Junk King San Diego Downtown

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value, service and effort

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A Fence Take Down Is No Problem For Junk King

Anytime you call in a service professional and present them with a repair situation they will most likely say, “no problem.” At least, that is what they say over the phone. Once they get out to your house and assess the situation, they might discover that it actually is a problem. That is why it’s important to hire a company that has a solid reputation for problem-solving. In the area of junk hauling and rubbish removal, junk King San Diego Downtown has proven time and again that hauling away unwanted debris from a property is never a problem. The proof of that can be found in all the positive comments that are posted by satisfied customers. There is in a challenge that you can present to the team from Junk King that they haven’t already met. Consider the issue of a fence take down. This is obviously a job that requires experience and a big truck. That is exactly what you get what you hire Junk King.

Sizing It Up

The first thing that the Junk King crew does when they approach a new job is to size it up. On something simple as removing a piece of furniture they need to make sure that they’ll be able to safely carry that down the hallway or steps without knocking into something. Chances are, that sofa was brought into your house when it was empty but now the moving crew from Junk King has to be aware of the wall and other furniture items in the path. For a fence take down, the crew will have to assess the best approach for bringing down the structure that won’t disturb the yard. It might be as easy as pulling up a few posts and removing some planks. A chain-link fence could literally be rolled up once it is removed from the frame.

The Junk King crews will figure out the best way to tackle this job. In doing so, they will also be figuring out how all that debris will fit on to the back of the truck. This will be how they determine your final fee. All the work, loading and disposal will be included in that fee. It is a price you are sure to be very happy considering the scope of the project.

When Junk King San Diego Downtown tells you that taking down an old fence is no problem, you can believe it. Put them to work today.

Junk King San Diego Downtown
121 Broadway, Suite 357
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 10A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the San Diego Downtown area, including:

Chula Vista
Imperial Beach
National City
San Diego
and these nearby zip codes:
91910, 91911, 91913, 91914, 91915, 91932, 91950, 92101, 92102, 92103, 92104, 92105, 92106, 92107, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92111, 92113, 92114, 92115, 92116, 92117, 92118, 92119, 92120, 92123, 92124, 92126, 92131, 92132, 92134, 92135, 92136, 92139, 92140, 92145, 92147, 92149, 92152, 92154, 92155, 92158, 92164, 92169, 92173, 92176, 92179, 92182