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Junk Removal Blog

Make Room By Clearing Out Useless Junk

Have you run out of storage space in your home? There is nothing wrong with keeping things in storage but those should be items that are either valuable or will be used again. Holiday decorations are a perfect example. Whether it is Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving, you will bring out those decorations at least once a year. You might also add to those decorations year. That means you need more storage space.

But if you are keeping things like broken electronics or old furniture and clothing in storage, then it might be time to clear it out. All the things you will never use again are essentially useless junk. The best way to get rid of useless junk is to book a removal session with Junk King Dallas.

Make Time for Sorting

Junk King will provide you with a two-man crew and a huge truck. This is all you need to get rid of any amount of useless junk from your home. You can take full advantage of that crew and truck by devoting some time to sorting through everything you have put in boxes. Remember, the goal is to make more room and get rid of things you will never use again.

When the Junk King crew shows up for the appointment, show them everything you want to be cleared away. Then, that team will pick up everything right on the spot. Before you know it, there will be all kinds of extra space available in your home!

The Junk King crew also puts their experience to work packing up the trucks. That experience matters because that is how the Junk King crew will determine your final price. The less room your stuff takes up on the truck, the less you have to pay for the service. Junk King wants to make every one of their sessions fair, fast and affordable.

When you are ready to get rid of your useless junk, you are ready to put Junk King Dallas on the job.

Living in a Small Space

Tips for Living in a Small Space


Living in a small apartment or house can be a challenge, especially if you live with a partner, have children, or have a hobby that takes up a good amount of space. While challenging, though, there can also be something rewarding about living in a small space. They often feel very cozy, and cleaning is quick and easy when you don’t have a lot of floors to vacuum or sweep. Unfortunately, small spaces can also feel claustrophobic and feel cluttered, too. That’s why it’s important to keep everything organized and to take the time to really maximize every square inch of your space. 


If you live in a small area in Dallas and are starting to feel a little overwhelmed by how crowded and cramped it feels, here are a few tips that will help you get your small home sorted out.


Get Rid of Trash


The first thing you’ll want to do is to get rid of clutter. There are several steps to this, but it should start with getting rid of trash. Do you have a lot of old mail you’ve held on to for months or years? Maybe you have paper copies of bills or bank statements that you can access online. Why keep those papers? Go through all of your stuff and weed out the trash. Clean out your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Go through your medicine cabinet and get rid of anything expired. Look through the closet for boxes or other packaging you may have held on to for some reason. It all needs to go in the trash.


This isn’t something you can do just once. You’ll need to regularly purge trash from your home, no matter how large or small the space is. Many people do fall and spring cleaning specifically for this purpose. With a smaller space, you may need to do it more often just so it doesn’t start to feel overwhelming. If you have a large amount of trash, such as when you do an annual purge, you may need to give Junk King a call so we can haul off everything at once.


It can help to establish a routine for dealing with this type of trash. For example, instead of pulling out the important pieces of mail and letting the rest pile up, sort through all of it when you bring it in. If it’s an advertisement, catalog, or other piece of mail you know is junk, immediately put it in the trash or recycling. Clean your refrigerator and pantry weekly. Don’t keep boxes unless you have a specific use for them. By making a few small changes, you can keep trash from piling up.


Junk King Truck

Sort, Organize, and Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need


The second step to getting rid of clutter is to sort through things that aren’t trash but that may not be useful. Do you have kitchen gadgets you just don’t use? Maybe you’ve got an old pot or two that aren’t really in good enough condition to use for food. Don’t let these things take up space, especially when space is at a premium. Look through your clothing and donate anything that you haven’t worn recently. If you have a lot of books, consider donating ones you know you won’t read again. You may even be able to make a little money with some of these items through consignment shops or second-hand stores.


As you’re purging things you don’t need, organize what you are keeping. You may want to invest in some organizing bins, trays, and other items to help keep things together. To avoid buying a lot of organizing items you may not need, take time to organize first. This will help you know how many bins, baskets, and other items you need so you don’t buy too many.


Look for Space-Saving Furniture


Do you have large pieces of furniture that take up most of the room? There may be alternatives you could invest in that would save you some space. For example, if you have a really small bedroom, you could get a Murphy bed. These beds fold up into the wall when not in use, so you could easily clear the space. Having a sofa that converts into a bed gives you the option to host guests without having an actual guest room. Folding desks that attach to the wall are a similar type of furniture that can save you space. When they’re not in use, the desk folds up against the wall, practically disappearing.


Tables that have fold-down sides or that expand by adding a drop-in leaf can give you additional dining space when you have guests but take up much less space when it’s just you. With this and a few folding chairs, you can easily host dinner parties when you want to without worrying about how to fit a large dining room table in your home. 


There are many other fun, stylish, and space-saving pieces of furniture out there. Nesting tables give you multiple small tabletops when needed, then stack up when you don’t. Ottomans with built-in storage provide a great place to keep spare pillows and blankets. If you have children, you could even get them bunk beds to maximize the space in their room. If you upgrade any of your furniture to these space-saving options, be sure to get rid of the old pieces as soon as you can so you don’t have twice as much stuff in your home. Junk King Dallas is here to help whenever you need to get rid of large furniture or appliances. 

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You Can Still Have a Garden


Many people assume that just because they live in an apartment or high-rise that they can’t have a garden or grow flowers, but that’s definitely not the case. If you have a small balcony, there are many different solutions for adding hanging planters and plant stands that have multiple pots on them. 


If you don’t have a balcony, you can purchase plant stands and place them in front of a window or two. Some of these stands are very decorative while also being functional. For example, if you do have a large window, you can purchase plant stands that are semi-circles with various platforms and hooks for pots. Placing two next to each other creates a focal point in a room while also giving you space to grow flowers, plants, and even a small indoor vegetable garden.


Even if that’s not an option, there are still plenty of ways to grow small house plants and even small pots of mint and other herbs for use in cooking. Plants also bring some color into your home, which can help make it feel less cramped.


Think Light and Bright


Color is a great way of making a small space look a little larger. Using white, light blue, or a light grey will make a space feel more open and airier, even if it really isn’t. Painting the walls is a fairly easy and inexpensive trick that can make you feel less crowded in your small home. If you’re renting and can’t paint the walls, you can bring in light-colored bedding, throw pillows, and rugs. 


Make sure you’re not blocking out too much of the natural light, too. While blackout curtains are great in the bedroom, you don’t want to use them throughout the entire house. If you don’t have many windows, you can bring in a few mirrors and use them to help redirect light throughout your space. 


Remember that getting rid of clutter and organizing everything will actually create more room is still necessary—the illusion of more space isn’t more space, and if all you do is paint the walls a light color, you’ll still find that you just don’t have enough room for stuff. 


Think Vertically


If you don’t have much horizontal space, you’ll need to consider how to best use your vertical space. You may be able to put up some shelving to add storage. For example, if you have a lot of books but no room for a new bookshelf, you could add a row of hanging shelves all the way around the room about a foot from the ceiling. This gives you a lot of space for storing books, plus it also creates an interesting focal point for the space. It’s almost like a three-dimensional border at the top of the wall.

Full Service Junk Removal

When Getting Rid of Trash, Turn to Junk King Dallas


Whether it’s an old chair or half the stuff in your home, when you need to get rid of stuff, Junk King is here to help. Our crew will carry everything out of your house or apartment and to our truck. We’ll even navigate multiple flights of stairs or wrestle stuff into the elevator. You don’t have to do any of the hard work. We can haul away just about anything, too, as long as it isn’t considered hazardous waste. 

Ready to have more room in your small space? Give Junk King Dallas a call today at1-888-888-JUNK or text us at 1-737-888-5865.

Haul Away Junk Dalllas

Create a Backyard Compost Pile: An Alternative to Yard Waste Removal in Bedford, TX


Every year, homeowners, business owners, and other residents of the Dallas Metropolitan take out to the curb thousands of tons of grass clippings, fallen leaves, prunings, brush, branches, and other sources of yard waste. Unfortunately, much of that waste ends up in our already overburdened landfill system where it contributes to methane gas emissions, one of the most potent greenhouse gasses. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that, “in 2018, landfills received about 10.5 million tons of yard trimmings, which comprised 7.2 percent of all municipal solid waste (MSW) landfilled.” 

One simple way to cut back on the amount of yard waste we send to the dump is by creating a simple backyard compost pile. In this short article, we offer a succinct explanation for how to compost your yard waste. We also explain why Junk King of Dallas is the best option for getting rid of your yard waste if you don’t have the time, space, energy, or means to create compost the material on your own. Junk King of Dallas is proud to be the top-rated junk removal company servicing homeowners, businesses, and other residents in the entire Dallas metropolitan area, including the towns of Balch Springs, Dallas, Fate, Ferris, Forney, Garland, Hutchins, Josephine, Mesquite, Princeton, Red Oak, Rockwall, Rowlett, Royse City, Sachse, Seagoville, Sunnyvale, and Wilmer.


How to Compost your Yard Waste


When you decide to compost your yard waste in your yard, not only will you be reducing the total amount of waste you send to the landfill, but you will also be getting an enormous amount of fertile compost that you can spread on your vegetable garden, flower beds, fruit trees, or on your lawn. Soil that a healthy amount of compost is also able to hold much more water than the hard, compacted soil that tends to characterize most lawns. By some estimates, for every acre that has an extra one percent of organic matter, the soil can hold 16 thousand more gallons of water! One positive result of composting your yard waste, then, is healthier soil that can hold more water and even potentially protect your property from flooding during extreme weather events. 

To start a backyard compost pile, you will need to set aside a corner of your lawn that is a decent distance from your home. Composting areas can attract critters that you probably don’t want inside your home, so it is best to make your composting area in a hidden corner of your backyard. Successful compost depends on mixing materials that are high in nitrogen (green or fresh materials), and materials that are high in carbon (brown or dry materials). Examples of nitrogen-rich materials include grass cuttings, fruit and veggie scraps and green leaves. High carbon materials include dead and dry plants, weeds and leaves.

To ensure proper decomposition, it is best to “aerate” your compost pile usually once or twice a month by turning the compost pile a shovel or garden pitchfork. Furthermore, compost piles need adequate moisture levels, so you may need to water the pile during droughts and extended dry periods. In most cases, your compost may be “finished” and resemble fertile, moist soil after 6-12 months of decomposition. The exact amount of time will depend on the types of materials used, the climate, and how often you turn the pile. When your compost looks and smells like fertile forest soil, you can apply it to different areas around your home. 

If you plan on making lots of compost, you might consider using a “three-pile” system wherein you transfer the materials from one pile to the next throughout the composting process. This will allow you to continue to create new compost while the older materials continues to decompose. 

Junk King Truck

Junk King of Dallas: The Best Alternative to Home Composting for Homeowners in Bedford


We understand that not every homeowner, business owner, or resident in Bedford will have the time, energy, or physical means to compost their yard waste. In some cases, your yard may simply not be big enough. For people who live busy lives, turning a compost pile once a week might become a burdensome task. Others simply might not have the time or energy levels needed to collect the yard waste materials, put them in a pile, turn and water the pile, and then move the finished compost to different areas throughout your yard. 

Fortunately, Junk King of Dallas offers the most affordable, efficient, and environmentally friendly yard waste removal service to people in Bedford, Texas. When you hire us for your yard waste removal needs, we make every possible effort to keep your yard waste out of our local landfills. Over years of operating as the leading junk removal company in the wider Dallas metropolitan area, we have been able to either recycle, donate, repurpose, or compost at least 60 percent of the junk that we pick up.

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Furthermore, we know that getting rid of bulky and heavy yard waste is not always the easiest thing to do. Thus, we are also committed to making it extremely easy for you to get rid of those items in easiest and timeliest manner possible. Once you have hired us, we will do all the heavy lifting and towing. Simply let us know where the yard waste is located on your property, and we will do the rest. 

Additionally, providing our customers with “fair and transparent” pricing is one of the hallmarks of our company and we even offer your four different ways to get a free estimate, including free, on-site pricing, a toll-free number, free text estimates, and our helpful online pricing estimator. 

  1. On-Site Pricing Estimate: On-site pricing is the best and most accurate way for us to assess the job and offer you the lowest price. Unlike other companies, our on-site pricing estimates are completely free, and come with no-obligation on your part. Our junk removal professionals will inspect the junk you need hauled away and offer you an upfront price. If a price agreed upon, we will often be able to get rid of your yard waste on the same day you call us. 
  2. Call to Talk with a Trained Customer Service Representative: If you´d prefer to talk with someone before making a decision, you can call us toll-free at 1-888-888-JUNK. Our customer service representatives can offer you a pricing estimate and help you plan the logistics of your yard waste removal. 
  3. Text us a Photo: Also, you can simply take a photo of the yard waste material and text us those photos at 737-888-5865. We will promptly text you back a transparent price estimate. Once you accept the estimate, all you have to do is wait for the Junk King truck to arrive.
  4. Online pricing estimator: Lastly, Junk King also offers an easy-to-use online pricing estimator. Simply enter your zip code to ensure that you are in right service area and provide a few more pieces of information regarding the type and size of the junk items that you need removed. Our pricing estimator allows you to receive a transparent cost estimate based on either the actual items you need hauled away, or the anticipated volume in the Junk King truck you plan on taking up. The online pricing estimator is convenient, reliable, and time saving for those on a tight schedule.

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No matter what option you choose, as soon as a price is agreed upon, you choose a date and two-hour service window that works for your schedule. Our junk removal professionals will call you 15-30 minutes before we show up to promptly take your yard waste away.

What Can You Do with Old Furniture?


Got a lot of old furniture sitting around that you just don’t use? Is it in bad condition, with stains, rips, and other damage? Maybe you shoved it in the basement or in a guest room. Some of this furniture may have come from your parents because they didn’t want it. Maybe you inherited it from family members and haven’t had the heart to get rid of it yet. No matter what the reason is, if you’ve got old furniture, you need to figure out what to do with it. Otherwise, it’s just taking up space you could use for something else.

If you decide to get rid of your old furniture, Junk King of Irving is here to help. We will haul away anything you don’t want, including furniture, old appliances, electronics, and even construction debris and yard waste. We do understand, though, that you may have some emotional connections to the old furniture you have. Here are a few things to consider before you call us.

Is the Furniture Unique or Have Family History?


You might have a chair with a broken leg, but if that chair was made by a great-grandfather and passed down through the family, it’s special. You’re not going to want to get rid of it, and you shouldn’t. It’s irreplaceable. It’s a piece of furniture that has a story to it, and you should tell that story to your kids and grandkids so they know a little more about the family. 


Unique furniture is something else you might want to hold on to just because you may never be able to replace it. Furniture that was handmade or is done in a non-traditional style may not be easy to find ever again. Anything that has been personalized is also going to be very, very difficult to replace. Keep this in mind when you’re evaluating your furniture and making decisions about it. You can always look online to see if you can find similar pieces and how much it would cost for you to replace the item. 


Can the Furniture Be Repaired?


Is the furniture damaged so badly that it simply can’t be fixed? If so, it’s time to call Junk King Irving. However, if the damage is mostly cosmetic or if it’s something that can easily be fixed, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth repairing. For those special family items, it likely is. For a bedframe you bought at a department store a few years ago, it’s probably not. Sometimes, the cost of really good, quality repairs is high enough that it’s better to replace the item. This is especially true if you have other issues with the piece of furniture, like the style doesn’t match or it doesn’t look as good as it once did.


If you have antique furniture or a piece that is very ornate, you may need to reach out to a furniture repair expert who specializes in that style or type. You might find that the cost is more than you anticipated because of the amount of work. For example, if you had an ornately carved footboard for your bed that had posts on either side and one post was broken off, the expert has to not only repair that, but they also have to carve the post to match the other one. That can take a lot of work. 


You can DIY some furniture repairs, but often those are the items that it’s just cheaper and easier to replace. Do keep in mind the amount of time you might spend on repairs and on whether or not those repairs are going to make the piece last for years. Valuable antique furniture, naturally, may be worth repairing, even if you do have to hire a specialist. You don’t want to just toss these items in the landfill.


Most furniture repair specialists handle transporting the piece to their workshop for repairs and returning it. Some may actually be able to make minor repairs at your home, so they don’t even have to move the item. 


Does Anyone Else Want it?


If you have furniture that’s in good condition that you don’t simply want to toss, you can ask if anyone you know wants it. If it’s furniture that has been in your family for years, one of your relatives may like to have it. To avoid a family incident, you should always ask if anyone wants grandpa’s chair or your great-aunt’s wardrobe before you do anything with it. 


Even if it’s not an heirloom, someone might need the pieces of furniture you don’t want. If your kids have recently moved out, they might need some additional furniture in their apartment or house. Someone who is expecting a new baby might be in need of a dresser or rocking chair for the nursery. Passing along a used-but-still-usable piece of furniture can be very helpful to those who are on a strict budget and may not otherwise be able to afford to buy furniture. 


Can You Resell it?


Reselling furniture is often a little difficult, but it can be worth it. First, the furniture typically has to be in very good condition. No one is going to want to buy a sofa with stains and rips all over it, even if it is priced very low. If your furniture is in really good condition, you may be able to sell it yourself by posting online or by working through a consignment shop. Many consignment shops will want to inspect the pieces first and will not accept anything that doesn’t meet their standards. Some pieces can be almost impossible to resell, such as used mattresses. 


Note that if you’re going to sell the piece yourself, it does mean you’ll have to allow potential buyers to come to your home. If you’re not comfortable with that, you may not be able to sell the item. You could load up small items such as a table and chairs, dresser, or bedframe and meet a buyer in a more public place, but that means you have to have a truck. You also have to be able to lift the items up into it. The buyer could always refuse to buy the piece if it’s not in the condition they expected, too, which means you could do all of that work for nothing. Be sure to consider all of this before listing furniture for sale online.

Full Service Junk Removal

What About Donating?


Many people do look into donating their old furniture. Again, the furniture needs to be in fairly good condition. It should be free of smells and be safe to use. One roadblock you may face to donating is that you may have to take the furniture to the donation center yourself. This means you’ll need a truck. If you have a lot of furniture you’re donating, you may have to make multiple trips. 


Did you know that Junk King will donate anything we pick up that’s still usable? When we pick up junk, we pull out anything we can donate and redirect it to one of the local organizations we work with. 


What we can’t donate, we’ll recycle. While old furniture often can’t be recycled as it is, most pieces do have some components that can be recycled. We’ll pull out these components and make certain they get to the right recycling centers


Get Rid of Any Old Furniture that Isn’t Useful


When your old furniture has reached the end of its life, it’s time to get rid of it. It’s unfortunate, but sometimes there’s no other option. There’s no reason to keep furniture that’s broken or that will simply take up space in your basement or garage. When furniture has reached the end of its life, Junk King Irving is here to help. Getting furniture to the landfill can be a challenge. You have to be able to get it out of your home, first, and then you have to have a truck to load it in. We handle all of this hard work ourselves, so you don’t need to worry about being able to move heavy furniture or get it out of your house. 


How Does it Work?


We do everything possible to make getting rid of junk easy and affordable. All you have to do for a free, no-obligation quote is give us a call. We can often give you a quote over the phone for standard pieces of furniture. If you have a lot of stuff or some unique pieces that might be larger or heavier than normal furniture, we might need to come out and do an in-person quote. If we do, we can usually start the job right away if you accept the estimate. 


Don’t want to talk to someone? You can also text us pictures and a description of the furniture you want us to haul off. Our online price estimator can also give you a ballpark figure for basic pieces of furniture. We’ll always do an in-person final estimate when we arrive and know exactly what we’re dealing with. If you’d like to get the process started or have any questions, call us at 1-888-888-JUNK.


Book Online With Junk King Dallas And Save

Junk King Dallas takes all the hassle out of getting rid of your rubbish. We will provide the crews and trucks to get it done and make scheduling simple. You can book your next session with Junk King Dallas online at our website. When you opt for that type of scheduling, you also benefit from a discount on the cost of the service. That is a terrific way to start your next junk removal session with Junk King.

Rapid Turnaround

When you book your junk removal session online, you can anticipate a rapid turnaround for confirmation. All you need for online booking is your contact information and the day you would like the job to occur. Junk King asks for a two-hour window for the session. Most of that time will be taken up in Dallas traffic. The Junk King team will inform you about their progress throughout the day, so you know when to expect them. Junk King appreciates how valuable your time is and does not want to waste any of it!

When the Junk King crew finally does arrive, you will show them all the things you want to clear way. These can be objects on the inside and outside of your home. It will only take a few moments for the Junk King crew to assess how all those objects will fit onto the truck. The Junk King flat rate policy is based on volume, not weight. You do not want to be charged by the pound when removing furniture and appliances!

The Junk King crew will get to work when the price is agreed to. Before you know it, all of your rubbish will be loaded up and heading off for disposal. Just think of what a positive impact that will have on your home! So, are you ready to get rid of your rubbish? Then you are ready to book online with Junk King Dallas.


Junk Removal Is Easy With Junk King On The Job

Getting rid of an old sofa is not an easy task. The same can be said for removing an old refrigerator or several boxes of clothing. These are all of the things that you can’t toss into the trash. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with them. If you have reached the point where you need to get rid of that rubbish once and for all, you are ready to hire Junk King Dallas for the job. These are the junk hauling professionals that make a challenging junk removal task look easy.

Fast Load Up

Junk King provides two capable movers for every one of their appointments. This is the team that provides all the heavy lifting. How long does it take Junk King to clear out your unwanted items? As long as it takes to make those trips out of the house! Once the Junk King team has reviewed what you want to be cleared away, they will provide you with a written estimate. That estimate will always be based on how the crew intends to pack up the truck. The less space your stuff takes up, the less you will pay.

When you agree to the price, the Junk King crew will get to work. All your unwanted items will be packed onto the truck in no time. At that point, the job is complete, at least from your end. The Junk King crews will have more work to do when it comes to the proper disposal of those items. They will always strive to make drop-offs at a charity or recycling center instead of a trip to the landfill. This kind of responsible disposal has been part of Junk King’s philosophy from the beginning.

The easiest way to eliminate your unwanted rubbish is to call in the crew from Junk King Dallas. Make the call today.

Get An Estimate For Junk Removal In Dallas Today

Junk removal is one of those tasks that often require outside help. After all, if it were easy to get rid of junk items, you would already toss them out in the trash. Unfortunately, bulky things like furniture and major kitchen appliances take up a lot of space out of the garage or on the back porch. Those are the kinds of things that require a moving team and a big truck to clear out.

That is exactly what is provided by Junk King Dallas. These junk hauling professionals can provide exceptional junk removal services at a fair price. Are you ready to get an estimate for junk removal in Dallas? Then you are ready to contact Junk King Dallas.

Volume Price Policy

Before you get an estimate from Junk King, it will help to understand the price policy. Junk King utilizes a volume price policy. This flat rate covers all the labor, transportation, and disposal. That rate is determined by how everything will be packed onto the back of the Junk King truck. For example, will your unwanted items fill up one-third, one-half, or the complete truck? The answer to that question provides the estimate.

The Junk King crews have a lot of lifting and loading experience. They also have a lot of packing experience. They can look over any amount of rubbish and know exactly what it will take to pack onto the truck. The crew will present you with a written estimate when you agree to the price. That price will then be locked down. So even if your stuff takes up more space on the truck, you will still pay that original estimate. Junk King wants to make every one of their sessions fair and affordable.

Start the junk removal process with Junk King Dallas by lockdown an estimate today.


The State Fair of Texas


The State Fair of Texas will run from September 30 to October 23, 2022. Like every state fair, it brings together exhibits from around the state as well as entertainment, rides, and amazing fair foods. If you’re excited about going to the fair this year, it helps to be prepared. Knowing what events are being held, where they will be, and when they will be can help you plan your visit to the fair. In some cases, you may even need to go several times just to see everything! Here are some tips for making your visit to the 2022 State Fair of Texas amazing.


Basic Information on the State Fair of Texas


The State Fair of Texas is held at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas. This national historic landmark features over 270 acres along with numerous buildings and other structures. It was built in 1886, and while many of the buildings have been remodeled and modernized, some of them have stood on the fairgrounds for over 100 years. 



The fair opens at 10:00 AM Sunday through Thursday and closes at 9:00 PM on those days. On Fridays and Saturdays, the fair stays open until 10:00 PM. However, the entry gates do close at 9:00. Ticket booths and parking lots open at 9:00 AM every day. Note that the hours for the museum and the midway vary and may open later or close earlier. 



General admission to the fair varies depending on the day. Tickets for adults range from $15 to $25, while child and senior tickets range from $5 to $18. Admission after 5 pm is discounted, and seniors can visit the fair for $5 on Thursdays. Active and retired military personnel and first responders also receive a discount. Typically, tickets are cheaper through the week and more expensive on the weekends, but you can check the fair website for more information. Season passes and group discounts are also available.


While budgeting for the fair, don’t forget to include money for parking. While there are multiple parking lots at Fair Park you can park in, you will have to pay $20 per car at these lots. You can also upgrade to premium parking for $40 a car. You cannot park overnight unless you’re in an RV and parked in a designed RV lot. While it may be an additional cost, all of the Fair Park lots are lit at night and are located near entrance gates, so you won’t have to walk far, and it will be safe to walk to your car after dark. There are also bicycle racks available at some gates.


Free Admission for Students and Teachers

While many people attend the fair for the rides, the food, and the events, there are some educational opportunities available. One of the fair’s missions is to promote education and community involvement. To help meet that mission, over two million tickets are available for free to students, teachers, and other school chaperones every year. If you’re a teacher or school administrator and want to take a school trip to the fair, you do have to sign up early. Applications for educational tickets for the 2022 fair are no longer being accepted, but you can get information on the 2023 tickets.



You can purchase coupons at the fair to use on rides and food. These coupons all have a face value of $1. If you have coupons from previous years that you didn’t use, don’t worry—they don’t expire! However, even if they have different values on them, all coupons will be redeemed at the 2022 $1 value. Bring any old coupons you have to use, and if you have any left over, set them aside for next year. 


The Best Deals for the 2022 Texas State Fair


Looking to save some money? There are a few great deals going on with the fair this year. First, if you plan on visiting the fair multiple times, you may want to purchase the season pass. For $50, you can visit the fair as much as you want during the 24 days it’s in operation. In addition to admission, season pass holders also receive one single weekday pass for a friend (i.e., you can bring one person for free one time), access to concerts on the main stage, a bag, discounts on fair merchandise, and more. 


The state fair also serves as a fundraiser for the North Texas Food Bank. If you bring donations on specific days, you can get in at a discounted price. On opening day (Friday, Sept. 30), you can get in for $10 if you bring two jars of peanut butter. On every Wednesday during the fair’s run, you can bring five canned food items to donate to the food bank and get $5 admission. Last year, the fair was the largest canned food drive of the year for the North Texas Food Bank and provided food for over 235,000 meals.


If you’re a Big Tex Insider, the term used for those who have signed up for the State Fair email list, you’ll receive a discount code that you can use online for discounted tickets. This code is valid on tickets for Tuesday or Thursday admission and reduces the cost to $10 per adult. You can also get discount coupons at any participating McDonald’s restaurant in Texas that are good for $5 off any weekday admission or $7 off any weekend ticket. 


Want more savings? Most of the rides at the fair are discounted on Tuesdays, while participating food stalls offer discounts on Thursdays. There are so many different ways to save at the fair this year that you should be able to take advantage of some type of discount no matter when you go.


The Best Attractions of 2022


Why should you and your family attend the State Fair of Texas this year? There are a lot of really fun events and activities planned. Of course, there are rides, exhibits, vendors, and amazing fair food available every day. Who doesn’t love getting a corn dog at the fair? There’s even a fried food competition this year that you can check out! Here are some of the events you may want to plan your visit around.


The Parade


The Starlight Parade will be held every night at 7:15, so if you’re at the fairgrounds in the evening, be sure to check it out. The parade winds its way through the fairgrounds, so you can likely see it from just about any location. The parade includes floats, characters in costume, puppets, and more. You won’t want to miss it.


The Rodeo

The State Fair of Texas Rodeo is an annual event held every weekend at the coliseum every year. Watch competitors round up cattle, try to stay on a bucking horse, and more. The Mexican Rodeo Fiesta is a part of this year’s event and will explore the culture and history of the rodeo. You can also watch the United Professional Rodeo Association’s final event of 2022. 


World of Birds Show

The World of Birds show features amazing birds soaring through the air over the audience’s heads. You’ll get to learn about bird habitats, health, and conservation efforts as well as meet some of them up close. 


Pig Races

Another fun animal activity is the pig races. These cut pigs are dressed to the nines and ready to race. They have a new racing location this year at the Marine Corp Square, so be sure to stop by. Pig races are held four times a day every day.


Live Music

Every year, the fair features a number of live musical acts throughout its run. These locally- and nationally-known acts can be found on the Chevrolet Main Stage, the Bud Light Stage, and the Yuengling Stage. For 2022, headliners include Trace Adkins, Ashanti, Fitz and the Tantrums, and more. 


Watch a Football Game

Several football games are held during the fair. In the State Fair Classic on October 1, Prairie View A&M University will compete against Grambling State. The AT&T Red River Showdown, held on October 8, will pit the University of Texas against longtime rivals the Sooners of the University of Oklahoma. This game usually brings in 100,000 attendees or more, so be sure to get to the Cotton Bowl Stadium early! 


Competition Kitchen

Want to test your culinary skills against others? The Competition Kitchen is held every day in the Creative Arts building. You can go head-to-head with other attendees in areas such as baking, cooking, and even ice cream making. You could walk away with a best of show ribbon for your efforts. Of course, you can always watch the contest or attend one of the demonstrations held by a local celebrity chef to learn how to make some new foods. 


These are just a few of the amazing events being held at the 2022 State Fair of Texas. Whether you want to attend for a single day to get your annual taste of the great fair food or want to visit a few times to attend different concerts and events, you can’t go wrong! 


After enjoying the Fair, don’t forget to tackle your Fall Junk cleaning tasks.


Fall is a great time to prune your trees and bushes. You want to make certain there are no branches hanging over your house or driveway. If Dallas is hit with a major ice storm, those branches could snap off and fall. If they’re large enough, they could go through your roof or severely damage your car.

Call Junk King Dallas Today


Got your garage, shed, and closets cleaned out? If you know what you want to get rid of, it’s time to call Junk King Dallas. We will haul away anything you have that isn’t hazardous so you aren’t trapped with a ton of junk over the winter. Even if you don’t get everything cleaned out now, don’t worry—we still pick up junk during the colder months.

full service junk removal

Junk King Dallas now provides residential junk removal and commercial junk removal to the following areas in and around Dallas, Texas: Garland, Highland Park, Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sunnyvale, and Wylie.

To learn more or to get a free, no-obligation quote, give Junk King a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or text us at 1-737-888-5865. You can also use our online estimation tool or book an appointment through our website.


Tips for Preparing Your Home and Yard for the Fall and Winter


As summer comes to a close, many people in Dallas are feeling relief at seeing the temperatures drop out of the high 90s and low 100s. However, while you may be ready for fall and winter, your home and yard may not be. There are steps you need to take to make certain your home and yard are winterized, and some of these steps need to be taken before the fall begins. Even if you rent an apartment or condo, there are things you should do to make certain you’re ready for colder temperatures. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your home and yard for the fall and winter.


Make Sure Your Hoses and Sprinklers are Winterized


If temperatures drop below freezing, it can damage your sprinklers, garden hoses, and anything else with water in it. As it freezes, water expands, and that can lead to burst hoses and pipes. Before winter arrives, unhook all of your hoses from your outdoor faucets. Ideally, you’ll want to store them in the garage or shed just to make sure they don’t get damaged over the winter. However, you can leave them outdoors if you don’t have any other place to keep them. Just make sure they’re unhooked and that there’s no water in them.


It’s possible for sprinkler systems to freeze and burst, too, even though the lines are buried. To prevent this, you’ll want to shut off the water to your sprinkler system and turn off any automatic settings so it doesn’t try to turn on regularly. Open up the drain valves and drain out any water left in the system. Make sure the sprinkler heads have no water left in them by taking them off and draining them. You can reattach them once they’re dry. Once you’ve made certain there’s no water in the system, it’s ready for cold temperatures.

Bigger Trucks

Prepare Your Flowerbeds and Gardens


Fall is a great time to prune your trees and bushes. You want to make certain there are no branches hanging over your house or driveway. If Dallas is hit with a major ice storm, those branches could snap off and fall. If they’re large enough, they could go through your roof or severely damage your car. Even worse, they could hit the power lines that connect your home to the grid, leaving you without electricity. If you have an electric furnace, this would leave you without heat during an ice storm. 


Even if you don’t need to trim back any tree limbs, be sure to remove any dead ones. You may need to reach out to a tree specialist for this, especially if the limbs are located at the top of the tree.


To protect your flowers, you may want to put down mulch. Many people add mulch to their flowerbeds as soon as it starts getting cold, but this is something you actually don’t want to do too early. Experts recommend waiting until we’ve had the first frost of the year. Once that has occurred, put down mulch to keep the ground temperature stable for the rest of the winter. 


After you’ve trimmed branches, removed dead bushes, and made other changes to your yard, you can call Junk King Dallas to pick up all the debris. We will haul away limbs, bushes, and even entire trees if you need us to. 


Have Your Chimney Cleaned


If you have a fireplace and plan on using it this winter, you’ll need to have it cleaned before you use it. Both gas and wood-burning fireplaces need to be cleaned and inspected so that no carbon monoxide will build up in your home. A professional chimney sweep will check the flue, clean the chimney, and inspect it for damage. This cleaning will also reduce the risks of a fire occurring. 

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Clean Out the Shed


You’ve likely been in and out of your shed all summer, and that can leave it a little disorganized. Before winter hits, take the time to clean out your shed. Get rid of anything you don’t need, and organize everything else. If you don’t think you’ll need to mow your yard again, you can winterize your mower by adding a fuel stabilizer to the tank or, if it’s nearly out of fuel, simply run it to use up what’s left. 


If you’re going to need to get any winter tools such as your snow shovel or winter sports equipment you store in the shed, consider rearranging the space to put those items towards the front. This way, you won’t have to sort through gardening tools or pool toys to get to them. 


Once you have all the junk together that you need to get rid of, give Junk King a call. We will haul it all away as long as it isn’t hazardous. If you do have hazardous materials, you’ll need to reach out to a hazardous waste disposal professional. 


Clean Out the Garage, Too


Don’t forget your garage. You’ll want to clean it out, too, especially if you don’t currently have space to fit your vehicles in it. You will want to put your car in the garage when winter hits, especially during hailstorms. Being able to get to your car without going outside can also help prevent accidents such as slipping on an icy sidewalk. As with your shed, this is a good time to move things around. Put your summer items towards the back and bring up your winter equipment and holiday decorations. You may even want to put your summer gear in the basement or attic.


Of course, Junk King will take care of any trash you have in your garage. Whether it’s old shelving, bins of broken holiday décor, or a busted refrigerator you’ve been holding onto for years, we can handle it all. 

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Have Your HVAC Inspected and Repaired


Before it gets cold, you want to have your HVAC system inspected to make certain there’s nothing that needs repaired or cleaned. You may even want to consider getting an annual maintenance contract. This way, you know that your heating will be ready to go when you need it. During the winter, the experts who can make repairs or replace your system are often booked up weeks or even months in advance. You don’t want to go that long without heat, especially when temperatures are down in the single digits. 


Clean Out the Gutters


Have you cleaned your gutters recently? Many people put this chore off for as long as possible, but you should do it (or have it done) before winter hits. If your gutters are full, there’s no place for water to go. It could then overflow, which isn’t good for the exterior of your home. This can happen during the winter with snow. If a good amount of snow accumulates and then melts off, it can cause a good amount of water damage if your gutters aren’t able to carry the water off. You may even want to add downspout extensions to your gutter system to help keep water away from your foundation so you don’t end up with ice freezing around your home.


Clean Out Your Closets and Other Areas


Before fall and winter get here, go through your closets. Do all of your winter clothes still fit? If not, it may be time to get rid of them. The same is true if you find things you haven’t worn in over a year. You’ll want to make sure your coat and other winter gear fits well and is in good condition.


Doing a clean-out of your home before winter gets here is a good way of making sure you don’t end up with too much junk in your home. If you can’t park in the garage and don’t find much out there you can get rid of, you may need to move some of those items to the basement, attic, or even a spare bedroom. Cleaning out those spaces can help you find the space you need.


Junk King, of course, will take any old furniture, appliances, or other items you decide you want to get rid of. We’ll even come into the house and carry them out for you, so you don’t have to worry about trying to get bulky furniture through the door. We’ll do all the heavy lifting.


Call Junk King Dallas Today to Junk Pick Up


Got your garage, shed, and closets cleaned out? If you know what you want to get rid of, it’s time to call Junk King Dallas. We will haul away anything you have that isn’t hazardous so you aren’t trapped with a ton of junk over the winter. Even if you don’t get everything cleaned out now, don’t worry—we still pick up junk during the colder months. 

full service junk removal

Junk King Dallas now provides residential junk removal and commercial junk removal to the following areas in and around Dallas, Texas: Garland, Highland Park, Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sunnyvale, and Wylie.

To learn more or to get a free, no-obligation quote, give Junk King a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or text us at 1-737-888-5865. You can also use our online estimation tool or book an appointment through our website.

How Junk King Can Help Businesses Be Ready for Disasters

There are many different types of disasters that can hit businesses. While it’s impossible to have a plan in place for every single specific disaster, your business needs to have a basic disaster recovery plan that addresses the most common types of disasters that are likely to hit you. If you haven’t started putting this plan together, September is the perfect time. It’s National Preparedness Month.


FEMA created National Preparedness Month to help raise awareness of business disasters and the importance of being prepared for them. The theme for 2022’s National Preparedness Month is “A Lasting Legacy.” Business owners are building their legacy. The business you create will be passed on to your children, and if they continue to be dedicated to it, they will pass it on to their children and so on. Generations later, your business could still be going strong with your descendants at the helm. However, if you’re unprepared for disasters, your entire company could be wiped out.


Let’s take a look at disaster recovery and how Junk King Dallas can help you be better prepared to deal with them.

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

Why Do You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan?


Some business owners may believe they don’t need to be prepared for a disaster because they’ve handled plenty of what they consider disasters on their own. However, what they’re classifying as a disaster may not really be a business-ending event. Disaster Recovery Plans don’t deal with things like inventory shortage, employee shortage, a few leaks in the roof, or other, fairly minor issues. Instead, they’re focused on things like a hurricane destroying the store, a data breach stealing hundreds or thousands of customer credit card numbers, or the business losing access to all of its information in the cloud. 


If one of these disasters hits your business, do you have any idea what you would do? If you don’t have a plan, you may spend a day or more putting one together. While this does let you create a plan designed to deal with your unique disaster, it’s also a hastily formed plan that may include strategies that weren’t fully vetted or angles that weren’t covered. Your plan may get your business up and running again, but it may not be the most effective or efficient. It may also leave out items that become issues later.


With a disaster recovery plan, you don’t have to come up with anything on the spot. You may have to adjust the basic plan slightly to fully address your current situation, but you have the outline of a plan to follow. You know where to direct your employees if the office is inaccessible, where your data backups are stored, what agencies to contact if data was stolen, and more information at your fingertips. You shouldn’t have to do any extensive research, your company’s leadership team should know what’s going on, and your employees should know what’s expected of them during this uncertain time. 

Bigger Trucks

How Does Junk Removal Fit into this?


Junk Removal can fit into a disaster recovery plan in a few different ways. These plans look at the business as a whole, and that means looking at old stock, promotional materials, files, furniture, and everything else. Junk typically plans one of two parts when it comes to disasters.


It Causes Them

Junk could actually be the cause of a disaster such as a fire or a flood. If you have a lot of old stuff in front of a wall that has plumbing in it, you may not notice if a pipe in that wall breaks. Too much junk in the basement can cover water accumulating from a drip, while a lot of junk shoved under sinks can hide issues with the plumbing there. 


Fires can also start from junk. A lot of the junk that accumulates in offices is flammable. A single spark could set a whole box of old documents aflame, and that fire could quickly spread to other boxes. If you don’t have a sprinkler system in your office, the entire building could go up very quickly. 


Junk also provides a home for pests such as mice. These rodents could chew on electrical wiring, causing a fire. They will also chew up paper and other items before leaving behind droppings. For businesses that have to follow strict health codes such as restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, and other areas with food, this can cause you to be fined or even be forced to close until the problem is resolved. Keeping your space clear of junk will help reduce the risk of attracting rodents.

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You Have to Deal with Junk During the Clean Up

The second way junk impacts your disaster recovery plan is that you have to deal with it after the disaster. If this was something like an earthquake, tornado, or fire, you’ve got all this extra stuff you have to sort through while trying to find things you can recover. This makes extra work for you and your team during what is one of the most stressful times. 


Your insurance company is going to want to know what was in the building, so you’ll have to account for junk when taking inventory. If there’s any connection between what caused the disaster and the junk you were storing, it can cause issues with your claim. 


Where Does this Junk Come From?


It’s not always easy to see when junk starts to pile up or what will become a part of your junk pile. Most people throw away things that are obviously trash. However, with businesses, it’s not always that simple. You may have some old office furniture that could still be used, so you don’t want to get rid of it just in case you need it. It goes into the basement or storage room. It might sit in there for years, unused and unneeded. At some point, it becomes junk because when you do decide to use it, you’re likely to pull it out only to find that it’s not that great. It’s old, and while being in storage means it wasn’t in use, time still takes its toll. You may store something for years only to pull it out and immediately trash it because it doesn’t fit your needs.


Why keep it, then? All you’ve done is let it take up space that you could have used for something else. It can be tempting to keep stuff that still seems useful, especially if you’re a small business without an established income stream. However, keeping trash isn’t useful. If you want to hold on to items that you may need later, keep a list of what you’re storing and when you put it in storage. Evaluate these items regularly, and if you’ve kept something for a year without needing it, consider dumping it. 

full service junk removal

Junk and Your Disaster Recovery Plan


By regularly evaluating the things you’re storing and getting rid of stuff you know you don’t need, you’re actively reducing your risk of a fire or flood. You’ll still want to create a disaster recovery plan for those situations, of course, but you may not have to worry quite so much about those disasters occurring. 


Cleaning out junk regularly will also help reduce the amount of stuff you’ll have to deal with after a disaster. You can keep your inventory cleaner, and you’ll know exactly what you were storing and when it went into storage. 


Make Junk King Dallas a Part of Your Disaster Recovery Plan


Junk King Dallas can help you with disasters in two ways. First, we can haul off any junk or other items you don’t want to keep. By tracking what you have in storage and getting rid of items you no longer have any use for, you help keep your business space cleaner and more organized. We’ll come pick up all of that stuff as long as it isn’t classified as hazardous waste. This includes furniture, appliances, shelving, displays, and much more. All you have to do is call or text us for an estimate. You can use our online estimate tool as well, but it may not be able to price everything because it was designed for basic items. 

Junk King Dallas now provides residential junk removal and commercial junk removal to the following areas in and around Dallas, Texas: Garland, Highland Park, Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sunnyvale, and Wylie.

We can also help after a disaster by coming in and hauling away anything that’s been damaged. You won’t need us after some disasters—there’s not much we can do to help with a cyberattack, for example—but we can assist you in cleaning up after a fire, flood, or other natural disaster. We’ll load up anything you no longer need or that has been destroyed and haul it away so you can focus on rebuilding. 

Junk King Dallas believes in full transparency, so every estimate we provide will include all fees and other costs to you. Every estimate is free, and there is never any obligation to use our services. If you’d like to know more, give us a call at 1-888-888-JUNK, send us a text to 1-737-888-5865, or reach out to us online.

Junk King Dallas
13659 Jupiter Rd. Suite 208
Dallas, TX 75238
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas area, including:

Balch Springs
Red Oak
Royse City
and these nearby zip codes:
75030, 75032, 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044, 75045, 75046, 75047, 75048, 75049, 75087, 75088, 75089, 75125, 75126, 75132, 75141, 75149, 75150, 75154, 75159, 75164, 75172, 75180, 75181, 75182, 75185, 75187, 75189, 75201, 75202, 75204, 75205, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75221, 75222, 75223, 75225, 75226, 75227, 75228, 75230, 75231, 75238, 75242, 75243, 75246, 75250, 75251, 75253, 75262, 75263, 75264, 75265, 75266, 75267, 75270, 75275, 75277, 75283, 75284, 75285, 75303, 75312, 75313, 75315, 75320, 75326, 75355, 75357, 75359, 75360, 75367, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 75382, 75389, 75391, 75393, 75394, 75397, 75407