Junk King Sacramento

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Tag Archives: Best Junk Removal Company

Sacramento Hauling – Five Reasons To Hire the Pros

When it comes to cooking up a great meal, you don’t want to have too many chefs in the kitchen. It’s far better to open up a bottle of wine and put out a plate of cheese and crackers while you commence to cooking. However, there are some other tasks around your home where you should most definitely bring in extra help. This is especially true when it comes hauling away the large items of junk that have been collecting dust and rust in your home. Here are the top five reasons to hire a Sacramento hauling company like Junk King for all your junk removal needs.
They’ve Got the Muscle: The number one reason why folks hang onto junk it because they simply can’t move it. Sure, you might be able to shove an old sofa out into the garage or push a broken washing machine onto the back porch but that’s usually as far as it goes. With a professional hauling company you don’t have to worry about straining your back. These movers know what they’re doing and have been trained to effortlessly haul away any item no matter the size or shape.
They’ve Got the Trucks: Suppose you don’t have big items to haul away, but a lot of little items. This could be boxes of old papers, broken toys or other trash. Could it fit into the trunk of your car or SUV? Sure. But how many trips will you have to make back and forth to the dump? And do you really want to risk scraping up your car hauling junk? Junk King will come with their own truck and it will be the right size to take away whatever you’re tossing out.
They Know Where to Dump: Do you know where the closet landfill is to your home? If you’re lucky it will be miles and miles away. Hauling away a massive amount of junk could mean a trip to a landfill. Is this really how you want to spend your Saturday afternoon off from work? Professional junk haulers know just where to go with your trash. And if there is an opportunity to recycle they will know the specific facilities for repurposing.
They Are Professionals: So, you need help removing junk. Are you going to hire a company who is certified and licensed like Junk King or find some workers off the street? Put it this way: who would you rather invite into your home?
You Need the Space: Getting rid of your junk means you’ll be getting back space. Some folks have turned a spare room into a literal dumping ground for their junk. This is a room that could put hoarders to shame! Maybe you don’t have a room like this but what about a closet? Or basement? Or garage? Where is the dumping ground in your home? Wherever it is, having it cleaned out allows you to reclaim that space and turn it into a more productive area. You could create a guest bedroom or your own private sanctuary. First you have to get rid of the junk!
Junk King Sacramento
12181 Folsom Blvd, Suite A
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-5P

Providing junk removal services to the Sacramento area, including:

Diamond Springs
El Dorado
El Dorado Hills
Elk Grove
Fair Oaks
Rancho Cordova
West Sacramento
and these nearby zip codes:
94203, 94204, 94205, 94206, 94207, 94208, 94209, 94211, 94229, 94230, 94232, 94234, 94235, 94236, 94237, 94239, 94240, 94244, 94245, 94247, 94248, 94249, 94250, 94252, 94254, 94256, 94257, 94258, 94259, 94261, 94262, 94263, 94267, 94268, 94269, 94271, 94273, 94274, 94277, 94278, 94279, 94280, 94282, 94283, 94284, 94285, 94287, 94288, 94289, 94290, 94291, 94293, 94294, 94295, 94296, 94297, 94298, 94299, 95605, 95607, 95608, 95609, 95612, 95615, 95616, 95617, 95618, 95619, 95620, 95623, 95624, 95627, 95628, 95630, 95653, 95670, 95671, 95691, 95695, 95741, 95742, 95757, 95758, 95759, 95762, 95763, 95776, 95798, 95799, 95811, 95812, 95813, 95814, 95815, 95816, 95817, 95818, 95819, 95820, 95821, 95822, 95823, 95824, 95825, 95826, 95827, 95828, 95829, 95830, 95831, 95832, 95833, 95834, 95835, 95836, 95837, 95838, 95840, 95851, 95852, 95853, 95860, 95864, 95865, 95866, 95867, 95894, 95899