Junk King Richmond

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Spring Cleaning Tips in Richmond

The next time you walk into your home take moment to stand in your open front door and survey the situation. Just how clean is your home? It doesn’t have to pass a military white glove test but were you able to tackle your spring-cleaning to-do list yet? Don’t worry. Putting off cleaning is right up there with going to the gym when it comes to procrastinating. Before you dive into your home spring-cleaning you’ll want to develop a plan of attack and here is where that list can be helpful.

Start out by going through every room and note down what needs to be taken care of. The obvious things like dusting, vacuuming and mopping will make the top of the list but you’ve got to look deeper. What about your baseboards? Ceiling fans? Drapes? Sofa cushions? They should all be given the once over while you’re cleaning. As you create this work list you should also create a supply list. What will you need to get the job done? Don’t let a trip to the grocery store in the middle of your cleaning distract you from getting the job done. Line up all those supplies before you start.

If you’ve got family members helping you clean then assign “zones.” Everyone gets to do their own room but they should also branch out to help with the common living areas and bathrooms. If the work is distributed evenly then there should be no gripping. (Maybe a little gripping!).

Then there is the issue of all your junk. As you make your survey you’re sure to find a lot of stuff you want to toss out. You have the option to donate or to trash. When you hire Junk King of Central VA you can actually take care of both of those options. That’s because Junk King is dedicated to making sure your junk ends up in the right place. Before being dumped in a landfill there are many alternatives such as recycling centers or charities that do refurbishing. You won’t have to worry about doing the sorting. The Junk King Central VA crew handles all of that.

Ann W. of Henrico hired Junk King and was extremely happen with their performance. “They did a great job for us today. Very impressed with the way they broke down items and packed the truck, utilizing all the available space. Will call them again.”

That’s the kind of praise you always hear about Junk King Richmond. Hopefully, you’ll only need to call them once for junk removal but it’s good to know they’ll be ready to help with anything you want to toss out.

Junk King Richmond
2350 Lanier Road
Rockville, VA 23146
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Richmond area, including:

Fork Union
Glen Allen
Gum Spring
Kents Store
and these nearby zip codes:
23005, 23009, 23015, 23024, 23039, 23047, 23055, 23058, 23059, 23060, 23063, 23065, 23067, 23069, 23075, 23084, 23093, 23102, 23111, 23116, 23173, 23218, 23219, 23220, 23221, 23222, 23223, 23226, 23227, 23228, 23229, 23230, 23231, 23232, 23233, 23238, 23241, 23242, 23250, 23255, 23260, 23261, 23269, 23273, 23274, 23276, 23278, 23279, 23282, 23284, 23285, 23286, 23288, 23289, 23290, 23291, 23292, 23293, 23294, 23295, 23298