Junk King Dallas Mid Cities

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Tag Archives: rubbish

Ways To Take the Stress Out Of Becoming A Landlord

Being a landlord doesn’t have to be all that stressful. The key is finding a good tenant. It also helps to maintain the property so you’re not looking at constant repairs or complaints. There are some steps you can take to ensure your time is a landlord isn’t stressful. Here’s what you can do:


Establish a Late Policy

You should have a late fee policy written into your lease agreement. This can be a charge for overdue rent but you need to specify what you defined as overdue. Does the tenant have 24 hours from the first to pay the rent? Is it due on the first or the fifth? And how will that late fee be charged? The thing about a late fee is that it needs to be enforced. The minute you “let it go” is when you lose respect from your renter. They know your pushover. Don’t let that happen.

Don’t Rent To Family Or Friends

Much like lending money to family or friends can spell trouble the same can be said for renting an apartment to them. You don’t ever want to fall into the trap of letting things slide because “they are family.” That’s true for upkeep and for rent. You may have the most loyal and trustworthy family and friends around but don’t put that to the test.

Have an Enforceable Lease

Everything about your rental property should be spelled out in the lease that will be signed by your future tenant. This needs to be an enforceable lease. In other words, you can put things in there that go against city ordinances. That’s why you want to make sure your lease is checked by an experienced attorney before you put it to use.

Get the Right Insurance Policy

Setting up an insurance policy for your rental property is no time to cut corners. You want to get the maximum amount of rental insurance, property liability insurance and any other type of insurance that’s required by Dallas or the state of Texas. You could build in the fees for your insurance as part of your rent payments. That works best when you have multiple tenants.

Hire Professionals For Extra Help

A great stress reducer as a landlord is to bring in professional help. You can hire all your maintenance workers. That includes bring in Junk King Dallas Mid Cities for all your junk removal needs. When a tenant moves out there might be a lot of rubbish left behind. The two-man crew from Junk King will quickly load up all that stuff regardless of size or weight. One call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities can make sure your rental property is clear and ready to get back on the market.

Stay Organized Around The House With These Helpful Hints

When you get into the habit of organizing your house, things just fall into place. There is a lot less running around in the morning and it is much more relaxing in the evening. Although many of these helpful hints work best with a family, even if you are living on your own you’ll find them to be a game changer. This is what you need to do to stay organized around the house:


The Night Before

The night before a school or work day you should put out outfits that you going to wear in a designated area. Have the kids pack up their backpacks with their homework and books. If lunches have to be made, then doing in the night before will help.

Any purses, briefcases, cell phones or keys should be dropped in a designated area by the front door. That way you’ll know where they are when it’s time to leave. You should decide on your breakfast the night before and set that up as best you can. For instance, if it’s going to be cereal, then have the boxes and bowls on the counter ready to go.

If your kids have a hard time getting a move on in the morning, then you might want to set their clocks ahead 10 minutes. Even if they figure it out it will still be a help.

In The Bathroom

The bathroom is a prime clutter zone. If you deal with a lot of hairspray, lotions and other accessories, then you should place them all in a small plastic tub with a handle. That can then be placed under the sink and taken out whenever you need it with everything in one spot.

Shower caddies can make can make a world of difference for holding soap and shampoo. Having a water squeegee in the shower is a good way to keep that shower door clean. Just a few quick wiped down every time you take a shower will help.

Inside the medicine cabinet, a magnetic strip is terrific to hold tweezers, nail clippers and scissors. Anything in the medicine cabinet that has expired should be tossed out. That’s especially true for prescription medicine.

Clear Out the Closet

The best way to organize your closet is to pull everything out. You’re going to discover a lot of things that you can get rid of. It’s amazing how long you hold onto items like old computers and outfits you’ll no longer wear.

And everything that you determined to be rubbish can be efficiently taken away with one call to Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. They will provide you with a moving crew and truck big enough to hold whatever you’re tossing out. Organizing is all about tossing out clutter and Junk King Dallas Mid Cities is the perfect partner for that job.

Hire Junk King Dallas Mid Cities For Dependable Junk Removal

Sooner or later, you’re going to face a situation where you’ve got more trash than your trashcan can handle. Most often, this happens after big parties are holidays when the trashcans are overflowing with boxes and gift wrapping paper. However, you could also find the need for bigger trashcans if you want to get rid of rubbish and clutter that has been piling up around your house. There is no way you can put a sofa into a trashcan! When you’ve got that kind of junk hauling task to complete your best option is to bring in Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. These are the junk removal professionals who are experts at getting rid of the clutter.


Junk King Dallas Mid Cities prides itself on the fact that they do all the work for you. It doesn’t matter how hot it is outside or how heavy something might be, if you want it gone then consider it gone! Every junk removal session is staffed by two very competent movers. This is the team who has been licensed, bonded and insured. That sets them apart from anyone else who claims to be professional but doesn’t have the certifications to back it up. The crew from Junk King Dallas Mid Cities will also be rolling up in a truck big enough to haul away whatever you want to get rid of.

As mentioned weight is never an issue with Junk King. There are some so-called professional junk haulers who charge by the pound. That is a bit unrealistic. With Junk King you’ll be charged a flat fee based on how much space your junk will need to fill on the back of the truck. It could be one third, one-half or the whole truck. Either way you’ll know that estimate before the work begins once the crew has had a chance to size up all the things you want to get rid of.

Included in that flat rate will be the drop offs of your stuff at charities or recycling centers. Junk King would much rather make those kinds of drop offs then dumping your stuff into a landfill. In fact, they’ll do this recycling whether you requested or not. That’s just how they operate! For dependable and affordable junk hauling, look no further than Junk King Dallas Mid Cities. They’ll get the job done right every time!

Junk King Dallas Mid Cities
5750 Park Vista Circle Suite 108
Keller, TX 76244
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Dallas Mid Cities area, including:

Flower Mound
Fort Worth
North Richland Hills
and these nearby zip codes:
75019, 75022, 75027, 75028, 75099, 75261, 76021, 76022, 76034, 76039, 76040, 76051, 76053, 76054, 76092, 76095, 76099, 76137, 76148, 76155, 76180, 76182, 76190, 76193, 76244, 76248, 76262