Junk King Contra Costa

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Call On Junk King Contra Costa For Your Estate Cleanup

As executor of an estate you get to decide if the home that is part of that estate will be sold off. Quite often, folks will want to keep the home in the family. However, it might help to make renovations and clear out all the unwanted items. To make that happen, you can start with an estate sale. That will certainly help remove a lot of furniture and other household goods. If there is nothing of value with what remains, then you want to bring in Junk King Contra Costa for a thorough estate cleanup.

Every Room Gets Cleared

In an estate sale, you essentially leave everything right where it is. People will then come through the home and if they like something to make an offer and carry it off. Bit by bit rooms can be emptied. The crew from Junk King is going to take that same “room by room” approach when it comes to your estate cleanup. It doesn’t matter how many rooms they have to clear out or how many stairs they have to climb. Their focus is just getting everything loaded onto the truck in a very efficient and safe way.

The Truck Load

The Junk King truck can hold the equivalent of six pickup trucks full of rubbish. That is something you should keep in mind because it will be how your fee is determined. The Junk King team will look over all the stuff you want to get rid of and be able to project an estimate of how it will all fit onto the truck. It may fill up half the truck or the entire truck. Your final price will reflect that amount of usage. It is a flat fee that covers everything including the disposal. That disposal might involve making drop-offs to charities or recycling centers. If anything goes to the landfill, then there is usually a charge. That will all be covered in the fee.

The sooner you set up your estate cleanup with Junk King Contra Costa the sooner you can get things on track. Schedule the session today and watch how fast it can get done!

Junk King Contra Costa
5933 Northfront Rd. Suite C
Livermore, CA 94551
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Contra Costa area, including:

Discovery Bay
San Ramon
Walnut Creek
and these nearby zip codes:
94505, 94506, 94507, 94509, 94513, 94514, 94516, 94517, 94518, 94519, 94520, 94521, 94522, 94524, 94525, 94526, 94527, 94528, 94529, 94531, 94537, 94550, 94551, 94556, 94566, 94568, 94570, 94575, 94582, 94583, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94597, 94598