Junk King Richmond

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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Junk King Takes Care Of Mattress Removal

Shopping for a new mattress is a lot like shopping for a new car. You will want to “test drive” your new mattress. This happens at the dealership but you need to take your time to find the right fit. You shouldn’t shop for a mattress in a lot of bulky jackets and sweaters. That won’t provide you with an accurate feel for the mattress. And don’t just lay down quickly and get right back up. Take a few minutes to see how the mattress feels when you are stretching out on it. Remember, this is a significant investment that will go a long way to determine whether or not you will get a good night’s rest.

After you have found the perfect fit for a new mattress, you then have to arrange for your old mattress to be removed and disposed of in a responsible way. That is easily taken care of with one call to Junk King Richmond.

 More than the mattress

Every junking appointment is staffed by a pair of movers. You need at least two people to remove a mattress especially if it is coming down from upstairs. Those movers will also be rolling up in a large truck. Again, that is exactly what you need for mattress removal. But it is also what you need to get rid of any other unwanted items from your home. Having a pair of movers and a big truck allows you to get rid of any piece of furniture or major appliance. The Junk King crew can also load up boxes and bags of clothing, shoes, books, toys and other household goods. Let your mattress removal be the inspiration to de-clutter your entire home! Just think what a difference that can make!

When you are ready to get rid of an old mattress, you are ready to bring in the team from Junk King Richmond. Book your session today.

Junk King Richmond
2350 Lanier Road
Rockville, VA 23146
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Richmond area, including:

Fork Union
Glen Allen
Gum Spring
Kents Store
and these nearby zip codes:
23005, 23009, 23015, 23024, 23039, 23047, 23055, 23058, 23059, 23060, 23063, 23065, 23067, 23069, 23075, 23084, 23093, 23102, 23111, 23116, 23173, 23218, 23219, 23220, 23221, 23222, 23223, 23226, 23227, 23228, 23229, 23230, 23231, 23232, 23233, 23238, 23241, 23242, 23250, 23255, 23260, 23261, 23269, 23273, 23274, 23276, 23278, 23279, 23282, 23284, 23285, 23286, 23288, 23289, 23290, 23291, 23292, 23293, 23294, 23295, 23298