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Tag Archives: Junk King Dallas

Coppell TX Junk Removal

Folks here in Coppell like to keep an eye out for each other. Proof of that can be found with Coppell’s ranking in the annual National Night Out event. This is a special event held in cities all across the country where local law enforcement officials, community groups and residents come out for an evening of fun, fellowship and information. That information centers on making the streets around Coppell safer. For last year’s event, Coppell ranked as the second best city after Lexington. The judge’s criteria are based on neighborhood participation and law enforcement involvement. This is a prime example of what Coppell is such a great place to live and raise a family.


Another prime example can be found in the way that folks keep up their property. Yes, every neighborhood has the occasional “eyesore” pile of front yard junk, but you have to consider that some folks might not have the means to get rid of those bulk items like car parts, tires or appliances. At least they didn’t have the means before Junk King rolled into town. Now, one call is all it takes for a total junk removal project to be completed at any home or business.

Technically, it is Junk King Dallas that services all of Coppell but it is really the Junk King name you’re hiring. That represents a national chain of professional junk haulers who take great pride in their work. When you book a junk removal appointment with Junk King, you’ll be getting use of a two-man moving crew and moving van. The crew does the work and the truck does the hauling.

This is your chance to perform a total sweep of your yards to remove anything that is stopping you from have the lawns you want. The Junk King crew can haul away dirt, grass, scrub brush, lumber scraps and anything else you have piled up. They can even take away that nasty hot tub that is rotting away.

The time is takes for a Junk King crew to complete your junk removal project is actually quite small. You’ll be able to get back to your day in a few minutes. On the other hand, the Junk King crew will still be hard at work, as they make sure your junk is properly disposed off. Whether that means at a recycling center, charity or certified landfill, you can depend on Junk King Dallas. Call them today to get your junk gone by tomorrow.

Valentine’s Day Junk Removal In Dallas

If you’re looking for fresh ideas of what to do on Valentine’s Day here in Dallas there are two unique options: You can take to the sky or satisfy your chocolate cravings. At Delta Charlie’s Bar & Grill you can take advantage of a dinner and flight. For dinner it’s a three course gourmet affair. For the flight, you’ll have a 30-minute private sightseeing tour of the Dallas skyline. Don’t worry if you can’t get a reservation for the actual V-Day. They are offering this special deal through next week.


As for your chocolate fix, there is a one-of-a-kind tour called “Dallas by Chocolate” that takes chocolate lovers on a three hour driving tour of some of Dallas’ tastiest chocolate makers including Sweet Chocolate, Sublime Chocolate and CocoAndre Chocolatier. Not only will you your fill of all things chocolate, but you’ll also get to taste pastries, ice cream and some perfect wine pairings.

For a truly special Valentine’s Day gift, why don’t you treat your special one to a total junk removal appointment from Junk King? By total junk removal, we’re talking about anything and everything that you’ve been hankering to throw out but just haven’t had the means to do so. Even if you have access to a pickup truck, that doesn’t mean you have access to a moving crew. With Junk King on the job, you’ll get that crew plus a truck big enough to toss out whatever you want to throw out.

How does this play into Valentine’s Day? Suppose you’ve been nicely asked to remove these things for some time now. No doubt your reasons for delay have all been valid but it’s a project that has hung over your head. Now it can be completed with one call to Junk King. When you set up that junk removal appointment, you’ll be able take full advantage of that two-man Junk King crew not only for your inside but outside as well. If you’ve got some old swing sets, a busted tool shed or rotten wood you need to clear out, then turn it over to Junk King. They’ll be happy to pile up all that debris on the same truck that is going to take way y our old furniture, appliances and other household items.

You might be able to take advantage of a same-day service call. That means your home can be clutter free by the end of the day. Remember, it doesn’t have to be on Valentine’s Day to count. Any day you hire Junk King is going to be a good day.

Dallas Junk Removal In 2014

Can you put a price on scenic beauty? According to the Dallas City Council, the current price is $3.2 million. That’s how much the council approved for a cleanup of the Trinity River. For many local residents, this is welcomed news that is long overdue. Sadly, this area has become a wasteland for illegal dumping. The bulk of the trash items are discarded tires. It’s horrible to think that someone is careless enough to toss a tire into a waterway. There has been a stepped up program from the City Marshalls as they are patrolling the river looking for illegal dumpers. Hopefully, those criminals can be caught and put to work cleaning up the mess they helped create.

Illegal dumping.

Illegal dumping.

Does this have you thinking about the mess you created around your home? You are well within your rights to collect all kinds of things and keep them in storage in your home. However, there might come a time when you’ve simply run out of room. When that happens, you need to set up a junk removal appointment with Junk King. They’ve already helped hundreds of Dallas residents with getting rid of oversized junk items. Are you ready to put junk removal on your list of things to accomplish in 2014? One call to Junk King can make it all happen.

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Dallas Bulk Trash Pickup

Did you know that if you set out bulky trash items on your curb you could be fined up to $2,000 in Dallas? It’s true. While the city of Dallas does offer limited bulky trash pickup you have to follow the rules very carefully or face that fine. Each neighborhood has a bulky trash collection day once a month. Good luck trying to find out when your pickup day is scheduled for. According to the rules you can put out your items no earlier than a Thursday before the collection week and no later than Monday. That is a bit confusing. What happens if your pickup day is on Tuesday?

Then there is a limit on exactly what these folks will pickup. If you’ve got bagged grass clippings, construction materials, remodeling waste, rocks, bricks, concrete or dirt you can forget about that stuff being picked up. Anything else can be dragged down to the curb in the hope that you’ve got the right day. Is there a better way? There is, when you hire Junk King Dallas to handle all your bulk trash pickup needs.

The first thing you should consider about Junk King is that you’re not going to be carrying anything down to the curb. That’s important if you want to throw out some heavy pieces like furniture or kitchen appliances. What if you want to get rid of a piano? You’ll have no worry with Junk King dallas because their expert team of movers won’t have a problem going to where your junk is and remove it from that spot.

The other thing to consider is that Junk King isn’t going to put restrictions on what you can throw out. All those things that the city won’t pick up are exactly what you might need to get rid of and those will all fit very nicely onto the back of the Junk King truck. You can also fill up that same truck. There have been many happy customers who hired Junk King to clear out entire estates or foreclosed homes. And when it comes to a hoarding cleanup, Junk King is really the only call you should make.

In terms of pricing, Junk King won’t steer you wrong there either. You’re only going to be charge a fee based on the amount of space your junk takes up on the back of the truck. You’re not paying for work time, dumping fee or gas. One price with no surprises. When it comes to bulk trash pickup Junk King really is your best bet.

Dallas Debris Removal

Even though we’re still a few weeks away from Earth Day, volunteers are getting a head start in the Dallas/Fort Worth area by participating in the 28th annual Cowtown Great American Clean-Up. So far, over 5,200 folks have registered to be part of the neighborhood cleanup. As with the previous clean ups, supplies and gear were distributed the Friday before the big day. Then it was all about scouring through the public areas picking up whatever doesn’t belong. That includes bottles, fast food wrappers, cigarette butts and soda cans. The volunteers will also find the occasional abandoned shopping carts, tires and sofa. All of those oversized items will also be collected by specially designated trucks. If the previous years are any indication, there will probably be close to a ton or so of garbage collected and disposed of. Not bad for a single day’s work.

If you were to put your junk on the scale, how much do you think it would weigh? Yes, we all have junk. This would be all that stuff we’re hanging onto for no good reason. It’s the stuff that we’ll never use again but is probably too big to throw out. We’ve all got at least a closet full of this kind of junk. In some cases, folks have entire garages or spare rooms dedicated to becoming a storage locker for junk. Isn’t there a better way to use that space? If the Cowtown Clean-Up inspires you to finally get rid of your junk then you should rope in Junk King Dallas to help with the job.

Ever since Junk King rode into town, they’ve been helping folks reclaim their homes, attics, basements, closets and garages from piles of junk. How can they help you? Right out of the gate, you’ll be getting a truck to fill up. No, you don’t have to drive the truck or even rent it. That truck comes along with every Junk King removal assignment. You’ll also be getting a two-man crew to do all the heavy lifting. That Junk King Dallas crew will create a direct path from your junk to their truck.

Once it’s loaded up, you can wave good-bye to your junk once and for all. It might have taken you several years to collect all that stuff but it will only take Junk King a few moments to clear it out of your home. Because it’s a two-man crew and a huge truck there isn’t anything they can’t take away. Whether you want to clear out your home or yard or both Junk King Dallas should be your partner. Call today to schedule your own Cowtown cleanup!

Dallas Junk Recycling

It’s very rare in life when we get to have an official “do over.” The Dallas City Council is optioning its own version of a “do over” as it develops a comprehensive plan for recycling.  Apparently, the first version of the plan left out any thought of apartment complexes.   There are also rumblings about the proposed city wide ban on plastic bags. On one page of the plan we’re told the plastic bag issue will be “discussed” in the next five years but in another chapter the issue is put off until 2025. Clearly, there are a few things to work out.

The big concern is to make sure the local residents have a say in the plan that will have a direct impact on how they get rid of their trash. The goal is to make Dallas a zero waste city by the year 2040. That doesn’t mean we won’t be making any trash. It just means the trash we make will all be recycled. That’s a pretty tall order for a place as large as Big D. But it’s certainly an obtainable goal. Dallas isn’t alone. There will be plenty of other cities joining in on the crusade to become zero waste.

You can actually get a jump start on that by making sure all of your junk gets recycled the right way. To do that all you need is to call Junk King Dallas Fort Worth (1-800-995-5865).

Junk King Dallas is not a recycling facility.  Think of them as the bridge to the recycling firm. Junk King is a company of professional junk haulers who have been pitching in to make sure Dallas homeowners, businesses and apartment dwellers can get to “zero junk.”  They do this by providing the right muscle to lift any bulky object from any space and the big enough truck to haul it all away. Once your junk is placed on the Junk King truck they’ll make sure it gets to the right Dallas recycling facility, which sometimes can include a number of stops.

Keep in mind that just because you’re tossing something out that isn’t paper or a soda can doesn’t mean that it can’t be recycled. In fact, most bulky items can be broken down to their original components just like those magazines or newspapers. This holds true for a mattress box spring that will be stripped of its cloth, wood and metal pieces. Each of those goes into a separate pile to be crushed down and re-assimilated into a new form. That’s what recycling is all about. All you have to concern yourself with is getting that furniture on the back of the Junk King truck. That means you can finally get rid of all that old furniture, appliances, basement junk, yard debris or construction waste and know that it can all be recycled the Junk King way.

For the best in Dallas Junk Recyling, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.

Dallas Junk Hauling – Get it Done Today

Ben Franklin once quipped that “the only things certain in life are death and taxes.” There should probably be an amendment to that adage to include junk because if anything is certain it’s that every single human being is going to create garbage & junk. From the food we eat, the clothes we wear and just about anything else that becomes disposable we’re going to leave a huge trail of garbage in our wake wherever we go. Here in Dallas, we create over 2 million tons of garbage every year. It would be great if we could push a button and make that garbage disappear but on many levels it is here to stay and where it stays is in one of the many landfills that dot the Dallas landscape. That doesn’t mean that folks aren’t thinking about what to do with all that garbage. In fact, there is a plan being put forth for Dallas to have zero-waste by the year 2040.

This doesn’t mean we won’t be making any garbage. Instead it means that the junk we will be making will all get recycled, repurposed and reused. That’s a great goal to shoot for but it’s going to require everyone changing the way they think about things. Take for instance the issue of plastic shopping bags. For a zero-waste goal those bags have got to go. There are already several cities around the country who have instituted a plastic bag ban. Folks either have to make do with paper or bring their own bags to the grocery store. It’s a minor inconvenience which is really changing your routines. When you consider the trade off it’s really not that big of a deal. Right now about 85% of Dallas garbage that goes into a landfill could actually be recycled and reused.

You can get ahead of the zero-waste curve by getting rid of the junk in your home. We all have some basic items that we use nearly every day or at least every several days. Most of the stuff we hang onto we either forget why we bought it in the first place or haven’t used it in years. Those kinds of items would definitely qualify as junk.

Junk King Dallas can help you get rid of that unwanted stuff. Junk King is the Dallas business who is the perfect zero-waste partner. They’re already diverting the majority of junk they collect away from the landfill and towards one of the many recycling centers located around Dallas. Many of your neighbors have already hired Junk King to help them reclaim their closets, garages and basements from all their accumulated junk. Not only are they putting those spaces to better use but they’ve officially reduced their carbon footprint. Wouldn’t you like to be living in a zero-waste home?

To get it on the Dallas Junk Hauling action, Call Junk King at 1-800-995 5865 or book a free on site estimate online today and save $30.

Dallas Fort Worth Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Dallas official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Dallas-Fort Worth Junk Removal services.

We are set to launch our business at the start of August.  Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the Dallas-Fort Worth area.  Also, be sure to check out our official Dallas Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Dallas
13659 Jupiter Rd. Suite 208
Dallas, TX 75238
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas area, including:

Balch Springs
Red Oak
Royse City
and these nearby zip codes:
75030, 75032, 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044, 75045, 75046, 75047, 75048, 75049, 75087, 75088, 75089, 75125, 75126, 75132, 75141, 75149, 75150, 75154, 75159, 75164, 75172, 75180, 75181, 75182, 75185, 75187, 75189, 75201, 75202, 75204, 75205, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75221, 75222, 75223, 75225, 75226, 75227, 75228, 75230, 75231, 75238, 75242, 75243, 75246, 75250, 75251, 75253, 75262, 75263, 75264, 75265, 75266, 75267, 75270, 75275, 75277, 75283, 75284, 75285, 75303, 75312, 75313, 75315, 75320, 75326, 75355, 75357, 75359, 75360, 75367, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 75382, 75389, 75391, 75393, 75394, 75397, 75407