulevard. The local residents had been working hard to turn their neighborhood around by leveling abandoned houses, cleaning weeds from lots and coming together to make this a decent neighborhood once again. There’s no getting around the fact that a junk yard is an eye sore. It will also be hard to attract other businesses that aren’t junk related to that area. The measure went to the City Council where they took the matter under review. This is a contentious issue that every community will face sooner or later: what to do with all our junk?

A recent study noted that every American generates a couple of pounds of garbage each week. That’s all the papers, cartons, bottles, wrappers and anything else we dispose of in the course of a given day. That trash has to go somewhere. The bigger items like scrap metal, furniture, patio furniture or construction waste often ends up in those unwanted junk yards. There’s got to be a better way and that would be with recycling. When you can divert that garbage away from a landfill or junk yard then you decrease the need for those places. Better yet, the existing junk yards won’t be feeling the strain if their junk volume is reduced. Here is where a business like Junk King Dallas can be a big help to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Junk King Dallas is a local Texas business that takes junk removal to a whole new level. Their goal is to divert your junk and they’re aiming to change how Dallas residents decide to get rid of their junk and clutter . One of the goals of Junk King Dallas is to divert as much as possible from local landfills by recycling.  This is also a trustworthy service you can depend on. If you’re hiring a day laborer or “some guy with a truck” to haul your junk away then you have no idea where your junk will end up. For all you know, they guy could dump the junk in an alley two block over and then charge the owner another fee to remove it all over again. You can avoid that kind of racket by hiring a professional junk hauler like Junk King.

Junk King trains all their crews in the proper way of moving heavy items. They also maintain state of the art trucks capable of handling all kinds of junk removal – the safe way. What’s great is that Junk King is only going to charge you by the amount of space your junk takes up on their truck. No “heavy item” fees. No travel time. And no landfill charges. The estimate you’re given is what you’ll pay. Getting rid of your junk has never been easier. Call Junk King at 1-888-888-JUNK today for the best in Dallas Junk Removal.

Dallas Fort Worth Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Dallas official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Dallas-Fort Worth Junk Removal services.

We are set to launch our business at the start of August.  Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the Dallas-Fort Worth area.  Also, be sure to check out our official Dallas Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Dallas
13659 Jupiter Rd. Suite 208
Dallas, TX 75238
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas area, including:

Balch Springs
Red Oak
Royse City
and these nearby zip codes:
75030, 75032, 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044, 75045, 75046, 75047, 75048, 75049, 75087, 75088, 75089, 75125, 75126, 75132, 75141, 75149, 75150, 75154, 75159, 75164, 75172, 75180, 75181, 75182, 75185, 75187, 75189, 75201, 75202, 75204, 75205, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75221, 75222, 75223, 75225, 75226, 75227, 75228, 75230, 75231, 75238, 75242, 75243, 75246, 75250, 75251, 75253, 75262, 75263, 75264, 75265, 75266, 75267, 75270, 75275, 75277, 75283, 75284, 75285, 75303, 75312, 75313, 75315, 75320, 75326, 75355, 75357, 75359, 75360, 75367, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 75382, 75389, 75391, 75393, 75394, 75397, 75407