Junk King Minneapolis

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Tag Archives: Junk King Minneapolis

Eagan MN Junk Removal

According to Minnesota law, it is illegal to put certain appliances out with the trash. That is because those items could end up causing harm to the environment if they are merely dumped in a landfill. Here’s what’s included in this list of prohibited major appliances: Air conditioners, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, furnaces, microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, ovens, ranges and stoves, garbage disposals, trash compactors, dehumidifiers and heat pumps. Does this mean you’re stuck with those kinds of things forever? Not if you hire Junk King Minneapolis.


While it is true that some retailers might take away an old item, you usually have to purchase a new item first. Suppose you just have an old stove or fridge that has been in your garage for years. Does that mean you have to buy a new one to get rid of the old one? Not with Junk King. When you set up a junk removal appointment with Junk King, you’ll be utilizing a pair of very capable movers. This Junk King crew will do all the lifting and loading of any of those heavy objects. They will also be able to head down into the basement or up into the attic to collect any other junk item you want to toss out.

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President’s Day Junk Removal In Minneapolis

There will be no mail delivered on President’s Day. No banks. No government offices. No courts. That’s a small price to pay for an extended holiday even if you are going to spend it indoor away from the cold. If you’re already tired of binge watching your favorite TV series, then maybe you can spend the extended holiday weekend taking stock of your living space as in “what can I throw out?” Actually, it might not take a lot of effort to come up with that list. That could be something you’ve already established. The problem is how to get rid of those bulky items? The solution you have available this President’s Day and for the rest of the year is Junk King Minneapolis.

Home clutter

Home clutter

Junk King Minneapolis is one of the leading Junk King franchise operations that specializes in all types of junk removal. They follow the standards of superior customer service set forth by the parent company and then take that to a whole new level. The hard working crews who will show up for your Junk King junk removal appointment want to make getting rid of your clutter as painless as possible. You certainly won’t experience any muscle pain. That’s because the two-man crew who will show up for your junk removal appointment is going to do all the work. That includes climbing up and down as many stairs as needed to get the job done.


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St. Louis Park Junk Removal

Have you gotten a garbage tag yet? If so, then you’re doing something wrong with your trash. The City of St. Louis Park requires the Waste Management workers to slap a tag on your  “improperly prepared garbage.” Improperly prepared garbage includes things like garbage that is not bagged or has yard waste mixed in. You could also be tagged if there is overfilling of your garbage cart and you don’t use the extra refuse stickers for extra bags of garbage outside your cart. Finally, you’ll earn a tag if you put your garbage in the street or on the sidewalk. Sadly, you won’t get a gold star if you get your garbage right. It just gets picked up on time. If you get a tag, you’re supposed to call in to the Waste Management Customer Service Hotline to see how you can make things better. There is no fine for these tags. But if you want to insure any overflowing rubbish is picked up the right way, then turn the junk removal assignment over to Junk King Minneapolis.

Too much trash.

Too much trash.

Junk King Minneapolis is a team of professional junk haulers that take care of junk removal for all of St. Louis Park. You’re not going to get a tag with Junk King. What you will get is dependable service that includes two very hard working crewmembers that will be showing up in their big red moving truck. Imagine what you could throw out if you have two movers on the job? This is your chance to toss out the big items like old appliances, mattresses, bedroom sets and other furniture. You know all those boxes full of junk that are leftover from your last move? Those can all be tossed onto the back of the Junk King truck, too.

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Junk Removal Burnsville MN

Burnsville residents are proud of their community. They also know the importance of keeping that environment clean and safe. That is why the Recycling Zone is such a busy facility. This is a recycling center in Eagan where locals can bring all their recyclables that shouldn’t go into the trash. This is certainly a good service, but it still is a drop off service. This means you need to load up your car, take the time to drive over to Eagan and make sure you’re there during business hours. What happens if you’ve got things that you can fit into your car or are too big for the car? That’s when you need to hire Junk King Minneapolis to get the removal job done right.

With Junk King on the job, you’ll be guaranteed a two man working crew and a truck large enough to load up everything you want to get rid of. This means you can toss out the really big stuff like old furniture, kitchen appliances and old televisions. Best of all, you don’t have to pick up anything. The Junk King crew will do all of that work. They’ll also make sure your junk gets recycled. Whether they’re dropping it off at the Recycling Zone or some other facility, Junk King is dedicated to keeping Burnsville “green.”

Along with your household junk, Junk King can also pitch in to help you clear up the rubbish from your yard. If you’ve got things like broken fence pieces, swing sets, tool sheds or patio furniture that need tossing out, then turn all that over to the Junk King crew.

Technically, you’ll be calling into Junk King of Minneapolis but they’ve got a fleet of trucks that make daily runs all throughout the surrounding areas. Since opening for business, this branch of Junk King has managed to shot to the top of everyone’s “favorite service company” list!

Here’s what one satisfied user had to say,

“Travis, Josh and Gabe were very professional and very friendly. They came with smiles, went right to work clearing out everything. Once the truck was loaded, they swept out the garage area and double-checked with me to make sure they had gotten everything I wanted hauled away. I would highly recommend Minneapolis Junk King to family and friends.”

There was also this comment:

“Whoever thought of your service… brilliant! When one lives in a high-rise and doesn’t have access to a truck or van, there’s no way to “get rid of stuff.” It’s convenient, quick, and easy to schedule. And the two guys who helped me were courteous and friendly.”

Clearly, Junk King is getting the job done. Are you ready to put them to work? Give them a call today to see how they can help with all your junk removal.

Minneapolis Bulk Item Pickup

How much do you know about the weekly garbage pickup here in Minneapolis? Most of us take something like that for granted but there are some guidelines that you might not be away of. This is how the city’s department of solid waste removal lays it out:

“Garbage is collected weekly. Your garbage cart must be at your collection point on your collection day, by 6:00 AM each week. Customers are provided with a garbage cart, either a small, or a large cart. City crews deliver and maintain all carts. All garbage must be contained inside of the cart, with lid closed. No other type garbage cart is allowed to be used. Garbage is not collected from non-City garbage carts/cans. In the winter, remember to shovel a 3-foot wide path to your cart, including snow left by the plow. Garbage needs to be bagged or wrapped and placed in the cart. Do not place loose garbage in your cart. This prevents the cart from being emptied completely and leads to a dirty and smelly cart. Maximum weight for a large cart and contents is 200 pounds.”

There’s a lot to unpack with those guidelines. The big items are the fact that you’ve got to shovel a snow path to your garbage and your weight limit is 200 pounds. It’s hard to imagine being able to fit anything over 200 pounds into that can. Of course, if you bust up your patio or driveway and want to toss out the concrete chunks it could add up to 200 pounds in a snap.

Then there is the issue of illegal dumping. The city makes it easy to call in an incident of garbage abuse. All you have to do is dial 311. According to the City Ordinance: “No person shall leave, throw, or deposit, or use or permit any other person to leave, place, throw, or deposit, any substances or materials of any kind at a city solid waste collection point for city disposal when the substances or materials were generated at a location other than the residence.”

So what happens if you have something that won’t fit into your garbage can? That’s easy: Call Junk King Minneapolis and have it carted away ASAP. Junk King of Minneapolis is standing by to help you remove any item you want taken from your home or back yard. You won’t have to worry about lifting something that is heavy or renting a truck to haul it off. Junk King provides the vehicle and the manpower to get the job done. They’ll also make sure your items are disposed of the right way that is safe for the environment. When it comes to bulk item pickups Junk King Minneapolis is the only way to go.

Minneapolis Junk Removal Prices – Affordable and Eco-Friendly

There’s good news and bad news for Minneapolis. The good news is that the Surly Brewing Company wants to build a new facility here. That’s going to mean lots of jobs and plenty of great beer down the line. The bad news is the parcel of land they want to build the new facility on first has to be cleaned up to the tune of 2.5 million dollars. This is a 8-acre plot of land near the light rail line of the Central Corridor. Recent surveys have found the area is polluted with all kinds of nasty toxins. It’s going to cost money to get the job done right. The Metropolitan Council is looking for the funds to get the job done while Surly is standing by to invest 20 million of their money into the building of the facility. That’s a pretty good trade off and it’s going to mean a massive cleanup effort.

Hopefully you won’t ever have to deal with a toxic cleanup site. Although there have probably been some times when you thought you were! This is especially true after a big dinner and the kitchen looks like a disaster area. Or on Christmas morning when the living room has been turned upside down. Of course, there are also the daily “hazardous sites” around your home that you have to contend with. We’re talking about a garage that is overflowing with junk or a basement crammed with unwanted furniture and boxes or a shed out back crammed with rusty car parts and lawnmowers that don’t work. The best way to manage cleanup projects like that is by calling up Junk King Minneapolis.

Junk King Minneapolis is part of a national franchise of businesses dedicated to making our lives a less clutters and a little more spacious. They get the job done by dispatching a hard working crew with a big empty truck to your property. On the scheduled removal day that crew will be doing all the work of carrying out your junk and loading it up on the Junk King truck. You don’t have to hassle with pulling anything out to the curb. The JK crew will go where you tell them the junk is. It couldn’t be simpler.

Actually, it could be simpler and that’s because of Junk King’s pricing policy. Junk King MInneapolis will only charge you based on the amount of space your junk will take up on the back of their truck. This number will be provided to you in advance from a Junk King supervisor who will make an assessment of your junk. Once that price is agreed on it’s locked in. There won’t be any “surprise” charges. When you’re ready to get rid of your junk, Junk King will be ready to help.

Alternative to Minneapolis Dumpster Rentals

There is not a real threat with roaming bears while living in the heart of Minneapolis. The further you go away from the city and into the surrounding woods the greater the chance you’ll have of running into a grizzly or two. That doesn’t mean that Minneapolis is a complete critter free zone. In fact, there are many roaming nocturnal creatures that are always on the prowl for their next meal. This is something to think about when you are considering rental a dumpster to put on your property: What are you going to attract with that dumpster?

City dwelling animals like raccoons, feral cats, possums and the occasional rat have all become rather sophisticated when it comes to sniffing out snacks. Even if the dumpster you’re renting is for construction waste there is no telling what kind of garbage was dumped in that unit before you got it. You might not smell anything but those animals who survive on their sense of smell can pick up a past scent and start poking around. Once they’ve stopped by for your dumpster they might start coming back around for the rest of your garbage. How often do you return to your favorite restaurant? Those animals are no different and they’re eating for free!

There is also the potential for other forms of interlopers when it comes to dumpster rentals on your property. These would be the two-legged variety. Dumpster divers are either putting stuff in or taking stuff out. Those putting stuff in your dumpster would be all your lovely neighbors who think that an empty dumpster is free license to toss out their trash. Now you’re really increasing your chances of getting food mixed in with your trash! For those who are taking stuff out, a dumpster is too tempting a target for recyclables or even something they think they can use. So, what is the alternative? Simple: Don’t rent a dumpster. Instead call Junk King Minneapolis.

If you’re planning far enough in advance to have a lot of garbage then you might as well hire Junk King Minneapolis for the disposal. They’ll be able to pick up the garbage on the day you want it taken away. You won’t have to be hanging onto it over the weekend like you would with a dumpster rental. Create the garbage Friday morning and it can be gone by Friday afternoon. Junk King are junk removal specialists. This means they’ll work with you to create a pickup schedule that is the most productive for your particular situation. The best thing with Junk King Minneapolis is that your garbage will be out of sight and out of mind permanently. With Junk King there is no need to fret about what might be creeping around your home in the dark of the night!

Minneapolis Appliance Disposal

If you’re a resident of Minneapolis and need to get rid of a large appliance you can turn to the Minneapolis Department of Public Works. Here’s the instructions that you’ll find:

As part of your garbage service, you may place up to a maximum of TWO large items at your collection point for pickup, at no additional charge.

  • Burnable items are collected on your garbage day.
  • Non-burnable items (major appliances, items more than 50% metal, and hide-a-beds) are collected on the next business day after recycling pickup.
  • Place items next to your garbage cart by 6:00 AM
  • Attach a note to each item that says “For Solid Waste”.
  • Large item collection is a special service included in your monthly fee.

Please be considerate to your neighbors. Place large items out for collection no more than one day in advance. A note must be attached to each item that says “For Solid Waste”. Large item collection is a special service to our paying customers only. Dumping or using another resident’s collection point is illegal. When residents abuse this program by placing items from friends, family or from other locations or businesses, this service can be cancelled. Crews watch for this abuse and report it when found. Once removed from this program, any large item found for pickup at your collection point will result in a charge to your Utility Billing account as a “fee for service.”

That’s a lot to process. Forget all the note writing and making sure you have the right day, what about the simple fact of getting that appliance out to the curb to begin with? Sure, you might be able to lug an old microwave out there but what about a stove or refrigerator? That’s just impractical. When you’ve got a big junk item like that to get rid of then you’re only real option is to call Junk King Minneapolis. They’ll be able to dispatch a professional crew of junk haulers to your location at the scheduled time. For that appointment the Junk King crew will happily move that old stove or fridge down a flight of stairs and into their waiting truck. It really makes no difference to them where your junk is being kept. All they care about is getting it out of your home.

If you schedule Junk King Minneapolis for a removal project then you should take advantage of that crew by earmarking everything in your home that can be tossed out. Remember you don’t have to move it! Just point it all out to the Junk King crew and they’ll do the rest. It really is the best way to de-clutter your home. Before you know it the holidays will be here and you’ll want that junk gone before company starts coming over. Take care of it today by calling Junk King.

For the best in Minneapolis Appliance Disposal simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.

Minneapolis Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Minneapolis official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Twin Cities area Junk Removal services.

We are set to launch our business at the end of April, 2012.   Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the Minneapolis area.  Also, be sure to check out our official Minneapolis Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Minneapolis
7398 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 7A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Minneapolis area, including:

Belle Plaine
Castle Rock
Crystal Bay
Eden Prairie
Golden Valley
Inver Grove Heights
St Paul
and these nearby zip codes:
55010, 55020, 55024, 55076, 55077, 55111, 55118, 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123, 55124, 55305, 55306, 55315, 55317, 55318, 55322, 55323, 55331, 55337, 55343, 55344, 55346, 55347, 55401, 55402, 55403, 55404, 55405, 55406, 55407, 55408, 55409, 55410, 55413, 55414, 55415, 55416, 55417, 55419, 55420, 55423, 55424, 55425, 55426, 55431, 55435, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55440, 55450, 55454, 55455, 55458, 55459, 55460, 55467, 55470, 55472, 55474, 55478, 55479, 55480, 55483, 55484, 55485, 55486, 55487, 55488, 56011