Junk King Contra Costa

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How To Have A Great Holiday Without The Stress

With Thanksgiving in the “review mirror”, it’s time to focus on the rest of the holiday season and that’s when the stress can really start to kick in. Between work, kids’ recitals, shopping and all the parties it is easy to get overwhelmed fast. The holidays shouldn’t be a cause of anxiety. Consider these tips for reducing your stress during the holidays.



The holidays are when you can put your organizing skills to work. At some point, you have to embrace the idea that “something has to give.” This means you don’t have to go to every party at the expense of your being worn out. You don’t have to do all the shopping in a mall when an online shopping session can take care of the same gifts. It is also important to do as much up front as possible so that the closer you get to Christmas, the less you’ll have to do.

Pick Your Battles

You know that there is a good chance you might come in contact with some people who trigger stress. Whether it is a family member or coworker, you might have to hold your tongue. They might not agree with a lot of your opinions but what does it really matter? For the sake of the holidays and your stress level let it go. You can also opt not to engage. If they start talking about a topic you know is going to cause stress, then smile, excuse yourself and walk away.

Don’t Complicate Things

Martha Stewart no doubt has a of great holiday decorating and baking advice. You don’t have to be Martha Stewart. The difference between a cookie that takes 30 minutes to get ready vs. one that takes hours to decorate is negligible. They’re both tasty but one is going to free up more time. Your goal should be to avoid making things complicated. That is especially true if you’re throwing your own holiday party. Ask for guests to bring dips, appetizers or desserts. Everyone is in the baking spirit so that won’t be a problem! The less complications, the less stress.

Bring In Help

Getting your home ready for the holidays is easy when you’ve got all your decorations organized. It’s also easy when you’ve gotten the clutter removed. Here is where hiring Junk King Contra Costa can make a big difference. If you’ve got unwanted stuff cluttering up a guest room or messing up your garage, then turn it all over to the crew from Junk King Contra Costa. You’ll feel a lot better about inviting guests over for the holiday after Junk King Contra Costa has cleared away the junk.

Junk King Contra Costa
5933 Northfront Rd. Suite C
Livermore, CA 94551
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Contra Costa area, including:

Discovery Bay
San Ramon
Walnut Creek
and these nearby zip codes:
94505, 94506, 94507, 94509, 94513, 94514, 94516, 94517, 94518, 94519, 94520, 94521, 94522, 94524, 94525, 94526, 94527, 94528, 94529, 94531, 94537, 94550, 94551, 94556, 94566, 94568, 94570, 94575, 94582, 94583, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94597, 94598