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Tag Archives: Seattle Junk Removal

Seattle Yard Waste Removal

Have you grown weary of mowing your lawn? Do you dream of the day when you’ll never have to worry about that chore again? Even if you have gardening help to get the job done wouldn’t it be nice to save that money every month? You might consider a no-mow type of yard. This is where you would remove the grass and replace it with an ecologically sound alternative. We’re not talking about paving over the yard with concrete but looking for other viable alternatives such as stones, pebbles or wood chips. Once they go down you’ll never have to bust out the mower again.

Another alternative is to let you yard go a bit wild. Instead of grass, plant clover. This type of vegetation doesn’t overgrow itself and needs very little attention to thrive. Naturally, you could convert your entire yard into a garden zone. Many folks around Seattle have already done this and not just in the backyard but the front, too! As we make the transition from fall into winter, now is the perfect time to consider a radical new approach to your yard. But what are you going to do with all the yard waste you dig up? That’s easy: Call Junk King Seattle. They’ll handle all the removal.

Even if you’re not going to do a 100% you could still benefit from hiring Junk King to help with general yard waste removal before winter sets in and the snow shows up. Are there any fallen tree branches from the last storm still in your yard? What about all the leaves? A Junk King crew would be the perfect team to load up all that yard waste onto the back of their truck and have it carted off for good.

Junk King Seattle can also cart away any useless item from inside your home or garage you want to get rid of. If you’ve been hankering to fire up your arts and crafts work table then why not make space in the garage or spare room? Time to toss out the old furniture, unused gym equipment, box springs or e-waste that is taking up valuable space in your home. Maybe you’ll get rid of enough junk to set up a home office or guest room for out of town holiday visitors. You probably had great ideas for all that space in your home before the junk showed up. Have no fear; Junk King Seattle is standing by to erase all traces of that stuff once and for all.

When you’re ready to take the plunge give Junk King a call. Whether it’s for your outside or inside, Junk King can have you clear of clutter in no time.

For the best in Seattle Yard Waste Removal, simply book a free on site estimate online or call 1-800-995-5865

Seattle Mattress Disposal

Seattle has a boat problem. Not with the many happy and law abiding boaters but with the hundreds of derelict boats that have simply been abandoned along the waterways. How bad is this problem? In March there was a count of 226 vessels of all shapes and sizes that were clearly left to rot along the shores. By June the official state agencies tasked with the job of removing those boats managed to dispose of 23. Sounds good, right? Well, not when you factor in the 18 vessels that were added to the abandoned list in the meantime. That’s a net cleanup of just 5 rotting boats.

Melissa Ferris is head of the Derelict Vessel Removal Program. Here’s how she describes the mess, “There are the boats that appear out of nowhere in state waters, dumped by their owners. Those that break anchor and float away, battering the docks or creating a hazard to navigation. Those that the owner swears are seaworthy, right up to the day they sink. They may contain oil, asbestos and other hazards.” That’s not good for everyone else who wants to make use of those waterways. Hopefully, they’ll get around to getting the rest of those abandoned boats picked up before they completely break down and send their nasty remnants floating down river.

Fortunately, when it comes to your own household big item junk removal you have an alternative that doesn’t involved dumping your junk by the side of the road. Junk King is the Seattle based business that specializes in over-sized junk removal! The services focus on common household junk items like broken kitchen appliances, sofas or old mattresses – but Junk King can really handle anything, from yard waste to constructiondebris.. If we have the open space, it’s easy to shove any one of those items into that space. That’s why our garages and basements quickly overflow with all the unwanted things we collect. We’ve all seen a mattress dumped by the side of the curb. You don’t want to be that kind of person; especially in a town that prides itself on its beauty like Seattle. Let Junk King Seattle get rid of these items once and for all.

You can call on Junk King to remove one big piece or a dozen little pieces. It doesn’t matter to them. The good news is that you’ll be charged by the total amount of space that your junk will take up in their truck. Have no fear; they pack those trucks pretty tight. If you’re ready to get rid of the clutter in your life then give Junk King a call. All you have to lose is all your junk!

For the best in Seattle Mattress Disposal, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.

Seattle Hot Tub Disposal

When thinking about the benefits of soaking in a hot tub one word should spring to mind: relief. That’s because those soothing waters can provide so much relief for so many ailments. Top of the list would be reducing stress. Slipping into a warm hot tub has a way of helping wash away the stress points that might have accumulated over the course of a day. Sufferers of migraine headaches have found that relaxing in a hot tub provides quick relief for even the sharpest of pains.

A hot tub is probably the best sleep inducer around. Forget the pills; 15 minutes in a hot tub 90 minutes before you head off to bed will have you in a state of total relaxation that will allow you do drop off into a deep slumber before you know. That’s not just a marketing pitch. The National Sleep Foundation has conducted studies which prove these positive effects of hot tub use.

If you have joint and muscle pain or arthritis, your doctor might recommend hydrotherapy. Guess what hydrotherapy is? Soaking in a hot tub! While you’ll in the tub you can slowly move your arms and legs to relieve those aches and pains. You don’t really need a prescription for that.

Speaking of studies, the New England Journal of Medicine has found that people who have been diagnosed with diabetes can also benefit from regular hot tub use. The warm waters help a body’s blood flow and can end up decreasing blood sugar levels and blood pressure. That will also help with some diet issues. Who knew soaking in a hot tub could do so much?

All of this raises the issue of your own backyard hot tub. If you’re not using it on a regular basis it could be because it’s worn down and in need of replacement. As you head out to shop for a new model, you’ll want to make arrangements to get rid of the old one. That can be taken care of with a single call to Junk King Seattle.

Junk King Seattle specializes in all kinds of junk removal. When they say “all kinds” they mean it! A hot tub can’t just be lifted up and tossed onto the back of a Junk King truck. It will probably have to be dismantled first. The Junk King crew will have no problem taking on that challenge. Once they’ve broken it down then it can be loaded up and dropped off to the proper disposal facility. While they’re at it, Junk King Seattle can also haul off any other bulky junk items you want to get rid of. This means you can finally clear out the clutter in your home. Take about a major stress reducer!

Seattle Junk Recycling

One thing you can count on in a bustling city like Seattle is a lot of junk. We might do a good job of keeping that junk hidden but make no mistake it’s out there. A big ticket item when it comes to junk salvagers are abandoned cars. Some folks think that it’s cheaper to just leave a car by the side of the road then trying to fix it up. There are others who have cars sitting in their driveways for years without any hope of every getting them back into running shape. Are you one of those folks? Maybe it’s time to pull the trigger on that metal beast once and for all and get rid of it?

Having a junk car removed takes special equipment like a tow truck. Of course, if that car is in pieces that can fit on the back of a truck then maybe Junk King Seattle is the way to go. Junk King Seattle is part of a national franchise of professional junk haulers. Just like any other franchise business, the Seattle Junk King has to follow the standards of excellence set by the parent company. This means all of their workers are going to be certified, licensed and insured. These are not day laborers that Junk King hires for a couple of hours. Their haulers work exclusively for the company and it’s their business to make sure all your junk is taken away and properly disposed of.

Unlike a garbage pickup, you don’t have to drag any of your junk out to the curb. When you hire Junk King Seattle all you need to do is show the workers what you want removed. They’ll handle the rest. That includes going down basement stairs, up to the attic or out in the garage. Wherever your junk is kept is where the Junk King crew will go.

This is the golden opportunity to toss away all those bulky items like sofas, easy chairs, tables, kitchen appliances or yard waste. If you’ve got scraps of lumber or drywall left over from a remodel job then Junk King can take it away.

The first call to Junk King will have a team coming out to your home to size up your junk. They’re going to make an estimate of how much space your junk will take on their truck. That’s how they will price out your job. You’re not paying for labor, travel or dumping fees. It’s just that single space estimate. When you agree to the price, it’s locked and loaded! You’ll make an appointment for the actual removal. On the day of the appointment you can count on the Junk King Seattle crew showing up on time. They know how busy you are and are happy to work around your schedule. Before you know it all of your junk is gone and you’ll be breathing a huge sigh of relief… and you never had to pick up anything!

For the best in Seattle Junk Recycling – both an affordable and eco-friendly service, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book an onsite estimate online.

Seattle Furniture Disposal

A recent fire at the Grandwood Furniture Company wiped out that business in a matter of minutes. Luckily, there was no one inside the building at the time of the three-alarm blaze. By the time the fire crews arrived on the scene, it became clear they could do nothing to salvage the building. With a growing fear of a roof collapse, all the fire fighters could manage was pouring water on the blaze. All told, 50 fire fighters and 13 engine companies were called to beat back the flames.

One of the reasons this fire spread so quickly is the very nature of the inventory: furniture. In the perfect storm of incendiary elements, it doesn’t take much to spark up wooden furniture. Bunched together like it was in that store and you can imagine how quickly a small fire turned into an inferno. All of this is meant to serve as a wake-up call for your own living environment. Are you projected from a fast moving fire?

The first line of defense is with a small item that no home should be without: smoke detectors. When properly placed and maintained a smoke detector can make all the difference between life and death in a fire emergency. Next to that, you can minimize the chances of fire spreading by minimizing the amount of junk you have in your home or property.

For a fire to spread it needs fuel. That fuel can come in the form of stacks of boxes, papers or other garbage in your garage. It can come from furniture in the attic or basement that isn’t being used and instead is drying out. Basically any kind of clutter can become a safety hazard and not just for fires. Getting in and out of your home shouldn’t be burdensome. If you have to navigate around piles of junk then clearly it’s time to rethink you’re hoarding tendencies. Junk King Seattle can help you get to a junk free living space.

Junk King Seattle is the local business who has the biggest trucks, and crews of professional junk haulers standing by to assist you with your junk removal needs. These are truly the best crews to call upon when you want to get rid of big pieces of furniture or old mattresses. Instead of charging you by the hour like a moving company would, Junk King charges by the amount of space you’ll be taking up on their truck. That single price includes the travel time, labor rates and dumping fees. It’s all included and all at an extremely competitive price. One call to Junk King sets the process in motion. As soon as that junk it gone from your life, you’ll sleep a whole lot better knowing you’ve cut back on the potential hazards in your home.

For the best in Seattle Furniture Disposal, call Junk King today 1-888-888-JUNK.

Seattle Junk Hauling

There’s no escaping the idea that some junk might actually be treasure. It’s all a matter of perspective. You could have boxes of stuff taking up space in your garage, basement or attic that you think is junk that has been passed down through the generations but who knows what could be lurking in those boxes. Beyond your own personal stash, there are always all kinds of flea markets, yard sales and antique dealers open and running around Seattle where you might have the chance to find a treasure or two. Would you know what to look for?

Three decent items to keep an eye out for are silver, metal and glass objects. Mirrored trays and ice buckets are great finds. All it takes is a little polish to bring back their original luster and make them ready for use. And glassware can always come in handy.

Thanks to the popularity of a show like “Mad Men” the midcentury modern style is back in vogue. These items are typified by beautiful woods and yes, plastics. You might not have to redo your entire house in 60s kitsch but you could find a few accents that would make cool conversation pieces.

Of course there is just some junk that is always going to be junk. These would be the items that don’t hold any value for you. Sure, you can snap a picture and put it up on EBay to see if it would sell but chances are if you’re ready to toss something out nobody is going to want it. When an item has reached the official “junk stage” of its life then it’s time to call in the pros. That would be the team from Junk King Seattle.

Junk King’s teams are professional junk haulers who make it their goal to make your home clutter free. They accomplish this by hiring trained movers who work efficiently and surprisingly effortlessly in the junk removal business. One call to Junk King at 1-800-995-5865 sets the whole operation in motion.

First, a Junk King Seattle supervisor will come by your home to assess your junk. This will allow them to make a determination as to how much space your junk will take up on a truck. That’s going to be used to calculate your charge. As soon as that is locked in, you’ll know just what you’ll be paying. There won’t be any extra charges popping up on the day of the removal. The supervisor will also set up that removal appointment that works around your schedule. On the day of the appointment the Junk King crew will promptly arrive and set about the task at hand. Because they are professionals they’ll know how to navigate heavy items through your home without causing any damage. It’s what they’re trained in. Before you know it, your junk will be gone. Technically, this means you’ll have more room to bring in more stuff but know that Junk King Seattle will always be standing by!

For the best in Seattle Junk Hauling, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Seattle Junk Removal

While the rest of the country swelters in hot and humid weather, Seattle once again is having a mild summer. How mild? You can actually count it by the minutes. According to date provided by the Washington Atmospheric Sciences Department, Seattle has experienced temperatures over 80 degrees only for 50 minutes this entire summer. Hardly a scorcher. Yes, we get our fair share of rain but when it comes to melting in the summer sun, it looks like Seattle really does catch a break.

What this relatively cool weather allows for it most time to take one projects without heat exhaustion. Before the fall rains return, many homeowners are taking to their yards and roofs to make necessary repairs. Another great project to tackle at this time would be clearing out of the all the junk that is making us into borderline hoarders. This is one project where you don’t have to be alone. Junk King Seattle can be your complete junk removal partner.

The reason we have any kind of junk is simple: no means to throw it away. This would apply to all those bulky items. Another way to look at it is if you needed help getting something into your house then you’re certainly going to need help getting it out. Sofas, refrigerators, stoves, mattresses? Those are all two-man operations when it comes to loading and unloading. Then there is the issue of the truck. Once again, those items were probably delivered on the back of a truck and need to be taken away using the same method. Here’s where Junk King Seattle comes into play and excels.

Your first call to Junk King sets up an appointment for an estimate. A supervisor will visit your home and access the amount of junk you want taken away. That assessment is really to determine how much space will be needed on the back of a Junk King truck. The space you take up is what you’ll be charged for the removal. That’s it. No hourly rates for the workers. No extra fees. No added travel time. It’s all in that estimate. How can you beat that? What’s better is that the Junk King crew will be doing all the heavy lifting and stair climbing. All you need to do is point to what you want taken away and in a flash, there were be a wide open empty space where that junk used to live. This is the perfect way to close out the summer: get rid of your junk today!

For the best in Seattle Junk Removal, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today and save $30!

Seattle Junk Removal Blog

Welcome to the Junk King Central Seattle official blog!   This blog will be one of our primary lines of communication to our customers, friends, fans and anyone else who is interested in our Central Seattle area Junk Removal services.

Be sure to check in for frequent updates and news about our affordable, efficient and eco-friendly Seattle junk hauling services.  Also, be sure to check out our official Seattle Junk Removal webpage for more information.

Junk King Seattle
525 S Brighton St E1
Seattle, WA 98108
Hours: M-F: 7A-6P, Sa: 8A-6P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Seattle area, including:

Mercer Island
Mountlake Terrace
and these nearby zip codes:
98004, 98005, 98006, 98007, 98008, 98011, 98021, 98022, 98027, 98028, 98029, 98033, 98034, 98036, 98039, 98040, 98043, 98052, 98053, 98056, 98057, 98059, 98065, 98072, 98074, 98075, 98077, 98101, 98102, 98103, 98104, 98105, 98106, 98107, 98108, 98109, 98112, 98115, 98116, 98117, 98118, 98119, 98121, 98122, 98125, 98126, 98133, 98134, 98136, 98144, 98146, 98154, 98155, 98158, 98161, 98164, 98168, 98174, 98177, 98178, 98181, 98188, 98195, 98199, 98321