Junk King Nashville

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Nashville Christmas Tree and Holiday Junk Removal

What to do with your Christmas tree might depend on what kind of backyard you have. There is a growing eco-friendly movement that puts forth the idea if you are going to take from the earth you should give back to the earth. How does that apply to an old Christmas tree? Well, you could drag it out to your backyard and leave it out for a kind of bird sanctuary. The little feathered ones could find it to provide decent shelter. If you’ve got a garden, the tree could spend the winter decomposing. Going that route would mean stripping off the branches for a more even distribution of the newly formed mulch.

Another unique idea for Christmas tree use would be to drag them out to a frozen lake or river to mark the spot where it’s safe to skate or snowmobile. When the ice melts and the tree falls through to the water it becomes a nice habitat for the fishes. Of course, if you should happen to hear a neighbor running a wood chipper you could be well served to carry your tree in the direction of that buzzing.

Most of us are left with the choice of dragging the tree out to the curb in front of our homes in the hopes that a municipal worker will come by to pick it up. They just might but then again they might not. Even if you’ve been told there would be a pickup there is no guarantee that your Christmas tree won’t be spending several days drying up on your curb. That’s not a good thing. If you want to get rid of a Christmas tree the right way then calling Junk King Nashville is your easiest option.

Junk King is the Nashville business who spends most of the year helping folks cart off all kinds of junk items. However, during the holidays, Junk King really steps up its game to make sure residents can not only get rid of their Christmas trees but all the other holiday trash that has been gathered up ever since Christmas morning. Besides the trash there might also be a lot of replacement items you’ll be eager to get rid of. Things like old TVs, computers and appliances are all perfect examples of what can be loaded on the back of the Junk King truck and taken away for good. When you get right down to it there is no reason to bring all that junk into the New Year. Make your first resolution to live clutter free. You’ll be able to make that happen thanks to Junk King Nashville.

Junk King Nashville
125 Space Park South
Nashville, TN 37211
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 8A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the Nashville area, including:

Ashland City
Castalian Springs
La Vergne
Mt Juliet
and these nearby zip codes:
37011, 37013, 37015, 37016, 37022, 37024, 37027, 37031, 37035, 37041, 37044, 37062, 37066, 37070, 37071, 37072, 37075, 37076, 37080, 37086, 37087, 37088, 37089, 37090, 37115, 37116, 37121, 37122, 37189, 37201, 37202, 37203, 37204, 37205, 37206, 37207, 37208, 37209, 37210, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37215, 37216, 37217, 37218, 37219, 37220, 37221, 37222, 37224, 37227, 37228, 37229, 37230, 37232, 37234, 37235, 37236, 37238, 37240, 37241, 37242, 37243, 37244, 37246, 37250