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Tag Archives: rubbish

Finding Junk Removal That Works On Your Schedule

The old saying goes, “The best things in life are free.” There is a lot of truth in that statement. However, the best meal you ever had is one that you probably paid for. The best movie you ever saw is one you bought a ticket to or paid to download. Yes, a lot of great things are for free but many more come with a price tag and that’s not a bad thing. Consider some of the services you need to make a comfortable living environment. If you didn’t get your garbage picked up once a week, then things can get downright smelly. That is a service you pay for with taxes and fees even though it seems like it is “free.”


What the garbage collectors can’t always help with is removing those things that don’t fit in the can. You might be able to get an occasional favor if you ask nicely but it that would mean bringing that item down to the curb and then standing on the street until the truck pulls up. What if they say no? Now you’re stuck with an old sofa or futon down on the curb. That’s not good. The better approach would be to hire Junk King Minneapolis from the start. This is a company that will pick up whatever bulky item you need hauled away. Best of all, they do it on your time.

To set up your appointment with Junk King you need to pick the day that works best for your schedule. Within that day, you’ll need to set aside a two-hour window. That’s not a lot of time considering what the phone company has you waiting for! Those two hours aren’t how long it is going to take to load up your stuff. That usually happens in a matter of minutes. Instead, that time provides a buffer between appointments. Of course, if you’re the first pick up for the day, then you won’t have to worry about that time. The Junk King crew can be in and out before you finish breakfast!

The best approach to junk removal is to make it convenient for you. That’s what Junk King Minneapolis is all about.

Great Ideas For a College Care Package

You waited for 18 years for your kid to go off to college. Even though you a long time to prepare it still an emotional time. In many ways, they are adults but that doesn’t mean you’ve given up your role as being a great mom or dad. One thing your kid will look forward to is a care package. Here are some terrific ideas for your first college care package:


Microwave Cookware

One of the questions you’ll probably always ask every time you call your kid in college is, “are you getting enough to eat?” They will always answer yes but you know better, right? You can make it easy for them by providing them with microwave cookware. There are big 20-ounce cups with a vented lid that make a perfect way to cook soup and noodles. There are also miniature ceramic casserole dishes or large coffee mugs design for microwave use.

Single-Serve Food Items

Your kid might not realize how much they depended on you to keep the cupboards full. You can continue that important work by sending them bunches of single serve soups, mac & cheese or oatmeal. It’s almost as if these items were designed specifically for dorm life. It won’t be long before your kid comes back with a list of preferences!

Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Refilling their own water bottle over semester is going to save them big time. Many stainless steel bottles will keep water Cole on warm days or coffee piping hot on cold ones. This is a great thing especially if you have a kid who is on a sports team. It’s much easier to fill it up from a water cooler are found then buying a bottle of water every time they are thirsty.

Gift Cards

Yes, you will still be giving your kid money throughout their college career. It just comes with the territory. But you can make it easy on yourself by sending them gift cards. These can either be gift cards for their favorite coffee shop or restaurant or they can be Visa if cards that they can spend wherever they need. Every grocery store has gift cards so that makes picking them up a breeze.

Once you’ve taken care of sending off the care package, you can re-focus your efforts on getting your home organized. This is a perfect opportunity to finally toss out all the clutter that has accumulated over the years. For that task, you want to call in Junk King Minneapolis. They’ll provide you with a capable team of movers and a huge truck. That’s just what you need to get rid of furniture, appliances, clothing and other household goods. The home will be the same without your college kid around but it can certainly be free of clutter thanks to Junk King Minneapolis.

Get Your Home Ready For Fall

Nature has a good way of taking care of itself. Look no further than the changing leaves on all the trees. We are about to experience a burst of great color on those trees, which will herald the falling of the leaves that will only be replaced again in spring. As for your home, you’re in charge of taking care of that and that means a little prep work to get ready for fall. Here’s what you need to do:


Clean the Gutters

Speaking of leaves, it won’t be long before they start falling into your rain gutters. If you have it cleaned you got her since last fall, then you might want to give them a quick clean. You should definitely be on the lookout for nests and debris that has accumulated over the summer.

It also might be a good idea to run a water hose from the top of your rain gutters through the spouts to check the flow. This is not something you want to take care of in the middle of a rainstorm.

Swap Out the Window Screens

Temperatures to start dropping and that means you will be opening the windows and doors quite as often. It’s time to swap out the screens and put in your storm windows. While you are busy with that check for any break in the caulk or seals around your doors and windows. Replace if needed.

Put Away the Garden Hoses

You need to drain your garden hoses completely and disconnect them from outside’s pickets. It’s a good idea to shut off exterior faucets especially if you have an older home. Put those hoses inside in a dry place where any residual water won’t freeze.

Service Your Sprinklers

If you have an irrigation system that is keeping your lawns green then you’ll want them to be drained and checked by a professional landscaping company. It’s also a good idea to mark the sprinkler heads if they fall between any potential snow removal areas. You don’t want them to get banged up with the shovel or snowblower.

Check Your Trees

If you have trees on your property, then you need to check them for damage limbs that might break. If they’ve grown close to power lines, then you should call in the power company to get them trimmed. That is not a job you want to do yourself.

Get Rid Of Rubbish

It’s also a good idea to get rid of rubbish from your yard and garage. That’s where a call to Junk King Minneapolis can make a huge difference. These junk removal experts can easily haul away all your yard debris and unwanted clutter. It would be great if you could park your car inside the garage again instead of using it as a storage unit. Junk King Minneapolis is the perfect partner to help you get your home ready for fall.

Get Ready For Your Next Move With These Smart Moving Tips

How many times have you moved in your life? If you’re lucky, you will move from your parents home to college, from college to your first apartment and then to your dream home. However, the average number of times most Americans move is closer to 11. The matter how experienced you are at a move this always room for improvement. Get ready for your next move with the smart moving tips:


Save On Boxes

A big expense with any move are the boxes. At least that would be a big expense if you were buying them from a package store. Instead, you should make use of every potential storage item in your home. For instance, all your suitcases, laundry baskets and even trashcans can be utilized for packing. In the case of the laundry baskets and trashcans, you might want to fill them up with light objects and then shrink-wrap them. Also, be sure to look on Craigslist. There are always people who have just completed the move that want to get rid of their boxes and offer them free to pick up.

Don’t Waste Space

The perfectly packed box is one you can shake and not hear anything rattle inside. That’s because it is packed completely. This doesn’t mean overloading a box but instead filling up the empty spaces with things like your clothing. T-shirts, socks and sweaters make great packing material. Just be sure that every box is able to be easily lifted.

Pack An Overnight Box

At the end of your moving day, the last thing you want to do is unpack a single box… With one exception. You should have an overnight box that will contain all the stuff you need to get ready for work the next day. That box should also include sheets for the bed, pillow and maybe even your coffee machine.

Label Everything

You definitely want to put a label on the box as to where it is supposed to be dropped off. But you also want to include an inventory. This will help you determine the priorities for unpacking.

Forget The Yard Sale

As you go through all your stuff, you will probably find a lot of things that you can do without at the new house. Your instinct might be to have a yard sale to try and get rid of that junk but that’s not always effective. You might make a couple of bucks but waste an entire day and still be left with a lot of rubbish. Instead, turn it all over to Junk King Minneapolis. These are the professional junk haulers can quickly clear out any pile of rubbish you want to get rid of. You can even leave behind the stuff for Junk King Minneapolis to pick up after you moved out. Don’t bring rubbish with you to your new home. Give it all to Junk King Minneapolis today.

Great Ideas For Converting Your Garage

The original purpose for your garage is to keep your car parked inside. However, it might be that your family needs that room for additional living space. If your car has a decent driveway to park on, then there’s no reason why you can’t take over that space. Here are some ideas that might inspire you for converting your garage:


Home Gym

Everyone knows how important exercise is to staying healthy. But it is often hard to carve out time in the day for work out especially if that involves going to the gym. You could spend 30 minutes in the gym but another 45 minutes getting back and forth. Instead, devote those 30 minutes to your home gym in your converted garage. Don’t just put up a treadmill and some free weights. Fill this room with the same kind of amenities that you would find at a real gym like mirrors on the wall, a good sound system and plenty of exercise equipment.


A child has a way of taking over a home but for all the right reasons. Still, it would be nice if you could keep all of their dozens of toys in a single location. A converted garage can become a terrific playroom. There can be plenty of space to set up a table for crafting and various playsets. To make this work to embrace the fact that his room is all for the child. In other words, move out any tools or other items that you might have stored in the garage.


If your job allows you to work at home, then you need a dedicated space that is free from distraction. It’s hard to get work done if you’re sitting at the kitchen counter. Your converted garage can become the perfect home office with plenty of room for storage. You might even consider replacing the garage door with something that is more inviting like French doors or a wall with windows.

Before you can get started converting your garage you need to clear it from top to bottom. That’s where Junk King Minneapolis can make a big impact. The two-man crew assigned to your task will be able to roll their big truck right up to the back of your garage and load up all the things you want to get rid of. You’ll be charged a flat fee based upon how much space your garage clutter will fill on the back of the truck. You won’t be charge by the pound and that can make a huge difference. Converting your garage into a new space is easy with help from Junk King Minneapolis.

Don’t Get Crowded Out With Cardboard Boxes And Rubbish. Give It All To Junk King Minneapolis

How soon after moving into your new home did you think there wasn’t enough space? You might have thought that once you unpacked all your clothes into a bedroom closet and realized you needed at least two more closets. Maybe everything you kept in storage at your old garage has now spilled down into your basement. It’s very easy to get crowded out with cardboard boxes, rubbish and clutter. Perhaps it’s time to streamline all of that it’s by turning your unwanted stuff over to Junk King Minneapolis.


Junk King Minneapolis is a professional junk hauling service likes to move fast. How fast? If you call in the morning does a good chance your junk could be picked up by lunchtime. Junk King always leaves a little “buffer” room in their daily schedules to accommodate same day pickup. Most junk removal sessions are taken care of by the next day. Junk King Minneapolis knows that once you decide you want to get rid of something there’s no reason to waste a lot of time to make that happen.

Of course, if you need some extra time to sort through all the things you want to get rid of then you can schedule your appointment with Junk King Minneapolis on the weekend. This will probably be a big help especially if you are tackling closets. You want to carefully go through all the stuff you have stored there to make sure you are completely done with it. The same can be said for all the boxes you’ve got full of stuff in your garage, basement and attic. This type of decluttering might actually help you discover some things you forgot you put away. It would be great to put those on proud display as opposed to keeping them locked up. It’s also been to be great to get back a lot of storage space. Junk King Minneapolis can make that happen.

If you worried about cost, don’t be. Junk King Minneapolis offers affordable pricing that is based on volume and not weight. It’s a very fair approach for this type of service and one that you’re sure to appreciate and recommend to your friends. Cardboard boxes and rubbish shouldn’t overrun your home. Give all that junk to Junk King Minneapolis today.

Don’t Be Embarrassed By Your Junk. Get It Hauled Away Today

What is the longest you ever gone in between cutting your grass? Would it be several weeks? A couple of months? It’s easy to put this job aside especially when you have a busy schedule. However, when the grass grows taller than it has ever been you might feel embarrassed at having your neighbors see and unkempt lawn. Embarrassment is actually a great motivator with regard to getting work done around the house. This is especially true with the issue of junk removal. The good news is you don’t have to be embarrassed by the amount of junk and clutter you have in your home any longer. That’s because Junk King Minneapolis is standing by to help you get rid of all that unwanted rubbish.


The only work you’ll have to do when you hire Junk King Minneapolis is to decide what you want taken away. You’ve probably already got a good idea of the big things you want removed. But if you were to start going through your closets or spending time down in the basement or up in the attic you would probably find a lot more things you’d be happy to toss out. When the Junk King crew arrives for your scheduled appointment, you’re going to show them all those items. They don’t have to be moved into a single pile were taken out of the house. That is what your hiring Junk King for. When Junk King says they do all the work, they mean that literally.

That work also includes a responsible disposal policy. The Junk King crews have all been trained to sort through everything they collect. They know which items could be donated to a charity and which ones could be dropped off at a certified recycling center. This is an eco-friendly disposal policy that is helping Minneapolis stay green throughout the year! It’s also included in the junk removal package offered by Junk King Minneapolis.

When all that junk is cleared away, you’ll have a much better sense of your storage capabilities. It will be a lot easier to find and organize all the things you’re keeping. You might even discover a whole room that can be converted into a more productive space. Don’t let another week go by surrounded by junk. Give it all to Junk King Minneapolis today.

Minneapolis Junk Removal In 2014

In the category of superfund sites in Minnesota, there is good news and there is bad news. Superfund sites are those designated areas that are so heavily polluted that it requires massive amounts of funds from the federal government to handle the cleanup. The good news is that an impound lot west of downtown Minneapolis has just been removed from the superfund site list. This dump was added to the list back in 1986. Once it made the list, the efforts to clean it up kicked into gear. Now, the area no longer poses a threat to the environment. The bad news is that nine new superfund sites were added to the list. Fortunately, not all of these sites are in Minneapolis but it will still mean a massive amount of cleanup effort in the coming years.

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Junk King Minneapolis
7398 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Hours: M-F: 7A-4P, Sa: 7A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Minneapolis area, including:

Belle Plaine
Castle Rock
Crystal Bay
Eden Prairie
Golden Valley
Inver Grove Heights
St Paul
and these nearby zip codes:
55010, 55020, 55024, 55076, 55077, 55111, 55118, 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123, 55124, 55305, 55306, 55315, 55317, 55318, 55322, 55323, 55331, 55337, 55343, 55344, 55346, 55347, 55401, 55402, 55403, 55404, 55405, 55406, 55407, 55408, 55409, 55410, 55413, 55414, 55415, 55416, 55417, 55419, 55420, 55423, 55424, 55425, 55426, 55431, 55435, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55440, 55450, 55454, 55455, 55458, 55459, 55460, 55467, 55470, 55472, 55474, 55478, 55479, 55480, 55483, 55484, 55485, 55486, 55487, 55488, 56011