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Category Archives: Los Angeles Junk Hauling

Los Angeles Yard Waste Removal

The City of Angels is many things to many people but would you ever think of Los Angeles as a gardening mecca? As it happens, there are many vibrant gardens to be found all around the Los Angeles area. We’re not just talking about the occasional well-groomed front yard but expansive landscapes that are meticulously maintained and open for public viewing.

Top of list is the Arboretum of Los Angeles County. The Arboretum is situated on a 46,000 acre plot of land that once housed the ranch owned by Alias Jackson Baldwin, a notable California businessman. The origins of this ranch can be traced back to 1875. Of course, this being the home of Hollywood you can’t escape the film capitol’s influence. At the Arboretum you’ll find Baldwin Lake, which is a popular movie location featured in classic flicks staring including Johnny ‘Tarzan’ Weissmuller, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour and Douglas Fairbanks Jnr. Today, visits can stroll through 127 acres of lush gardens.

Over in the 90210 zone, the Virginia Robinson Gardens affords visitors the opportunity to experience many varieties of gardening landscapes spread out over 6 acres. These include an Italian Terrace Garden, a Tropical Palm Garden, a Kitchen Garden and a Rose Garden.

On the campus of UCLA just beyond the famed Trojans stadium are the Mildred Mathias Botanical Gardens. These gardens have categorized over 5,000 unique plant species planted among 7 acres of a frost-free tropical zone. Clearly, there is plenty of green to see in and around Los Angeles.

What about your own backyard garden? Is it worthy of a tour? Would you happily display your landscape to visitors? You don’t have to consider opening your home up to tours but there is no reason why you can’t bring your garden up to par and create a lovely oasis for your family and friends. Nothing beats spending a warm evening outdoors with a glass of wine and good friends. Before that can happen, you might have to clear out some yard waste but that doesn’t have to be the back breaking job you think it might be. At least, it doesn’t have to be for you when you hire professional junk haulers like Junk King Los Angeles to handle the task.

A professional junk hauling team like Junk Kings’ really doesn’t care if they are taking away and old sofa or a pile of sod. It’s the same mission to them: To clear out your home of anything you want tossed away. Yard work can be exhausting but Junk King LA will be prepared to the job not only with the right removal equipment but also the big empty truck. That’s key because if you’ve got piles of dirt, fallen palm fronds or any other kind of yard waste you don’t want to put them in the back of the family SUV. The quicker you get your yard cleared out, the quicker you can get to building that oasis.

Los Angeles Attic Junk Removal

As everyone knows Los Angeles is the home to Hollywood which is the moviemaking capital of the world. One of the most popular genres of films to come out of Hollywood are those horror movies that have been scaring audiences for generations. No discussion of Hollywood horror would be complete without talking about the classics from the Golden age of movie making. This would be the original versions of Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolf Man. The inspiration for those movies was based in classic literature. However, even though those stories took readers to faraway places those movies were actually made on the back lot of Universal Studios right here in Los Angeles. Dracula’s Castle, Doctor Frankenstein’s laboratory and the Wolf Man’s woods were all studio sets.

Today’s horror movies find inspiration in many other sources and utilize locations far removed from a Hollywood soundstage. One of the most popular new horror franchises is the “Paranormal Activity” series. These are scary movies made on location at typical suburban homes in the Los Angeles and Southern California area. Could one of the lessons learned from the movies be that your house is a scary place? Actually, the answer to that might be a resounding “yes” especially when you consider the state of affairs in your attic.

The average home attic becomes a kind of storage shed for family’s junk. As a result anyone who wanders into that attic at night could find themselves confronted with plenty of cobweb filled boxes and other creepy looking items casting gloomy shadows. Yet in the harsh reality of daylight what you’ll see is actually just a lot of junk. While it is true that some attics are meant just for storage there are others that could be turned into a practical living space. If you’re looking for a spare guest room, home office or reading space you might have to look no further than your own attic. But first you’ve got to get rid of all that junk. That can be handled by a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Los Angeles.

Hiring experienced LA Haulers to get rid of your junk makes a lot of sense especially when you’re dealing with an attic. That’s because the movers won’t have any trouble going up and down the attic stairs in their quest to clear out all of your junk. Imagine how many times you would have to make that climb if you were doing this job. The Junk King LA hauling pros will also have a big enough truck to take away whatever stuff your attic has been holding onto. But they don’t have to stop there. They can also make the rounds into your garage or closets and really make your house junk free.

If your attic is too small to convert into a spare room you should still consider clearing the junk out. That’s because it will reduce the risk of a potential fire hazard. Removing that junk also means you’re taking away any possible nesting area for unwanted creatures. You really don’t want to hear anything that goes bump in the night from your attic!

Recycling News in Los Angeles

Los Angeles has always been a leader when it comes to recycling programs. They were first among the nation’s largest cities to adopt a weekly recycling program for its residents. Since its inception, the LA recycling program has meant tons and tons of garbage has been diverted away from landfills and redirected to recycling centers for repurposing and reuse. As a way of looking into expanding those initial programs, local officials are always looking towards other innovations instituted by cities around the country. One of the most extensive ideas is something that is being put forth in Seattle: cutting back on weekly garbage pickups.

This might seem like a radical step for Los Angeles to make but it could present many benefits. First of all, it would mean reducing some budget numbers if garbage pickups are being cutback. It could also be the kind of inspiration that some folks need to do more recycling. Look at it this way: Do you always fill up your recycling bin every week? Do you still put it out to the curb even if it is half full of garbage? On some level that could be considered a waste because you are expending the same amount of energy to pick up a half a can as you would with a full can.

Dealing with what you can throw out in a trash bin every week is actually easy. It might not be that big of a deal if you had a recycle pickup every two weeks. One area where you might need some help is with those large items that can be thrown out but should also be recycled. That’s where Junk King Los Angeles can play an important role.

Since Junk King opened for business in Los Angeles, it has been providing residents with a valuable service by picking up big junk items. They’ve also being doing their part to extend the recycling reach by also diverting those bulky pieces to the proper recycling facilities. Yes, this makes Junk King one of the many “green” companies operating in Los Angeles.

Sorting household garbage is easy when you get into the routine but where would you take an old refrigerator or tire if you wanted to recycle that? Chances are you’ll need to travel far outside the city to find the right facility. That’s not how anyone wants to spend their time off. With Junk King you don’t have to worry if your junk is being recycled or not. Keep in mind that when Junk King recycles it’s not just about metal, wood and e-waste. They are also recycling yard waste such as fallen tree branches or dirt. Its part of their business model to make sure whatever can be diverted will be diverted; it’s just that simple!

Los Angeles Scrap Metal Removal

This blog was originally published in March 2012 and has been recently updated in April 2022.

As a Los Angeles homeowner, you need to be constantly on alert. Not only do you have to make sure your plumbing, AC, electrical systems, and appliances are all working properly but you have to maintain a level of security. This doesn’t mean staying on 24-hour watch but just taking common-sense precautions when it comes to locking your doors and windows. Hopefully, you live in a community where the neighbors watch out for each other. This approach was helpful to the police recently when they arrested a Los Angeles man suspected of stealing thousands of dollars of scrap metal from area businesses.

What happened was that this suspect was driving around in his pickup truck asking folks if they had any scrap metal. Apparently what he was really doing was scouting potential spots for theft. One such spot was a business that reported an overnight break-in. What went missing were ten spools of wire and industrial-grade drilling equipment that was valued at over $24,000. Neighbors told police about the suspicious character looking for scrap metal and provided them with a description of his truck. Later, that same vehicle was spotted, and when searched the stolen items were found. It’s a case right out of “Dragnet!”

All of this points out the need to get rid of any scrap metal or other junk you might have around your property. By keeping this stuff piled up outdoors you’re basically telling a would-be thief that you don’t care what’s going on. At the very least it shows you’re taking your eye off the ball and opening yourself up to a potential crime. This is not to say that every pick-up piled with junk you see driving around town is up to no good. On the other hand, if a truck like that drives by your home several times to see a pile of scrap metal just sitting there it might prove to be too tempting of a target. There is a better way and that’s hiring a crew of professional junk haulers like Junk King Los Angeles to get rid of your scrap metal or other junk.

Hiring a professional team like Junk King means you’ll be getting workers who are experienced and well trained. More importantly, they’ll also be licensed and insured. You’re not going to get that same level of professionalism with someone who randomly drives by your home. The professional junk haulers are also trained to handle a removal job like this which could be potentially hazardous. If you’re dealing with scrap metal then you’re also dealing with sharp edges. Let the pros handle something like this.

As long as you’re inviting these pros to remove scrap metal, you can also get them to take away any other clutter you’ve got. This can be anything in your home or garage that is just collecting dust and rust. Surely, you’ve got a few items that would fall into that category!

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What You Need to Know About Scrap Metal Removal in Los Angeles

Think about all the different uses of metal that we rely on every day of our lives. From the exterior of the vehicles we drive, to the metal roofing protecting our homes from the elements, to the precious metals inside our computers, phones, TVs, and other electronics, our society is extremely reliant on metals in order to continue to function the way it does.

What many people do not realize, however, is that it takes an enormous amount of energy to mine, manufacture, and produce the end products that are made out of different types of metals. For example, each ton of new steel has typically required about 6 MWh of energy in the process of getting from iron ore to a finished steel product, such as that which is for making the exteriors of cars. This doesn’t include the energy requirements of mining the steel in the first place or the process of transporting heavy metal objects long distances.

One way to drastically reduce the energy footprint of metal objects we use is to purchase items made from recycled metals. Unlike many types of plastics which are essentially “un-recyclable” due to recent changes in China and other Asian countries no longer accepting plastic waste, metals are almost universally recyclable.

In this short article, we´ll take a look at the issue of scrap metal waste in the United States, and the opportunities for increasing scrap metal recycling as a way to reduce our collective carbon footprint. We will then explain why Junk King Los Angeles offers the best way to help individuals, homeowners, and businesses in Los Angeles get rid of their scrap metal waste in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

Statistics on Scrap Metal Waste in the United States

Despite the fact that metals are one of the easiest materials to recycle, there is still an enormous amount of metal materials that are sent every year to landfills across the country. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “the total amount of MSW ferrous metals combusted in 2018 was 2.3 million tons. This was 6.7 percent of all MSW combusted with energy recovery that year. In 2018, landfills received 10.5 million tons of steel. This was 7.2 percent of all MSW landfilled.”

On the bright side, steel is the most recycled material in the United States and steel products can be recycled repeatedly without loss of strength or viability. One industry leader in scrap metal recycling reports that “recycling steel saves the equivalent energy to power about 18 million households for a year…More than 80 million tons of steel are recycled each year in North America. For every ton of steel recycled, 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone are conserved.”

junk removal service recycling

Even though recycling steel and other metals comes with enormous environmental and economic advantages, steel and iron only had a 47 percent recycling rate in the United States in 2019. Copper´s recycling rate stood at just 34 percent despite a drastic increase in price for this important metal, and aluminum was only slightly better at a 51 percent recycling rate. These statistics show that we still have a long way to go towards reducing the amount of metal ending up in our nation´s landfills.

For many businesses and individuals, one of the biggest challenges that comes with recycling scrap metal is that most metal items are heavy, bulky, and potentially dangerous to move. Unless you have a large pickup truck capable of hauling a trailer to the nearest scrap metal recycling center, chances are that you may not know how to get rid of your scrap metal in an environmentally responsible way.

Fortunately, Junk King Los Angeles offers the most efficient and affordable way to deal with large and bulky scrap metal metals. Instead of trying to send your scrap metal waste out with your regular trash pickup, hiring a crew of professional junk haulers like Junk King Los Angeles to get rid of your scrap metal or other junk is a much easier option.

Why Hire Junk King Los Angeles for your Scrap Metal Removal Needs?

Here at Junk King Los Angeles, we make every effort to accommodate our clients who might not be able to lift, carry, or haul heavy scrap metal items on their own. Some examples of common household scrap metal waste include:

  • Old aluminum siding
  • Aluminum and steel doors or window frames
  • Appliances
  • Automobile parts
  • Bed frames and mattress springs
  • Bicycles
  • Cast iron sinks and bathtubs

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All of these items are heavy, sometimes sharp, and potentially dangerous to move on your own. Instead of struggling to take these items out to the curbside, here at Junk King Los Angeles, we are here to help you do the heavy lifting and hauling. For clients who prefer a “no-contact” junk removal service, you can also simply leave your junk on your driveway or the curb in front of your home or business, and we can haul away your scrap metal waste without ever entering your home or residence.

Furthermore, we here at Junk King believe wholeheartedly that everyone should play a part in caring for our environment. Whereas many junk removal companies choose the easy route of simply hauling the junk items they pick up directly to the local dump, we are proud to say that we recycle, donate, or otherwise repurpose at least 60 percent of the junk items that we pick up.

Over several years of working in the junk removal industry, we have developed a huge network of relationships with recycling companies, thrift stores, and other organizations that allow us to give your junk another “life.” For scrap metal items, we work with several scrap metal recyclers in the region to ensure that almost all of your metal items are either repurposed or recycled, instead of being landfilled.

For environmentally-conscious homeowners, individuals, and business owners in the Los Angeles area, hiring Junk King is your best strategy to do your part to reduce your waste footprint. We offer our green, scrap metal junk removal services to the following Los Angeles areas: Arcadia, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Carson, Compton, Covina, Downey, Glendale, Inglewood, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, San Pedro, and Whittier.

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Los Angeles Spring Junk Removal

Los Angeles has always been a fast-moving town. One speed-related craze that is starting up around the city of Angels is speed cleaning. The idea is that you should be able to clean your home in 10 minutes every day. Obviously they don’t mean you can clean the entire house in 10 minutes but you take a single section at a time. While it is true that you may only devote only 10 minutes a day to this process it could actually take you several weeks to finish cleaning your home! Yes, many of us look to cleaning as drudgery but it is still a task that needs to be accomplished so as to create a decent living environment.

Traditionally spring has been the time for those intensive cleaning sessions that can figuratively turn a whole house upside down. Spring cleaning is a time for moving furniture and vacuuming up dust bunnies. It’s a time for cleaning out closets. It’s a time for organizing overstuffed drawers. Basically it means everything in your house needs to be wiped down, polished, scrubbed or thrown out. To do this right it is going to take at least several hours. Embrace that fact and you’ll be able to get through your spring cleaning without any hassle.

When it comes to the “throwing out” phase of spring cleaning you’ll have a very positive option standing by to assist you. That would be Junk King Los Angeles. Junk King is a Los Angeles based business that’s part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers. This company is new to the Los Angeles area but in the short time it’s been in operation it’s already made a huge impact in terms of helping folks clear the clutter from their lives.

If you’re serious about doing a deep spring cleaning then you’re going to uncover all kinds of junk that’s ready to be tossed out. It might be you had a reason at one time for holding onto this junk but that reason has long since faded away. Sure, you might be able to throw out some of these items in your weekly garbage pickup more likely that the amount of junk you’ll be piling up will need to be picked up by Junk King.

A Junk King professional LA hauling team will arrive in your home at the scheduled appointment with an empty truck just waiting to be filled up. This team will have all the manpower needed to move any bulky item you have. Just because you’re spring cleaning doesn’t mean you can finally get rid of some old furniture or busted kitchen appliances. Junk King can do all the heavy lifting. Once your home is completely clean do yourself a favor and snap a picture. That photo should provide great inspiration for your next spring cleaning venture!

Junk King Los Angeles
2660 Pacific Park Drive
Whittier, CA 90601
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Los Angeles area, including:

Beverly Hills
El Monte
La Mirada
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Pico Rivera
West Covina
and these nearby zip codes:
90001, 90003, 90004, 90005, 90006, 90007, 90009, 90010, 90011, 90012, 90013, 90014, 90015, 90017, 90018, 90020, 90021, 90022, 90023, 90026, 90027, 90028, 90029, 90030, 90031, 90032, 90033, 90036, 90037, 90038, 90039, 90040, 90041, 90042, 90044, 90046, 90047, 90048, 90050, 90051, 90052, 90053, 90054, 90055, 90057, 90058, 90059, 90060, 90061, 90062, 90063, 90065, 90068, 90070, 90071, 90072, 90073, 90074, 90075, 90076, 90078, 90079, 90080, 90081, 90082, 90083, 90084, 90086, 90087, 90088, 90089, 90091, 90093, 90096, 90101, 90102, 90103, 90209, 90210, 90211, 90212, 90213, 90239, 90240, 90241, 90242, 90294, 90296, 90306, 90307, 90309, 90310, 90311, 90312, 90397, 90398, 90601, 90602, 90603, 90604, 90605, 90606, 90607, 90608, 90609, 90610, 90637, 90638, 90639, 90650, 90651, 90652, 90659, 90660, 90661, 90662, 90733, 90734, 90801, 90809, 90831, 90832, 90833, 90834, 90835, 90842, 90844, 90846, 90847, 90848, 90853, 90888, 91006, 91007, 91008, 91009, 91010, 91041, 91043, 91046, 91066, 91077, 91101, 91102, 91103, 91104, 91105, 91106, 91107, 91123, 91201, 91202, 91203, 91204, 91205, 91206, 91207, 91208, 91210, 91352, 91392, 91501, 91502, 91504, 91505, 91506, 91521, 91522, 91523, 91722, 91723, 91724, 91731, 91732, 91734, 91790, 91791, 91792, 91801, 91803