Junk King San Diego Downtown

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Tag Archives: old grill

Junk King Helps With Old Grill Removal And More

How many times a week do you cook on your backyard grill? Living in Southern California means it is always grilling season. That means our backyard grills get a good amount of cooking time. As with any other type of appliance, your grill can eventually start to fail. It might also be that you’re looking to expand your grilling capabilities with a bigger grill or the installation of a backyard kitchen. When it is time to replace your old grill, you’ll want to call in Junk King San Diego Downtown. They can take care of old grill removal and a whole lot more in no time at all.

More Than the Grill

There’s nothing wrong with hiring Junk King to remove a single object. Sometimes that object is so large that it fills up the entire truck. That is certainly the case when Junk King has been called on to remove a backyard hot tub or pool table. Your old grill won’t take up a lot of room on the truck. If that’s all you want to get rid of, then it will be a very quick job indeed! But as long as you have the crew at your house and that big truck why not do all you can to sell it up with the rest of your unwanted items?

Beyond the grill, what other pieces could you get listed and loaded from your backyard by the Junk King crew? Maybe you need to replace the dining table or the chaise lounges by the pool. They could be all kinds of gardening pots and planters that also need to be removed. A lot of those items could be considered “grimy.” That will slow the Junk King crew down at all. They are used to getting their hands dirty!

Move Inside

When the team from Junk King is finished picking up all the things you want gone from your backyard, they can turn their attention to the inside of your house. You might have just as many things to get rid of from your garage or closets. Just think of how much better things will be organized what all the clutter is gone. Junk King can help make that happen.

Your old grill removal can be the beginning of transforming your home into a junk free so. Put Junk King San Diego Downtown on that task today.

Junk King San Diego Downtown
121 Broadway, Suite 357
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 10A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the San Diego Downtown area, including:

Chula Vista
Imperial Beach
National City
San Diego
and these nearby zip codes:
91910, 91911, 91913, 91914, 91915, 91932, 91950, 92101, 92102, 92103, 92104, 92105, 92106, 92107, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92111, 92113, 92114, 92115, 92116, 92117, 92118, 92119, 92120, 92123, 92124, 92126, 92131, 92132, 92134, 92135, 92136, 92139, 92140, 92145, 92147, 92149, 92152, 92154, 92155, 92158, 92164, 92169, 92173, 92176, 92179, 92182