Junk King Contra Costa

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Tag Archives: rubbish

Use These Helpful Tips To Get Your Home Organized

Do you spent a lot of time looking for things around your house? How often do you go in search of something only to give up when it can’t be found? Maybe you become distracted by other things that are cluttering up your home. It’s time to dedicate yourself to getting organized. These helpful tips will get you started:


Out In the Garage

The best place for storage in your garage are the walls. Here is where a little pegboard action can make a huge difference. Almost everything you have in your garage from rakes, shovels, sporting equipment and tools can be hung on a pegboard. You can also install a shelf along the length of your garage that drops down just a few feet from the ceiling. Think of it as a loft for your stuff. By getting all these things on the walls you have more room to park your car in their once again.

Straighten Up the Kid’s Room

Your kid’s room is probably the most cluttered place in your entire home. It helps if you can provide your kid with the necessary organizing items to keep that clutter under control. For instance, you should put all their books in alphabetical order. Not only will this help you find them but it will also teach them how to use the effort! A wicker trunk or basket with the lid is a great place to put stuffed animals and other toys. Picking everything up off the floor before bedtime is a good habit to get into.

Focus On the Bathroom

Just as you should toss out expired food in the kitchen, you should also toss out expired medication in your bathroom. You might find that you can clear out half your medicine cabinet that way. As for organizing your toiletries, make a bag to caddy hung on the back of the bathroom door or cabinet is a good way to go.

Presort Your Laundry

Instead of wasting time sorting through your laundry you should set up three baskets: one for delicates, one for whites and one for color. Your kids can get into the habit of dumping their own close into the appropriate basket. This will make the laundry day go a lot smoother.

Toss Out The Rubbish

As you make your way through your home and garage, you are sure to come across a lot of items that could be tossed out. Some of these things might fit into the trash but a lot might be too big for the weekly pickup. That’s where Junk King Contra Costa to make a big difference. One call to these junk removal pros will have all your unwanted rubbish hauled away in a single session. Junk King Contra Costa provides the manpower and the truck space that you need to get rid of all your unwanted junk. Imagine what how that can help get your home organized.

Junk King Contra Costa Can Help With Cardboard Box And Rubbish Overloaded

Everybody knows that cardboard boxes can be recycled. The goal is getting them broken down and crammed into the recycling bin for the weekly pickup. Often folks will hold onto cardboard boxes because of their potential practical reuse around the house. After all, everybody needs a good cardboard box, right? The problem is getting into the habit of holding onto every cardboard box. Before you know it, your basement or garage is overloaded with cardboard boxes. It could be hard to get rid of those in your tiny recycle bin. That’s the time to bring in Junk King Contra Costa. This is a company that can handle any type of cardboard box or rubbish overload.


If your original intent was to recycle those cardboard boxes, then you don’t have to worry when you hire Junk King Contra Costa. This is a company that is dedicated to recycling. It has been part of their operating philosophy since they began collecting junk over 10 years ago. Junk King Contra Costa knows exactly which facilities in the area will take cardboard boxes. They also know the facilities that will handle things like foam cushions, metal, lumber, concrete and even dirt. Yes, there’s a long list of things that can be recycled from your home beyond all the kitchen trash. When you hire Junk King Contra Costa, you don’t have to concern yourself with what can be recycled. The crews who will be doing the loading have all been trained to spot those items that can be pulled out for that type of drop-off.

Recycling also means making donations to charity. If the Junk King Contra Costa crew things your old sofa or bedroom set still has a little life left into it, then they will make sure he gets to those organizations that will place it with a family need. Nothing has to go to waste when you hire Junk King Contra Costa.

The cost for this service is surprisingly affordable. The two-man moving crew, the truck and the drop-offs are all included in a flat fee. This is in an hourly rate or a charge by the pound. Instead, Junk King Contra Costa charges by how much room your stuff will fill in the back of the truck. This is a price that you’ll know before the work begins. For fast and affordable rubbish removal, you can always count on Junk King Contra Costa.

Save Your Embarrassment Over The Garage Clutter

Are you embarrassed open your garage doors? You’re probably not alone. If you were to do a survey throughout your neighborhood, then you would find that many of your neighbors are in the same position of having a garage that is so cluttered junk you could possibly park a car in there. Opening the garage door reveals boxes and rubbish stacked to the ceiling. Is that really the best use of that space? If you’re ready to get rid of all that clutter and avoid the embarrassment, then you’re ready to give Junk King Contra Costa a call. These are the junk removal pros that specialize in clearing out garages.


As far as Junk King Contra Costa is concerned, a garage clean out is very easy. All they have to do is back the truck up to the door and load up all the things want to get rid of. It’s a very short trip for all that junk! Before the crew, shows up your job through all the things you’re keeping in the garage and decide exactly what you want tossed out. There are a couple of factors in mind that might help you decide on that toss out pile.

First, it doesn’t matter to the Junk King crew how heavy something is. You could be throwing out a pool table, treadmill or piano. As far as the Junk King crew is concerned it’s all going to end up on the back of the truck so what’s the difference? The other thing to keep in mind is that whatever you’re throwing out doesn’t automatically mean it’s going to be dumped in a landfill.

Junk King Contra Costa would much rather drop your stuff off at a charity or recycling facility then making a trip to a landfill. All the crews working for junk King have been trained to spot those items that can be repurposed. They also know what the local charities are specifically looking for. That makes the job of sorting through your stuff easy.

You should also know that the truck used by the Junk King crew would be big enough to hold whatever you want to toss out. Bottom line: when you hire Junk King Contra Costa to remove your junk anything and everything can go!

Junk King Contra Costa
5933 Northfront Rd. Suite C
Livermore, CA 94551
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 9A-4P, Su: 9A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Contra Costa area, including:

Discovery Bay
San Ramon
Walnut Creek
and these nearby zip codes:
94505, 94506, 94507, 94509, 94513, 94514, 94516, 94517, 94518, 94519, 94520, 94521, 94522, 94524, 94525, 94526, 94527, 94528, 94529, 94531, 94537, 94550, 94551, 94556, 94566, 94568, 94570, 94575, 94582, 94583, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94597, 94598