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Junk Removal Blog

Book A Junk Removal Session For Spring Cleaning

The first time you come home after taking care of your spring cleaning is a beautiful experience. You walk into a house that is spotless and free of clutter. That takes effort, but it is time well spent. You can extend that feeling of bliss by ensuring you eliminate all the unwanted junk you discover while cleaning. This is the stuff you toss into the trash but the big stuff you have been hankering to get rid of. That kind of junk removal can be handled with one call to Junk King Minneapolis.

All The Big Stuff

You can start with all the big stuff when deciding what you want to turn over to the Junk King crew. For example, what furniture items do you like to clear out of the basement or from an upstairs bedroom? What about appliances like an old fridge or washer that are sitting broken? Your designated removal crew can pick it up and load it onto the Junk King truck. This is a two-person team with experience and a positive attitude.

When the Junk King crew shows up, you will show them everything you want to get rid of. Then, they will instantly be able to provide you with a written estimate based on how they plan to pack up the truck. Junk King crews are always careful when packing the truck to ensure you get a reasonable price every time. That happens when they can get that stuff crammed into as tight a space as possible. The less room your property takes up on the truck, the less you will be charged by Junk King. It’s just that simple.

Book a room junk removal session with Junk King Minneapolis for your spring cleaning agenda this year. You’ll be glad you did.

2023-03-31 15:57:33

Full-Service Hot Tub Removal

Getting rid of an old hot tub in the backyard is a task requiring outside help. Even if you could take it apart piece by piece, there is still the issue of what to do with all of those pieces. Fortunately, a viable solution for hot tub removal can be found with a call to Junk King Minneapolis. This professional junk hauling service typically removes things like furniture and appliances. However, Junk King’s full-service junk hauling can also extend to the challenging task of October. But with Junk King on the job, they will make it look easy!

The Crew Does It All

Junk King can assign you a two-person crew to remove your hot tub. This crew does all of the hot tub dismantling to load it up on the back of the junk King truck. That dismantling can also involve breaking up the pieces to fit onto the truck. After all, an old hot tub cannot be “donated.”

Before the Junk King crew starts dismantling, they will lock down the price with you. This is a price that is based on and not weight. So it’s good that Junk King will not charge by the pound for hot tub removal! It’s also good to know that Junk King will match any competitor’s price for the same type of removal. That will guarantee you get the best price for this service in Minneapolis.

You can schedule your hot tub removal with Junk King online or over the phone. When you mention the hot tub, the Junk King team will ensure enough time for your appointment to clear all the remnants away in a single session.

Take care of your hot tub removal agenda with help from Junk King Minneapolis. Call to make it happen today.

2023-03-24 20:19:48

How Junk King is Promoting Sustainability and Reducing Waste in Minneapolis

How Junk King is Promoting Sustainability and Reducing Waste in Minneapolis

Did you know that the average American creates almost 5 pounds of trash every day? That adds up to almost 1,800 pounds of garbage a year, a large amount of which goes straight to the landfill. Overall, the U.S. creates around 300 million tons of garbage in a year. That’s a significant amount, and much of it comes from packaging and other goods that we only use briefly before throwing them away.

Instead of using these disposable products, there are other options. Sustainable living means incorporating various practices that help you reduce your impact on the environment. This includes recycling, reducing the number of disposal products you use, and reusing what you can. Individuals and businesses can both implement sustainable living practices. Junk King does our part, too—we recycle whatever we can, plus we work with local transfer stations where garbage is used as fuel for energy-producing plants.

What can you do to be sustainable? Let’s look at some of the ways you can reduce your overall carbon footprint and how Junk King can help.

Who Should Look into Reducing Waste Via Sustainable Practices?

Sustainable living is for everyone. While there can be some barriers to sustainability, almost everyone can make at least a few changes to their lifestyle to incorporate some sustainable practices. In some cases, money does play a part—you may not be able to choose to work with companies that use sustainable manufacturing due to limited finances. In other cases, availability may be an issue.

However, just by making a few small changes, you can help reduce the amount of waste you create. For example, the city of Minneapolis offers residential recycling. All you have to do is put your recycling container out on the correct day. This is a very simple way of recycling, although you do want to make certain you’re only putting the correct materials in the recycling bin.

Businesses and manufacturers can also implement sustainable practices. For some businesses, this simply means recycling what they can and reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills. For others, it may mean changing how they manufacture products or what packaging they use. In some cases, it may cost a little bit more to use green practices. In other cases, however, it may actually save you money. Even if you spend more, you often come out ahead because you’ll attract customers who want to work with companies that protect the environment.

How can you reduce your waste and protect the environment? Here are a few of the easiest ways.

Who Should Look into Reducing Waste Via Sustainable Practices


As we just mentioned, recycling is incredibly easy. Just toss the right items into your city recycling bin and put it out for collection. For businesses, it may not be quite so simple. However, there are recycling companies you can work with to reduce how much trash you create. Many businesses end up with a huge amount of cardboard from boxes, for example, that can easily be recycled. Many other materials, including plastics, glass, and wood, can potentially be recycled.

Junk King helps reduce waste through recycling, too. We recycle as much as we possibly can, which is why we sort out materials once we pick them up. Anything that we can pass on to one of our recycling partners gets pulled out. Whatever we have left is taken to a transfer station, where it’s used as fuel.

Reuse Items

What about those items that can’t easily be recycled? In some cases, you may be able to reuse them. This also helps reduce the amount of waste created because you’re not buying new products. You’re not taking more natural resources out of circulation.

While you can’t reuse everything, there are a good number of products that can be reused. Empty bottles can be filled with other items or even used as planters by cutting the tops off. You can use them to start seeds or for growing herbs indoors. Plastic bags from the store can be used to line small trashcans. Old shirts can be cut apart to make rags or, if you’re crafty, used in a number of projects.

Some of these items can, of course, eventually be recycled. What about things that can’t be? If you have treated wood from old furniture, it can’t easily be recycled. However, you may be able to use it to build something new. Mirrors typically can’t be recycled, either, but you may find some artists who are willing to take them off your hands. In fact, artists are often willing to take items that can’t be recycled because they can upcycle them into their art. Check with local artists, art teachers, and local college art departments to see if they want any broken items that aren’t recyclable.

Reuse Items When They Can Not Recycled

Buy Sustainable Products

While recycling and reusing items are great, the ideal goal is to stop buying as many new things as possible. Sustainable products that can be used over and over reduce the number of new products you use. This not only reduces your carbon footprint, but it also reduces the amount of money you spend. Investing in a reusable water bottle, for example, means you no longer purchase bottled water. This will save you a good amount of money over the years, plus you’re not putting that plastic in the landfill or through the recycling process, which does use fuel. There are many other sustainable products you can purchase, including fabric shopping bags, metal straws, and even reusable food bags that replace plastic baggies.

Businesses can buy sustainable products, too. You can do what you can to reduce the amount of plastic used in your products or repair wooden pallets instead of throwing them away. If you manufacture products, look at how much packaging is used and reduce it if possible. Look for vendors or suppliers that use reduced packaging or green production methods to further decrease your carbon footprint.

You can also encourage your customers to use more sustainable products by stocking them. You can offer a small discount for those who bring their own shopping bags or purchase one of your branded reusable bags. Many customers are now actively seeking out businesses that use sustainable practices and avoiding those that do not, so you may even see your customer base grow.

How Junk King Promotes Sustainability

Junk King does everything possible to keep things out of the landfill. We’ve already discussed how we recycle as much as we possibly can. We’re able to recycle many items that the city recycling won’t take. For example, we’ll take large appliances and other items that contain recyclable materials. We also pull aside furniture, appliances, and other items that are in good condition and pass them on to local organizations that help those in need. If you have old furniture that’s still in good condition, don’t worry—we will do our best to ensure that it doesn’t go to the dump.

In addition to taking furniture and appliances, we also handle electronics. Many recycling facilities won’t take e-waste because it requires a specific process. Phones, computers, and even televisions have a variety of different metals in them, all of which need to be carefully removed and recycled using the correct process for that material. Many also contain lithium batteries and other things that could be hazardous, so they have to be handled carefully. Junk King Minnesota will take electronics and pass them along to the proper recycling partners.

Minneapolis bulk trash removal

What Will Junk King Haul Away?

Junk King takes a wide variety of different items. We will haul away just about anything that will fit in our trucks, including furniture, appliances, trash, storm debris, mattresses, and old hot tubs. The only thing we’re not able to take is hazardous waste. It presents a danger to our crews, so we have to leave that to the experts. If you aren’t certain if something is hazardous, please ask. We may be able to refer you to a hazardous waste expert or tell you what you need to do to make the item safe for disposal. Paint, for example, is considered hazardous, but if you mix it with cat litter or other solidifying material, we can haul it away.

How Does the Process Work?

The first step in working with Junk King is to contact us. You can call, send us a text, or book online. Provide us with as much detail as possible about what you need us to haul away so we can give you an accurate quote. In some cases, such as with big jobs or with unique items, we may need to do an in-person quote. Regardless, we will always do a final evaluation of the job before we start so you know exactly what the cost will be. All of our quotes are provided for free, include all charges and fees, and carry no obligation.

Whether it’s a single old chair or an entire house, Junk King is here for you. Give us a call today at 1-888-888-JUNK or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865 and say goodbye to the junk that’s taking up space in your home or office.

Bring In Junk King To Bring Out The Old Refrigerator

If a home has two refrigerators, it is by design. If there is space, then setting up a second refrigerator in the garage or down the basement makes practical sense. It’s a great way to buy food in bulk and keep it frozen. It is especially helpful with larger families. However, accommodating two refrigerators means two working refrigerators. When a refrigerator breaks down and needs to be replaced, the old appliance becomes obsolete. That has to be removed right away. This is a task that the crew from Junk King Minneapolis can take care of from start to finish.

The Removal Path

If you’re old refrigerator disposal will be handled by two junk King crew members. This is the team that has a lot of moving experience. They know the best removal path for a bulky item like this. The goal is not to scratch up floors or scruff up doorframes. The Junk King team will treat your home with the utmost respect.

Along with being careful, the crew is also fast. They can load that refrigerator onto the back of the Junk King truck in less time than it takes you to brew a cup of coffee. Once the fridge is on the back of the truck, you can declare the job is finished. Junk King had no problem removing single items. That also means you will pay the minimum price for the service. That price is always determined by how everything fits onto the truck. The less room your stuff takes up, the less you will pay.

When you need to get rid of an old refrigerator, it must happen fast and at a great price. That is what Junk King Minneapolis is all about. So put them on the task today.

Clean Out Your Cabinets With Help From Junk King

When was the last time you organized your kitchen cabinets? To take care of that task, you need to remove every item from the cabinet to decide whether it should stay or go. Once everything is out of the cabinets, you can wipe down the shelves. At that point, you can decide what goes back into the cabinets. This will be your chance to organize that area to make a more efficient kitchen operation. What doesn’t make it back into the cabinets can be turned over to the team from Junk King Minneapolis. These are the professional junk haulers that can help you clear away your unwanted kitchen clutter in no time at all.

Easy Removal Work

getting rid of clutter from your kitchen would be considered easy removal work for the Junk King team. They will still send over a team of movers for the task regardless of how much you want to get rid of. It helps to have that team on “standby.” Because you never know what you might be inspired to get rid of. Once you clear out the clutter from your cabinets, you may also want to remove unwanted furniture from down the basement or up on the second floor. That can all happen in the same session with Junk King. All you have to do is tell the Junk King crew what you want cleared away, and they will handle the task.

Before anything goes on to the truck, the Junk King team will provide you with a written estimate. That estimate will always be determined by how everything fits on the truck. The less space your stuff fills up, the less you will have to pay. Junk King Minneapolis makes clearing out the clutter from the house affordable and easy. So put them on the job today.

Purge Your Old Inventory with Junk King’s Help

Purge Your Old Inventory with Junk King’s Help

If you’re like a typical business owner, you have a cabinet or even an entire space devoted to old stuff. This may be inventory to sell if you’re in retail, or it could be extra supplies if you offer a service. Whatever it may be, there are a few reasons you may have kept all of these items. However, there does come a time when you have to ask yourself if keeping old inventory is really worth it. What are you getting from these things that justifies the amount of space they’re taking up?

At some point, you’re going to need to purge this old inventory. When that time comes, Junk King is here to help. We work with many business owners in Minneapolis to get rid of junk, including old inventory, office furniture, and remodeling debris. Let’s take a look at how old inventory builds up, why you might want to keep some of it for a short period of time, and how Junk King Minneapolis can help you reclaim this space.

Why Do You Have Leftover Inventory?

There can be a number of reasons why you have leftover inventory. The biggest reason is that it just didn’t sell. You may have had items on the shelves for years that haven’t moved. At some point, you have to decide whether to leave them there in the hope that someone will buy them or pull them. Often, stores put these items on clearance to try to get them out the door, but even then, you may find that they just don’t match what your audience needs or wants.

Another reason to have leftover inventory is over-ordering or producing. You may have over-anticipated the demand for a product, or maybe a product sold out and you restocked only to find that the second wave doesn’t move. This can happen if the product is something people typically only need one of.

Following trends can lead to leftover product, especially if you’re late to the trend. Products that flew off the shelves for others may not move for you at all if you come in at the end of the trend. It’s unfortunate, but it does happen fairly often. Trends can be very costly.

Retailers also often have inventory left after the holidays. You may have stocked up on specific holiday products and, while they may have sold well, you may have some left over. Some of these products might be stored for next year, but some may not be marketable again. For example, Christmas tree ornaments that have the year on them are not likely to sell in the future.

Why Do You Have Leftover Inventory?

Should You Keep Old Products?

Now that you know why you might have old inventory laying around, the biggest question is should you keep it? Is there any reason to keep these old items, or should you call a junk removal service to get rid of them? In some cases, you may want to keep the products. If you have seasonal items that you can likely sell next year, it might be worth keeping them. Holiday wrapping paper, for example, is something people will need to buy again.

On the other hand, there’s no point in keeping anything that cannot be used again. This includes any product that has an expiration date on it, especially if you know the product won’t be in demand until after that date has passed. Food, over-the-counter medication, and anything else that could expire should be thrown away once they expire.

Products that are no longer trendy could be hit or miss. In some cases, that trend could come back. The biggest downside here is that you don’t know if it will be back in a few years or a few decades. You may not have space to keep items that long, especially if the items in question take up a lot of space.

When Should You Get Rid of Old Inventory?

Every business keeps old inventory for a little while. You don’t always know when something is going to sell, especially if it’s a product that you know has done well in the past. You hold on to it, hoping that it will eventually fly off the shelves. You might also keep inventory that you feel strongly in. Maybe you invested a good amount of money in it, or maybe you really think it will sell eventually. You want to make sure it has enough time for customers to see the product and become interested in it.

However, there comes a time when you have to make some hard decisions about the amount of old inventory you keep. The first step would be to get rid of anything that has expired. There may not be any point in even waiting until the expiration date passes if it’s something that you know customers won’t use right away. For example, few people go through a full can of baking spray. They’re likely to use the same can off and on for a few months, depending on how much they bake. Customers aren’t going to want to buy a can that expires in a week unless they’re about to bake a lot of cakes.

Some products may slowly start to degrade over time. Again, these have an expiration date built in, so you won’t want to keep them for too long. Take a look at the state of the products. Would a customer see the product and feel like it was a good purchase, or does it look so worn that they wouldn’t even buy it on sale? These items need to be tossed. The same is true for anything damaged. There’s no reason to keep broken inventory.

Other kinds of inventory require more, though. Is it something fairly large and bulky? You may not want it taking up all that space. Is it dated or something that is no longer trendy? It might not become popular again for years, if ever. VHS tapes, for example, are never going to be popular again. Some may be highly sought after by collectors, but that’s likely not your target audience. Even DVDs no longer sell that well. There’s no point in keeping outdated products.

For inventory that you’ve had for a while, the biggest question is how much space it takes up and how much space you have. If you’ve got a small backstock room, you likely can’t afford to keep too much. You’ll need space for incoming inventory, so older products will need to be removed often.

Junk King Can Help You Get Rid Of Your Old Inventory

What Do You Do with Old Inventory?

Once you decide some old products need to be purged, there are a few things you can do. First, you may have the option to return them to the manufacturer. There may be a number of terms and conditions on this, though, so be sure you understand the return policy. Second, if you made the product yourself, you may be able to dismantle some or all of it and reuse the components. This can be a good way of at least regaining some of your investment. Third, you could donate the products. This is a good option for food that is nearing its expiration date. As long as it’s still edible, you could donate it to a local food pantry or soup kitchen.

However, if none of those is an option, you can call a junk hauling company like Junk King Minneapolis. We take a wide variety of junk, including old products and other inventory. We’ll haul away large items such as furniture and appliances as well as trash and other types of debris. Our one rule is that we can’t take anything that’s classified as hazardous materials.

Why Use Junk King?

What sets Junk King apart from other junk hauling companies? There are a few things. First, we do all of the work. You show us the old inventory you want us to haul away, and we will take it from your store out to the truck. You don’t need to move any of it, even if it’s really heavy or bulky. Our crew is trained to safely remove large appliances and awkwardly shaped furniture, so you don’t have to worry about that. We’ll also haul away debris from a business remodel.

Second, we don’t just haul everything to the dump. We do sort out items that can be recycled or donated. If you have inventory that’s still usable, we will see to it that those items are passed on to a local organization that can use them or get them to those in need. If the products you have are made from recyclable materials, we will look for a local recycling company that can recycle them. Our end goal is to keep as much out of landfills as possible, and we’re proud to say that between recycling, donating, and transferring junk to transfer stations, we’re able to redirect a large amount away from the dump.

Whether you have a large amount of old inventory you need to get rid of or are a homeowner with a few old pieces of furniture you want out of your garage, Junk King Minneapolis is here to help. Call us today at 1-888-888-JUNK or send us a text to 1-737-888-5865.

Put Junk King In Charge Of Your Bulk Item Removal

It is always nice when you can hand off the task and have it completed just as you desire. That can happen at work and around the house. However, when it comes to bulk item removal, you can put Junk King Minneapolis in charge of that task, and it will be taken care of the right way from the pickup to the disposal.

Bulk Item Definition

A bulk item is defined as anything that requires two people to move. How many of those types of things would you like to get rid of from your home? When you hire Junk King for this task, you are really hiring a team of movers to get the job done. That team will pick up any bulk item from any room in your home. That includes going down into the basement. Just think what a difference it will make when those bulky things are cleared out.

Of course, you don’t just have to get rid of the bulky items with your junk King appointment. You can use that session and those workers to carry out all kinds of unwanted stuff, big and small. It will all be packed onto the truck in as tight a space as possible. The reason for that tight packing is that Junk King wants to make this a good deal for you. ThTheirlat rate price policy is determined by how everything fits onto the back of the truck. And that is a price that is guaranteed. If you got a quote from another junk hauler, Junk King will match it and probably beat it!

Bulk item removal will not be a challenge, with Junk King Minneapolis taking care of the task. Schedule your session today.

The Right Approach For Dryer Disposal

When an item has been designated as junk, you have to decide whether to keep it or get rid of it. With an old dryer, that decision is easy: it needs to go. A dryer that is no longer in use takes up valuable storage space. It can also be hazardous to any young kids playing in the area. The right approach for dryer disposal would be to hire Junk King Minneapolis job. These junk-hauling professionals can pick up and haul away a dryer from any home or apartment, stairs included!

They Do All the Work

Two experience movers staff every Junk King appointment. This is a team that does all the work on your behalf. For example, with dryer disposal, that work begins unhooking the dryer from the energy source and the vent. Then the dryer will be safely carted out of the house without scratching any walls and floors. It’s a simple removal when you have the right crew on the job.

You can end the job when the dryer is placed in the back of the Junk King truck. But before you do, you might want to consider all the other things you can clear out in the same session. Junk King provides plenty of truck space for furniture, clothing, household goods, and random rubbish items. A home survey will probably reveal plenty of things you could get rid of. It can all be packed up by the Junk King team.

You can book your dryer disposal the same day the new dryer will be delivered. Junk King will always strive to work with your schedule.

The right way to get rid of your old dryer remains to hire Junk King Minneapolis job. Call today.

5 Tips to Make Your Junk Removal Pickup Easier

5 Tips to Make Your Junk Removal Pickup Easier

Have you cleaned out your home for the new year? Maybe you’re planning to do a major purge within the next few weeks so you can start off this year with a clean, junk-free home. No matter when you plan on getting rid of junk, it’s a good idea to have a plan. By taking a few steps to make getting rid of junk easier, you can spend less time focused on dealing with trash and more time enjoying life.

So what can you do to make junk removal pickup easier? There are a few different things. While you don’t have to follow all of these tips, picking a few of them will certainly help. Once you’ve prepared junk for pickup, you must give Junk King Minneapolis a call. We’ll take care of the rest!

1. Know Exactly What You Want Hauled Away

The first step to getting rid of your junk is to know exactly what you want to get rid of. You may call us when you have an old refrigerator you need to get rid of, but ask yourself: is there anything else that could go? Instead of making several calls and having us pick up trash multiple times, get everything together at once.

There are a few benefits to this. You only have to have us come once, which means you only have to have us on your calendar one time. You don’t have to take off work or be sure you have your schedule cleared for junk pickup. 

Another benefit is that you get your whole house cleaned out at once. The old refrigerator is gone from the garage, but so is that old dresser, the broken hot tub on the back patio, and anything else that you don’t need. Now you can buy the new furniture you’ve been wanting for months or simply have more space in your home. If the garage is full, getting rid of junk may let you park your car inside, which can save it from damage if a strong storm rolls through. 

The third benefit to knowing what you want to get rid of before you give us a call is that you can provide us with all the information. We can’t give you an accurate estimate if we don’t know what we’re going to be hauling off. By telling us exactly what you’ve got, we can give you a better quote so you will be able to budget. We do an in-person final quote before we go to work, so you can always add things to the list, but that will change the cost. By having a list of everything that needs to go when you call us, you’ll have a complete estimate. 

Know Exactly What You Want Hauled Away

2. Make Use of Contactless Junk Removal

Did you know that Junk King Minneapolis offers no contact junk removal? You don’t even need to be home when we come. However, there are a few extra things you will need to do to take advantage of this option. If you’re home, we will come in and carry out all of the junk you want rid of. You don’t have to move anything, just show us what you want us to take away. However, for no contact removal, you will need to move the items outside. Set them in your driveway, on the side of the home, or at the curb. Then you just let us know where they are.

The obvious downside here is that you may have to move heavy, bulky furniture out of your home. That means getting it out through the front door without scraping up the flooring, damaging the doorframes, or anything else. You also have to be able to move heavy furniture, which not everyone is.

The other downside is that you can’t add anything as easily because it would change the cost. Typically, we can only take what you’ve set out. This may not be a big deal if all you have to get rid of is a single appliance or piece of furniture, but it might be more of an issue if you have a large house full of junk. It’s harder for us to deal with a hoarder home or other large amount of junk without doing a full in-person estimate and getting your approval. 

3. Know What We Take

Some people don’t have us haul away everything we could simply because they don’t know what we take. Be sure to check out our website before you give us a call so you can have us take everything you want to get rid of. While we do often haul away appliances and furniture, we do much more than that. If a winter storm has hit the Twin City area, you may have a lot of limbs or even entire trees come down. We can haul that debris away. Even if you cut down the branches during a summer backyard renovation, we’ll take them. We handle a good amount of yard and storm debris, including bushes, fencing, sheds, gazebos, and much more. Any type of backyard structure can usually be broken down and put in our trucks.

We also handle things that aren’t always easy to dispose of, such as old hot tubs. We know how to disassemble and remove them correctly, so you won’t have to worry about any leaking water or other issues. We also take electronics, mattresses, and even some construction waste. Basically, as long as the item doesn’t contain hazardous materials, we can take it. 

If you have any questions about what we can take, you just need to call us. We can often tell you yes or no over the phone. In some cases, we may need to come actually see the item. As always, we will always do a final in-person estimate before we start the job. 

4. Take the Time to Find Hidden Junk

The easiest and fastest way to get rid of junk is to make a quick list of what you know needs to be hauled off and then call us. While this will eliminate all of the junk you can easily see, it may not address hidden junk you may not even realize is there. To make the most out of junk hauling, you need to spend a little time taking an inventory of your home. 

Take a look through the garage and shed to see if there’s anything that you can get rid of. Go through the attic and basement if you haven’t done so recently. You might even want to assess the overall condition of things such as furniture in a guest room or things left in one of your kid’s rooms after they’ve moved out. As mentioned earlier, there are many benefits to knowing what you want to have hauled away before you call. You might need to spend a couple of weekends cleaning your home to gather up or identify all the junk, but once you do, it can all go at once.

Take the Time to Find Hidden Junk

5. Don’t Wait!

There’s no reason to put off junk removal. In fact, the sooner you clean out your home and have Junk King Minneapolis swoop in and haul it all away, the easier the process will be. Junk builds up over time, so you’ll reset the amount of stuff by cleaning out your home now. While you may need us to come in again later on, it could be years before you need to do a major cleanout again. Don’t put off having a junk-free home any longer.

Call Junk King Minneapolis Today

Whether you’ve got a lot of junk or just a few things, it’s time to get rid of it. If you leave this junk in your home, it will pile up. You’ll find that you don’t have room to store things you actually need. 

Junk King Minneapolis isn’t like other junk hauling companies. We pride ourselves on our fair, honest pricing. You can receive an estimate over the phone, via text, or online. These estimates will give you an idea of the total cost because they will include all possible fees and charges. Once we arrive to pick up the junk, we do a final quote. With our transparent costs, you will always know what you’re paying.

We also do more than just take a few items at a time. Our trucks are, on average, 20 percent larger than those our competitors use, and you can fill one to the top if you want. We have worked with people who have inherited hoarder houses, landlords who have had tenants leave without taking anything, and businesses that have huge warehouses full of junk. Regardless of what you have, we’re here to help. 

Once you know what junk you want to get rid of, give us a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or text us at 1-737-888-5865. We’ll answer any questions, provide you with an estimate, and arrange a time to pick everything up.

Make 2023 A Year Without Rubbish

Everyone moves into the home with all their current possessions. But the number of those possessions change over the years. More things are brought into the house while others are removed altogether. Of course, when removing bigger items becomes a challenge, they have a way of “sticking around.” That is why you should consider making 2023 a year without rubbish. The crew from Junk King Minneapolis can help with that goal. These professional junk haulers can clear away all unwanted items from every room in your home, including the basement! Just think of the difference that will make as you head into the new year.

The Crew Does All the Work

Junk King is going to assign you a two-person moving crew. This team will do all the work for your rubbish removal. They will pick up and carry out any item from your home, regardless of where it might be located. That rubbish removal can also extend to the backyard. If you have any accumulated debris out there, it can find a spot on the back of the Junk King truck.

The cost of Junk King service is always determined by how the crew packs up the truck. They will review all the things you want to get rid of and determine how they will fit the truck. The experience of the Junk King team extends to packing. That means they can get a lot into a small amount of space. And that will create a fair price for the service.

You can book your session with Junk King online or over the phone. Either way, you will not have to wait long to get your unwanted rubbish cleared away for good. So start the new year with a rubbish removal session from Junk King Minneapolis. You’ll be glad you did.

Junk King Minneapolis
7398 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 7A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Minneapolis area, including:

Belle Plaine
Castle Rock
Crystal Bay
Eden Prairie
Golden Valley
Inver Grove Heights
St Paul
and these nearby zip codes:
55010, 55020, 55024, 55076, 55077, 55111, 55118, 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123, 55124, 55305, 55306, 55315, 55317, 55318, 55322, 55323, 55331, 55337, 55343, 55344, 55346, 55347, 55401, 55402, 55403, 55404, 55405, 55406, 55407, 55408, 55409, 55410, 55413, 55414, 55415, 55416, 55417, 55419, 55420, 55423, 55424, 55425, 55426, 55431, 55435, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55440, 55450, 55454, 55455, 55458, 55459, 55460, 55467, 55470, 55472, 55474, 55478, 55479, 55480, 55483, 55484, 55485, 55486, 55487, 55488, 56011