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Tag Archives: Minneapolis Junk Removal

Minneapolis Refrigerator Disposal

How well do you know your municipal government? You should know them because they’re on the front line of providing you with a whole range of services that make our standard of living what it is and that’s pretty darn good.

Consider this mission statement: “The Division of Solid Waste & Recycling provides service to approximately 290,000 residents in 110,000 dwelling units. This includes all 1-4 unit residential buildings and any buildings with five or more units that contract with the City for solid waste services. Crews also collect garbage and recyclables from an additional 40 City buildings, and from 500 litter containers placed at Bus Shelters and Transtops throughout the city. Services are provided by City of Minneapolis crews, and a consortium of private garbage haulers, Minneapolis Refuse Incorporated (MRI). The City and MRI each collect from approximately half of the city.”

When it comes to large item collection, this agency has a set of regulations to adhere to: “Each customer may set out two large items per week. Burnable large items are collected weekly with the garbage. Large items that are at least 50% metal, such as aluminum storm doors and filing cabinets, are collected every other week on recycling day and delivered to a scrap metal dealer for recycling. Major appliances, such as air conditioners and refrigerators, are collected every other week on recycling day. After collection, PCB-laden capacitors and fluorescent light ballasts are removed for disposal at a hazardous waste facility. Mercury switches are removed for recycling. Freon is removed, filtered and reused in city air-conditioning equipment. The appliances are then sent to a scrap metal dealer to be recycled.”

What they are describing is the importance of the proper disposal of an item like an old refrigerator. That “after collection” phase is extremely important. Without that those hazardous materials could find a way of leaking into our water and air supply. That’s not something anyone wants to deal with.

While this is all a very noble service to provide there is a missing link. Namely, how would you get that old refrigerator out to the curb? Chances are that fridge was delivered and installed by a least two capable movers. This isn’t like a stack of papers you can bundle up and toss to the curb. If you don’t have the manpower for that type of operation then you’re going to be stuck with that ice box. You won’t have to if you call Junk King Minneapolis.

Moving a bulky item like an old refrigerator is what Junk King excels at. Their moving crew knows the proper way to lift and secure and item. Doesn’t matter if it’s going down several flights of stairs or an elevator; the Junk King Minneapolis crew can handle the gig. While they are at it, they can also help you clear out a lot more clutter from your home. Start with the fridge then move onto the closets, basements and garages. You’ll be amazed at how much you can throw out when you know you’ve got genuine help.

Minneapolis Hot Tub Disposal

Most of us are shower people and that’s a shame. Yes, it’s quicker to hop into the shower before dashing off to work. It’s also a lot easier to get things done in terms of shampooing and scrubbing. But who doesn’t love a good soak in a tub? Usually, when we say we’re taking a bath we need to carve out about an hour’s worth of peace and quiet. It’s going to take time to fill up the tub to right volume and water temperature. Then you want to get things ready like a few well placed candles, a glass of wine and of course, some bubbles. Once you sink into the soothing waters, you can relax; that is of course if the rest of your family will cooperate. Is there an easier way to get this same kind of relaxation in a quarter of the time? It is if you have a hot tub.

A modern hot tub is engineered for convenience. When you walk through the door at the end of a hard work day, you can simply click on a remote to fire up the heat and jets. By the time you get into your swim trunks and open up your wine, the hot tub will be ready for your arrival. No bubbles but you won’t even think of those once you hit those warm waters. The outward benefits of soaking in a hot tub are immediate. Tension flies out of your muscles with every sigh. What you don’t see working is how much better your blood circulation is improving. Those warm waters open up the vessels which allow for a better flow. That’s good all around especially for bringing down high blood pressure numbers a few notches. Dipping into a hot tub just before heading to bed is also a natural sleep inducer. Put aside those sleeping pills and use the hot tub instead.

All of this tub talk is probably making you rethink the unit you’ve got sitting in your backyard. Most of the unused backyard hot tubs are items that have been left over from previous owners or merely neglected because of a broken motor. Maybe it’s time to toss out that clunker and bring in a new model. To accomplish that you’ll want to give Junk King Minneapolis a holler.

Junk King Minneapolis is part of a national franchise of junk removers who are well adept at handling big items like a hot tub. They’ll be able to fit the hot tub onto the back of their truck with no problem but first they’ll have to disassemble it. That’s going to take time. Here’s the great thing about Junk King: you’re not going to be charged an hourly rate. Instead, Junk King charges you by volume as in how much space will you take up on their truck. So even if it’s a couple of hours to break down that tub, there will be no hidden fees. The sooner you can get rid of that clunker the sooner you can get the new model in and start relaxing.

Minneapolis Mattress Disposal

We all love our microwaves and televisions. Our fridges and stoves are pretty cool too but if there is one item in our home that is of vital importance it’s our mattress. Without a good night’s sleep none of those other appliances will matter: we’ll just be too grumpy to use them! There could be many reasons why you can’t drift off to sleep but one of the most common ailments is that you’re sleeping on the wrong mattress for your body type. This might come as a surprise to many. After all, you’ve been sleeping on that same mattress for years.

Actually, that’s the real problem. A mattress is only meant to last between 5 to 8 years before it really starts to sag and loose its original firmness. When that happens, your body has a way of rejecting the mattress which translates into tossing and turning throughout the night. Are you convinced you’re ready for a new mattress yet? If so, you’ll want to do a little research before heading to the mattress store.

The first thing you’ll want to think about is the name game. There are the big brand names you’re probably familiar with thanks to their advertising campaigns but what about all those “off brands” that are cheaper? Actually, a lot of those off brands are not only made by the same leading manufacturers but they’re often the same mattress just with a few minor adjustments. Check out the leading mattress makers’ websites and scroll down for all their “partners.” For instants Simmons makes Beautyrest but they also make TruEnergy, ComfortPedic, Natural Care and BeautySleep. Learn the names and you’ll be ahead of the game.

Once in the store, the real tests begin. Yes, you’ll be able lay down on the bed to check it’s firmness but this can be misleading especially when the weather turns cooler and you bundle up. Wouldn’t it be great if you could wear you pajamas when you go shopping for a mattress? Actually, you should have the opportunity for a “test drive” so to speak. It’s going to take several days if not a couple of weeks for your body to adjust to the new mattress. That’s why you should make sure the mattress you’re buying has a solid return policy. If you hit the 20 day mark and you’re still not happy with the mattress it could be that you picked the wrong one. Swap it out and try again!

Before your new mattress can show up you’ll have to get rid of the old mattress. That can be taken care of by Junk King Minneapolis. It’s true that there are some mattress dealers who offer mattress removal but what they can’t offer is removal of the rest of your junk. Take advantage of Junk King carting off your mattress by letting them cart off all stuff that is clogging up your basements, garages and attics. Knowing you have a junk free house will really give you a good night’s sleep.

Minneapolis Junk Recycling

Right now residential recycling in Minneapolis is a little like color coordinating outfits. There are certain bags required for certain recyclable materials. These are considered “multi-sort”  collection systems that puts the onus on the recycler to figure out which trash goes in which bag. While everyone around the Twin Cities was doing their part, it can lend to some confusion about what is supposed to go where. All of that is about to change as Minneapolis is going to switch over from “multi-sort” to “single-sort.”  Now everything that is deemed recyclable can be placed into one bin for an easy pickup. The objective of this switch is to increase the rate of recyclables from its current 18% to 32%. This is a completely obtainable goal as it has been reached in other cities that also made the switch.

A report by the Department of Public Works is what started this whole ball rolling. Even though the city already has a decent participation rates this new method should kick that up by several notches. The new plan won’t go into effect until sometime next year which will give the city plenty of time to gear up and get ready.

Once in place, folks will still have the opportunity to recycle the same items they’ve been recycling all along such as plastics, newspapers, magazines, cardboard and aluminum soda cans. What’s not included in that list would be all the bulkier items you might have laying around your home that can’t fit into the recycle bin. This would be things like old furniture, an unused mattress, broken down kitchen appliances or pretty much anything else that is cluttering up your garages, attics, basements and closets. To get rid of that kind of recyclable junk you need to bring in the pros. In this case that would mean a professional junk hauling team like Junk King Minneapolis.

These professional junk haulers who are working around the Twin Cities are every bit as dedicated to recycling as everyone else. The major difference is that their efforts might take them beyond the average recycling centers and into those facilities that handle bigger projects. This would be recycling centers that are grinding up wood to turn into pulp which can become recycled paper. Or facilities that can melt down scrap metal and repurpose that for other uses. There is even a special place that just handles tire recycling. You won’t have to worry about tracking down any of those centers because Junk King Minneapolis will do all the work. Not only will they remove your junk from any room but it they need to make several drop-offs to different facilities then so be it. It’s all part of what you get when you hire the right person for this type of job. Keep doing your part and let the professionals handle the rest.

Minneapolis Furniture Disposal

International Market Square is one of the many gems of commercial spaces operating in Minneapolis. Never heard of IMS? Here’s how they like to describe themselves: “IMS is the largest home and commercial interior design marketplace in the Upper Midwest. Open to both the home/commercial design community and the public, visitors are invited to explore our more than seventy showrooms, studios, shops, galleries, restaurants and other distinct amenities.” In other words, if you’re looking for inspiration on how to redecorate your home the IMS should be your first stop.
The history of the building where the International Market Square sits is all about reinventing itself. It started out in 1905 as the manufacturing facility of Northwestern Knitting. Since then it has reinvented itself several times over finally becoming the Market Square which houses over 170 businesses and, according to legend, a ghost named Basil. Prowling around IMS could have you rethinking what you want to do with your own home decorating. As with other furniture showrooms, you’ll find plenty of examples of what you could be doing in your living room or bedroom. Of course, you might even find examples of what to avoid at all costs!
Just how happy are you with your furniture? For the well traveled home areas like the living room or family room you might be sitting on the same sofa/love seat combination that you have for years. Isn’t it time for a new approach? You don’t have to give up what’s comfortable; perhaps just rearrange it a bit. A sectional is a great option to replace an old sofa and it still will provide the same amount of sitting room.
Over in your bedroom, you might not only be sleeping on the same lumpy mattress that you have been for years but also staring at the same drab bedroom set. What’s great about furniture shopping today is that you can go out and look for pieces that you like and then come back and find them for sale on the internet. Many online furniture retail outlets offer great prices on shipping and delivery. They know the only way to entice customers is to give them a wide variety of choices and deep discounts.
One thing you won’t be able to count on with any furniture sales entity is helping you get rid of your old furniture. That will be left up to you but you won’t have to do it alone when you hire a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Minneapolis. Sad but true your furniture has become junk. That’s why you’re getting rid of it and that’s why you need the pros. Hauling out a sofa or mattress is standard operational procedure for these crews. They’ll also make sure you furniture if properly disposed of and not dumped by the side of the road. Knowing you can get rid of your old furniture so easily really should have you thinking, “What will you replace it with?”
The history of the building where the International Market Square sits is all about reinventing itself. It started out in 1905 as the manufacturing facility of Northwestern Knitting. Since then it has reinvented itself several times over finally becoming the Market Square which houses over 170 businesses and, according to legend, a ghost named Basil. Prowling around IMS could have you rethinking what you want to do with your own home decorating. As with other furniture showrooms, you’ll find plenty of examples of what you could be doing in your living room or bedroom. Of course, you might even find examples of what to avoid at all costs!
Just how happy are you with your furniture? For the well traveled home areas like the living room or family room you might be sitting on the same sofa/love seat combination that you have for years. Isn’t it time for a new approach? You don’t have to give up what’s comfortable; perhaps just rearrange it a bit. A sectional is a great option to replace an old sofa and it still will provide the same amount of sitting room.
Over in your bedroom, you might not only be sleeping on the same lumpy mattress that you have been for years but also staring at the same drab bedroom set. What’s great about furniture shopping today is that you can go out and look for pieces that you like and then come back and find them for sale on the internet. Many online furniture retail outlets offer great prices on shipping and delivery. They know the only way to entice customers is to give them a wide variety of choices and deep discounts.
One thing you won’t be able to count on with any furniture sales entity is helping you get rid of your old furniture. That will be left up to you but you won’t have to do it alone when you hire a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Minneapolis. Sad but true your furniture has become junk. That’s why you’re getting rid of it and that’s why you need the pros. Hauling out a sofa or mattress is standard operational procedure for these crews. They’ll also make sure you furniture if properly disposed of and not dumped by the side of the road. Knowing you can get rid of your old furniture so easily really should have you thinking, “What will you replace it with?”
For the best in Minneapolis Furniture Disposal, look no further than Junk King

Minneapolis Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Minneapolis official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Twin Cities area Junk Removal services.

We are set to launch our business at the end of April, 2012.   Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly junk hauling services for the Minneapolis area.  Also, be sure to check out our official Minneapolis Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Minneapolis
7398 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 7A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Minneapolis area, including:

Belle Plaine
Castle Rock
Crystal Bay
Eden Prairie
Golden Valley
Inver Grove Heights
St Paul
and these nearby zip codes:
55010, 55020, 55024, 55076, 55077, 55111, 55118, 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123, 55124, 55305, 55306, 55315, 55317, 55318, 55322, 55323, 55331, 55337, 55343, 55344, 55346, 55347, 55401, 55402, 55403, 55404, 55405, 55406, 55407, 55408, 55409, 55410, 55413, 55414, 55415, 55416, 55417, 55419, 55420, 55423, 55424, 55425, 55426, 55431, 55435, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55440, 55450, 55454, 55455, 55458, 55459, 55460, 55467, 55470, 55472, 55474, 55478, 55479, 55480, 55483, 55484, 55485, 55486, 55487, 55488, 56011