Junk King Contra Costa

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Get The Home Ready For New Pet

Whether you’re bringing home a new puppy or kitten, you’re still going to have to change a lot of things around the house. There is going to need to be a dedicated spot in the kitchen for their water and food bowl. You might want to install a doggie door to allow your pup to go out in the backyard to do their business. As for the kitten, they’ll need a corner for their litter box. There will also be all kinds of beds, scratch posts and toys that will come along with those new members of the family. There might even be a big kennel for the dog. All of that could require a certain amount of shifting around of furniture and other items in your home. This could reveal you’ve also got a lot of clutter to clear out.


If all of that adds up to a major trash overflow, then you’ll definitely want to hire Junk King Contra Costa. One call to these professional junk haulers any your unwanted rubbish will be gone in less time than it takes to walk your dog around the block! You might want to keep the number for junk King Contra Costa handy for after the pet moves in, too. If that dog or cat has destroyed a sofa, chair or table chewing and scratching then you might want to get rid of that piece.

Junk King Contra Costa is going to provide all the manpower and truck space you’ll need to get rid of anything and everything from your house. It could make a huge difference deciding what to toss out knowing that you have all that help. The Junk King crews won’t be put off by anything that is heavy or grimy. You want it gone then consider it gone!

The cost for all this amazing work is surprisingly affordable. Taking on this task as a DIY project require you to rent a truck, higher your own movers and give up a significant portion of day for the disposal of the stuff. Instead, Junk King provides all of that for one flat fee. This is a price that is based on volume and not weight. The best way to welcome a new pet is to take out the rubbish first. Junk King Contra Costa can make that happen!

Junk King Contra Costa
5933 Northfront Rd. Suite C
Livermore, CA 94551
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Contra Costa area, including:

Discovery Bay
San Ramon
Walnut Creek
and these nearby zip codes:
94505, 94506, 94507, 94509, 94513, 94514, 94516, 94517, 94518, 94519, 94520, 94521, 94522, 94524, 94525, 94526, 94527, 94528, 94529, 94531, 94537, 94550, 94551, 94556, 94566, 94568, 94570, 94575, 94582, 94583, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94597, 94598