Junk King Contra Costa

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Tag Archives: rubbish

Clear Out The Junk From Your Walnut Creek Home

Fall has officially arrived. That means the days will be a bit shorter and the temperatures will be a bit cooler. It also means you might have a list of tasks to complete around the house before the major holiday season kicks into high gear. There is a time between the start of school and Halloween where you should focus on clearing out all the junk from your Walnut Creek home. To make that happen you will definitely want to bring in the team from Junk King Contra Costa.

All the Junk Can Go

Walnut Creek homeowners take a lot of pride in their property. That is reflected in the well-kept lawns that you see on proud display as you drive through the various neighborhoods.  One of the ways those lawns are maintained is by staying on top of clearing out the debris. There are two types of yard debris. The first is everything generated by “mother nature.” That would be all the raked up leaves, pruned tree branches, pulled up shrubbery and any other item that would be part of a landscaping upgrade. The team from Junk King can easily load up all of that yard debris including loose gravel and dirt. That will certainly go a long way towards keeping those yards in well-manicured condition.

Clearing out the junk from your Walnut Creek home doesn’t have to stop at the front yard. When you have Junk King on the job you can extend that cleanup into every room in your house. Wherever there is an unwanted piece of furniture, box of clothing, broken appliance or outdated electronic gadget the Junk King team will go to swiftly remove those items. You’re going to like how fast and efficiently this cleanup crew works.

Schedule Today

Junk King appreciates how valuable your time is and they don’t want to tie up your day waiting around for the crew. That is why they offer their pickups at two-hour intervals throughout the day. Those two hours are mostly spent driving between one location to another. Once the crew arrives at your home it usually takes under 30 minutes to clear out all the items you want to get rid of.

Setting up a junk removal session with Junk King Contra Costa will make a terrific improvement in your Walnut Creek home. Make that call today.

Stay Consistent With Junk Removal

Consistency goes a long way towards creating a comfortable living environment. You want to be consistent with maintaining the temperatures in your all so that it never gets too hot to cold. You also want to be consistent with your cleaning schedule. Dedicating time each week to cleaning the bathrooms and doing the laundry goes a long way towards creating that pleasant home. You might find that there is an ongoing need to clear out rubbish from your property. This happens if you had spent a long time cumulative a lot of objects over the years. At some point, many of those objects become obsolete. There’s no reason to hold onto them. That is when you can set up junk removal sessions with Junk King Contra Costa. Those can be done on a consistent basis too in order to ensure that your home will never be overrun by rubbish.

Outside and Inside

One of the first appointments you set up with Junk King could focus strictly on all the debris you want to clear from the outside of your all. This is a good way to prepare for any landscaping makeover. The team from Junk King won’t hesitate to clear out anything from your backyard regardless of what kind of shape it is in. They can take down a rusty swing set or dilapidated wooden toolshed. They can also clear out an old barbecue grill and the remains of patio demolition. That includes piles of lumber and chunks of concrete. Removing all of that rubbish will certainly improve the look of your back and front yard. It might end up taking up the entire Junk King truck. That is why you might need to schedule a second session later on in the year for inside rubbish removal.

That second session can be focused on getting all the clutter out of your garage or spare rooms. This is a terrific way to prepare for the holidays. It also will help you organize your storage areas so that you can maximize the space and not waste it with items you know won’t be used again in the household.

The goal of consistent junk removal sessions with Junk King Contra Costa is to always keep your home clear of the clutter. Set up that first session today.

Schedule A Junk Move Before The Big Move

There is a lot to schedule when you’re getting ready to move. Obviously, the most important element are the professional movers themselves. As you might guess, they are always booked on the first of the month. That can actually work to your advantage. If you have a flexible moving schedule, then you could book the movers during the week and might be able to negotiate a better rate. Most moving companies charge by the hour. That means you don’t want them wasting a lot of time packing up things that you just gonna throw out on the other side. This is why you should schedule a junk move before your big move with Junk King Contra Costa.

When thinking about the new place you moving into, how much of your current furniture are you going to use? Does everything fit in with your new decorating scheme? If your furniture is one out and you are going to replace it, then you should do it before the move. The crew from Junk King will be able to help get those heavy objects out of your house and out of the way. This ultimately might make the packing go a lot easier because you have more room for boxes.

Junk King doesn’t just have to take away furniture but also other items like electronics, clothing and other household goods. That sounds like the kinds of things that might be able to be used by another family. Fortunately, Junk King has developed relationships with many charities in the area. They know exactly what these organizations are looking for and when they come across items that could be reused, they will make every effort to drop those things off at those charities. It is always nice when our usable possessions can keep on being used even when we’re done with them.

It will be easy to schedule your session with Junk King. Once you’ve locked down all the things you want to get rid of, you can call to set up the appointment. It can be before moving day or right after. Either way, the crew from Junk King won’t take up a lot of your time and removing that rubbish will be one less thing to worry about.

Hiring Junk King Contra Costa to get rid of your unwanted items is going to make your move to a new place go a lot smoother. Set that plan into motion today.

Get Rid Of Your Bulky Rubbish The Right Way

Last year, a task force that was made up of law enforcement officials, public works members and health officials came together to tackle the problem of illegal trash dumping. First, they needed to  find out just how pervasive a problem this is across Contra Costa County. They discovered that $1.2 million was spent picking up illegally dumped trash last year. The number of those illegal dumping spots rose by 14% last year and they estimate that the number might go up in another 5% this year. As for the legal dumpers themselves, the task force could be making recommendations of increasing the penalty and even going so far as to seize the car someone caught illegally dumping.

With 660 miles of road in the county there are a lot of spots that can become a dumping ground. It certainly isn’t fair to the residents that take care of their rubbish in a responsible manner. Junk King Contra Costa is standing by to help homeowners, businesses and apartment renters deal with their bulky rubbish removal in a responsible way.

When you hire the Junk King crew, you’re hiring a pair of workers who are dedicated to clearing out all the unwanted furniture, appliances and other household goods, property in very little time. Not only can Junk King help with all the unwanted items from inside a home but also they can clear out the debris that might be piled up outside. Clearing out construction waste, lumber and other yard debris will go a long way towards improving a home’s curb appeal. Is this the kind of work you can benefit from?

You can set up an appointment with Junk King by calling or going online. When you book online you save $20 right from the start. You’ll be asked to pick a day and two-hour window that works best for your schedule. It probably won’t take the full two hours to get your stuff picked up. But that will give the Junk King crews plenty of time to get from one home to the next. And everything collected by Junk King will be disposed of in a responsible way. That’s a very good thing for Contra Costa!

Junk King Contra Costa is ready to help you clear all the unwanted rubbish from your home or business. Make a call for an appointment today and watch how fast the junk goes away!

What Is Up In Your Attic Can Come Down With Help From Junk King

The law of gravity states, “What goes up, must come down.” That might apply to things you’re tossing up in the air but when it comes to things you’ve stored up in your attic, gravity isn’t a factor. Too often we use out attics for storage units and most of what goes into storage is forgotten. The exception would be the holiday decorations that get brought down once a year. Everything else from electronics to clothing to furniture falls into the “out of sight, out of mind” category. If your last trip up to the attic found you be crowded out by clutter, then it is time to bring in Junk King Contra Costa. These junk hauling pros will certainly be able to bring everything down in a single attic clearing session.


The first objective is for you to identify exactly what you want removed. The might take a few minutes if everything is out in the open. If you need to go through boxes, then you owe it to yourself to make that happen. This kind of sorting can help you uncover some long forgotten treasures. It can also convince you that is the right thing to do when you suddenly find yourself among heaps of things that can be taken away by Junk King. What you’ll be left with is a lot of space that can be put to more practical use.

Before the Junk King crew begins to load up the truck, they’ll have to estimate how to pack the truck. This is how your flat fee will be processed. Using the concept of volume versus weight for junk removal is a very fair approach. You’ll find that when Junk King offers a fee is will be significantly less than what you would pay if you priced this task out as a DIY project.

When it comes to cleaning out your attic, let Junk King Contra Costa handle it from start to finish. You’ll be glad you did.

Smart Moves For First-Time Homebuyers

Have you finally outgrown your apartment? Are you planning on starting a family? Do you want to make a smart investment? Those are all good reasons for buying a first home. By accepting this challenge, you’ll be embarking on a process that will be equal parts frustrating and rewarding. The best approach is to be patient and follow these smart moves for first-time homebuyers:


Interview Several Real Estate Agents

You’re going to need the services of an experienced real estate agent to help you navigate the market. Yes, you can look at all kinds of homes on all kinds of online sites but looking isn’t the same as negotiating. As good as those sites are they don’t always have up to date information. A real estate agent will. It is important you feel comfortable with your real estate agent and that they are easy to communicate with. You might want to interview a few agents before settling on a perfect fit. Even though you might only be dealing with this person for a few months, it is still vital to get the right agent for your needs.

Set a Budget

Every entity that offers a home loan will have their version of a mortgage calculator. This will let you plug in the amount you have for a deposit and the amount of the total loan to see what your monthly payments would be. You should be looking for a number that is as close to what you’re paying in rent. That you know you can avoid but you also have to take in additional expenses like homeowner’s insurance (a must for a mortgage) and closing costs. Loan companies also want to see that you have at least three payments in savings. It’s a lot of number crunching to do but when you get all of that out of the way, you’ll know the budget range of homes to look at.

Try Not to Fall in Love

You’re going to find a lot of homes that you love and can instantly see yourself growing old in with your family. Then that dream home is going to be snatched away by another bidder. It could be a matter of timing or someone making a better offer. The thing to do is to move onto the next prospect. The time to fall in love with a home is when they put the keys in your hand.

When all is settled and you’re getting ready to move, the best thing you can do for your new home is to hire Junk King Contra Costa. This will insure that you’re not bringing your old junk into your new house. One session gets all your old rubbish cleared away and that’s a very smart move.

Don’t Wait For Junk Removal

Any time you request as city service you’re going to enter into a waiting game. You definitely experience this anytime you have to deal with the DMV. What about garbage pick-up? Yes, you can count on your weekly delivery to happen on the same day provided there isn’t a holiday in the week. But when it comes to picking up those bulk items that won’t fit into your trash can you might find yourself waiting a very long time. If you don’t want to wait around to junk removal, then you need to hire Junk King Contra Costa.


Whatever bulk item service the city provides it is limited. You might be able to get rid of a single sofa in a year but the caveat is that you have to bring that sofa down to the curb on the morning of the pickup. What happens if you have more than a sofa to get rid of? Junk King Contra Cost won’t turn away junk. They will be showing up at your home in a truck big enough to hold whatever you’re throwing out. If you happen to have a huge clean up, then Junk King will happily send over more trucks. One recent job took three truckloads for the complete clean up. Not a problem for Junk King.

The added benefit of hiring Junk King is that you won’t be doing any work. No need to bring your items down to the curb with the experienced Junk King crew on hand. How heavy something is will never be an issue for them. The have the skills and the tools to move out anything you want from your home. That includes something you might have built in a room and can’t fit out the door. The crew will “cut it down” to size!

The cost for this service is very affordable. The labor, truck and transportation are all included in a single flat fee. That fee is based on how your stuff will be packed onto the truck. It’s about volume and not weight. When you need junk removal fast and affordable, you need Junk King Contra Costa on the job.

How Many Of These Common Home Fixes Can You Tackle?

Taking pride in your home isn’t just about its appearance. It’s also about making repairs so that you’re living environment is comfortable. Big repairs should be handled by professional contractors but there’s a lot of little fixes that you can handle with the right tools, materials and the occasional YouTube DIY video. How many of these common home fixes can you tackle?

Replacing the Showerhead

A showerhead will occasionally become clogged thanks to mineral deposits in the water. You may also be using an older showerhead that waste a lot more water than a newly designed low-flow showerhead. All that is really needed to replace the showerhead is an adjustable wrench, plumbers tape and your new showerhead of choice. Thankfully, the vast majority of shower pipes are universal. That means one showerhead fits all.

Stopping a Toilet from Running

A toilet that is running can be an annoyance but it’s also a big waste of water. It would be a shame if that water were running all through the night. All you have to do to stop a toilet from running is make an adjustment in the tank. Lift the lid, flush the toilet and watch the cycle. You’ll see right away what the problem is whether the flap is enclosing or the flow bulb is rising as it should. Both are easy fixes. You can turn off the water under the toilet, flush again and the tank will be empty for you to make your adjustments.

Shutting Off Water and Gas

You should become familiar with where your water and gas lines run into the house and how to shut them off. Turning off water is a good idea when you go away on an extended vacation. And they gas needs to be shut off the moment you smell gas in the home.

Unclogging A Kitchen Drain

Just so you know, the same plunger you use in the toilet won’t work in the kitchen drain. You need a smaller one to get the suction power that you need. Avoid pouring chemicals down those pipes because they are too corrosive. If you want to take extreme measures into your own hand, then you can buy a small Roto-Rooter system to use on a drain.

One of the jobs you probably would be better off turning over to professionals is junk hauling. A company like Junk King Contra Costa provides the manpower, the truck and the time to dispose of whatever it is you want to toss out. This is a great way to really transform your home by getting rid of all your unwanted rubbish. When it comes to fast junk removal, leave that job to Junk King Contra Costa.

How To Increase Business To Your Restaurant

On the average, families are dining out at least four times a week. That includes actually going to restaurant or ordering takeout. How much of that business are you capturing? Even though competition might be fierce, there are some ways to help you stand out from the crowd. Consider the following tips to help increase your restaurant business:


Combo Meals

Combo meals have long been a staple of fast food restaurants. But this concept isn’t limited to just drive-through. You can develop combo meals for your menus that can include things like soup and/or salad with an entrée. You could also have a selection of one or two side dishes they go along with the main course. Consumers like to think they’re getting a good deal and combination meals often entice them with that bargain.

Small Plate Menu Options

Appetizers are a great way to “up sell” a customer’s restaurant experience. It may serve your purpose is to expand your small plate menu options to provide an even bigger variety of tasty treats. These are foods that people like to share. In some cases, they may order just small plates that would equal the cost of a meal.

Expand Happy Hour

Those small plates that you offer for regular dinner service can also be utilized during happy hour. If you have a bar that’s part of your restaurant, then you should definitely be having a happy hour during the week. Many customers appreciate a discount and would happily visit a restaurant at off-peak hours to score a deal on drinks and food.

Start a Reward Program

The goal is that every new customer becomes a regular customer. You can secure those customers by setting up a reward program. This can be as simple as for every 10 meals they purchase the next one is free. There are plenty of digital rewards mobile apps that you can utilize for this purpose.

As you increase more traffic into your restaurant you don’t want to let your standard slip. That is especially important when it comes to cleanliness. This is the first thing your customers a notice from the moment they walk into your restaurant. They’re going to be looking to see if things are clean. Your staff should always be cleaning but they can always be hauling out junk. That is the job for Junk King Contra Costa. When you have excess furniture or kitchen appliances that are too big for the dumpster, then you can depend on junk King for fast removal. One session with Junk King Contra Costa will make sure your restaurant is clear of rubbish.

Great Ideas For Your Garage

Do you remember when you moved into your house and how empty your garage was? There might have only been a bare light bulb in the space. How quickly did it take for you to fill that up? The garage is meant for parking your car but it also becomes a very popular “storage unit” for the home. If you’ve gotten used to not parking your car in your garage, then perhaps it’s time to reevaluate that space. In other words, as long as your car is taking care of why not put that space to better use? Here are some ideas that you could adapt for your garage:


Home Office

There’s a long list of successful businesses that started in a garage. If you’ve got an idea or business that you’d like to start, then you need dedicated space for an office. A garage is a perfect area for that. If you don’t want to feel boxed in, then you can always replace the garage door with a wall and windows.


Whether you have one kid or five, the first thing that becomes apparent is that they have a way of taking over the entire house. You can reclaim your home by setting up the garage as their private playroom. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your washer and dryer in the garage but you can put down some linoleum flooring, add shelves and a kid size table to make this a terrific playroom. Won’t it be great to have all the toys in one place?

Arts and Craft Studio

If you are in to arts and crafts, then you need a good space for your creations. You can set of a central workstation in your garage and have plenty of overhead lighting. There’s also room for storage of all your materials. If your garage is freestanding, then you might want to consider adding a skylight to bring in natural light.

Before you get to work on any of these renovations, you want to make sure your garage is completely clear of all your unwanted clutter. One call to Junk King Contra Costa gets that job done. These professional junk haulers will be able to literally back right up to your garage door. All you have to do is point to the things you want taken away and you’ll be amazed at how quickly they disappear. Make your garage into something wonderful by clearing out the clutter first with help from Junk King Contra Costa.

Junk King Contra Costa
5933 Northfront Rd. Suite C
Livermore, CA 94551
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Contra Costa area, including:

Discovery Bay
San Ramon
Walnut Creek
and these nearby zip codes:
94505, 94506, 94507, 94509, 94513, 94514, 94516, 94517, 94518, 94519, 94520, 94521, 94522, 94524, 94525, 94526, 94527, 94528, 94529, 94531, 94537, 94550, 94551, 94556, 94566, 94568, 94570, 94575, 94582, 94583, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94597, 94598