Junk King Nashville

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Tag Archives: Nashville Carpet Disposal

Nashville Carpet Disposal and Recycling

Unless you live in a museum, here’s the thing about your carpets: they’re going to get stained. There is simply no way to avoid the occasional spill and if you’ve got a dog or cat, forget about it! When a stain or spill happens, don’t panic. It’s important that you treat it as quickly as possible but treat it the right way. The first phase could be with rubbing alcohol on a white cloth used to dab at the spot to lift up as much as possible. Then to get in deep, mix 1/4 cup of water with 3/4 household vinegar. Spray the stain and let it sit for a few moments then use the same mixture to dab up the cloth.

For a more stubborn stain, wrap a bar of Ivory Soap in a wet cloth. Club soda will also do in a pinch. The same with hydrogen peroxide or household ammonia. Just be careful with colored carpet. You can test an area that is under a piece of furniture first to make sure it won’t harm the color. The other thing to keep in mind with a stain is that you want to blot as opposed to scrub. Scrubbing can tend to drive the stain in deeper.

There may come a time that no amount of cleaning will be enough for a carpet. That’s when you’ll be looking to replace the rugs with brand new carpeting. If it’s been a while since you went shopping for new carpet, you might be surprised to find that a lot of the new designs are also stain resistant. This means they’re going to last longer which makes new carpeting a good investment.

You can save on the installation by having your own carpet removed by Junk King Nashville. Rolled up carpets is something that definitely needs to be hauled away on the back of a truck. It’s also the kind of job that a Junk King crew will be able to handle without breaking a sweat.

While Junk King is taking away your carpet, they can also load up their truck with all those other items you want tossed out. A new carpet could also be the perfect excuse for new furniture, which means you need to find somewhere to toss all of that old furniture so that it doesn’t take up valuable space in your home.

When Junk King Nashville takes away furniture they don’t just dump it in a landfill. Instead, they’ll find a charity that can fix it up and resell it or make sure it ends up broken down and at the proper recycling facility. That should make you feel pretty good about getting rid of your stuff. Of course, you don’t have to wait for new carpet to put Junk King to work. They’ll clear out your clutter whenever you’re ready!

Junk King Nashville
125 Space Park South
Nashville, TN 37211
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 8A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the Nashville area, including:

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Castalian Springs
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Mt Juliet
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