Junk King Salt Lake City

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Get Your Backyard Shed Cleaned Out Today

Do you approach your backyard shed with a level of dread because you’re not sure what might fall out when you open the door? That is totally understandable because our sheds often become storage units for all the things we can’t throw out or keep in the house any longer. What happens then is you run out of room for the things that matter and are stuck with a lot of rubbish. That can all change with one call to Junk King Salt Lake City. They’ll be able to send over a crew that can get your backyard shed cleanout out today.

Beyond the Shed

Sheds aren’t as big as garages. That means it won’t take a lot of time or effort for the Junk King crew to get it cleaned out. That’s good news because it means they can work beyond the shed and help clear out the rest of any backyard debris you have accumulated since last spring. When the work is done outside, the Junk King crew will also be able move inside and do even more clearing. You might also be afraid to open your closet doors because of what might spill out. If you can take the time for some deep sorting, then you’ll be able to turn over a lot of items to Junk King.

Packing Price

The fee for Junk King’s services is based on packing. Unlike the post office, which weighs a package to determine the price, Junk King uses volume. It is how your stuff will fit onto the truck that will provide the fee. The Junk King team can assess any pile of stuff and make an estimate based on how they’re going to pack the truck up. One fee covers all the labor, the transportation and the disposal. That labor might be a few minutes or a few hours if you need a really intense rubbish removal! It will all be covered.

When you hire Junk King Salt Lake City to clean out your backyard shed, you can end up with an entire home that is clear of clutter and rubbish. Won’t that be nice?

Junk King Salt Lake City
2181 W 2200 S Unit B
West Valley City, UT 84119
Hours: M-Sa: 7A-6P, Su: 8A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the Salt Lake City area, including:

North Salt Lake
Park City
Salt Lake City
Woods Cross
and these nearby zip codes:
84010, 84011, 84014, 84044, 84054, 84060, 84087, 84098, 84101, 84102, 84103, 84104, 84105, 84106, 84107, 84108, 84109, 84110, 84111, 84112, 84113, 84114, 84115, 84116, 84117, 84119, 84120, 84122, 84123, 84124, 84125, 84126, 84127, 84128, 84130, 84131, 84132, 84133, 84134, 84138, 84139, 84141, 84143, 84144, 84145, 84147, 84148, 84150, 84151, 84152, 84157, 84158, 84165, 84170, 84180, 84184, 84190, 84199