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Tag Archives: Junk King Sonoma

Save the Environment!- Practice Proper Hot Tub Disposal

You might be thinking of replacing your hot tub with a much newer model and in order to do so you’ll need some help from the professionals. If you want to make a home improvement this holiday season and a new hot tub is on the cards then you should definitely continue reading.

For your information most of the materials and chemicals that are used to make hot tubs are quite dangerous to human life. Some of these include: metal, fibreglass, plastic and acrylic. These harmful substances often pollute the water, air and soil which can have a negative impact on the environment. If we are to sustain the environment for future generations to come then we must play our part by practicing eco-friendly hot tub disposal techniques.

Contract a Junk Removal Service to Assist With Proper Hot Tub Disposal

Hot Tub DisposalFor efficient and eco-friendly hot tub disposal it is always best to seek professional help. A junk removal company possesses all the necessary skills and equipment to remove and dispose of your hot tub using the best industry practices. You can also save a whole lot of time and money when you choose to call the experts.

You see eco -friendly junk removal companies will also dismantle and extract recyclable materials as part of the process which helps to fulfill a vital role by protecting the environment and utilizing materials for other purposes that would otherwise be discarded. Remember its about sustainability and saving the planet.

Apart from the lengthy and meticulous process of removing a hot tub you then face the challenge of finding the appropriate site for its final resting place. Again here is where contracting a junk removal company is the best solution because we take care of the transporting and processing. Now that’s one less thing to worry about.

Junk King Is Here To Help! – We Offer Eco-Friendly Hot Tub Disposal Services

Here at Junk King we specialize in the removal and disposal of all types of junk including hot tub disposal. We also strive to promote eco- friendly waste removal by incorporating environmentally safe practices as part of our service. Remember we will transport and process your hot tub with no additional or hidden fees. Our top rated and professional services offer many benefits with little or no hassle to you.

Keep in mind that these services play a crucial role in our lives as they aim to maintain a clean and wholesome environment and keep the population safe. So to get your hot tub removed visit our website at www.junk-king.com to book online or call us at 1-888-888-JUNK  to schedule an appointment right away.

Get a Professional Construction Waste Removalist for Construction Sites

Are you in the construction business and responsible for managing large construction projects? Well if you are then your job most likely entails clearing out and removing large amounts of waste from construction sites. Additionally since the improper disposal of construction waste can pose serious threats to health and the environment it is strictly recommended that a professional construction waste removalist be contracted to appropriately remove construction waste in a safe and efficient manner.

Hiring Professional Construction Waste Removalist Serves To Avoid Injury

Construction Waste RemovalistThe majority of waste accumulated on construction sites usually includes broken glass, concrete, building materials, soil, broken bricks etc. Not only do these items require time and effort to be removed but they can be extremely dangerous if handled incorrectly.

Hazardous materials that can cause health or environmental issues or injury may also be present in construction waste hence why it is strictly recommended that persons hire a professional construction waste removalist to assist them in this regard.

A construction waste removalist company possess all the necessary equipment and trained personnel to manage and dispose construction waste safely and efficiently. This way contractors can avoid resorting to illegal disposal practices and eliminate the threat of injury and other health concerns on construction sites.

Construction Waste Removalist Companies Offer Complete Services To Make Construction Waste Removal Hassle Free

Professional construction waste removalists not only collect construction waste from sites but they also include the transport and processing of waste before disposal. Essentially this is done to encourage safe disposal practices,  to avoid contamination ,pollution or any major health issues and to eliminate the inconvenience of the additional cost related to waste disposal.

Construction site operators can also expect clear, well maintained and properly running construction sites ready for use and won’t have to worry about stalled projects because of accumulated waste or safety concerns .

Hire The #1 Construction Waste Removalist In The Country – Let Junk King  Manage Your Construction Waste For You

At Junk King we specialize in the removal of all types of waste including construction waste. We also  transport and process your waste with no additional or hidden fees.

People can benefit from our top rated services with little or no hassle and whether construction sites are big or small our services serve to facilitate safe, efficient and professional construction waste removal whether commercial or residential.

For a bit more convenience people can also opt to use our MINI dumpster rental services. Drop off and pick up of dumpsters is prompt and you only pay for the space you use up.

So to keep construction sites safe and maintained by giving the #1 construction waste removalist a call at: 1-888-888-JUNK  or you can visit our website at www.junk-king.com for more information or to book online.

Dumpster Rental in Sonoma for Efficient Waste Management

Dumpster RentalLive in Sonoma County and currently conducting a small construction project, home renovations or just doing general cleaning? If you are then perhaps you’re looking for an efficient way to handle your waste removal. Well for projects such as these dumpster rental is the ideal solution and the good news is that the number one junk removal company in the country is located right in your vacinity with the most affordable dumpster rental services in Sonoma.

Get Local Dumpster Rental In Sonoma with the # 1 Junk Removal Company

To be honest if you’re going to rent a dumpster it would be easier to source one locally to provide what you need. This is mainly to reduce high cost and avoid the inconveniences associated with far out dumpster rental services.

Here at Junk King we make it easy to find a dumpster rental near you as we operate with series of local franchises all across the country to assist you with all your junk/waste removal. With top rated service and fantastic rates managing your waste has never been easier.

Dumpster Rental with Eco- Friendly Disposal

Committed to keeping the environment safe and clean here at Junk King we employ eco-friendly practices into our all our junk/waste removal services from collection to disposal.  With sorting facilities and recycling systems in place all over North America we have earned the reputation to be the ‘greenest’ junk removal service in the country and is probably because we recycle or reuse more than half of the junk we collect.

As it relates to dumpster rental in Sonoma our eco-friendly disposal practices apply all the same and our dumpster services include driveway friendly containers that can accommodate up to 12 cubic yards of waste.

They also provide an option to walk in for safety when disposing bulky waste or heavy items but best of all with Junk King customers only pay for the space they use.

Get Transparent Dumpster Rental Pricing

Most junk removal companies offer fair pricing for their services however though some of them may seem like fantastic deals customers end up facing a barrage of hidden fees which unfortunately result in costly dumpster rental bills when all is said and done.

At Junk King customers can enjoy clear, upfront pricing, easy to understand terms and are only charged extra if the dumpster overflows. In addition to this we believe that dumpster rates should include everything you need to use the service without extra charges.

Book Your Dumpster Rental Today

With flexible services, great prices and efficient drop off and pickup let Junk King be your company of choice for dumpster rental in Sonoma. Our dumpsters serve as an excellent and effective solution for efficient waste management. To rent your dumpster visit our website at: www.junk-king.com or call us at 1-888-888-JUNK  to schedule an appointment right away.

Furniture Removal – Sonoma County

Are you from Sonoma County California? Do you by any chance have old furniture or other waste items you want removed from your property? Well you are in luck as the number one rated junk and furniture removal company in the country is right in your backyard.

Furniture Removal Services Furniture Removal

You may have large and heavy items that you cannot manage on your own, hazardous waste that may be dangerous and requires professional help to be removed or maybe you want to do a general clean up of your home and surroundings for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.

Not to worry as Junk King Junk Removal Services can come in to assist you by providing all the necessary equipment and trained personnel to manage junk/waste removal from your home.

Not only does our dedicated team come in and handle junk/waste removal efficiently but we also specialize in the transport and processing of items removed. Instead of paying additional money for transport and landfill fees Junk King will manage all waste items from the time of removal until they are disposed.

As it relates to removing old furniture our highly, skilled, professional team are specially trained to easily and safely remove furniture especially out of tight, constricted, areas without damaging walls or other structures within the home.

In addition Junk King Junk Removal Services also operates within commercial settings where we facilitate the removal of unwanted office furniture, unwanted equipment, E-waste, and much more. So if you operate a small business or a large firm within Sonoma county don’t hesitate to give us a call our services are prompt and efficient and we offer next day pick up.

With the most affordable rates in town there’s no job too big or too small for Junk King. We remove and dispose of unwanted tables, desks, cabinets, dressers, bedroom furniture, recliners chairs, outdoor patio furniture, old appliances and electronics, yard waste and much more. As for businesses we can remove trash from restaurants, E- waste, old office furniture, office clutter, old files and documents and lots more.

Along with the highest quality service Junk King has also taken the initiative to incorporate eco friendly practices like recycling as part of their mission to conduct safe and efficient waste management services and to show our dedication to Sonoma county and other areas that require our services our green junk hauling company provides top notch removal service 7 days a week giving you back that free space you’ve always wanted in your home or office without delay.

Dedicated to keeping Sonoma County and America clean Junk King is proud to provide the highest quality junk removal services all in effort to promote safe and positive waste management practices as well as having a positive impact in the community, the state and the country as a whole. Contact us for more information.

LEED Construction Waste Management: Green Recycling Methods

Green recycling is about more than just simply handling your in-home garbage. Often times construction waste is ignored as a source of landfill usage and while building in a green manner overall is useful, construction waste is still an issue that can be resolved in a more green manner. Hauling waste from construction to be recycled keeps the landfills that much clearer, and eliminates a lot of the emissions necessary to process new goods.

Green RecyclingThe Process of Additions and Rebuilding

Green building is not always about constructing an entirely new building. Often, the construction waste that comes from a building project is as much debris that is inside an existing structure to be rehabilitated or old materials that need to be removed to make way for better materials. In cases where a building with garbage inside already exists, such as when you have to clean out a building before you can work on it, construction waste also includes what can be salvaged and recycled from goods that are left over from previous users of the area.

Salvageable Objects

In some cases, objects may not even need to be recycled. While most construction waste is obviously not the type of thing that anyone would want in their homes, in a surprising number of cases goods can be reconditioned and made usable again. Sometimes recycling involves repair and clean-up, which involves fairly small amounts of labor. In these instances, construction waste can become a donation to a needy family, or can be resold inexpensively to a business that can use the object effectively and may not care if it is previously used.

Electronic Components

Electronic components are filled with recyclable materials. From the plastic or metal casings that most electronic devices come in, to the gold in many integrated circuits, all the way down to the circuits themselves, almost every part of an electronic item can be recycled and made good enough to use again. Even the paper labels that are generally attached to electronics can be recycled. Naturally, salvage is not all there is to construction waste, and goods that would otherwise go into the structure itself will naturally be a large percentage of the construction waste to be hauled away in a green manner.

Metal, Plastic and Paper

Metal, plastic and paper are traditional parts of almost all of the materials that are involved in the building trades. Plastic is a major component of buckets, some kinds of spacers and is also used to wrap many finishing goods. Often a site will produce many pounds of plastic in small, barely noticeable amounts at a time. Metal comes about when there is excess wire or nails that are no longer useful that are easy to simply drop, and trace amounts of metals can happen due to all kinds of construction practices. Paper is not only attached to many goods placed in buildings, but is also a component of sheetrock that is to be tossed out. In many cases, recycling plants can pick through these goods and separate what is useful from what must be thrown away.

Surprising Percentages

A surprising percentage of construction waste can be recycled. In fact, hauling companies dedicated to recycling can often put 60 percent or more of what they haul off back into the loop, to be used again later somewhere else. Working with a company that is dedicated to recycling and making sure that as little construction waste ends up in a landfill as possible is a great way to keep the environment and the construction site healthier.

You should get in touch with Junk-King for all of your green hauling needs.

Residential Junk Disposal – Attic Cleanout

Most homeowners do not venture into their attics as they are generally clustered, leaving little space. This is what makes residential junk disposal services so important. Finding ways to acquire additional storage space is the ideal answer.

Residential junk DisposalResidential Junk Disposal Is The Solution

Now that the holidays are approaching take time out to empty and clear your attic.  You will certainly need the extra space to store all your Christmas and Halloween decorations.  Do not allow the clutter to  contribute to increased stress levels as it takes control of your home.

Arranging your attic can be a complex process, and is not as easy a task when compared to sorting your garage or shed. Accessibility is the biggest problem in most homes.  Some places, attics are generally for low space but some can be very roomy. However, most attics are not easy to traverse as they have narrow entryways.  This creates a big challenge when arranging your attic space as you need to be able to pass stuff in and out without interference.

To sort your attic space, you would need to classify all your rubbish first. Evaluate what’s in your attic and decide what is of importance to be kept, and what is no longer necessary.  Be sensible, so you don’t keep items that you will not need in the future.  The aim of decluttering is to have more clearance for storage.

If shelving is a workable storage answer, then you have to install shelves so that you can have your items sorted efficiently.  However, if the space is cumbersome, you can acquire stackable storage containers.  There are simple to use and all your items will be organized while being protected.

Now, is the time to really organize your things, so that all similar items can go together.  You can then fill your storage containers while marking each one.  It’s a good idea to make a list of everything in the container and position it at the top.  This way it would be simple to distinguish what is in the container as soon as you remove the lid.

To keep things readily recognizable, you should employ labels and organize your containers in terms of preference of use.  For example, the container that contains the items that are used on a frequent basis should be placed close to the entrance of the attic.

Contact Junk King for all your residential disposal services.  Be assured that your junk will be disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We are #1 at what we do and that is keeping California clean, and at the same time help you improve the health of your surroundings.

Improper Ewaste Disposal Can Be Deadly

‘E- Waste’ is the modernized term, that is commonly applied to unwanted,consumer electronic equipment. PC’s, printers, televisions, VCR’s, stereos, cell phones and the list goes on, can all be considered ‘e-waste’ once their shelf lives are completed and are thrown out. These electronics, may carry components of aluminum, copper, plastics, ferrous metals and other heavy or potentially toxic substances, known to pose serious threats to man, and the environment. It is therefore critical to keep in mind, when purchasing electronics, to only buy what you need ,reuse electronics that still work and lastly recycle unwanted electronics, all  in effort to reduce e-waste. If you are not sure about the process of recycling your electronics, you can refer back to your receipt, from your purchase of ‘covered’ electronic devices, where an E-Waste Disposal Fee facilitates this process.

Why Recycle E-Waste ResponsiblyImproper-Ewaste-Disposal-Can-Be-Deadly-junk-king-sonoma-CA

Incorrect disposal of e-waste is considered a very serious matter, as it leads to environmental pollution, which in turn harms human health. Recycling, is therefore the smartest and safest option in regards to dealing with e-waste.

Since e- waste is comprised of numerous components, it is hard to generalize material content and so, pinpointing any particular effect, repercussion or its cause will most definitely be a very complicated and problematic process.Therefore, to recycle, e- waste requires specialized equipment to process and extract materials. Since this is a delicate and meticulous process,all operations are effectuated within a controlled system, to ensure health and safety.

Recycling e-waste has its many advantages, one of which is conserving the earth’s natural resources. By recycling materials, new products are produced and in turn reduces the need to further extract raw materials from the earth. It can also prove useful in the conservation of landfill space, as e-waste is becoming a growing waste stream. Mining reduction,can also be  added to the list as this lowers greenhouse gas emissions, aiding in the reduction of pollution and its adverse effects on the environment.

Technology is described as a collection of techniques and processes, used in the production of goods and services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Since its conception, it has thus  been known to bring about a profound, global, change, socially and culturally. Nevertheless,the global demand for more and more advanced forms of technology is constantly increasing, resulting in a surge in E-Waste production. An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste are produced each year.In the USA alone, discards up to 30 million computers per year and over 100 million phones in Europe. This could soon become a major issue  for countries and citizens alike. Therefore e- waste recycling, should definitely be considered by all. It should be considered to ensure health and safety, the well being of the planet as well as to create sustainable and economic opportunities. Contact Junk King when you want to dispose safely.

Estate Cleanout Services – We Make It Happen With Ease

Does your house need an entire cleanout to get rid of that old clutter? Let’s face it. An estate cleanout can be one of the most strenuous activities that you can ever do. For some people it can be emotionally and physically exhausting to go through and discard of personal possessions such as family heirlooms, photos, paperwork and other belongings of nostalgic value.  If you are encountering this strenuous problem and don’t know how and where to begin, here are some useful tips to help you to create a guide for your estate cleanout.

One of the first things that you should do is gather all your important documents. Search for wills, trusts, life insurance policies and real estate deeds and titles. Ensure you hold on tightly to important paperwork that has personal value.

More News On Estate CleanoutsEstate-Cleanout-Services-We-Make-It-Happen-With-Ease-junk-king-sonoma-CA

Even if you are in control of the estate cleanout, it is a good option to get added manpower.  An estate cleanout can be a sizable activity.  Therefore help is necessary in achieving your desired goals.

Many people tend to store away items in some very unusual places and completely forget about them.  Therefore, take your time and go through everything.  As you can discover something that may be beneficial and valuable.  Ensure that you search in pockets, drawers, shelves, closets, containers and other places that can easily overlooked.

Let your family members create a list of items that they may need from the estate. Then split up the possessions and ensure that there is equity.  This is  a process that should run smoothly.  However, at times, disputes and discord do occur.  If possible, have a third party to reconcile the undertaking.

You can sell or donate unwanted items you may gather when doing an estate cleanout. There will be items that you may wish to keep and some to discard.  For those items that are no longer needed you can sell them or donate the items to a charity.

Estate cleanout can be immense both physically and emotionally.  So why not let us assist you with your professional estate cleanout services.  We would pack and take away all your unwanted items and responsibly dispose of your unused items. Just Remember you can opt to have them sold, recycled or donated whichever you choose.

Contact us at Junk king Marin we guarantee your waste will be recycled in an eco- friendly manner. 

Garbage Removal

There are garbage removal companies out there who give clients a hard time when it comesGarbage-Removal-Junk-King-Sonoma-CA to the type of items they take way.  If you have had to experience this it is best to look for a garbage removal company that take away just about everything.  It can become quite tedious and time consuming when you have to look for different companies to take away specific items. You may find that you have trouble when it comes to the removal of heavy or large items. Other items that may pose a problem for removal are furniture, electronics and appliances.

Choose Your Garbage Disposal Partner Carefully

Partnering with a garbage removal company that understand the needs of its clients is important. A professional garbage disposal provider will always strive to promote a clean and safe environment. The disposal of garbage should be done in an eco-friendly manner so that the environment is not affected in any way. Given the important role we all play in the protection of the environment, when choosing a garbage removal company our choice should be one that has a strict code of conduct and acts responsibly.  

Junk King has a reputation of removing everything that can be thrown away.  Our homes can become filled with all types of garbage and it is reassuring to know that there is a company out there that can help dispose of all types of waste.  Don’t let this become a headache so make contact with us today!

Efficient E-waste Dumping Benefits the Environment

If you’ve never heard of e-waste or what it can do to the environment if you dump it improperly, you may be shocked at the environmental damage you can do completely by accident. E-waste is perhaps more devastating than any other type of products you can dump, unless it’s disposed of properly.

What is E-Waste?

E-waste is a term that refers to any kind of electronics that might be thrown away, and usually Efficient-E-waste-Dumping-Benefits-the-Environment-junk-king-Sonoma-CArefers to things with circuits in them. Computers, TVs, radios, phones and just about anything else more sophisticated than an old-fashioned toaster oven will qualify. While most people won’t just try to stuff their car into a dumpster, even a car’s computer could qualify it as e-waste and make it bad for the environment in the same way. Even CFL lightbulbs are e-waste in many cases.

E-waste does more than just fill the landfills when it could be recycled. The environmental impact of e-waste hurts the air you and your family breathe, the water you drink, the plants that grow from that water and the land that must be further mined for resources that are needlessly reburied. Disposing of e-waste improperly is one of the worst things you can do to the environment. Fortunately, having the e-waste disposal job done properly can spare the environment a lot of hurt.


Air pollution can be caused by trucks needlessly moving e-waste around through different locations, and from chemicals released during the crushing process of the waste products themselves. For example, many compact fluorescent light or CFL bulbs release mercury when they’re crushed, which makes it toxic to breathe the local air until the mercury settles down. In any case, not properly disposing of e-waste products results in air pollution that doesn’t need to happen.


No matter how well a landfill is constructed, leeching through the soil will occur eventually. For this reason, e-waste needs to be properly disposed of. When mercury, lead and other elements that are normally a part of circuit boards and other parts of electronic items are exposed to water, that water carries away a small amount of those elements. The lead, mercury and numerous other types of things you do not want your family to drink are then carried throughout the soil, where they go into the reservoirs you drink from and the plants you may one day eat.

Needless Repetition

When chemicals are leeched into the groundwater because they’re buried, resources are needlessly wasted. They were mined before so they could be used to build the electronics, but putting them into landfills means they need to be mined all over again. This means more trucks and more mining equipment needs to pump more pollutants into the air, when having the e-waste properly collected for responsible dumping could save all of that hassle and extra pollution. From every angle, improperly disposing of e-waste is a bad idea for the environment and for everyone who lives on earth.

Having the Job Done Right

Having your e-waste disposed of properly is an investment in making the environment a safer place to live in. When e-waste is disposed of correctly, through safe channels, the air and groundwater are preserved in a cleaner state than they would otherwise be. If you value your family’s continued health, not to mention the overall health of the environment and other people, you will contact a professional company that handles e-waste disposal the way it should be handled. The environment depends on you making a responsible decision and having your e-waste disposed of by using a company that does it right. Contact us and let us make a positive contribution to the environment together.

Junk King Sonoma
1364 N. McDowell Blvd Ste 8
Petaluma, CA 94954
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Sonoma area, including:

Glen Ellen
Rohnert Park
Santa Rosa
and these nearby zip codes:
94926, 94927, 94928, 94931, 94951, 94952, 94953, 94954, 94955, 94975, 94999, 95401, 95402, 95403, 95404, 95405, 95406, 95407, 95409, 95412, 95425, 95439, 95441, 95442, 95444, 95448, 95452, 95472, 95473, 95476, 95492