Junk King Hudson Valley

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Tag Archives: Junk King

Make Junk Removal Work For You

In theory, city workers actually work for us. We pay their salaries through the taxes collected by the city and the state. In return, they provide a wide range of services from putting out fires to collecting garbage. But that doesn’t mean we can actually “boss” these workers around. They have to follow rules. That is very true when it comes to that garbage collecting. As much as we’d like to have the garbage trucks be on call to take away anything we want to get rid of, they could never do that because it would interfere with normal collections. That is why it is so challenging to get rid of oversized items like a coach or washing machine. The way to make junk removal work for you is to hire Junk King Hudson Valley from the start.


Junk King works on your terms and that starts with scheduling. Most often, they won’t tell you when they’re open. You’ll tell them when a pickup works best for your time and that’s when they’ll make it happen. On the day of your pickup, the Junk King crew will be in constant contact to keep you aware of their ETA.

The only limit Junk King puts on what they can take away is the same limits as the city: No hazardous materials. You won’t be able to get rid of propane tanks or cans of unused paint. But the Junk King crews can tell you the closet drop off for those kinds of objects. As for the rest, everything goes regardless of size or weight.

If you were to follow a Junk King crew around for a typical day you might see things going on the back of the truck like refrigerators, mattresses, sofas, bookshelves and the occasional hot tub. Yes, even something that big can make it onto the truck even if it has to be cut up into pieces (true story!).

To help with this entire junk removal process, Junk King will provide you with a pair of movers who are going to do all the lifting. Making junk removal easy is what Junk King Hudson Valley is all about. Put them to work today.

Make Smart Home Improvement Investments

Buyer’s remorse often happens after you buy something and regret you made the purchase. That regret can be tied up in how much you just spent and the fact that there might be a better deal out there. When it comes to making a home improvement, you certainly don’t want to feel any remorse. That would happen when you get your home appraised and discover you’re not getting the return on your investment that you though you would. Here are some smart home improvement investments you should consider:


A Minor Bathroom Remodel

Next to remodeling the kitchen, bathroom remodels are extremely popular. They are also surprisingly affordable if you plan right. You could spend around $10,000 replacing a tub, tiling the floor, swapping out the sink and upgrading fixtures. What you would get back is exactly that much and perhaps a bit more on your new appraisal. If you don’t want to spend that much, then consider minor upgrades like re-glazing a tub and replacing all the surrounding caulk. You can swap out fixtures on the sink but keep the vanity. With a shower, you can replace the doors or remove them all together to give the illusion of more space. Fresh paint and some additional shelving for storage and it’s like a whole new bathroom.


How is your curb appeal? Try standing across the street to look at your home. That’s the best way to spot those areas that could stand with improvement. You could invest in a professional landscaper to set up a new garden. Once installed, you can take over the upkept. Bringing in hardscape elements like gravel or mulch is a terrific way to makeover your front yard’s landscaping. You should also give equal attention to the backyard as well. The more green you can add, the better the return on the investment.

Minor Kitchen Remodel

It is easy to fall down the “rabbit hole” of a kitchen remodel and spend twice as much as you need to to see a return on the investment. A minor remodel would involve re-facing or repainting your cabinets and drawers. That is a much more affordable option than replacing them all together. Try adding recessed lighting to the countertops and invest in a stove and refrigerator upgrade. Just be sure to pick models that will fit in the existing space.

Of course, the best home improvement project always starts with a thorough decluttering. It’s not just about picking up wayward backpacks and toys. Instead, go through every room in the home and identify those things you can do without. When you have you list, call in Junk King Hudson Valley. One session with these junk hauling experts is all it will take to get your home clear of any and all junk items. Start your home improvement project with a junk hauling appointment from Junk King Hudson Valley. Your home will look great.

Tips For Making Your Home Safe For Seniors

As our parents get older, it might make more practical sense to move them out of a big house they can’t keep up and into your home. This is going to mean an adjustment on everyone’s part but once things have been worked out, you’ll find it is a lot less stressful having your folks around. To get here, put some of these tips for making your home safe into action.


More Light

You know your way around your house. You could even find your way to the bathroom in the dark. That’s not going to be happening for your parents. A few properly placed motion sensor lights can make a huge difference. These can be placed in hallways and staircases. You can also make it easier to turn on lamps in the living room with a foot pedal plug. That way no one has to reach for a switch.

Extra Grips

The bathroom is the “hot zone” in terms of home accidents and most of those accidents are tied to slipping and falling. Start with rubber mats/rugs for the bathroom floor. These mats shouldn’t allow for any slippage. You might also consider installing grip handles for better ease of getting in and out of the shower. While you’re focused on grips, you’ll also want to check all the railings in and out of the home. There shouldn’t be any “wobble” on staircase or porch railings.

Less Clutter

The more clutter you have in your home, the more potential tripping hazards you might have. That clutter can be the things that are “dropped” like shoes, backpacks and toys. It can also be things like ottoman and footstools. They might look nice but décor isn’t worth someone tripping. The dropped off things can be picked up and put away. As for the other clutter, you might want to bring in Junk King Hudson Valley. It will only take one session with Junk King to get all your unwanted furniture, appliances and clothing carted away. Remember, with Junk King on the job most of that is collected could be donated to a charity. Make your home safe for seniors by clearing out the clutter. Junk King Hudson Valley can make it happen today.

Don’t Hang Onto Shed Clutter

Here in Hudson Valley, every home has at least one good snow shovel. Others take snow removal to another level with the addition of a snow blower. The ultimate is the snowplow attachment to a rider lawnmower. These are the tools of winter and they need to be easy to access. That is why it is important to keep the clutter out of your storage shed. You won’t want to be rifling through rusty junk searching for the snow shovel. If you want to get your shed clutter cleared fast, then the only call to make is to Junk King Hudson Valley.



The typical junk removal session involves hauling away furniture and appliances. The Junk King crews have a lot of experience maneuvering sofas and stoves down hallways and out the front door. But they aren’t limited to getting rid of things just from inside the house. They can also do amazing things clearing out that backyard shed. It doesn’t matter to the crew if they have to carry out something that is grimy or coated with rust. Their only focus is to take out the things you want gone.

Your only responsibility in this process is to sort through your stuff and decide what you want gone. Then it is simply a matter of pointing to the things and watching the crew cart them away. How the crew packs up the truck will determine the final fee. They’ll be able to provide you with an estimate based on how everything will fit into the truck. Not only are these crews expert movers but they’re also expert packers. The tighter they fit that stuff into the truck, the less you’ll have to pay.

As part of their junk removal package, Junk King Hudson Valley will strive to get as much of what they collect to a charity or recycling centers. The crews will sort through all the stuff they load into the truck and pick out those items that can be reused or repurposed. This is how Junk King operates. Keep your home and shed clear of clutter with one rubbish removal session from Junk King Hudson Valley.

Get Your Home Ready For Winter

There are some parts of the country like Southern California in Florida where winter constitutes putting on a sweater for one day. That certainly is the case here in the Hudson Valley. We feel winter in all its glory! Not only do we have to break out the winter clothing at this time of the year but we also have to do some prep work around the house before turns too cold. Here are some the things you need to do to get your home ready for winter:


Insulate Pipes

Freezing pipes or a big issue in this area. Conventional wisdom holds that if you allow water to drip then the pipes don’t freeze. That isn’t necessarily so. If you are that concerned about your pipes freezing, then you’re better off getting them insulated.  The pipes that have to be insulated are the ones that are exposed down the basement. It’s easy to wrap them with insulating materials. This is definitely a DIY job you can take care of one Saturday morning.

Get Your Chimney Clean

If your house is lucky enough to have a working fireplace, then you need to make sure that fireplace is clean before you start in the winter. This is a job that is probably best left to professionals. Along with getting your chimney clean, you should also get your firewood ordered. You definitely don’t want to call around on Christmas Eve looking for wood!

Clear Your Rain Gutters

You might have already cleared your rain gutters at the beginning of fall. But that doesn’t mean they stayed clear. Any blockage that is there during the winter could create a frozen water dam. That leads to icicles, which look nice but could be a major hazard.

Get Rid Of Rubbish

Winter is a time where you stay indoors and get cozy and warm. You certainly don’t want to be surrounded by rubbish. One session with Junk King Hudson Valley can help you clear out all your unwanted furniture and other household goods. It’s also a perfect opportunity to make room in your closets. Remember, everything you turn over to Junk King has the opportunity to be dropped off at a charity. You can truly transform your home by clearing out all the winter rubbish today with help from Junk King Hudson Valley.

How To Get Ready For The Holidays

Now that Thanksgiving is just a pleasant memory, it is time to get serious about the holidays. The clock is ticking and we’re only just weeks away from it all coming together. Will you be ready? It will help to take a moment and plot out your holiday strategy. Here’s how to ready for the holidays:


Make a List

Just like Santa, you need to make a list and check it twice. This list should be all the people you plan on getting gifts from immediate family to the garbage collectors (if they’re on your list!). As you make the list, you might already have the gifts in mind (hint: gift cards). It is important for the next tip:

Make a Budget

A major cause for stress during the holidays is spending too much money. Usually, that stress doesn’t show up until after January when the bills start rolling in. Setting a budget might mean getting creative with your gifts. A tin of home baked cookies is a great gift for coworkers and not expensive.

Shop Ahead

Your shopping has probably kicked into gear. The goal is to get everything done long before that last week prior to Christmas. If you’re sending out packages, then they have to be in the mail by December 19th in order to make it to their destination by the 25th. As you’ve no doubt discovered, online shopping is a great convenience. You could literally spend two hours shopping on line and get all you need vs. six hours at the mall. A lot less stress, too!

Bake Ahead

If everyone is counting on you for your cookies, then you’ll want to bake ahead as much as possible. This is actually something you can do in conjunction with your online shopping. As those cookies are baking, you can be shopping. Two tasks complete.

Plan Fun Events

It shouldn’t just be prep/work for the holidays. You’ve got to have fun with the family. Schedule a movie night for those holiday favorites. Plan on an outing to look at lights or take in some other great Hudson Valley holiday event. These are the moments that holiday are really for.

Clear Out the Clutter

A lot of new things will be coming into your home over the next couple of week. Not only presents under the tree but also guests for visiting. This is why you want to clear out the clutter ASAP. Junk King Hudson Valley can be a big help with that. It will only take a single junk removal session to have old sofas, futons, appliances or electronics clear out of your home. That is going to make a huge difference. The best way to get your home ready for the holidays is hiring Junk King Hudson Valley to haul away the junk.

Start Your Holidays In A Junk Free Home

The goal for the upcoming holiday season should be to get everything done in a reasonable amount of time so that you can actually enjoy the holidays. Is always so much going on between planning meals, coordinating with the family and all the gift shopping that you barely have time to catch your breath.


Although people who do their holiday shopping early are often mocked, they are actually on to something. Imagine getting done all your Christmas shopping before the Thanksgiving turkey goes into the oven. That would be a major accomplishment. There’s some other things you could do around the house to get ready for the holidays in the coming week. That can start with getting all the unwanted junk removed from your home with a call to Junk King Hudson Valley.

Hiring Junk King is like hiring your own private work crew. Unfortunately, this crew can stay with you all day long to hang up decorations but they can certainly clear the way shows up all you have to do is point to the things you want taken away. Don’t think about something being too heavy or oversized. Let the Junk King Hudson Valley team worry about that. There are great problem solvers and are terrific when it comes to lifting heavy objects. All you need to focus on is deciding how many things you want taken away in a single session. There are many satisfied Junk King customers who will bring back the crews several times to get it all the things they want to get rid of. Nothing wrong with that!

Everything you turn over the Junk King will also have a chance to be donated to a charity. Don’t worry about what kind of condition something might be in or whether you think it is “outdated.” Those things aren’t an issue for any of the charitable organizations that Junk King Hudson Valley is part with. They are happy for the donation. And it should make you happy knowing that none of your stuff will go to waste in a landfill. The best way to start your holidays is in a house that’s free of junk. Junk King Hudson Valley can make that happen.

Regular Junk Removal Keeps Your Business Clutter Free

A customer to your business expects certain things in exchange for their patronage. They want you to be open when you say you’re open and provide whatever goods or services you promise to provide. That holds true to a shoe store or a bistro. Customers also want a friendly and inviting atmosphere in order for them to enjoy the experience at your business. They certainly don’t want to be confronted with a lot of clutter. This is why you may want to set up a regular rubbish removal session with Junk King Hudson Valley.


There’s a lot you have to do to keep your business successful. Beyond all the operational components, there is the customer service and marketing. The last thing you want to be focused on is getting rid of boxes, furniture, equipment and all the other stuff that piles up every week. Knowing that Junk King is going to show up at a particular day is a great stress reducer because you know they can take away just about anything.

Junk King always provides at least two crewmembers to take care of the removal of your items. If it turns out that what you’re getting rid of requires more help, then junk King will happily provide that at no extra cost. It’s not often you hear that phrase when it comes to providing a service but that’s exactly how Junk King operates. Their fees always based on volume and not weight or manpower hours. The crew determines the volume once they’ve had a chance to size up all the things you want to get rid of.

These teams have a lot of experience packing up the truck with all kinds of bulky items. Don’t know from a glance whether or not your stuff will fill half, quarter or one third of the truck. Once they provide you with the estimate, it’s not going to change. You can count on that. You can also count on Junk King disposing of your collected clutter in a very eco-friendly manner. That just makes good business sense.

Whether you opt for once a week, biweekly or monthly pickup, you’ll know that with Junk King Hudson Valley on the job your business will remain clutter free.

How To Handle Your Estate Cleanout

Taking care of an estate cleanout can be a very emotional experience. You literally have to go through every room in a home that is probably full of a lot of memories. They will be plenty of items that you’ll want to keep in the family. Some items you can put up for sale at a consignment house. That will still leave you with a lot of things to get rid of. Instead of taking on that additional burden, you can turn that task over to Junk King Hudson Valley. When it comes to handling an estate cleanout these are the pros you want to call in.


The best part about hiring Junk King Hudson Valley is that they do all the work. This is crucial when it comes to something like an estate cleanout. There could literally be pieces of furniture, appliances, electronics and household goods scattered throughout the entire home. You don’t need to pull everything into a pile. Instead, leave it right where it is. The crews from Junk King Hudson Valley will climb any amount of stairs that it takes to get to all the things you want to toss out.

Weight shouldn’t be a concern either. The crews can handle getting rid of pianos or box of shoes with the same ease. Weight won’t be a factor when it comes to pricing. Your fee will be based on how the crew will be packing up the truck. The less space they use, the less you’ll be charge. You’ll know what that estimate is before the work begins. If your stuff ends up taking up less room, then you’ll still be charged that first estimate. This is a very fair approach for this type of work and one that is a lot less expensive do it all on your own.

As for what happens to all the stuff you giving to Junk King, it may find a new lease on life. Most of what Junk King collects ends up being donated to charities. These organizations can put to use all kinds of furniture and clothing regardless of what kind of shape it is in. Your estate cleanout doesn’t have to be a challenge when you give that job to Junk King Hudson Valley.

Junk King Hudson Valley Creates More Happy Customers

For a business to be successful, they have to do two things. First, they have to create a loyal customer base that they can count on for continued business. Second, they have to expand that base to bring in new customers. On many levels, both of those objectives are the same but one supports the other in a very specific way. When a loyal customer posts a positive review, a potential new customer will feel good about hiring that company. This is certainly what’s happening with Junk King Hudson Valley. Take a read at what some customers posted within the last couple of days:


“The guys were polite and professional! They were quick and had a great nature about them! Such sweethearts!” – K.B., Mamaroneck

“Today was the second time that I used Junk King. The work was done quickly and efficiently both times.” – N.K., Ardsley

“The guys are always friendly and the communication is excellent. The service is very expedient and professional.” – Emiel A., Tarrytown

“The men were on time and did a perfect job. They were a pleasure to work with. Could not be happier. They made our move a lot easier.” – Tom S., Congers

“Excellent service. I needed to empty my garage and yard to close my house within a few hours notice. Junk King responded to call and had a team of very efficient crew within 2 hours and completed the job to my satisfaction at a reasonable price.” – A.R., West Nyack

All of these reviews point out some very important things to keep in mind about Junk King. First when you hire them you really hiring a two-man crew and a big truck. This is the team is going to do all the work for you. That means lifting any heavy object or climbing any amount of stairs. All you’ll have to do is point to the things you want taken away.

Junk King wants to make the junk hauling process as hassle free as possible. That’s why scheduling is easy. Just a few clicks of your computer mouse will set you up with an appointment at your earliest convenience. If your junk is ready to go today, then you might even be able to score same day pickup. Thanks to Junk King Hudson Valley, getting rid of your unwanted junk is never been easier.

Junk King Hudson Valley
20 Mountainview Ave Unit G
Orangeburg, NY 10962
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 8A-1P

Providing junk removal services to the Hudson Valley area, including:

Ardsley On Hudson
Dobbs Ferry
Mt Vernon
New Rochelle
White Plains
and these nearby zip codes:
10502, 10503, 10504, 10522, 10523, 10528, 10530, 10550, 10552, 10553, 10601, 10602, 10603, 10605, 10606, 10607, 10610, 10701, 10702, 10703, 10704, 10705, 10706, 10708, 10709, 10710, 10801, 10802, 10804, 10805, 10913, 10920, 10923, 10927