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Author Archives: Junk King

Tips for Preparing Your Home and Yard for the Fall and Winter


As summer comes to a close, many people in Dallas are feeling relief at seeing the temperatures drop out of the high 90s and low 100s. However, while you may be ready for fall and winter, your home and yard may not be. There are steps you need to take to make certain your home and yard are winterized, and some of these steps need to be taken before the fall begins. Even if you rent an apartment or condo, there are things you should do to make certain you’re ready for colder temperatures. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your home and yard for the fall and winter.


Make Sure Your Hoses and Sprinklers are Winterized


If temperatures drop below freezing, it can damage your sprinklers, garden hoses, and anything else with water in it. As it freezes, water expands, and that can lead to burst hoses and pipes. Before winter arrives, unhook all of your hoses from your outdoor faucets. Ideally, you’ll want to store them in the garage or shed just to make sure they don’t get damaged over the winter. However, you can leave them outdoors if you don’t have any other place to keep them. Just make sure they’re unhooked and that there’s no water in them.


It’s possible for sprinkler systems to freeze and burst, too, even though the lines are buried. To prevent this, you’ll want to shut off the water to your sprinkler system and turn off any automatic settings so it doesn’t try to turn on regularly. Open up the drain valves and drain out any water left in the system. Make sure the sprinkler heads have no water left in them by taking them off and draining them. You can reattach them once they’re dry. Once you’ve made certain there’s no water in the system, it’s ready for cold temperatures.

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Prepare Your Flowerbeds and Gardens


Fall is a great time to prune your trees and bushes. You want to make certain there are no branches hanging over your house or driveway. If Dallas is hit with a major ice storm, those branches could snap off and fall. If they’re large enough, they could go through your roof or severely damage your car. Even worse, they could hit the power lines that connect your home to the grid, leaving you without electricity. If you have an electric furnace, this would leave you without heat during an ice storm. 


Even if you don’t need to trim back any tree limbs, be sure to remove any dead ones. You may need to reach out to a tree specialist for this, especially if the limbs are located at the top of the tree.


To protect your flowers, you may want to put down mulch. Many people add mulch to their flowerbeds as soon as it starts getting cold, but this is something you actually don’t want to do too early. Experts recommend waiting until we’ve had the first frost of the year. Once that has occurred, put down mulch to keep the ground temperature stable for the rest of the winter. 


After you’ve trimmed branches, removed dead bushes, and made other changes to your yard, you can call Junk King Dallas to pick up all the debris. We will haul away limbs, bushes, and even entire trees if you need us to. 


Have Your Chimney Cleaned


If you have a fireplace and plan on using it this winter, you’ll need to have it cleaned before you use it. Both gas and wood-burning fireplaces need to be cleaned and inspected so that no carbon monoxide will build up in your home. A professional chimney sweep will check the flue, clean the chimney, and inspect it for damage. This cleaning will also reduce the risks of a fire occurring. 

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Clean Out the Shed


You’ve likely been in and out of your shed all summer, and that can leave it a little disorganized. Before winter hits, take the time to clean out your shed. Get rid of anything you don’t need, and organize everything else. If you don’t think you’ll need to mow your yard again, you can winterize your mower by adding a fuel stabilizer to the tank or, if it’s nearly out of fuel, simply run it to use up what’s left. 


If you’re going to need to get any winter tools such as your snow shovel or winter sports equipment you store in the shed, consider rearranging the space to put those items towards the front. This way, you won’t have to sort through gardening tools or pool toys to get to them. 


Once you have all the junk together that you need to get rid of, give Junk King a call. We will haul it all away as long as it isn’t hazardous. If you do have hazardous materials, you’ll need to reach out to a hazardous waste disposal professional. 


Clean Out the Garage, Too


Don’t forget your garage. You’ll want to clean it out, too, especially if you don’t currently have space to fit your vehicles in it. You will want to put your car in the garage when winter hits, especially during hailstorms. Being able to get to your car without going outside can also help prevent accidents such as slipping on an icy sidewalk. As with your shed, this is a good time to move things around. Put your summer items towards the back and bring up your winter equipment and holiday decorations. You may even want to put your summer gear in the basement or attic.


Of course, Junk King will take care of any trash you have in your garage. Whether it’s old shelving, bins of broken holiday décor, or a busted refrigerator you’ve been holding onto for years, we can handle it all. 

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Have Your HVAC Inspected and Repaired


Before it gets cold, you want to have your HVAC system inspected to make certain there’s nothing that needs repaired or cleaned. You may even want to consider getting an annual maintenance contract. This way, you know that your heating will be ready to go when you need it. During the winter, the experts who can make repairs or replace your system are often booked up weeks or even months in advance. You don’t want to go that long without heat, especially when temperatures are down in the single digits. 


Clean Out the Gutters


Have you cleaned your gutters recently? Many people put this chore off for as long as possible, but you should do it (or have it done) before winter hits. If your gutters are full, there’s no place for water to go. It could then overflow, which isn’t good for the exterior of your home. This can happen during the winter with snow. If a good amount of snow accumulates and then melts off, it can cause a good amount of water damage if your gutters aren’t able to carry the water off. You may even want to add downspout extensions to your gutter system to help keep water away from your foundation so you don’t end up with ice freezing around your home.


Clean Out Your Closets and Other Areas


Before fall and winter get here, go through your closets. Do all of your winter clothes still fit? If not, it may be time to get rid of them. The same is true if you find things you haven’t worn in over a year. You’ll want to make sure your coat and other winter gear fits well and is in good condition.


Doing a clean-out of your home before winter gets here is a good way of making sure you don’t end up with too much junk in your home. If you can’t park in the garage and don’t find much out there you can get rid of, you may need to move some of those items to the basement, attic, or even a spare bedroom. Cleaning out those spaces can help you find the space you need.


Junk King, of course, will take any old furniture, appliances, or other items you decide you want to get rid of. We’ll even come into the house and carry them out for you, so you don’t have to worry about trying to get bulky furniture through the door. We’ll do all the heavy lifting.


Call Junk King Dallas Today to Junk Pick Up


Got your garage, shed, and closets cleaned out? If you know what you want to get rid of, it’s time to call Junk King Dallas. We will haul away anything you have that isn’t hazardous so you aren’t trapped with a ton of junk over the winter. Even if you don’t get everything cleaned out now, don’t worry—we still pick up junk during the colder months. 

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Junk King Dallas now provides residential junk removal and commercial junk removal to the following areas in and around Dallas, Texas: Garland, Highland Park, Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sunnyvale, and Wylie.

To learn more or to get a free, no-obligation quote, give Junk King a call at 1-888-888-JUNK or text us at 1-737-888-5865. You can also use our online estimation tool or book an appointment through our website.

How Junk King Can Help Businesses Be Ready for Disasters

There are many different types of disasters that can hit businesses. While it’s impossible to have a plan in place for every single specific disaster, your business needs to have a basic disaster recovery plan that addresses the most common types of disasters that are likely to hit you. If you haven’t started putting this plan together, September is the perfect time. It’s National Preparedness Month.


FEMA created National Preparedness Month to help raise awareness of business disasters and the importance of being prepared for them. The theme for 2022’s National Preparedness Month is “A Lasting Legacy.” Business owners are building their legacy. The business you create will be passed on to your children, and if they continue to be dedicated to it, they will pass it on to their children and so on. Generations later, your business could still be going strong with your descendants at the helm. However, if you’re unprepared for disasters, your entire company could be wiped out.


Let’s take a look at disaster recovery and how Junk King Dallas can help you be better prepared to deal with them.

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

Why Do You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan?


Some business owners may believe they don’t need to be prepared for a disaster because they’ve handled plenty of what they consider disasters on their own. However, what they’re classifying as a disaster may not really be a business-ending event. Disaster Recovery Plans don’t deal with things like inventory shortage, employee shortage, a few leaks in the roof, or other, fairly minor issues. Instead, they’re focused on things like a hurricane destroying the store, a data breach stealing hundreds or thousands of customer credit card numbers, or the business losing access to all of its information in the cloud. 


If one of these disasters hits your business, do you have any idea what you would do? If you don’t have a plan, you may spend a day or more putting one together. While this does let you create a plan designed to deal with your unique disaster, it’s also a hastily formed plan that may include strategies that weren’t fully vetted or angles that weren’t covered. Your plan may get your business up and running again, but it may not be the most effective or efficient. It may also leave out items that become issues later.


With a disaster recovery plan, you don’t have to come up with anything on the spot. You may have to adjust the basic plan slightly to fully address your current situation, but you have the outline of a plan to follow. You know where to direct your employees if the office is inaccessible, where your data backups are stored, what agencies to contact if data was stolen, and more information at your fingertips. You shouldn’t have to do any extensive research, your company’s leadership team should know what’s going on, and your employees should know what’s expected of them during this uncertain time. 

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How Does Junk Removal Fit into this?


Junk Removal can fit into a disaster recovery plan in a few different ways. These plans look at the business as a whole, and that means looking at old stock, promotional materials, files, furniture, and everything else. Junk typically plans one of two parts when it comes to disasters.


It Causes Them

Junk could actually be the cause of a disaster such as a fire or a flood. If you have a lot of old stuff in front of a wall that has plumbing in it, you may not notice if a pipe in that wall breaks. Too much junk in the basement can cover water accumulating from a drip, while a lot of junk shoved under sinks can hide issues with the plumbing there. 


Fires can also start from junk. A lot of the junk that accumulates in offices is flammable. A single spark could set a whole box of old documents aflame, and that fire could quickly spread to other boxes. If you don’t have a sprinkler system in your office, the entire building could go up very quickly. 


Junk also provides a home for pests such as mice. These rodents could chew on electrical wiring, causing a fire. They will also chew up paper and other items before leaving behind droppings. For businesses that have to follow strict health codes such as restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, and other areas with food, this can cause you to be fined or even be forced to close until the problem is resolved. Keeping your space clear of junk will help reduce the risk of attracting rodents.

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You Have to Deal with Junk During the Clean Up

The second way junk impacts your disaster recovery plan is that you have to deal with it after the disaster. If this was something like an earthquake, tornado, or fire, you’ve got all this extra stuff you have to sort through while trying to find things you can recover. This makes extra work for you and your team during what is one of the most stressful times. 


Your insurance company is going to want to know what was in the building, so you’ll have to account for junk when taking inventory. If there’s any connection between what caused the disaster and the junk you were storing, it can cause issues with your claim. 


Where Does this Junk Come From?


It’s not always easy to see when junk starts to pile up or what will become a part of your junk pile. Most people throw away things that are obviously trash. However, with businesses, it’s not always that simple. You may have some old office furniture that could still be used, so you don’t want to get rid of it just in case you need it. It goes into the basement or storage room. It might sit in there for years, unused and unneeded. At some point, it becomes junk because when you do decide to use it, you’re likely to pull it out only to find that it’s not that great. It’s old, and while being in storage means it wasn’t in use, time still takes its toll. You may store something for years only to pull it out and immediately trash it because it doesn’t fit your needs.


Why keep it, then? All you’ve done is let it take up space that you could have used for something else. It can be tempting to keep stuff that still seems useful, especially if you’re a small business without an established income stream. However, keeping trash isn’t useful. If you want to hold on to items that you may need later, keep a list of what you’re storing and when you put it in storage. Evaluate these items regularly, and if you’ve kept something for a year without needing it, consider dumping it. 

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Junk and Your Disaster Recovery Plan


By regularly evaluating the things you’re storing and getting rid of stuff you know you don’t need, you’re actively reducing your risk of a fire or flood. You’ll still want to create a disaster recovery plan for those situations, of course, but you may not have to worry quite so much about those disasters occurring. 


Cleaning out junk regularly will also help reduce the amount of stuff you’ll have to deal with after a disaster. You can keep your inventory cleaner, and you’ll know exactly what you were storing and when it went into storage. 


Make Junk King Dallas a Part of Your Disaster Recovery Plan


Junk King Dallas can help you with disasters in two ways. First, we can haul off any junk or other items you don’t want to keep. By tracking what you have in storage and getting rid of items you no longer have any use for, you help keep your business space cleaner and more organized. We’ll come pick up all of that stuff as long as it isn’t classified as hazardous waste. This includes furniture, appliances, shelving, displays, and much more. All you have to do is call or text us for an estimate. You can use our online estimate tool as well, but it may not be able to price everything because it was designed for basic items. 

Junk King Dallas now provides residential junk removal and commercial junk removal to the following areas in and around Dallas, Texas: Garland, Highland Park, Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sunnyvale, and Wylie.

We can also help after a disaster by coming in and hauling away anything that’s been damaged. You won’t need us after some disasters—there’s not much we can do to help with a cyberattack, for example—but we can assist you in cleaning up after a fire, flood, or other natural disaster. We’ll load up anything you no longer need or that has been destroyed and haul it away so you can focus on rebuilding. 

Junk King Dallas believes in full transparency, so every estimate we provide will include all fees and other costs to you. Every estimate is free, and there is never any obligation to use our services. If you’d like to know more, give us a call at 1-888-888-JUNK, send us a text to 1-737-888-5865, or reach out to us online.

High Rise Living and Dealing with Junk

Living in a high-rise apartment complex or condo building is, for many, the height of luxury. These buildings provide unparalleled views of your surroundings, and the amenities that come with these homes are often beyond what you would find anywhere else. The apartments are finished with high-end finishes, a doorman is often available to ensure security, and many newer buildings even have restaurants and other businesses on the ground floor. 


But there are a few drawbacks to high-rise living. One of these has to do with your garbage. You’re often very limited with what you can throw away. While there may be a trash shoot or a large dumpster for residents, you don’t have the benefit of being able to put bulk trash out on the curb. You also don’t have the option of adding another shed to your backyard, which means you can’t hold on to anything you’re not going to use. If you’ve got some old furniture, appliances, or other large items to get rid of, what can you do? One solution is to call Junk King of North Texas. We haul away large items from homes, apartments, high rises, and any other location.

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What Are the Restrictions on Garbage at a High Rise?


Different high-rise buildings have different rules, but many of them do make it hard to dispose of large furniture and other items. If you lived in a house, the solution would be to put one or two items out for the city’s bulk trash pickup. However, that’s often not an option for those who live in apartments or condos. 


Even if your complex or building has a dumpster available for use by residents, there’s still the issue of space. Putting a large sectional sofa into a dumpster is very difficult. If your building has one of those small square dumpsters, it may not even fit. You would have to get each item up and over the top of the dumpster, and that can be dangerous. You could drop the furniture on top of you or easily hurt yourself trying to lift something heavy up that high. Don’t risk injuring yourself. The much easier solution is to look for a junk hauling service in North Texas.


Dealing with Junk Hauling Yourself is Difficult


There’s also the issue of even getting heavy, bulky items down to the dumpster. If you live on the ground floor, it may not be as bad, but if you’re up several stories, it’s more of a challenge. You have to get the item out of your apartment, down the hall to the elevator, and then down to the ground floor. Some items may not fit in the elevator, leaving you to try to get them down the stairs. The chances of hurting yourself or damaging the building increase with every additional step. If you’re older, live alone, or are in poor health, you may have no way of moving these heavy objects without help. 


If the junk you’re getting rid of doesn’t fit in the dumpster, you may have to haul it to the landfill yourself. However, this means you’ve got to have a truck or other vehicle that is large enough to hold the junk. You have to load everything into the truck, drive to the landfill, pay the fee to dump items, and then get them out of your truck. It’s a lot of work and, again, there are plenty of opportunities to injure yourself. 

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The Ideal Solution for High Rise Junk Removal: Junk King


Working with Junk King is the best way to get rid of any bulk garbage you have at your high rise or any other home. We’re professionals with years of experience handling junk removal. Whether you have one old refrigerator you need to dispose of or an entire home of junk, we can handle it. Here are some of the benefits to working with Junk King North Texas:


We Do the Heavy Lifting

One of the biggest benefits to using Junk King when you live in a high rise is that we will handle getting your items out of your home and down to our truck. You don’t have to move them to the ground floor or even out of your apartment. Just show us what you need us to take, and we’ll do the rest. Our team understands how to carefully move heavy, bulky items without hurting ourselves, plus we’re always very careful about our surroundings. We won’t damage the doorframes, floors, light fixtures, or anything else in your home or building. 


We Have all the Equipment Necessary


Junk King has a fleet of large trucks that can hold a lot of stuff, so don’t worry about having too much. We also have all the necessary equipment to get large items down to the truck quickly and safely. This includes dollies, furniture movers, two-person shoulder dollies, and much more. 


We Do More than Your Condo or Apartment

We do much more than just haul stuff out of your home. If you have a storage closet, locker, or other space in your high-rise, we can help you clean that out, too. Again, all you have to do is tell us what you want us to take, and we do the rest. For homeowners, we will haul junk out of garages, basements, attics, sheds, and other spaces. We’ll haul off cut-down trees, old hot tubs, dismantled decks, and other yard debris as well as DIY home remodeling


What Will Junk King Haul Away?


In fact, when it comes to hauling away stuff, there’s only one thing Junk King can’t deal with: hazardous materials. For the safety of our crew and anyone we may come in contact with, we have to leave the hazardous materials to professionals who have the correct equipment and knowledge to handle them. If you have something hazardous, we may be able to direct you to someone who can deal with it. Other than that, we cannot handle hazardous wastes in any way.


What we can handle, however, is most everything else. This includes large, heavy items such as old furniture and broken appliances. We deal with electronic waste, including broken televisions, computers, and cell phones. Junk King can haul away yard waste, DIY construction debris, and general garbage as well. We can help you clean out a hoarder house or a foreclosed-upon property, empty out rental properties for new tenants, and assist businesses with the debris that comes from remodeling or during a major clean-out. If you ever have any questions about what Junk King can take, just call and ask. 


We Donate and Recycle What We Can


Some people who call us do need to get rid of trash. They have broken appliances, old furniture that’s no longer usable, or other garbage. However, some people who call us simply need to get rid of things they no longer need or have room for. They may have purchased a new sofa, but the one they’re getting rid of is still usable. If you’re upgrading and need to get rid of something that’s not truly trash, Junk King can still help you.


When you have something that can be used by someone else, we will still get it out of your home and put it in our truck. However, we won’t take it to the dump. Instead, when we get back to our warehouse, we sort through everything in the truck. If there’s something that’s still usable, we will set it aside. Once we have sorted everything, we take what’s in good shape to one of the local organizations we work with. These organizations will take the items and get them into the hands of those who need them. Your old furniture could be used in a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, or go to someone who has escaped an abusive household. 


After we sort out the donatable items, we’re not ready to go to the landfill just yet. Next, we sort out everything that can be recycled. Metal, plastic, untreated wood, and any other materials are pulled out and sent off to a recycling center to be made into something new. We will even break down furniture and other larger items into their base materials if those materials can be recycled. 


Junk King’s goal is to reduce our impact on the environment as much as we possibly can. Only around a third of what we pick up actually goes to the dump, and we’re continually working to get that number even lower. 

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Contact Junk King North Texas Today for a Free Quote


Ready to get some of that old junk out of your high-rise apartment? Calling Junk King is the easiest solution, so don’t risk throwing your back out trying to get stuff to the elevator or down the stairs. With a quick call to 1-888-888-JUNK, we can provide you with a free, no-obligation quote. You can also text us information about what you need hauled away to 1-737-888-5865. Finally, you can also book online or use our online price estimator. No matter how you do it, Junk King is here to help you regain space in an affordable, quick way. We hope to hear from you soon!

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The Complete Guide To Junk Removal Services & How They Can Help Your Business

What is a Junk Removal Service?


Junk removal services are an arm of the waste industry. Junk King North Texas specializes in removing unwanted items of all types from homes and businesses. Unwanted items may include furniture, appliances, e-waste (televisions, computers, etc.), hot tubs, trash, construction site debris, garbage and yard waste, and more.


At first glance, hiring a junk removal service for your business may seem like an unnecessary expense. After all, you or your employees could do the job yourself. However, doing it yourself is going to cost you in the long run. 


When you take employees away from their regular jobs, you’re losing time and money. If you have to rent a truck, it will cost you even more. Loading a truck and hauling the trash to a landfill or recycling center and unloading it is work intensive and time-consuming. It also takes your employees away from work that only they can do. When your employees aren’t able to do their jobs, productivity plummets, and you lose money.

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

Throwing your old junk out on the curb may seem like an option, but how much do you want to bet that your local trash pickup will refuse to pick up what you throw out? Many city bulk waste services will only take a small number of items each time they pick up trash. There also tend to be restrictions on what you can put out for pickup.


Junk King North Texas is the most cost-effective solution. You and your employees are freed to do the work that your business requires while we care of the unpleasant task of removing unwanted items and disposing of them in a way that is both economical and environmentally responsible. If you add up all the time and money spent on dealing with your bulk trash yourself, you may be surprised at just how much you can save by using Junk King.


Why is Junk So Harmful to Your Business?

All businesses generate junk, some more than others. It’s not uncommon for business managers to stuff unwanted items in storage closets or corners of business space and worry about it later. But is that a good idea? Have you ever considered the negative aspects associated with avoiding the problem of how to get rid of junk? Not only is it unsightly, it can also be hazardous.


1. Physical Harm

Imagine what would happen if one of your employees tripped over a piece of old furniture you hadn’t thrown out and broke an arm or leg. You might have to find someone to fill in for that employee, and you might risk a lawsuit citing you with negligence. At the very least, you will have to deal with the paperwork that comes with a worker’s compensation insurance claim.


Dark, trash-filled areas can also be prone to dampness. Dampness is a breeding ground for mold and mildew, both of which are serious health hazards that can affect employee performance and create serious medical problems for employees with respiratory issues. Like physical injuries, this can lead to worker’s comp cases, lawsuits, and could even require costly mold remediation services. 


2. Fire Hazards

You have to consider the safety aspect associated with piling up old junk in storage closets or out-of-the-way corners of your business. Junk piled around heaters and light bulbs can ignite and start smoldering. Rats love piles of junk, and they love to gnaw on wires, so electric fires are also a concern.


Once a fire starts in a junk-filled enclosed space, it will spread quickly, especially if there are combustible items lying around. Evacuation can be difficult if pathways and exits are blocked by more junk.


3. Bugs and Other Pests

Pests love clutter and junk. Mice and rats will eat away at wiring and woodwork. Piles of debris make it easy for them to chew through walls and insulation. Roaches and other insects like the dark spaces in and around junk piles, and they can hide here for weeks or months without anyone seeing them.


If you allow junk to pile up, you will eventually have to contact a pest control professional in addition to Junk King. Even if you get rid of the pests, they will return until the source of the problem is addressed., All it takes is a quick call to Junk King, and you’ll never have to worry about rats, roaches, or other bugs making a home out of unwanted garbage. 


4. Damage to Property

Excessive piling up of junk can even threaten the structure of your business. When items are piled up in storage closets, basements, or even in various corners of your business, it can become impossible for technicians to work on electrical, HVAC, or plumbing for maintenance or repairs. When plumbing, wiring, and other systems have junk piled in front of them, it can be difficult to notice when problems occur. For example, a pipe could leak for days or weeks before anyone sees it.


5. Morale

Nobody likes to work in a cluttered and dirty environment. It jeopardizes morale and reduces productivity. Your employees are the backbone of your business. If they are stressed and distracted by junk and clutter, it will eventually affect your bottom line, and not in a good way.


6. Effect on Business

There’s an old expression that you never have a second chance to make a first impression. Never has this been more true than in business. Consider the effect clutter and piled-up junk has on your customers. If you don’t care enough about your business to keep its premises pristine, what does that say about the product or service you are trying to sell – and about you as a business person?


How to De-Clutter Your Office with Junk King

Many business owners mistakenly assume that junk removal services are only for large jobs that require the removal of many unwieldy items. This is not the case. While office de-cluttering can be a big headache for business owners who have put off getting rid of trash, it’s still an easy task for the professionals at Junk King. We can help you de-clutter your office and get rid of any debris for a remodel so you can concentrate on work.


Using a junk removal service like Junk King to help with de-cluttering is a great solution for business owners who are in over their heads when it comes to beginning the clean-up process. All you have to do is point to what you want us to get rid of and then get out of our way. Our team will have even the heaviest, bulkiest items out the door and in our truck in no time.

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We Also Recycle 


Most people are not experts when it comes to which items are recyclable and which items are not. If you’re thinking of handling a cleanup on your own, you will be tempted to haul everything to the local landfill instead of separating items you think might be recyclable. Junk King North Texas will take care of sorting recyclables for you. We have the means and expertise to remove all recyclable items from the trash we pick up and make sure they are disposed of correctly and in the most eco-friendly way possible. Every truck is sorted at our warehouse for recycling and donatable items at no extra charge. 

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Why Every Company Needs Junk King

What should you expect from a professional business junk removal service such as Junk King North Texas?


  1. Convenience. Why disrupt your business and take employees away from the jobs you hired them to do in order to dispose of your junk when you can hire us to do it for you? 


  1. Cost savings. If you and your employees are busy picking up, loading, hauling and unloading your company junk, that’s time you aren’t making money. When your employees finally get back to their actual jobs, they’ll probably be hot, tired, dirty, and resentful that you forced them into work that is nowhere in their job description. They may be behind on time-sensitive projects, which will make them even more resentful of you as the employer. 


  1. Safety. At first glance, hauling out old office furniture and equipment and picking up debris around your building may not seem like a safety issue. It can quickly become one if one of your employees falls, throws out their back, or is exposed to dangerous mold. You’ll be left short-handed and in danger of a lawsuit.


  1. Restoration of your environment. Instead of moving your junk from one storage spot to another in an effort to clean up, Junk King will safely and quickly remove all your unwanted items and dispose of them in the most economical and environmentally responsible way.


Your workspace will be returned to its former pristine condition, which will improve morale and increase productivity.


  1. Peace of mind. Once we’re finished hauling off all your garbage, you will no longer have to worry about safety issues, fire hazards, bugs and other pests, property damage, and low employee morale due to an uninviting workspace. This peace of mind may not have a price, but it can be invaluable to a business owner.

Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!

Contact Junk King Today


Junk King provides free written estimates for every job. We are fully insured and have all of the equipment needed to take care of any job. We offer a pickup time of your choice, guaranteed low prices, and a cost adjustment for any truck space you don’t use. You can also be assured that your debris is handled in a manner that is eco-friendly and environmentally responsible.


When you have a debris removal project, don’t make the mistake of interrupting your business by taking it on yourself. Leave it to the professionals to provide quick, efficient, courteous service at a price you can afford. You’ll be glad you did. 


To get rid of junk in the North Texas area, contact Junk King North Texas. We will provide a no-hassle solution for your junk removal without making a large dent in your budget. Call Junk King North Texas at 888-888 JUNK(5865) or if you prefer to text, you can do so at 737-888-5865.

Get Rid of Bathroom or Kitchen Demolition Junk With Our Experts

Bathroom fixture demolition and kitchen demolition are stressful home improvements that will wear on your nerves, create loud noise and leave a mess.  There will inevitably be junk left behind after your kitchen demolition or bathroom fixture demolition is complete.  The question is how to best eliminate that junk.  Junk King Dallas is here to get rid of the extra items remaining after this home improvement project.  Our team performs demolition clearouts in a quick, efficient, and tidy manner.

We Look Forward to Hauling Junk Away From Remodeling Messes

It is no secret that remodels and renovations are disorganized, chaotic and messy.  However, you don’t have to lift a finger to clean up the junk remaining after your kitchen demolition or bathroom fixture demolition but to contact Junk King Dallas by phone or on the web.  Our team is here to haul away all the extra items after the demolition, bringing out the best in your property and setting the stage for you to make a seamless transition to this new part of your home.

If you are like most homeowners, you are at least slightly hesitant to move forward with a kitchen demolition, bathroom fixture demolition or other home improvement project simply because doing to will make your home that much louder, messier and difficult to traverse.  However, the prospect of such a home improvement project will be that much more tolerable if you have the right junk hauling team on your side.  Junk King Dallas is that team.  We embrace the opportunity to haul away all the excess from the demolition.

Demolition Junk Hauling is Best Left to the Pros

There is no sense using your vehicle, energy and time to attempt to haul away all the excess from  your kitchen demolition or bathroom fixture demolition.  Even if you are self-reliant, you would find moving all the items to your vehicle or even a dumpster positioned outside of your home would chew up your limited time and energy.

There is no sense investing hours of your time bringing items out of the kitchen or bathroom to your vehicle, dumpster, trash cans or anywhere else when our team will work together to get the job done in a fraction of the time.  So don’t fall into the DIY trap of loading up all the demolition junk  on your own then unloading it at a landfill, recycling site or other area.  Instead, let Junk King Dallas do the work for you.

Check Out What Our Customers Have to Say

We closely analyze all the junk we pick up to determine which items provide utility.  Our team then transports the junk from your kitchen demolition or other home improvement project to:

  • A waste transfer station
  • Recycling center
  • Repurposing center
  • Other space for green removal

The end result is a considerable savings of time, money, energy fuel and frustration.  In short, we make it easy to transition from a kitchen demolition, bathroom demolition or other home improvement project to a clean and welcoming living space you are proud to call home.

The best part is our environmentally friendly mission ensures every last item we remove from your home will have its utility maximized.  In fact, we are nationally recognized for our green removal techniques that recycle 60% or even more of the items we haul away from local Dallas homes and businesses.  We accomplish this impressive feat by maintaining professional relationships with local Dallas recycling companies, non-profit groups and donation centers.

A Strategic Approach to Kitchen Demolitions

Whether your home is undergoing a kitchen demolition or bathroom demolition, you can rest easy when entrusting Junk Kings to perform the junk haul.  We remove items from demolition projects in a strategic manner.  Examples of items we remove include:

  • Packing crates
  • Building materials
  • Junk
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Other items

Our junk removal is performed with the utmost efficiency highlighted by a planned approach.  Instead of jumping right in, hauling away the first item we see, we take stock of the entirety of the debris and junk, generate a plan of action and execute that plan with efficient teamwork.

Our friendly junk haulers will be mindful of you, your family, your pets and your property during the junk removal process.  Engage our team in conversation and you’ll find our crew is cordial and customer-oriented.

We Tackle Demolition Projects Large and Small

Though demolition projects have the potential to be messy and loud, we aren’t intimidated.  In short, we don’t shy away from demolition junk hauls, even if they are massive in size. The extent of the demolition ultimately hinges on the specifics of the remodeling project.  Whether you are planning the full demolition of your kitchen or the demolition of a half bathroom, our team is up for the junk removal challenge.

We clear away debris, haul sundries and remove junk of other types, getting rid of all the construction waste that would otherwise get in your way and create quite the ugly eyesore.  The end result is a safe, cleaner and better work environment for the remodel to take shape.  Furthermore, our team is also here to perform removal at the end of the remodel project.

Junk King Removes Construction Waste of Nearly Every Type

As long as your construction waste does not pose a threat to the health and safety of our junk haulers, we will gladly haul it away.  In general, we haul everything that is non-hazardous and non-toxic.  If you are unsure if the item(s) you need hauled are within the scope of our service, contact us to find out if our team can remove them from your home, business or other space.

Our team hauls all sorts of different materials and debris from construction sites, demo sites and remodels.  Examples of materials we haul away include:

  • Wood
  • Drywall
  • Tiling
  • Steel
  • Rubble
  • Concrete

We can also return toward the end of the remodel project to transport any remaining items away, ensuring you get the most out of your new space right away.

Convenient Demolition Junk Hauls

If you are on the fence as to whether you want to invite yet another group into your home, give Junk King a chance and you won’t be disappointed.  We do everything possible to make demolition junk removal as easy and quick as possible.  We sweat all the small stuff of kitchen demolition and bathroom fixture demolition junk hauling so you don’t have to.

Our team removes and hauls away the junk remaining from your demolition project with the manpower, equipment and trucks necessary to get the job done quickly.  Our team calls ahead 15-30 minutes prior to arrival to let you know we are on our way.  In fact, we even provide no-cost estimates determined by the amount of space the items will occupy in our trucks.

Contact Junk King Dallas Today

If you are in the midst of a bathroom or kitchen demolition or planning a remodel/renovation, don’t attempt to remove all the excess on your own.  Junk King Dallas is here to help complete your bathroom fixture demolition by eliminating the extra items, sundries and junk on your behalf.  Give us a call today at (214) 865-6533 to find out more about Junk King Dallas and schedule service at your home or other location.

Highrise Living and Redecorating – Avoid the Headaches!

Living in a highrise has a lot of perks. You have access to breathtaking views and you’re probably within walking distance of beautiful parks, restaurants, and lots of entertainment venues. What’s not to love?

While everything about is true, one hurdle that some people face with highrise living is figuring out how to navigate furniture removal, appliance removal, mattress removal, demolitions and remodelings. That’s where Junk King comes in.


Junk King Dallas offers full-service junk removal. You’ll only pay for the actual space/volume in the truck that your junk removal requires, and you can expect both a free upfront price estimate and a low-price guarantee.

Below is a list of some of the items included in full-service junk removal.

  • Couches
  • Sofas
  • Sofa beds
  • Mattresses
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Bookcases
  • Air conditioners
  • Refrigerators
  • Microwaves
  • Dishwashers
  • Vacuums
  • Computers
  • Monitors
  • Printers

Let the experienced and insured employees at Junk King help with your next highrise furniture removal or appliance removal. Junk King can handle the removal, transportation, and eco-friendly disposal of all kinds of furniture, appliances, and even electronic waste.

Highrise Garbage Disposal – Practical and Eco-friendly Solution  

Some highrise complexes in Dallas-Fort Worth have industrial chutes. An industrial chute can be a convenient option if your building has already invested in one. Typically, an industrial chute installed into a highrise will be connected to a dumpster in an isolated area on the ground level.

One issue with chutes installed into highrises is that – for all their apparent convenience for highrise residents – they usually aren’t the most eco-friendly. The contents that wind up in the dumpsters usually wind up going to a nearby dump (solid waste disposal facility).

North America’s ‘Greenest’ Junk Removal Company 

At Junk King, we operate differently. Junk King is North America’s ‘greenest’ junk removal company and at Junk King Dallas we do our best to recycle, reuse, or donate at least 60 percent of every residential junk haul. Junk King can also handle big hauls like highrise kitchen demolitions and bathroom fixture demolitions.


These projects can generate more junk than can traditionally be thrown down an industrial chute attached to a highrise. Another factor is the amount of reusable scrap metal that’s generated by something like a kitchen remodeling in a highrise. Fixtures and appliances can contain steel, aluminum, and copper, which are all eligible for recycling.

Huge Items to Kick to the Curb? No Problem! 

Junk King takes mattresses, large appliances like washers and dryers, televisions, microwaves, desks, and multi-piece sofa units. Clearly, all of these can’t – or at least shouldn’t – go down industrial chutes attached to highrise complexes. These are bulky items that need to be responsibly disposed of.

Just to take one example, people are told to replace their mattress every eight years. Based on the numbers, they appear to be following this advice, since Americans get rid of 18 million mattresses a year. The problem is that this creates a lot of waste in landfills and mattresses can be recycled.

Mattresses can take decades to decay in a landfill, where they could eventually pollute the local Dallas ground water, air, and soil. The issue is that about 90 percent of mattresses are recyclable – the steel inner springs, inner foam, and linens can all be processed and recycled at a facility to make, for instance, new steel products or carpeting.


Scheduling an appointment with Junk King Dallas enables you to get rid of these bulky items in an eco-responsible way. With Junk King you can schedule regular junk removal pickup, roll-off curbside dumpster rentals for remodeling projects, or full-service junk removal (see above). Junk King offers touchless, no-contact junk removal all year round for safety and convenience.

Moving a huge couch or an appliance like a 300-pound refrigerator down dozens of flights of stairs is frankly a non-starter for many people. Even if they can somehow manage the feat, there’s still the issue of transportation to a solid waste disposal facility or recycling center for further processing. All of this means having a large vehicle for the job, as well. The manpower, gas, time, and energy of such an undertaking adds up.

Extremely Convenient for Dallas Highrise Residents 

Remember that at Junk King you’ll only pay for the space inside the truck that your junk actually requires. Because Junk King’s trucks are now 20 percent larger, this means that at Junk King Dallas we can make fewer stops and pass the savings on to local customers. If you’re a highrise resident in any of the following areas in Dallas and need timely and convenient junk removal, then reach out to us today.

  • Balch Springs
  • Cedar Hill
  • Dallas
  • Fate
  • Ferris
  • Forney
  • Garland
  • Grapevine
  • Hutchins
  • Josephine
  • Mesquite
  • Plano
  • Princeton
  • Red Oak
  • Richardson
  • Rockwall
  • Rowlett
  • Royse City

Junk King Dallas takes virtually any type of residential waste, except for hazardous waste. This means that Junk King Dallas can help you haul away appliances, furniture, as well as all of the waste generated from remodelings and demolitions.

Tearing apart cabinets, flooring, and tiling in kitchens and bathrooms can generate literally hundreds or thousands of pounds of waste. Depending on your highrise complex, it is probably not feasible that this waste can go down a chute or be quickly dragged down flights of stairs without wasting a lot of your time and energy.

Junk King Dallas is particularly convenient for bathroom demolitions and kitchen demolitions because of our huge trucks and experienced, insured workforce. There are also a lot of ways to get a price estimate, including the online pricing estimator or free on-site estimate guaranteed to be lower than valid competitor’s offers.

Junk King and Commercial Junk Removal 

Junk King Dallas also helps property managers, as well. If you’re managing a highrise, then Junk King can offer dumpster rentals, regular trash pickup, and a variety of cleanouts (see below) as part of its comprehensive commercial junk removal services. Junk King offers:

All of Junk King’s employees are fully insured and experienced for peace of mind. Junk King Dallas offers business accounts for easy payments, which is ideal for scheduling regular trash pickup. Because Junk King Dallas can marshall adequate resources for any job, large cleanouts and construction debris removal are not a problem.

Ways to Get an Estimate and Set Up an Appointment 

You can contact Junk King online and potentially save $20 when you do so. Calling 1-888-888-5865 (JUNK) or texting 1-737-888-5865 for an estimate are both popular options. Simply take a picture of the items or rooms you need to be cleared out in your highrise and Junk King will provide an estimate.

After you set up an appointment time, the driver will give you a call when about 15-30 minutes out. From there, you will be given a free, on-site estimate and, if you agree on a price, in the vast majority of cases the junk haulers from Junk King Dallas will get to work that day. With trucks that are 20 percent larger than competitors’ vehicles, you can expect serious savings and same-day service.

Junk King has a 9.8/10 rating based on over 80,000 satisfied customer reviews. Junk King Dallas is here to remove the headaches from highrise junk removal and remodelings. Schedule an appointment with Junk King Dallas today online or by phone.

Get Rid of Old Appliances with Junk King

If you have some old appliances sitting around your home and gathering dust, Junk King can help you haul it away and free up space. We understand that getting rid of old appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, and washing machines can be daunting. Besides being notoriously hard to pick up and move, you’ll struggle to figure out where to bring your old appliances once you load them in the truck.

Junk King provides efficient, safe, and eco-friendly appliance removal services, so you don’t need to grapple with the pick-up or disposal of these old items. More importantly, we make sure your old appliances end up in the appropriate place. If the appliances are still functioning, we can take them to a charity for donation, but if they’re dysfunctional, we’ll take them to a recycling facility for eco-friendly disposal.

What is Old Appliance Disposal?

When you contact Junk King for old appliance removal, we’ll show up at your home and issue you with a free estimate based on how much space your junk takes up in our truck. You’ll only point at the old appliances you want us to remove, and we haul them into our junk removal truck, with no hidden fees. We remove almost all kinds of appliances, including:

  • Beverage/Wine Chillers
  • Air Conditioners
  • Garbage Disposals
  • Heaters
  • Dishwashers
  • Dryers
  • Mini-Fridges
  • Ovens/Wall Ovens
  • Lawnmowers
  • Microwaves
  • Stoves/Ranges/Cooktops
  • Trash Compactors
  • Refrigerators/Freezers
  • Washing Machines/Dryers
  • Vacuums
  • Water Heaters

Essentially, our appliance removal service involves finding new life for your old appliances or their parts. For example, if you have an old washer or dryer that you’ve used just for a few years and it’s still in proper working condition, we can almost always find a home for it.
And since most large appliances are heavy and bulky for one person to lift, our team at Junk King can make the process seamless. Our crew has proper training and equipment to get the job done quickly and more efficiently.

How To Get Rid of Old Appliances

Appliance removal involves getting your old appliances off your property and looking for a new life for them. However, most appliances contain dangerous substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or foam insulation. Older generation appliances may also contain poisonous chemical components such as mercury. That is why you shouldn’t disassemble your old appliances or dispose of them in landfills.
Here are some ways you can get rid of your junk appliances:

Organize a Yard Sale

If your old appliance is still in proper working condition, you can find someone willing to give it a new home. Besides online sites such as Craigslist, you can organize a yard sale to get rid of your old appliances and recoup some of the costs of your investment.

Donate to Charity

Donating is always a great way to find a new home for your old but functional appliances. Most nonprofit groups are willing to accept appliances as long as they’re functioning. Ensure you get a receipt that you can use to get a tax deduction.

Scrap them

Scraping old appliances is another option that can help you get rid of your old appliances and make some bucks in the process. Some local used appliance or scrap metal dealers can dismantle old appliances and recover some recyclable materials.

How Junk King Handles Old Appliance Removal

By letting Junk King handle your old appliance removal, you’ll avoid the hassle of hiring a truck, hauling the appliances off your property, and having to coordinate with the local disposal center to figure out when and where you can drop off your appliance.
More importantly, Junk King ensures your old appliances are properly recycled or disposed of in accordance with your local and state guidelines. Besides, you won’t have to worry about the rule of law or other regulatory requirements when getting rid of your old appliances. We make old appliance removal easy by taking care of every aspect of the process.
All you have to do is point us in the right direction, and we’ll handle everything else, from hauling away the bulky items to recycling and eco-friendly disposal. Our services also extend to yard waste removal and furniture removal. In fact, we take just about everything except hazardous substances.

Efficient Small Appliance Removal and Disposal

Besides large appliances like fridges, freezers, and air conditioning systems, Junk King also gets rid of small appliances. Did you know that you can’t throw your old coffee grinder or microwave in the garbage? Small appliances are usually made up of metal, glass, plastic, and electronic components, which can be detrimental to the environment when disposed of in a landfill. For instance, these items can release toxic gases and other harmful substances into the air or contaminate the soil and water supply. Therefore, those smaller appliances must be disposed of appropriately.
If your small appliances are still in good working condition, we’ll donate them to a nonprofit organization, where they can find a new home. But if they’re broken down and dysfunctional, we’ll take them to a recycling plant. Many localities mandate that tiny appliances be recycled, but even without such laws, Junk King always strives to dispose of small appliances in an eco-friendly manner.

Get Hassle-Free Appliance Removal with Junk King

Don’t risk injury or damage to your property trying to haul away that old appliance yourself. One wrong move could result in serious injuries or damage to your floor. Let Junk King Professionals do all the heavy lifting for you as you focus on more important things. Our junk hauling crews are specially trained to handle those large, bulky appliances safely and navigate narrow corridors or flights of stairs.
When you hire us for old appliance removal, we’ll pick up, haul, and get rid of the items without you having to lift a finger. We also ensure safe, efficient, and eco-friendly junk removal by recycling as much as we possibly can from your junk. Our firm is committed to safeguarding the planet for future generations. Contact us today for all your old appliance removal needs.

Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle


How Dallas Realtors Get Rental Properties Ready to Rent

Realtors can face a lot of challenges when transitioning rental units between tenants. In most cases, tenants leave behind lots of unwanted items and junk. Instead of enduring the headache of figuring out how to make the junk disappear, let the experts at Junk King make it happen. Our team can save the day with professional junk removal services for your apartment or rental home.



We’ll provide a simple cost estimate based on the amount of space your junk occupies in our truck. You only need to point to the junk, and we’ll haul it away, making your property ready for the next tenant. So, if you have a junk-filled property on your hands, you can count on Junk King Professionals to turn the daunting task into a simple, seamless solution.

Who Does Rental Property Clean Out in Dallas?

Rental property cleanout involves hauling away junk from rental homes, apartments, or commercial properties. Before realtors sell or rent a property, the existing junk has to go. At Junk King, we have the tools, trucks, and experts to get the job done fast and efficiently, saving you significant time and energy.

With our eco-friendly commitment to safe junk disposal and a straightforward estimate, we stand as your best choice for rental property cleanout services. When tenants leave trash and large furniture behind, we can help you prepare the property quickly for leasing. Our team can speed up your turnaround time by completely cleaning out your rental property within a few hours.

How to Make Rental Property Clean Outs Seamless

If your last tenant left a house or office space filled with old furniture, electronics, appliances, supplies, and other discarded junk, Junk King’s property cleanout services can take care of the issue so you can lease the space faster. Rental property trash often includes old computers, electronic waste, and vast amounts of recyclable paper and metal.

Junk King typically recycles and donates more junk than any other junk hauling service in the country! We can help you save money in the long run, thanks to our guaranteed low price and fast service. Besides, you will spend less on operating costs and improve your occupancy rates. Here are other ways Junk King makes rental property cleanout seamless for realtors:

Efficient Trash and Yard Debris Removal

At Junk King, we offer rental property cleanout services in all shapes and sizes. When you schedule your rental property cleanout with us, we take care of everything, including attic cleanouts, emptying rooms, construction trash pick-up, and yard debris collection and disposal. Besides, you can expect better service, lower prices, and eco-friendly practices you can feel good about.

Bigger Trucks

Efficient Clean Out Services for Apartment Units

Very few tenants often leave their apartment units completely empty. Many of them leave behind old furniture, mattresses, electronics, and enormous amounts of junk. When you’re preparing a unit for the next tenant, Junk King provides fast, affordable, and simple solutions for junk removal services.

Our crew knows how to handle large and bulky items down staircases and through hallways. We can clean out your entire apartment quickly and efficiently. It’s advisable to schedule your junk removal services before the beginning of the next lease so we can show up for the appointment and start hauling junk away immediately.

Reliable Junk Removal for Rental Homes

Junk King also provides efficient cleanout services for rental homes, duplexes, triplexes, vacation properties, and other leased properties. So, if your previous tenants filled up your rental home with large amounts of old furniture and belongings, Junk King’s junk removal services can come in handy.

We have the skills and experience to handle appliances, furniture, e-waste, and more. Let out team whip that rental into shape with quick and professional junk removal services. Besides tenant cleanouts, we also provide eco-friendly disposal and recycling for all eligible debris, diverting waste from landfills and maintaining a greener environment. Junk King has high-capacity trucks and skilled teams to complete your rental property cleanout fast and with fewer loads than the competitors.

Fully Trained Professional Junk Removers

When you hire Junk King for your rental property cleanout, our skilled and insured team shows up in full uniform and branded truck, ready to haul away the trash from your property for disposal. Every crew member has the skills and equipment to handle even the most sophisticated items without damaging your property. Our junk removal company is fully licensed and insured to ensure safety for you and your properties. That’s why many realtors, landlords, and property managers trust us with all rental property cleanout services. Moreover, our rental property cleanout services go hand in hand with junk and debris removal, trash hauling, furniture removal, and carpet removal.

Eco-friendly Disposal and Recycling for All Kinds of Junk

Junk King hauls all kinds of items except hazardous waste. Don’t be afraid to call us in for those tricky items like old washing machines, broken furniture, or even renovation debris. Our team knows how to make everything disappear and provides simple pricing based on how much space the junk takes up in our truck.

More importantly, we put emphasis on eco-friendly junk removal and disposal. We’ll safely deliver all recyclable materials from paper trash, metal, and electronics to nearby recycling facilities. We also work with local organizations to donate any usable items such as clothes and furniture. As a result, Junk King can help you avoid the landfill through green solutions.

Book Your Rental Property Clean Out with Junk King!

Junk King provides exceptional Rental Property Cleanout Services to help realtors prep their properties quickly for the next tenant. When you contact us for rental property cleanout, we provide you with an instant free estimate for your project, ensuring there won’t be any surprise charges. Moreover, we offer convenient scheduling and same-day or next-day rental property cleanout service. That means we can get your junk out in as little as 24 hours after your initial consultation with us. Once our uniformed junk haulers arrive at your property, we can complete your rental property cleanout in a matter of hours based on the scope of work. Get in touch with us today to schedule your consultation!
Ready To Book? Click & Save $20!

Eviction Clean Out For Dallas Property Managers

Property managers initiate evictions against tenants for different reasons, including failure to pay rent and breach of lease related issues. Regardless of the reason for the eviction, many tenants are likely to react negatively when they discover that eviction has been initiated against them, or leave in a hurry and abandoning furniture and other personal items. Whether a tenant behaves destructively or decides to leave behind junk or unwanted trash, it’ll be the duty of the landlord or property manager to handle the cleanout project after the eviction.

At Junk King, we have years of experience and the right junk removal team and trucks to help you get rid of the unwanted trash on your property and prepare it for the next tenant. Our services are not only eco-friendly but also safe and efficient enough to ensure the removal process is stress free and hands off for you. Moreover, we’ll indirectly help you contribute towards minimizing the world’s carbon footprint by recycling more than 60 percent of all the junk we remove and haul away.

Spring Cleaning Guide

How Junk King Dallas Makes The Eviction Clean Out Process Easier

Here are some ways Junk King Dallas makes eviction cleanout seamless and cost-effective for property managers:

Saving You Valuable Time

As a property manager, you don’t want the property to sit idle for several days or weeks without generating an income. You also don’t want to waste a lot of time handling the bulk trash on your own! Your quick and easy solution is working with experienced junk removal experts from a reliable junk removal service provider. If your rental property is filled with the trash left behind by the tenants that you just evicted, now is the time to get the clean out process started.

Junk King has a team of trained experts who will help you get rid of the trash in no time and ensure that the property is ready for a new tenant. You have enough on your plate, you don’t have the time to remove the trash if you’re busy with the core property management tasks such as advertising the vacant property, screening potential tenants, contacting contractors for the remodel, and preparing for viewings. So, why not save your valuable time by hiring junk removal experts?

A Wide Range of Trash Pickup Services

With so much on your plate already and the fact that some items may be too large, you’ll need the help of experienced junk removal specialists. In the wake of an eviction, you’ll never know what the displaced tenant decided to abandon! If you’re lucky, you’ll only be handling a small assortment of items. Otherwise, you may find yourself dealing with a wide range of junk that ought to be disposed of in a specific way.

Don’t send your handyman for such a big job. Avoid wasting time or incurring costly personal injury claims down the road, contact the Junk King junk removal experts in Dallas. We have the workforce to handle a wide range of items, including old furniture, appliances, and electronics.

We Handle Heavier Items

Our experts are not choosy when it comes to the sizes of junk that we can handle. In most cases, your local municipal junk removal services will not touch very heavy or large items. Besides, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to pack and haul cumbersome items to their intended destination. The entire process will eat into your valuable time and put a strain on your body.

There is also a chance that you might injure yourself or cause some costly damage to your property if you don’t handle the process with extreme care. Fortunately, our junk removal experts have the right equipment and years of experience in handling heavier items that give you headaches, such as sofas, washing machines, and freezers.

We Work Around Your Schedule

Do you need office clean out services, but not have time to close down operations for the day? We can help! Our team is happy to offer Dallas area businesses after-hours office clean out services. Why slow down production when you can call in the overnight office clean out experts!

We’re Efficient

Junk King is known for its very efficient service delivery throughout North America. Obviously, we can’t emphasize enough how time is of the essence when it comes to having your property occupied as soon as possible. As a property manager, you might lose a lot of revenue if the property is not occupied for several months.

In other words, a vacant residential or commercial property is like a worthless building. We’ll efficiently help you clear all the trash sitting on your property on time and allow you to put it back on the market almost immediately.

Affordable Pricing

In the junk removal industry, a majority of service providers tend to overcharge their clients through hidden costs and unpredictable fees. In fact, when a customer is uncertain about what to expect, it becomes difficult for them to plan ahead, which can throw off a commercial property manager or landlord’s revenue-earning operations. With Junk King Dallas, you can rest assured that you’ll only be paying for the amount of space your trash takes up in our trucks.

You don’t have to worry about paying extra fees for larger items that are slightly difficult to carry and haul away. Our previous customers love to come back to us because they were satisfied with our pricing plans and top notch customer care. We also get numerous referrals through our past customers due to our affordable costs. Therefore, you can have peace of mind knowing that everything will be handled affordably.

Try Our Online Pricing Estimator! 

Focus on Eco-friendly Services

We’re always focused on ensuring that 60 percent of all the junk that pick from our customers’ properties is recycled before we dispose of the rest. By doing so, we reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Most consumers always admire companies that embrace eco-friendly policies because they contribute to reducing the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, this has become a law requirement nowadays in some jurisdictions.

Read more about our eco-friendly practices here! 


Schedule Your Eviction Cleanout Service with Junk King!

Eviction cleanouts can be overwhelming to property managers. This is mainly because most of the tenants who receive evictions get agitated by the action and, as a result, end up being destructive or reckless when moving out. They can abandon more junk behind, making it difficult to put your property back on the market as soon as possible.

Instead of wasting a lot of time trying to get rid of the junk by yourself, it’s best to hire the services of professional junk removal service providers like Junk King to help you out professionally. Junk King is a household name in North America when it comes to efficient and eco-friendly junk removal processes. If you need help in getting rid of any type of junk left behind by an evicted tenant, contact us today for more information on how to get started.
Heavy Lifting, Without Moving A Muscle

Turn Your Junk Overflow Room into a Guest Room


When unused junk occupies an entire room, it robs you of space that could be used more efficiently.

Homeowners have a multitude of reasons to convert a junk storage room into something more resourceful like a guest room. Families that already have guest rooms might consider options such as a recreation or fitness room. Here are steps you can take to eliminate junk and replace it with furniture as a spare room for visitors. 

Plan Space for a New Guest Room

There are endless creative ideas for planning a new guest room, which adds excitement and utility to your home. It doesn’t have to just have one purpose, as you can make it a family room when you don’t have guests staying over. Ask yourself if you need a complete or partial clean-out.

Will You Need to Remove Construction Waste?

One question to ask is whether you should remodel the storage space so that it has a traditional, modern or unique appearance. You may decide just to haul out the junk and adapt the space using the existing structure. If you end up spending money on a construction project, you’ll need to dispose of waste on a regular basis.

Construction waste can build up quickly for home renovation projects. The higher debris stacks up, the more risk you face of someone getting injured by slipping and falling on dangerous objects. So the responsible thing to do is remove the junk regularly to avoid a massive pileup.

Junk King is a team of seasoned junk removal experts who look for innovative ways to re-purpose junk. In other words, we don’t view construction waste as worthless trash. In fact, much of it is in demand by recyclers who thrive on turning old materials into new products.

Consider Sustainable Solutions

A major reason why Junk King is in business is to encourage citizens and businesses to take a deeper interest in sustainability. Not only is sustainability a leading topic for modern investors in the financial world, it’s become a growing economic and environmental issue with homeowners and renters. You will contribute to a greener community by thinking in terms of reducing waste while improving quality of life.

Think About Safety and Durability

Our vision is to remove old items and recycle them as much as possible instead of sending them to a landfill. As you plan for a layout of furniture for a new guest room, consider eco-friendly materials that won’t need to be replaced for a long time. If you prefer trendy products, try to sell or donate old belongings when you decide to replace them.

Your new guest room will need a bed or couch to go along with dressers and other furniture. Consider buying used items that are still in good shape or products made from recycled materials. The goals of home renovation sustainability include using the following:

  • – Materials that don’t contain hazardous substances
  • – Furniture that doesn’t create clutter
  • – Bedding and chairs that enhance comfort and wellness
  • – Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
  • – Smart technology such as a remote-controlled thermostat

One of the reasons so many people have back pain is they sleep on an uncomfortable bed. Maybe it felt good in the beginning, but after years of wear and tear it needs to be refurbished or replaced. You can sell the bed to a furniture store that buys used items then invest in something more relaxing.

Getting a good night’s sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. So everything traces back to sustainability as a central theme and worthwhile priority. Before you think about storing new furniture in an already crowded storage room, talk with Junk King experts about your clean-out plan.

Hire Junk King Experts for a Clean-out

Some homeowners try to cut costs by doing their own junk removal, only to discover it’s much more complicated than they thought. Not only are there federal, state and local waste disposal laws to consider, you need to come up with a logistics plan for hauling away junk. Do you own a big truck and if so, are you willing to make several trips to the dump or recycling center?

How Junk King Makes Clean-outs Simple

You can simplify the entire process of junk removal by hiring Junk King, which is an industry leader in sustainable solutions. We have operations all over North America designed to make junk removal seamless and convenient for businesses and homeowners.

First let us know your plan and timeline when you want junk removed. We’ll visit and examine your home to assess the volume of truck space needed to empty your room. It will also help us determine how many hauling experts we should bring to ensure a safe and timely clean-out.

People commonly have difficulties removing heavy items like refrigerators, washers and dryers. Our team is experienced with hauling even larger items including old flooring. Every project we do presents new challenges, so we are used to crafting customized solutions for everyone who hires us.

We Recycle and purpose Junk for You

Even though most people are on board with going more green, not everyone has the time to plan a junk removal project on their own. If your storage room is full of heavy appliances or equipment, it could take you days to remove all of it on your own. We look for efficient ways to remove junk that doesn’t waste time because we’re aware your time is valuable.

While our main line of business is junk removal, we also partner with recycling centers and donation centers who make it possible to transform old junk into useful new products. Used steel and other metals are particularly in demand among manufacturers that cut costs by investing in recycled materials.

If a recycling center doesn’t accept junk we collect, we still go the extra step and try to re-purpose the item. We might donate it to a charity or let our team members figure out how to transform the junk into something new and useful. An old bed can be converted into many different things that the common person never thinks about.

Although sustainable solutions are on the rise and steadily gaining adoption, many people have more immediate responsibilities with their family and friends. In that sense, adding a new guest room to your home is your way of improving your quality of life, which is what Junk King Dallas is all about.

Get Help Clearing Waste

Planning a new guest room in your home can bring new opportunities. You might need to help a loved one in a time of need. Or you might rent the room to a guest you want to see more often. We are ready to help make your goal happen by clearing out unwanted possessions. Contact Junk King for junk removal services to create new space for your new guest room.

Junk King Dallas
13659 Jupiter Rd. Suite 208
Dallas, TX 75238
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas area, including:

Balch Springs
Red Oak
Royse City
and these nearby zip codes:
75030, 75032, 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044, 75045, 75046, 75047, 75048, 75049, 75087, 75088, 75089, 75125, 75126, 75132, 75141, 75149, 75150, 75154, 75159, 75164, 75172, 75180, 75181, 75182, 75185, 75187, 75189, 75201, 75202, 75204, 75205, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75221, 75222, 75223, 75225, 75226, 75227, 75228, 75230, 75231, 75238, 75242, 75243, 75246, 75250, 75251, 75253, 75262, 75263, 75264, 75265, 75266, 75267, 75270, 75275, 75277, 75283, 75284, 75285, 75303, 75312, 75313, 75315, 75320, 75326, 75355, 75357, 75359, 75360, 75367, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 75382, 75389, 75391, 75393, 75394, 75397, 75407